Millennium Construction Company

Published on Apr 3, 2003


Catfish Returns 6

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments, send them to or Catfish's earlier life is covered in Young Catfish, Play Pen and Millennium Construction Company.

When I called into the office the next morning a lot had happened. They said, Lonnie's date had been a great success. I called Lonnie for the details.

The boy he dated was horny as hell and desperate for younger meat. Lonnie was 45 or so, but looked younger and was in good shape, not muscular, but toned. The boy, Johnny, was handsome, almost pretty. Lonnie said, he was slim, with black, curly hair and a closely cropped beard. He had pale, blue eyes and clear, white skin.

"Did you like him?"I asked.

"I sure did. He wanted a father and I got to play Dad." Lonnie said. "He comes from a nice redneck family near Charlottesville, is gay as a goose and is clueless."

"What do you mean." I asked.

"He's 23. He likes sex and he likes older men. He thinks it's real."

"What's real?"

"The investment opportunity." Lonnie replied. "Johnny gets a $5,000.00 "signing fee" for each trick. Wilton told him that the fee is justified because the guys can make hundreds of thousands from investments. Wilton said, it was worth it. The normal investment is $10,000.00. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to know a 50% finder fee is pretty outlandish, but I'm not sure Johnny knows that."

"Not a rocket scientist?"

"He doesn't seem to be stupid. It's not clear exactly which planet he lives on." Lonnie said. "Wilton is good in bed too. He introduced Johnny to a few parts of his anatomy the boy didn't know he had."

"Nothing new for you?" I asked, laughing.

"No, but I did turn Johnny from a bottom into a truly versatile fucker." he said. "Wilton is a believer in the "every-hair-in-its-place" school of sex. I introduced him to the wild and woolly school. The boy liked it. He liked it a lot."

"I take it you liked it too."

"Damn right." Lonnie replied. "At first I thought he was cock starved, but the boy really wants a Dad to teach him the ropes. The kid's hung too. Not like you, but a nice piece of meat none the less."

"Did you get any real information out of him, or did you just perform your fatherly duties?"

"I did it all." Lonnie replied. "I was doing the dance of lust on his cock and we talked too. Damn I like his cock."

"You can think and get fucked at the same time?" I asked.

"Sure as shit, I can!" he exclaimed. "Quite frankly, I need to. If I stopped thinking every time I sit on a cock, my mind would atrophy from lack of use! Anyway, Johnny said, Wilton found him at the Jamestowne Club as a waiter. Wilton has a good line, telling him he could spot talent and he had an opportunity for him. Wilton has a spectacular apartment near the club and Johnny was impressed. The kid wants to live the good life. Wilton told him, he could do just as well.

Johnny spent a weekend of "training" at Wilton's beach house and then went hunting for wealthy men. Wilton had identified some likely prospects. When Johnny met the first client, he struck pay dirt and he was hooked. He had never had that much money before.

"I'm afraid Johnnie doesn't have the makings of a good whore." Lonnie said. "He likes sex with men, but not just anyone. Wilton wanted him to bed all his clients. He told Johnny, the clients couldn't complain if they got some ass out of it too. Johnny didn't understand what that meant."

"None of the "clients" can face a scandal? It's a clever scheme." I said. "Some of them will eventually find out, but he must be betting they'd be too embarrassed to call the cops."

"That's the way it looks to me." Lonnie said. "I don't think Johnny's really with the program. Wilton's been complaining he's not been aggressive enough. Poor Johnny thinks he's selling investment opportunities, not cock."

"You like him a lot, don't you?"

"I kind of think I do. I don't think he's dumb; really inexperienced though. Johnny is getting suspicious. The money is so good; the temptation is almost too much for him. I think I got him to look beyond that."

"You didn't tell him we are investigating the operation?"

"Shit no." Lonnie answered. "But he can be helpful to us." He paused. "Have you ever been having sex with a guy when it turns from being good to being great?"

"What do you mean?"

"We had a long night. I fucked him a few times and he fucked me. I was going in for a third trip up the tunnel of love and it suddenly clicked." Lonnie explained. "I was enjoying it of course, but we merged. My cock became a part of him. I couldn't tell where I started and he ended. It was incredible. Johnny felt the same thing."

"I know what you are talking about." I said. "That happened to Mark and me once."

"Only once?" Lonnie asked. I laughed.

"No, we've hit the same spot a few more times." I said. "Not every time, but we have done it."

"I'm in fucking love!" Lonnie said.

"I'll bet it's a massive case of lust!" I said.

"It might be, but it sure felt good while we were doing it." Lonnie added. We finished the conversation. I said, I would call again in a day or two.

It was a beautiful day, so all the members were golfing in a tournament. It was quiet at the clubhouse. I went walking and ran into Raleigh and Jefferson sitting on the terrace of the Governor's cottage. They were off duty while most of the guests were off playing.

"How's the Governor doing?" I asked.

"On and off." Raleigh said. "He has good days and not so good days. It's getting strange. That boy is up to something. I don't trust that man."

"Is that Jason, you're talking about?" Jefferson asked. "He's a 100%, pure asshole."

"You know him?" I asked.

"I sure as hell do. He's one of those spoiled rich kids, who thinks the world owes him something." explained Jefferson. "I don't mind the men that much, at least they worked for their money. Jason is one of those guys who think you can inherit respect. He treats everyone outside of his social class as scum."

"That's always nice in a person. Is he a hit with all of the staff?" I asked.

"Everyone thinks he's a fucking Prince." Jefferson replied. He took a long look at me. " Talking about fucking, do you have some time? I'd love to get off."

"You have to forgive Jefferson." Raleigh said. "I'm afraid I've been talking to him about redneck, donkey dicks and it seems as if I've converted him to my way of thinking. I was planning to screw him, but I don't mind if you do the honors. I've been up his ass enough."

Raleigh didn't seem to know I had already been in Jefferson's ass in the shower, but I guessed Jefferson wanted it that way, so I didn't say anything. I had a suspicion Raleigh and Jefferson were closer than I thought. Jefferson was Raleigh's boy and Raleigh had to give permission.

"If you guys think I'm a cheap, slutty, redneck who would jump into bed with anyone who asks," I said, "you've figured me out pretty well. You like the bottom that much, Jefferson?"

"I guess you could say, I'm a recent convert." The young black man said. "I had cut a wide swath as a top until I met Raleigh here. I had tried a few cocks in my hole when I was a kid and they didn't do anything for me. After my experiences with Raleigh, I discovered the doorbell that rings my chimes is deeper in my shit tunnel than most guys. Ever since Raleigh rang it, I can't seem to get enough."

"I've rang the chimes the first time, but the other day, C.W. found the magic spot too." Raleigh explained. "We had arranged for me to do the honors again, but C.W. was first in line, so I let him give Jefferson a ride."

"I don't want to sound like a racist pig, but no black man ever had as little interest in being fucked by a white man than me." Jefferson added.

"Until C.W.'s cock rammed your prostate?" I asked.

"You got it! I don't know if it was the cock, or the idea of a white cock in my ass. Whatever it was, it turned me on. Forbidden fruit maybe." Jefferson said. "I figure you've got twice the cock C.W. has and you must be four times more redneck. . ."

"So you figure I'll be twice as good?" I said, completing his sentence.

"Bingo!" replied Jefferson. We all went to the bedroom and stripped. Jefferson was at my cock as soon as I was naked. I nursed Raleigh's monster and we all got into the mood real fast. I had fucked Jefferson doggy style in the shower two days earlier and it had been good. C.W. had spent a good fifteen minutes fucking the black man and had shot his load into his ass before I got in. Jefferson's ass was as relaxed and lubricated as it could be. I have always thought man cum is the best lube and C.W.'s load had been a prizewinner.

I had enjoyed Jefferson before, but today he seemed like another man. He was better. This time I fucked him spread-eagle style on his back with his legs spread. I was also the first. He was tight and a bit tense. He didn't fight my cock, but there was enough resistance to be fun for him and me. He was muscular, toned and tightly wound.

It took some work to get my club cock through Jefferson's muscular buns, but once my cock head popped the sphincter, it was easier. His whole love tunnel was trying to grab my cock and hold it. At first I thought he was trying to keep me from going in deep, but once I was in, he still grabbed tight. When I pulled out, he had actually pulled my foreskin over my cock head. He was grabbing that tight.

Needless to say, I shoved it right in again. His hole peeled back the skin and exposed the head as it penetrated his ass. I was really enjoying myself. Raleigh was watching and smiling in approval. When I pulled out the next time, Jefferson again pulled the skin over the head.

I shoved in fast the next time. Jefferson and Raleigh both moaned in approval. This time Jefferson twitched and shot a single glob of cum on his chest.

"You cuming?" I asked. "I can hold back some if you want me too. I'd love for this to last longer."

"Just keep on doing what you're doing. I can control it." Jefferson said. I didn't believe him, but he was right. He had a slow motion orgasm. He ejaculated a single shot every fourth of fifth stroke of my cock. We fucked for a good ten minutes and he never shot one than one load at a time and he never was more than a half second from an orgasm the whole time. I would hold back a little after each ejaculation; I didn't want to press my luck. I could tell when he dropped just below the threshold and began thrusting again.

"Shit, Jeffy baby, you've been holding out on me." Raleigh exclaimed. "When did you learn to do that?"

"I've been working at it. Mind and muscle control." Jefferson replied. I know how good it feels the seconds before an orgasm. Jefferson spent a good ten minutes in that state. "Could you do one thing, Will?" He asked, " When you cum, pull out and shoot it all over me. I'd love that."

"No problem, anything you want." I said. I was in good shape too, rock hard and excited, but I knew I wasn't going to cum right a way. Jefferson let loose another shot. His cock was bent toward his navel and each glob of cum landed in a straight line, as if he was marking the white lines on a highway. Raleigh was behind me. He was a lot taller than me, so he was looking over my shoulder. I felt the warm spray of man cum on my back.

"Sorry about that." Raleigh said. "I got a bit excited." As I said, I had been in good shape holding back, but the warm cum running down my back was too much. I pulled out and my cock exploded. Jefferson had shot a neat line of semen. I shot randomly all over him. His smooth, defined muscles looked as if someone had dropped a gallon of cum paint all over him. There were big globs, little sprays and trails of cum from his chest to his bush.

Raleigh looked at the display in clear admiration. Jefferson lost control as I shot off and he finished his orgasms with multiple ejaculations. It was hard to believe there was anything left in his balls, by that time. I got on the bed, wiped out. Raleigh straddled me and fed me his cock. He was still drooling cum and I sucked what remained out of his dick. He leaned over and sucked Jefferson's still throbbing cock. He was at the tail end of his climax, but when his lips touched Jefferson's cock, Raleigh shot a big glob of cum. Cocks don't lie and Raleigh liked Jefferson a lot. We cleaned up and got back to work.

Next: Chapter 50: Catfish Returns 7

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