Millennium Construction Company

Published on Sep 30, 2001


Millennium Construction Company 5

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

Both men came home with me and we had a good night. It was odd, but good. I understood why Steve was excited. In this group there was no need to hide your interests, affections or curiosities. Everyone was gay and shared the same general interests. No one was going to get pregnant.

If you wanted to feel a guy's cock you could, and if you asked nicely there was a good chance you could suck it too. If you had a fantasy or wanted to try something, all you had to do is ask. Someone would be willing to lend you a helping hand, cock or ass. If they didn't want to play, they wouldn't. But probably someone else would be interested.

Julio and Steve were really interested. They weren't experienced, but they were more than willing and seemed to think that I was much more knowledgeable than they. Julio told me they were in their late twenties and had almost no sexual experience and wanted to make up for lost time. I was near 60 and was in the same boat. I didn't mention that.

Julio sucked me while I sucked Steve. Steve's cock was so big I could barely get it in my mouth. He was muscular and firm and covered with an even layer of blond hair. His cock was thick and long, but each vein showed and made it lumpy. The head was bright pink and dribbled a steady flow of precum. He rewarded every lick and caress of my tongue with more ball juice. I was concentrating on his cock while Julio worked his magic at my cock and I let loose.

It felt like I shot for several minutes. Volley after volley filled Julio's eager mouth. I couldn't believe how much I shot and how good Julio was. I usually pulled away from my partner because my head got so sensitive during the orgasm. Julio seemed to know when to lick and when to rest. When my orgasm began to diminish, he would swirl his tongue around my cock head and I'd get going again. He did this three or four times and I finally was drained. Julio then licked the underside of my head where it joined the shaft. I squirted another load of sperm.

Steve began to spurt in my mouth and I sucked it up and think I must have fallen asleep immediately afterwards. I woke a few hours later. Steve was asleep but when I stirred, Julio moved. I reached over and played with his cock. Julio had sucked off and drained both Vince and me and didn't seem to want any reciprocation. I guessed he was a cum hound like Skeeter.

I felt the urge to suck cock so I slipped down in the bed and searched out Julio's cock. I found the pucker of his foreskin in the hairy crotch. I sucked the skin in my mouth and began to work my tongue into the skin tube.

Much to my surprise my tongue kept on working it's way in and soon half my tongue was in the tube. I still hadn't encountered Julio's head. The taste of precum, some new, some old became very strong. Julio began to moan. My tongue was almost completely encased in Julio's foreskin when I finally licked his head. It was completely coated in pre cum.

I found his piss slit and tried to work my tongue into it. Julio was beginning to shiver. I shoved my tongue into the slit and tried to trap his cum in the cock and jam the ejaculation. Julio was shaking now and I could feel him twitch with every ejaculation. I felt the sperm pushing against my tongue but was able to hold it back for the first few shots. Then the dam burst and the sperm spewed with great force.

"Hold it in there!" Steve said. He was awake and watching. "Keep all the cum in the skin!" Julio's foreskin was entirely in my mouth and was sealed by my tongue. His load had cleared his cock head but was still trapped inside. My tongue was in a sea of man seed. Julio finally stopped shooting.

"Let's see if we can share Julio's cock cream." Steve said. I slowly pulled off. Steve had his head next to mine and soon as my tongue cleared the skin, his was in. He sucked the tube as if it were a straw, sucking the cum from the foreskin. Julio had a huge load and Steve and I both had our fill.

We all fell asleep again. I woke at 6:30 and went to make coffee. The two firemen joined me shortly. They were early risers too.

"That was one hell of a night!" Julio said. "Damn! I never felt anything like whatever you did to me last night. It was a 10."

"It was good for all of us." I said. "I like uncut cocks, but yours seems more that uncut."

"I'm sorry." Julio said. "I know it grosses out people. I should get it cut."

"Hell no!" Steve said. "There's a lot of recreational potential in that skin. I don't know when I was turned on as much."

"I thought you were pretty well turned on in the hot tub last night." Julio said laughing. Steve laughed too.

"I was the most turned on I've been since the hot tub." he said. "It must have been a good two hours. Frankly, I didn't know I could shoot twice in the same day."

"You're not finished for the day, I hope?" Julio asked. "We have a long holiday ahead."

"Records are meant to be broken!" Steve said with a smile.

I got some breakfast on the table and they ate everything that came close to their plates. Clearly, Julio was embarrassed by his long foreskin. It took us a while to convince him it was an attractive feature. Both men had to go to work but they had the rest of the holiday off and would be back that evening. They were on call but not on duty.

I had the day off so went shopping. I tried to drive to a shopping center but encountered so much traffic that I gave up the attempt and returned home. I went wandering down the street to a small shopping area and discovered a collection of good shops. I had been in the suburbs too long and had forgotten these distinctive and unique local businesses. I got some things for my house guests and found something for Skeeter.

I also found more half price Christmas decorations. Decorating had been my wife's job, so I had never done anything but set up the tree and let her decorate it. After my last few months restoring architectural decoration I discovered I liked the idea of decorating my house.

I had lunch at a small café and got back home by the middle of the afternoon. I was going to decorate, but sat down to watch the TV for a minute and fell asleep. I woke when Julio and Steve returned. Skeeter came back a few minutes later and we all settled down to making a big spaghetti dinner. Skeeter had been out getting Christmas decorations too. Larry came over and said he had the tree outside. I finished cooking dinner while the other guys brought it in the house.

It was a beautiful spruce. It sat in the living room while we ate dinner and when we returned the place smelled like Christmas when I was a kid. It was wonderful. Steve cleaned the dishes and we pulled out the decorations and found enough lights to make a convincing display. Skeeter and I didn't share the same tastes in lights but Larry mixed them in a way that looked good.

Butch and Bubba arrived to see Skeeter. They brought additional lights and decorations and we added them to the increasingly elaborate tree. After five minutes they were best friends with the two firemen. Everyone was friendly anyway, but the combination of the Christmas season and sexual attraction made forming friendships easy.

Butch brought some beer and it turned into a party. He was about the same age as the firemen and they seemed to get closer and closer. Bubba and Skeeter were old friends. Larry and I seemed like the daddies. I got a fire going in the massive fireplace and we all became a bit mellow. It was getting late so Butch and Bubba decided to spend the night.

Skeeter went upstairs and Bubba, Julio and Larry seemed to follow him. I ended up in bed with Butch and Steve. The two boys were attentive to me but were curious about each other. Their cocks were the same length, but Steve was as thick as Butch was thin. Neither of them had any trouble deep throating the other. It was a remarkable display. They 69 and deep throated as I watched.

I was sucking on Butch's balls when the urge to get his cock in my ass began to build. I wasn't sure I wanted to get fucked in front of Steve, but I really wanted to feel the cock deep in my ass. Lust overcame modesty. I rotated in the bed and sucked on Steve's balls, so Butch and I were nose to nose as he deep throated Steve's cock. I don't believe in nonverbal communication but, I knew Butch wanted to get in my ass as much as I wanted him in me.

We all uncoupled and rearranged ourselves. Steve was puzzled, the exclaimed, "Shit that's hot!" when Steve's cock began its trip into my ass. He quickly got into 69 position with Butch. Butch sucked Steve's meat, then Steve leaned over and sucked me. I had sensory overload, as Steve swallowed my cock as Butch's cock rammed my prostate. I couldn't tell which end was up for a moment.

Butch began to twitch violently as he shot his load into my ass. We broke apart and I relaxed for a second then Steve turned me over and popped his cock head against my hole. I hadn't even considered that possibility. I moved a little to open my ass a bit wider. That was all the invitation Steve needed.

Steve was a polite but insistent fucker. He was really big and didn't want to hurt me. He obviously really wanted to get the entire shaft into the tunnel. Once it was buried deep, he slowed down. It hurt some and was really uncomfortable. As he rested, I relaxed. I don't know what happened, but the pressure his cock exerted seemed to grow and turn fro being pain to a sexual urge. At first I wanted him out of my ass so I could breathe again. After a minute I found myself wondering if he could get it any deeper.

It was as if his cock was masturbating my cock from the inside of my ass. I undulated my hips so that his cock head would rub my prostate again. Steve immediately knew what I wanted and he began to pump me slowly. It was slow at first, but Steve picked up the pace and soon was fucking like a mad man. I couldn't catch my breath and began to ejaculate as his ramming continued. When I started to moan, he popped and froze as he filled me for the second time that night. He was still except for his spasming cock.

We both collapsed on the bed and he left his meat in my ass and it slowly deflated and he eventually pulled out. Until then I hadn't realized fucking wasn't a single sex act. With Butch it had been an intensely pleasurable meeting of cock and prostate. Steve's fucking was a collision between cock and ass. I fell asleep trying to decide which I liked the most.

I woke Christmas Eve morning with a desire to cook a big breakfast. My ex was a toast and orange juice person. My mother had been a bacon and eggs with rolls and fruit woman. I think I must have wanted to recreate my earlier memories. I got the coffee brewing and the bacon cooking and the kitchen filled with men. It was like a magnet. Larry went to his house next door and brought back a fruit basket he had been given. He and Julio turned it into a fruit salad.

Everyone had a good night. There is nothing like sex and an orgasm as a sleep aid, and everyone was in a good mood. We ate and had a serious evaluation of the tree. Bubba had very clear ideas what a tree was supposed to look like and he felt there were deficiencies. Technically it wasn't bare, but he felt there weren't enough decoration.

After we ate Bubba took a delegation down to the shops I had visited the day before to find things to fill the gaps. Julio started to work on dinner. Larry and I were his helpers. Julio came from a large Italian family in the Bronx and was used to cooking for a large group. His experience cooking for firemen had increased his skills. He wasn't a fancy cook, just a good one. I went off to the market to get some additional items and some more wine and beer.

When I got back to the house, Bubba and his foraging crew had returned covered in glory. They had found a small shop that was going out of business and bought the entire remaining stock of Christmas decorations for $200.00. Bubba filled up his pick up with the boxes and had now filled the living room.

It turned out there were a good number of Halloween and Thanksgiving decorations in the boxes too, along with a few Easter things. Skeeter had turned a plastic skeleton into an ornament display that was rakishly festive. A ceramic turkey and bunny played under the tree. There were no gaps in the tree's decoration and there was a slew of other stuff left to cover any possible decorative need of my house.

We had a lunch of cold cuts and the groups started to decorate in a serious way. One of the boxes had 100 sets of Christmas lights, 200 lights to the strand. Butch thought they should outline all the windows and eves in lights. I almost said something about West Virginia trailer decoration, but held back. Julio had another decorative theory, so the result was a combination of Bronx and West Virginia preferences. I was a bit unsure about the whole thing, but everyone was having such a good time I let go.

Ed arrived with Bobby. They brought two big boxes. One contained a train set, the other a village. Ed was a model train hobbyist and had saved this set from his divorce. They began setting it up under the tree. Much to my surprise, presents began to arrive from business associates. This included some very good whisky, two hams, a case of wine and boxes of cookies and candy.

Otto and Tom arrived around three in the afternoon. Otto immediately took charge of the remaining decorations and began to rearrange everything. Tom joined me in the kitchen. I was drinking a glass of wine and stirring a massive stew. Tom had brought CD's with a complete collection of Christmas music. The house began to look as and sound like Christmas.

We had Bing Crosby singing "White Christmas," beef stew simmering on the stove and two cakes in the oven. One group of guys was outlining the house in twinkle lights and another was assembling a train and village under the tree. It was a fantasy vision of the holiday. The only oddity was that all the participants were men.

It was clouding over by four and got quite dark. Much of the neighborhood was empty now. All the students had gone home and many had left to visit relatives, so it was quiet and peaceful. It began to snow.

It rarely snows in Richmond and never on Christmas. I turned on the TV to the weather channel and found that we were indeed in a snowstorm. They expected six inches, but would have 12 plus inches to the south. I told Bobby to call his mother and check on the situation there. He did and discovered there was heavy snow in his hometown and he wouldn't get to go home after all. The s State Police were closing the highways. Bobby looked disappointed and lost. I told him he could stay here and celebrate with us.

Bubba yelled at us to come out for the grand illumination. The snow was coming down in big flakes now and the street was all but deserted. We stood in the street and Bubba plugged in the lights. It was beautiful and spectacular. The house was dripping in lights. There was no gesture toward good taste or restraint. Everyone cheered, and then went in for a drink.

Inside Otto had rearranged and redecorated everything. He had a great eye so the haphazard look of the early afternoon was replaced with an orchestrated series of decorations. Even the skeleton looked good. We all had a beer and admired the effect. Ed turned on the train. It was the dream train of every young boy, and there was a lot more boy in my men that I had guessed.

Everyone had planned to go home, clean up and dress up before they came for the Christmas eve party. The snow put an end to that. Larry took a group over to his house to shower and clean up, the rest used Skeeter's or my bathroom.

Bobby, and Bubba went up stairs with Skeeter. Ed, Julio and Tom joined me in my bedroom. The others went off with Larry. I saw immediately that Tom and Julio were going to hit it off. Tom got in the shower and Julio joined him. Ed and I had never been together sexually. Tom emerged from the shower with a hard on and Julio followed in the same state, except his erection was enshrouded by his foreskin. I went to shower and Ed joined me.

"Do you mind company?" He asked. "I think three was a crowd in your bedroom. Is Julio's cock for real?"

"Come on in." I replied. "It is real. Turned on by foreskin?" Ed got in the shower. He was a big man covered in blond hair that was turning white.

"Until I saw it, I didn't know it."Ed confessed. "I feel like a teenager who is just discovering sex and is damn puzzled by what he discovers. When I saw Julio's skin hanging over the tip of his cock my sex button turned on. I couldn't believe it." I looked at Ed's cock. It was maybe five to five 1/2" long and three inches in diameter, a solid cylinder of meat. I stroked it and a stream of pre cum emerged and dripped to the floor of the shower. Ed blushed. "I guess you can tell I'm ripe."

"I know what you're feeling. I spent all of my life hiding my feelings and hiding my cock. It was as if it didn't exist. Guys can't be naked and hide their feelings." I said. "Your mind can control a lot of things but the cock sure isn't one of them." He stroked me and I went from half staff to full erection. "Cocks seem to have their own thoughts"

"I was talking about this to Billy and he thinks it is the balls that run things." Ed said. "Once they start pumping out hormones they can just take you over and run things." I had that sensation as Ed described it. Ed was big and fair skinned and clearly had a problem with sunburn. He was pink, healthy looking, and 100 % masculine. I dropped to my knees and began sucking his cock.

"I'm sorry John." he whispered. "I'm a terrible leaker. My wife hated that. She hated the mess. She actually went to see a doctor about it. He told her you can't turn it off." I had no desire to turn it off. I first thought it was cum, but it was pre cum all right. Every movement of my mouth or tongue was answered but a change in the flow from his piss slit. I steadied my self in the shower by holding his bull balls. I could almost feel them churning out the milky fluid. I got up.

"Damn it Ed. I've never tasted any thing that turned me on before. You cock is oozing pure sex. You need to bottle it!"

"Shit. There's enough of it!"

"This morning Julio told me he was embarrassed by his foreskin. You're worried about your pre cum. Don't worry. There is no problem."

Ed smiled. "There are no problems, only opportunities." I laughed.

"That's right, and as long as you give me the opportunity to milk your dripping dick, there will be at least one really happy guy in this world." We got out, dried off and went to the Christmas eve party.

Next: Chapter 6

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