Millennium Construction Company

Published on Feb 16, 2003


Catfish Returns 3

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments, send them to or Catfish's earlier life is covered in Young Catfish, Play Pen and Millennium Construction Company.

The next morning I spent in Bernie's office, telling him what I had done. I made big points with Bernie for cleaning up the shower and steam area. Near death experiences were no excuse in his mind for being sloppy. After that I gave the same report to Thomas.

I went to my room and made some cell phone calls to my office. Lonnie was well ensconced at the Jamestowne Club and was making a move on one of the gigolos. Lonnie moved in odd circles and knew a party boy when he saw one. Lonnie was conventionally handsome and had guessed the kid wanted some younger cock. Fortunately, the young man wasn't perceptive and liked to talk a lot. Lonnie thought he'd have some real information shortly.

Frank, my business partner, told me the financial information of QED was exceeding complex and confusing, but he had strong suspicions. "It smells as if there's a week old fish, stinking in the sun somewhere. It's right under my nose, but I can't find it." Frank said. "By the way, Magnus wants to talk to you. Will you be there for a while?" I said yes. Fifteen minutes later Magnus called.

"Catfish. Colin and I have been having a great old time." Magnus said. "I'd never thought I'd get to play Mata Hari at my age, but I have this one boy drooling for my cash and doing every thing but washing the windows and cleaning the gutters to get my account! Great fun."

"What's the scam?" I asked, "The M.O.?"

"The boy, whose name is Temple, cosies up to me and chit chats. Says I remind him of his dear departed Grandad. Shirtless, smooth and hung, incidentally." Magnus explained. "Polyester shorts with no jock. Discrete, but leaving nothing up to the imagination. Somehow he ended up in the shower with me and then the steam room. He went straight for my cock as soon as he got the chance."

"It's hard work, but someone has to do it." I remarked. Magnus laughed.

"You got it!" Magus answered. "The next night he was there at the same time I was and this time he mentioned he was a financial advisor. Temple said, he had some new, tax-free investment opportunities for persons in certain tax brackets. He was quite a good actor and it seemed very off the cuff and informal. I told him I was fully invested."

"He let it drop, but when we were in the steam room, I mentioned, I had a small apartment near the club. We might go by where we could talk in private. The boy was more than willing. Fifteen minutes later, we were having a drink and talking about his investment opportunity. A half hour after that, he was in bed and I was fucking him to kingdom come." Magnus said. "I haven't fucked anyone that hard or long in years."

"Did he like it?"

"Eventually." Magnus said. "He wasn't anywhere near as experienced as he thought he was and there was a steep learning curve. I had taken a Viagra. For the first hour Temple was tight and fighting me. After then he was mine. He was a quivering sex toy. His ass was wide open and every time I re-entered him I hit the jackpot. There was no part of his sexual apparatus that wasn't raw and sensitive. Everything my cock head touched in his ass left him twitching in pleasure."

"I sent him home and I will bet he won't sit down for a week." Magnus continued. "I said, I'd think about the investment, so the poor boy has to come back for the sale. I asked, for a written prospectus too. Temple wasn't too happy about that."

"When is your next meeting?" I asked.

"I will be going back to the club on Friday. We'll see what happens then."

"Be careful." I said.

"I'll do that." Magnus answered. "But I see that you already have an operative at the club. Is he watching?"

"Was he that obvious?" I asked.

""Not at all, but I recognized him." Magnus hung up. I spent the rest of the morning wandering around the place getting the lay of the land.

Work was as the day before except without the dramatics. The word was out about my rescue and several men thanked me for the quick thinking. After dinner several men arrived to exercise. This is when I encountered several high-ranking members of Virginia's power establishment. This wasn't particularly pleasant. I met Governor Tyler Johnson. He had been one of the leaders of the Massive Resistance campaign in the 1960 that had closed many of the public schools in order to keep black people out.

I don't follow politics much, but he always struck me as a mean bastard. Officially, he had reformed and was now an "elder statesman". I didn't believe it. Johnson didn't ask for things, he demanded them. He was rude, abrupt and looked at the staff as if we were dirt.

Wilton was there and he sent one of his boys to the elderly man. This was the same one who had left the guy in the steam room the day before. I had learned the kid's name was Jason. Jason was rude too, so I assumed the two deserved each other.

I moved around the exercise area, cleaning and straightening up, so I was able to catch small snippets of the conversation. I played the perfect servant, "Would you like another towel, Sir?" or fetching them drinks. As I passed Johnson and Jason, I heard Jason saying, "You're a legend, I'm so honored to meet you.. You were our last sensible Governor. No one since you has stood up for the rights of White men." Johnson was eating it up.

Jason was 25-26 but looked a few years younger. He was blond, with a killer smile and pure white skin. He was healthy looking, but obviously never went outside. He was wearing polyester shorts and his cock was both big and evident. The next time I walked by, Jason was saying, "It's a great investment opportunity, just right for a man at your level of achievement." From Magnus' conversation of this morning, I could fill in the rest. Oddly, the former Governor was calling the boy "Jimmy". I had thought his name was Jason.

As I was closing up, Johnson was standing in the showers, alone. He wasn't showering. He was just standing.

"Can I help you sir?" I asked. Johnson stared.

"Where is my bedroom?" he asked.

"In one of the guest cottages." I answered. "You need to go to your locker and get dressed." Johnson didn't react. "Where is your key?" I asked. "I can help you find your locker."

"I don't know where it is." Johnson replied. He had a towel wrapped around his waist and the key was pinned to it. "The funniest thing happened to me." The old man said, "I had somehow gotten the idea Jimmy was dead, but he's fine. Just fine." Johnson wasn't the same man I had met earlier, he was smiling and quiet.

I took him to his locker and got him dressed. I found his cottage key and took him there. After ringing the bell, a distinguished looking black man answered the door.

"Is this Governor Johnson's cottage?" I asked.

"Yes it is." the man answered. "Come in Governor, it's time for bed." The Governor looked lost. "I'm Raleigh, the Governor's chauffeur and valet. Please come in."

"He seems to be a bit disoriented." I said.

"Tell me what happened." Raleigh asked. I told him.

"He's been getting forgetful lately." Raleigh said.

"This is a lot more than forgetful." I said.

"I'm afraid so." the man said. "I've been worried about it. He's been living in the past, talking about Jimmy as if he just stepped out."

"Who's Jimmy?"

"His son. Jimmy committed suicide thirty years ago." Raleigh said.

"Who in hell let that man in this house?" Johnson said. he was enraged. "I told you not to have any of your low life friends into the house! What Sarah saw in you, I will never know!" Johnson's personality had changed again, back to the dark side.

"Governor, he walked you home from the club. It's dark, you know we can't have you falling again, like the last time you were here!" Raleigh said. "I have you drink ready in the bedroom."

"Did you make it nice and strong, the way I like it?" Johnson said. "You're always trying to short change me, drinking it yourself! Like all your kind." I've have decked the guy, but Raleigh just smiled and directed the governor to his bedroom.

"Wait for me a few minutes, if you would." Raleigh whispered as he left the room. This gave me a chance to look around. There were a few old photographs in gold frames. One was obviously an old campaign portrait of the Governor looking determined. Another was of a beautiful woman with three children, two girls and a boy. The boy was blond and perhaps 14. I thought of Jason, and didn't like what I was thinking.

"He settled, I have peace for eight hours at least." Raleigh said "I appreciate you bringing him home, I was afraid he'd get lost. I'd really appreciate it if you wouldn't mention this to anyone. I've got to get his daughters to do something about it."

"I don't talk about people I don't know." I said. "How do you stand living with that asshole?" Raleigh laughed.

"It ain't easy. My mom was Miss Sarah's maid. Miss Sarah was the Governor's wife, as sweet and kind as a single woman could be." Raleigh explained. "When mom got sick, Miss Sarah took care of her, paid for everything. Even when Mom couldn't really work anymore, they'd pretend. Mom was too proud for charity, so she would go to Miss Sarah's and Miss Sarah would pretend Mom was still taking care of her. It was actually the other way around. I started working around the house and just stayed. Before Miss Sarah died she asked me to take care of the Governor. I said I would."

"Is he always a jerk?"

"As far as I can tell. He's been pleasant once or twice in the last few months." Raleigh said. "I'm afraid it may be part of the disease."


"That's the way it looks to me." Raleigh said. "I'll stay with him to the end. It's lucky I'm not the marrying kind. It's turning into a 24 hour a day job."

"I'm not the marrying kind either." I said. Raleigh looked at me and smiled. "But, I'm not sure I could put up with the abuse." I adjusted my cock in my pants. Raleigh rubbed his crotch.

"Are you new here? I haven't seen you before." Raleigh asked.

"New, as of yesterday. Will's the name. I need to get back to my room." I said. "Why don't you drop by and we can have a beer?"

"I might just do that." Raleigh said. He looked at me for a few seconds. "I was kind of thinking you are a horny guy who wouldn't mind some release."

"Raleigh, you're a perceptive guy." I said. "And I don't mind helping a friend out either."

"Do you have any problem with size?" Raleigh asked. "I'm a big guy."

"No problem at all." I said. "I've been told I'm good for a white guy." We went back to my room. Raleigh was 5-10, solidly built, with a bushy white beard. Naked he was muscular with a hairy chest. His cock was a beauty. Thick and long with a big head. He had bull balls too.

"Damn it, you are good for a white man!" he observed when he saw me naked. "I'm not sure I've ever seen so much white meat in the flesh before."

"Thanks." I said. "You've got a cock that must give chills to the good ol' boys the Governor associates with."

"That it does." Raleigh said laughing. "Let me tell you one strange thing. Blacks may scare them, but black cocks turn them on. You'd be amazed how many I've fucked. Some get real excited."

"Forbidden fruit tastes better?" I suggested.

"That may be it. Old wives tales about black guys' sexual prowess may be part of it too. They may not want their daughters to try it out, but there's a lot of curiosity." Raleigh said. "If you're a closeted, red neck, size queen, my cock is a dream come true." He got on his knees and began licking my cock. I was still soft and he took my cock in his mouth. He worked his tongue inside the foreskin and licked my cock head. As my dick began to swell he continued to suck and he got distinctly more enthusiastic as my cock reached full size.

He was trying to deep throat my entire cock while forcing his tongue down my piss slit. Raleigh was a real cocksucker. My cock was in the throat of a master. We relocated on the bed and moved to the 69 position. You can fake being excited, but you can't fake precum. Raleigh's cock was drooling the sweet goo. It was a steady flow interrupted by big spurts, when he got particularly excited.

"Damn, you're good!" I said when we took a breather. "Is there any chance you are a bit of a size queen yourself?" Raleigh laughed.

"You found out my secret." he said. "I hate to say it, but I seem to beturned on by big red neck cocks."

"If you don't slow up some, you are going to be the proud recipient of a load of genuine, high test, redneck cum." I said. "You're good."

"Is there any chance you would like to shoot that load in my ass?" he asked. "Are you into that?"

"Boy do you know the way to my heart." I said. We readjusted our position. I had some lube with me and I coated my cock. Raleigh got on his back on my bed. I got his legs on my shoulder. This opened up his ass, so I lubricated it, working several fingers into his hole. He loved it. I hoped he would like my cock as much.

I had nothing to fear. Raleigh was as skilled as a bottom as he was as a cocksucker. His ass wasn't tight, it was firm, but quivered when I rammed deep. He could manipulate his ass tunnel. As I pushed in he relaxed, then tightened up as I pulled out, massaging my cock. It was great.

I was stroking his cock as I fucked, his ass began to spasm and I knew he was ready to shoot. I rammed him hard six or seven times and I went over the edge. Raleigh shot his load all over his hairy chest. The white cum stood out on his dark skin. I pulled out and added my own cum to the mess.

You never know how much cum you will shoot, or how far it will go. It's real nice when you are playing with a guy for the first time and you shoot the mother of all loads. I got the gold medal for amount and distance. Raleigh thought I was a Superman.

I got a towel to wipe up the coating of cum, but he told me, he wanted it left. That was fine with me.

"Was it good?" I asked.

"What do you think? Damn your good." he said. "You can improve the quality of life here. I get so sick of the steady diet of conservative politics and horny politicians. I get just as horny as the next guy and I don't even mind a little hypocrisy, but these guys are a trip. They talk about family and old fashioned, All-American, values but are trying to find a way to get a black chauffeur's cock in their ass. "

"Have you found any good recreational outlets? Can you recommend any playmates?" I asked.

"Come by the Governor's cottage tomorrow morning around ten, I've got some friends coming over. They'd love some new meat."

"Where's the Governor?"

"Golfing, lunch, then poker. He's gone every day." Raleigh said. "Are you game?"

"I sure am." I replied. Raleigh returned to the Governor's cottage. I went to bed. I had some leads and felt as if I was a bear who had fallen into a tub of honey.

Next: Chapter 47: Catfish Returns 4

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