Millennium Construction Company

Published on Feb 10, 2003


Catfish Returns 2

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments, send them to or Catfish's earlier life is covered in Young Catfish, Play Pen and Millennium Construction Company.

Colin told me later, my cock hit some spots in his ass that had never been touched before. Colin lost all of his English reserve once my cock got deep. He moaned, he cried, he whimpered and shivered in response to any and every movement I made. I enjoyed it too.

It really does your ego good to fuck a guy who is that enthusiastic. I was feeling as if I was the world's greatest lover. His love tunnel quivered, shook and spasmed as I pumped him. He liked it hard and deep. He liked it when I made only small movements, rubbing my cock head on the same spot in his ass, over and over again.

He was in good shape for his age, well tanned and I had the impression he had shaved his chest hair to keep it even. He had an average cock and good low hangers. Once we got going, his cock grew a size. I lubricated it and stroked Colin's meat as I rammed his ass. He begged me to not stoke his cock. It was too sensitive.

I didn't think he was sincere about that, so I kept on doing it. I was stroking his cock, pinching a tit and fucking him at the same time. I figured I'd get all of his erogenous zones operating in unison. I'm not a control freak, but it is nice to have complete control of a guy's sexual apparatus some times.

Colin was an open book once he was fully aroused, so I knew when he was getting close to shooting. I would slow down and let him cool off some. As soon as he calmed down enough, I'd rev him up again.

I was better at judging him than myself. I was feeling good when I realized I was way beyond the point of no return. I pulled out and sprayed a pint or two of cum all over his tanned body. I guessed right about that too. Colin shot off, using my cum to lubricate his cock. We showered and I went home.

Colin and Magnus had all the makings of good detectives. Colin found out Wilton Manley's base of operation had moved from Richmond to the Culpepper Club in the Piedmont area. The Culpepper Club was exclusive beyond any reasonable level, all male, all white, all Protestant and all Republicans. It catered to a national crowd of lobbyists and politicos and multi-millionaires. Most members used it as a home-away-from-home when they were pulling stings in Washington.

That's not exactly right. Some were pulling strings. Some were having their strings pulled. Colin had connections there and said, he could get an operative into the place if I needed one.

"It would need to be a locker room attendant to do any good." I said.

"That's not a problem." Colin replied. "The manager was a former employee of mine. I got him the job and he owes me. My reference neglected to point out several rough spots in the man's resume, if you get my drift. Quite frankly, I can get anyone, any where you want."

I had already placed Lonnie in the Jamestowne Club locker room. I knew Magnus and Colin were sensible men, but they were also take-charge types. I didn't want them unprotected. Lonnie had a checkered past, but had done favors for half of the waiters in Richmond at one time or another. He had slept with the other half. He was a compulsive gossip and as such was never regarded with suspicion when he asked questions.

I decided to check out the Culpepper club myself. I wasn't particularly well known in Richmond and no one knew me outside of town. I buzz cut my head and trimmed my beard into a goatee. I added glasses and I don't think my Mom would have recognized me.

Freddy, my business partner was checking up on the financial aspects of the case. He was a white- collar crime specialist and he got his collection of retired policemen computer nerds to check up on QED Enterprises. I drove off to the Culpepper Club deep in rural Virginia

The Club was on the lower slopes of the Blue Ridge. The Club's road was unmarked, except for a small sign adorned with letters "CC". A half-mile up the road, I could see the clubhouse. It overlooked a perfectly manicured golf course which wrapped around a large man-made pond. Here and there I could see small guest cottages peaking out from the woods on the edges of the fairways.

I went in to the Manager's Office. The Manager, Thomas Wilson, was a slick, manicured 45- year- old man. He was perfectly dressed as a country gentleman. His clothes were informal, but very expensive.

"You're a friend of Colin's?" he asked. I nodded. He looked surprised. "You're not his type." I smiled.

"You can't see the part of me that is his type." I said. Thomas laughed.

"I forgot about that." he said, still laughing. "I remember now. I never play with the staff, but if you decide to leave, come by and see me. It will sure help your severance pay!" He winked at me. "You will work as an attendant in the health club in the evening, from 2 until closing at 10:00. The Club Manager will tell you what you need to do." He began to whisper. "The manager is a real prick, not open minded at all. Be careful around him. The guests are officially close-minded too, but most are here, away from their wives and mistresses. I guess you can fill in the rest."

"As long as the guest takes the lead, don't worry. Never take the first step." Thomas continued. "The tips are really good, I've been told." He took me to the Athletic Club and introduced me to Bernie, the Manager. Bernie was a retired Army Drill Sargeant. It took me thirty to forty seconds to realize he was gay as a goose and terrified some one would find out. He was masculine and macho, but I knew he was gay. Half of the guys in Catfish & Company had been like that at one time.

Bernie gave me a tour and told me what to do. I knew what he wanted and asked the right questions. I asked, if he had a checklist of things that had to be done to close up the place. That was exactly the sort of thing Bernie liked. He had a checklist and it was detailed to the degree I expected. I also asked, how to reset the temperatures in the Steam room and Sauna. I assumed the club had the usual number of men who had to have the temperatures at a dangerous level in order to prove their manhood. I guessed right.

I had a bedroom next to the locker area, so I would also be on call, if anyone wanted a late night exercise session. I said that didn't bother me. The first night on the job was uneventful in the beginning. Nobody knew who I was, so everyone was being careful. I handed out towels and made small talk with the guests. The regular Exercise Instructors were off at 6:00, so I was the only staff member there in the evening.

Wilton arrived at 6:30 with two other young men. I had seen his photograph, so I knew what he looked like. He was better looking in the flesh than his photo indicated. He was blond, tanned and healthy. The boys looked much younger than him. I knew they were in their mid-twenties, but one could have passed for 16 if you didn't look too closely.

The trio disbursed and soon each was exercising next to an older man. They were talking and from what snatches of conversation I could hear they knew the older men. Several of the younger men glanced at me from the corner of their eyes.

They vanished into the showers and steam room afterwards. I was supposed to check out these areas every fifteen minutes, but I altered the pattern. I asked, them if they would let me know if anything needed to be done as they left. I told them, I didn't like to walk in on guys unannounced. I made points with the guests that way.

I made an exception for one older man. He was way overweight and had been exercising vigorously with the youngest looking boy. I had a feeling he was overdoing it. They went into the steam room. The boy left after five or six minutes. He said, it was too hot. Five minutes later I realized the man was still in there. I went in.

He had fallen asleep. When I tried to rouse him, he didn't react. I turned off the heat, propped the door open and got him out. I found a Medic Alert bracelet and realized the man was diabetic. Oh, shit! I thought as I yelled at one of the guests to call the Club Doctor. I was able to revive him and get some orange juice into the man before the doctor arrived. The man was okay. After this, I was a hero.

I had been afraid there would be a long, getting acquainted period before the men would accept me and forget I was there. Once the story got out, I went from being the new man to a trusted retainer, in a day. My mom had told me that eventually servants disappear. She was a Nurse and told me after being with a patient for a while, you become part of the wallpaper. She was right.

By the time we got the man out of the locker room, it was time for me to close up. I was covered in sweat and the man had spit up on me so I smelled.

"You need a shower." one of the guests said. He had been helping with the fat man and was the only guest left in the area.

"I sure do. I'll do it after I close up. The steam room and this area need to hosed down anyway. That will take a while." I said.

"I'd be glad to help." he said. "After what you did, you deserve some help."

"Don't worry. I can take care of it." I said, as I got the hose out of a storage closet. He went off to the shower room and I heard him turn on the water. I took off my tee shirt and wet pants and hosed down the rooms wearing my boxers. After I was done, I put the hose back

The man looked in. My boxers were soaked and my cock was clearly outlined in the thin fabric.

"Why don't you join me in the shower?" he asked.

"The staff isn't allowed to shower in the main locker area." I replied.

"Think of yourself as my guest." he said. "Come on in and clean up." He caught a glimpse of my cock and I was sure he wasn't that interested in my hygiene. I took a good look at him for the first time. He was well over six feet and was thirty or forty pounds overweight. He had a football player's build. He was balding, with an even coat of curly, brown hair on his chest.

"I guess there will no problem with that." I said. We went into the showers and I took my shorts off.

"The names Charley." he said, shaking my hand.

"Wildridge here." I said, afraid my nickname as Catfish might give me away. I turned the water on. The man wanted to get a good look at my cock, but was too uneasy to stare. I washed my hair and rinsed it with my eyes closed to give him an uninterrupted viewing time. When I opened my eyes I noticed he was at half-staff.

"Sorry about that." he said.

"Nature takes its course whether you want it to or not." I said. "I've got no problems with it. You've got a nice one there."

"Yours is incredible." Charley said. "It's a beauty."

"We all get to play with the hand we're dealt." I said. "There's nothing wrong with a cock any way it's served, soft, hard or medium rare, as far as I'm concerned." He was getting harder.

"I'm really embarrassed." Charley said.

"No one's looking except me and I like the view." I said. I was washing my cock now and peeled the skin back exposing my cock head. I rinsed it off and pulled the skin over it again. Charley looked disappointed. The poor guy wanted to get something on, but was too timid. I turned off the water and dried off.

"Would you like to drop by room for a drink." Charley asked.

"I'd love too, but it's late for me and I'd better get some sleep." I replied. The poor guy looked crestfallen. My clothes were all soaked; I collected them and went toward the door.

"Are you going to your room naked?" he asked.

"Nope, let me show you a secret." I said, as I went into a storage room. "Follow me."

I flipped off the lights in the locker room and went to the back of the storage area. There was another door there. I unlocked the door and was in my bedroom.

"Here we are. I have no idea why the room is connected to the lockers, but it is." I said. I stroked my cock a few times. Charley looked as if he had died and gone to heaven.

"Let me help you with that." he said. I stroked his cock as he stroked mine. "Be careful, I'm really close."

"What can we do to slow you up some and have a nice time?" I asked. Charley looked at my cock and licked his lips. "Go ahead and do it. I don't mind." He looked at me, uncertainly. I smiled. "Believe me, I got no problem! Go for it." He dropped to his knees and stared at my cock.

"It tastes better than it looks." I said.

Charley was inexperienced, but willing enough. It was clear he was new to cock sucking. It always surprises me when I encounter a middle-aged man who is new to the scene. He stuck his tongue out and licked the puckered skin enshrouding my cock head. He built up some nerve and took the entire cock head into his mouth.

I felt his tongue slowly licking the pucker and working his way to the head. When he found my piss slit, he flicked his tongue aback and forth several times.

He looked up and asked, "Am I going it all right?"

"You sure are. Just take your time." I said. I reached down and felt his cock; he was dribbling precum. I took some on my finger. Do you ever taste your own precum?" I asked. He nodded yes. I pulled back my foreskin, rubbed his precum on my cock head and slicked the skin back.

He began sucking me with gusto. A minute later he looked up again. "Is that your precum I'm tasting now?"

"It sure is, Charley." I said. "Are you okay with it?" He smiled and went back to sucking me. We took a few breaks and I sucked him some, but after a half hour, Charley graduated from the Rookie stage of cock sucking to the confirmed cock hound stage.

It was hard to suck him because he was so close to shooting. He had a long, comparatively thin shaft with a big mushroom. Oddly, the shaft was hard as steel, but the head remained soft and tender. I guessed a hard shaft with a cushion on the tip might be good in an ass.

"I'm going to shoot if you keep on doing that." Charley said. I didn't stop. Charley's whole body shook as he ejaculated. He had nice balls, but he must have been saving for weeks. When he stopped I had a mouthful of man seed.

"What can I do to get you off?" he asked. I spit the cum out, on my hand and coated my cock with his man seed. I had been planning to jack off using it as lubricant. I stroked five or six times.

"I'm shooting now!" I cried. I figured he'd like to watch. He started licking his cum off my cock and didn't stop when my seed mixed in it. We both cooled off after our climaxes.

"Damn, Charley. You're good!" I cried. "That was hot."

"Did I do it right?" he asked. Charley was a big and impressive man. Somehow I got the impression he was not self confident sexually. "I've never done that before."

"Couldn't have been any better." I stated. "Are you okay? Sometimes new experiences can be a shock."

"It blows my mind." Charley said. "Is sex with men always this good?"

"With me it is." I said. "Or at least, I try to make it that good. Why do it if you don't have a good time?"

"Those boys have been coming on to me and I had no interest all." Charley explained. "I guess they are cute, but I can't visualize sex with guys younger than my sons. You turned me on."

"I don't want to kill the romance, Charley, but I'm afraid it was my cock you liked. There is something about a big cock that excites most guys, straight or gay." I said.

"Well, whatever it was, it did a job on me." Charley replied. "I'd better be getting back to my room."

"Charley feel free to drop in again." I said. "This has been nice."

I wasn't too sure he would be back. Some guys get worried and think they have gone too far. Gay sex is easy for the flaming queen types, but is also easy enough for self confident, sexually driven men. It seems it's the uneasy middle of weak or unsure men who have a problem. I didn't know where Charley fit.

The next morning, Bernie cross-examined me in detail about the incident in the steam room. He was satisfied I had done the right thing. I asked him if there were other men in poor condition over exercising. Bernie laughed.

"We usually have the opposite problem. No exercise at all. Zippo, Zilch!" he said. "This isn't a high powered athletic club. Most want to do just enough to be able to tell their wives they exercised while they were away."

"There were some younger guys here last night." I said. "Are they better about exercise?"

"I don't really know. There's something strange about them. They seem to talk to the older guys a lot. Never give me the time of day." Bernie replied. "There are a lot of snooty guys here, but none are quite as rude as those pretty boys. I don't know how they get in here. They aren't related to anyone as far as I can tell."

"They seemed to hang around the older men." I said.

"I've noticed that too." Bernie said.

"You're a good looking man. If they were interested in the obvious, they'd be after you." I said.

"I'd never thought of it like that." he said.

Next: Chapter 46: Catfish Returns 3

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