Millennium Construction Company

Published on Feb 17, 2003


Catfish Returns 4

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments, send them to or Catfish's earlier life is covered in Young Catfish, Play Pen and Millennium Construction Company.

I called into the office the next morning and there was nothing new there. Frank thought Lonnie was planning to have a hot date with Temple that afternoon. "You know, no one is better at getting all the details than Lonnie." Frank said. "He has a knack for getting information out of guys."

"I've noticed that." I said. "He seems to have the flighty, hairdresser's babble down pat. He seems so harmless."

"By the way, one of my computer nerds had a friend who just retired from the Commission for Corporations. He thinks we can get in and do some snooping." Frank added. "There seems to be corporations within corporations and we can't find the core." We talked about some office management problems and then Frank hung up.

I went out and walked around the club. I saw Charley and we talked a minute or two. He said, he would have some time that evening and might come by the athletic club. I said, that was fine with me. As I walked by Governor Johnson's cottage, Raleigh spotted me and waved at me to come in.

"I really enjoyed last night." he said. "You may not have guessed, but I'm not exactly a virgin. You are fucking hot in bed."

"Some of my friends accuse me of being a cum hound and letting my cock do my thinking for me." I confessed. "Everyone has to have a hobby, I guess and that's mine. I sure don't mind ringing your bells. I'm a confirmed top."

"Me too, last night was an exception." Raleigh said. "I don't believe I enjoyed it so much."

"To tell you the truth, I was thinking I might like a ride on your baby maker." I said. The doorbell rang. Raleigh answered it and returned with a tall young man.

"Will, this is C.W. He's the night manager." We shook hands. The doorbell rang again. This time Raleigh returned with two men. One was a short, but very muscular black man named Jefferson. He was a waiter. The other man was a big, beefy, black haired bear named Louie. He was in charge of the golf carts. Raleigh introduced everyone. They were all acquainted, except for C.W. and me.

"I hope you guys don't mind, but some of you've got to work this afternoon. Let's get acquainted while we get naked. We went to Raleigh's bedroom and got down to business.

I hate to sound superficial, but there are times when it's nice to get together with some guys for plain old sex. No conversation or getting to know each other, just sex. This was one of those times. Everyone was here for the same reason.

"I'm new here," C.W. said as he stripped, "is anything out of bounds? Is this all oral?"

"It's been all sucking in the past," Raleigh replied, "but I've got no problem with ass play, as you all know well. Does anyone object?"

"Are you kidding?" Jefferson said.

"Shit no!" Louie said. "And if anyone is interested, I'm about as versatile as a guy can get. I like it any and every way I can get it, or give it." C.W. laughed.

"I'm not that versatile," C.W. said, "but ask me again in another hour or so!" We were all naked by now and my cock had begun to work it's magic. I have no illusions as to my attractiveness, but my cock is a stud magnet. Before I had a chance to decide who to play with, Jefferson was at my cock. C.W. was worshiping at Raleigh's shrine and Louie came over to me and we hugged.

Jefferson didn't mind having a second cock within sucking distance at all. Jefferson was shaved, with only a tuft of hair in his pubic region. His cut cock was long with a big mushroom head on a thin shaft. It was so hard it curved back to touch his navel. My cock is thick, but Louie's was a genuine fireplug, fat and stumpy. Jefferson liked each.

As he sucked, Jefferson arranged himself so he was on his hands and knees. Jefferson's ass was in the air and spread, exposing his hole. Raleigh noticed that and he and C.W. came over to join us. I saw C.W.'s cock was already glistening with lube. C.W. got behind Jefferson and positioned his cock head at the black man's ass.

"I'm going to do this nice and easy so you can still service that monster cock you're nursing on." C.W. said. "Nice and easy." C.W. was well equipped. He was a bit thicker and longer than average and had low hanging balls dangling under his erect meat. He popped his cock into Jefferson's ass and Jefferson didn't miss a lick. As C.W. slipped his cock deeper into his ass, Jefferson purred.

"Shit, that looks like fun." Louie said. Raleigh looked at him and I knew what was next. Soon, Louie was on his knees, getting ready to take it doggy style. Jefferson remained cool and collected as C.W. massaged his insides. There was nothing cool and collected about Raleigh fucking Louie. It was hot, sweaty, man sex.

Raleigh was about as big as Louie could take, so it didn't fit easily. It took some forcing, and Louie didn't mind some work as long as Raleigh got every inch of his cock embedded in his ass. Louie was moaning as Raleigh finally got the entire cock into Louie's ass. Raleigh moved on to the deep thrusting phase. He pulled out all of the way, leaving only the cock head in the hole, then he jammed it in. Poor Louie loved it.

C.W. was fucking Jefferson in such a gentlemanly way; I decided to see if I could get C.W. a bit hot and bothered. I was rock hard after Jefferson's sucking, so I went to C.W.'s rear and nosed my cock into his ass. He didn't expect the visit in the rear, but it wasn't unwelcome. He adjusted his position to make it easier to enter. Raleigh handed me a tube of lubricant and I coated my cock with a thick coat.

I popped my cock head into his hole again. There was some resistance, but nothing out of the usual. I pushed again. He opened wide and my entire cock vanished up C.W.'s shit tunnel in a single movement.

"Holy shit! What in hell is that!" C.W. cried. I pulled out most of the way and shoved it in deep again. I must have winded him that time. He had barely glanced at me when I undressed and my cock had been in Jefferson's gullet ever since. C.W. hadn't realized how big I was. I slowly pumped for a while until C.W. got his breath back. As he relaxed, I began to pump harder and deeper. C.W. began to twitch and moan.

"Whatever you are doing, keep it up!" Jefferson cried. "It's great! It feels like your cock is growing!" Apparently my cock in C.W.'s ass gave him a boost. I could feel Jefferson undulating his ass as he tried to get C.W.'s cock deeper. I began deep thrusting; both Jefferson and C.W. lost it. For a few minutes it was the perfect double fuck. We rhythmically undulated, cocks and asses rubbing and sliding in unison.

I didn't think it could get much better, but I felt a cock at my ass. Louie was on the floor scooting under Jefferson so he could suck the black man's cock. Raleigh was knocking at my back door. I figured what the hell, I'm nothing if not a good sport. I shifted my legs and opened up.

Raleigh was considerate, but insistent. His cock was big, but not quite as big as my friend Mark's. It stretched and filled me. I never know how a cock will feel in my ass. Raleigh had a good cock, but his cock head was great. He rubbed his knob against my prostate as I did the same to C.W.

C.W. was tall and I was having a problem staying in his ass. When Raleigh fucked me he solved the problem. His cock was thick enough to support me. I was the filling in a fuck sandwich. My knees didn't touch the floor sometimes, especially when Raleigh was thrusting deep.

I liked Raleigh, but my prostate fell in love with his cock head. I began to lose it. We all merged into a single fucking mass of cocks and assholes. Jefferson popped first. He was 69ing with Louie. Louie started to moan as he loudly slurped up Jefferson's cum. Louie then shot off like a Roman candle. His fireplug sprayed and spurted cum in every direction.

The feel of the warm cum splashing on our bodies did nothing to cool things down. C.W. started quickly jerking his ass and I knew he was rear loading Jefferson. I could feel his ass contracting on my cock as he ejaculated. That was enough for me. I let go and just let it fly.

Raleigh was still thrusting. I'm not sure I had ever had an orgasm while a guy fucked me. It was good. When I finally stopped shooting, I felt like a wet dishrag. Raleigh was still fucking and I relaxed as the last drops of cum drained from my cock.

"That's it!" Raleigh cried. "That feels great." He made a half dozen more thrusts and he popped. We finally broke apart. When I pulled out of C.W., my cum dribbled out of his ass. It had been a big load.

"Shit, guys, was that as hot as it seemed to me?" C.W. asked.

"It seemed that way to me." I said. "You've got cum drooling from your ass, you'd better shower."

"I feel warm all over." Louie said. "I've never done anything this hot before. I need a shower too. I've got to get back to my stable of golf chariots."

"Feeding time?" Raleigh asked.

"Yes. You'd think adult men could plug in the things, but it's too much for most of the club members." Louie explained. "It's as if they'd die trying to help." We didn't all fit in the shower, so I talked with Jefferson and Raleigh, while C.W. and Louie showered first.

"I don't mind the old men, it's the young guys I hate." Jefferson said. "How do guys that young get so pompous? It takes your breath away."

"Wilton?" I asked.

"That's him and his harem." Jefferson said, confirming my guess. "He's almost as rude as the Governor. He won't even say hello, unless you have ten thousand to invest."

"Is that the price of admission?" I asked.

"That's the way it seems to me. That and a blow job." Jefferson replied. "I guess you can tell, I'm no prude, but sex for money turns me off."

"You think that's what's going on?" I asked.

"I do room service for three nights a week, I know who's sleeping with whom." he said. "These old codgers think they've hit the jackpot with a young virgin stud who's attracted to them and is willing to put out. These boys are young, but they're used." Lou and C.W finished their showers and Jefferson and I replaced them in the bathroom.

In the shower, I was shocked to discover I was still horny. I looked at Jefferson and saw he was in the same state.

"I think there's enough lube left in my ass to make it pretty easy." he said as he looked at my erection.

"I'm big."

"Why do you think I'm here?" Jefferson said, as he bent over. "I love uncut cock." He had a velvet ass. It was odd feeling, but very sensual. He was tight, but offered no resistance, other than friction. Once I was in deep, his ass seemed to bond to my skin. His ass held the skin tight, but since I'm uncut, my shaft and head fucked inside the skin tube. It was great. I pulled out after a while and bent over to give him a trip in my ass. As with Raleigh earlier, his cock head was great.

"Is that lube, or Raleigh's cum that makes it so smooth in there?" he asked.

"I don't know, but I'll bet its fifty/ fifty." I said. "Is it good?" Jefferson suddenly began to pump wildly. He was shooting again. He stopped just as suddenly.

"Sorry about that." he said, "I usually ask before I shoot." I stood up. His cock popped out of my ass.

"Shooting off is the name of the game isn't it?" I remarked. We cleaned up and I went to the club and work.

Jason arrived earlier in the afternoon than on the previous days and was talking to another older man. Mr. Donovan was a Texas oil man, visiting Washington to put some pressure on the Department of Energy. He was loud and pushy. He was also in better shape than many of the other members of the club. He was a good 6'-4", with black hair and the remains of a physique. He had been a college football star and made sure you knew it.

My role as the perfect servant made it possible to circulate around the room and listen in to the conversations. Half of the conversations were about golf, or the condition of the greens. Most of the rest were about business or politics. My predecessor in the job had been a black man. Most of the men were relieved to have a white guy taking the job. It let them be a bit more direct in their expressions about racial issues.

Donovan had very clear ideas on that subject, mostly of the "send them back to Africa" variety. Jason held a similar opinion. Jason was a good bull shitter and he was shovelling on the shit for Donovan. Donovan did have a bit of the Marlboro man look, plus 30 pounds. He also packed quite a basket. He exercised very vigorously and poor Jason had a hard time keeping up.

They showered together and went to the steam room. Donovan looked a bit uncomfortable and glanced around before he went in. He didn't want anyone to see him. I went in about ten minutes later on one of my inspection tours. Jason left as I entered.

"Anyone leave any towels in here?" I asked.

"No, why do you care?" Donovan asked, clearly annoyed.

"One of the guests lost his keys earlier." I said. "He usually pins it to his towel. I though he might have left it here." My eyes had adapted to the steamy room. He was sitting in the far corner. A towel covered what remained of his erection. "Do you need anything?" I asked.

"What I need, you can't give me." he said, as he stood up to leave. His towel fell off and I saw his half erect cock. It was a nice piece of meat. I'm afraid he caught my admiring glance.

"I'm going to block open the door and hose it down in here before the evening crowd. Do you mind?"

Donovan muttered, no, and left the room.

Next: Chapter 48: Catfish Returns 5

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