Millennium Construction Company

Published on Nov 12, 2002


Capitol Hotel 2

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments send them to or

I had to admit the idea of fucking Karl was really appealing to me. I liked him and was turned on by him and while I was more of a bottom than a top, I had used my cock several times to ease a guy into anal sex. While big meat gets all the attention, I knew I had a good recreational cock.

An old friend, Randy, described my cock as an anal probe. It was thin but long, with a nice knob at the end. The same friend called it a ice tea spoon cock. He was an outright size queen and a bottom. He liked my low stress approach to fucking.

I wasn't able to get back to my room in the Capitol for a week. I had a late group session and decided to spend the night. I got to my room without seeing Karl. I was bushed and read a few articles in medical journals and dozed. There was a quiet raping at the door. I woke up and opened the door. It was Karl.

"You got by me." he said. "Do you feel like talking?"

"I sure do. How's it going?"

"Better than I had thought it would." Karl said. "I wasn't too sure about the whole idea. I just went along because Edmund wanted me to. I owed him."

"Do you think it's going to work?" I asked. "Is sex a good substitute for booze?"

"It is for me." Karl said. "You know it took me a long time to admit I was gay. It's still hard to get use to sex as an okay activity. I was brought up Baptist. Enjoying yourself was bad, sex wasn't even on the radar screen."

"Every night before I go to bed, I thank God for Southern Baptists. Without them half of the councilors in the nation would be unemployed." I said.

"Recovering Catholics are the rest?" Karl asked. I laughed

"It's not quite as bad as that. The curse is turning perfectly natural instincts into sins." I added. "We all have sex drives. Denying they exist and branding as evil any effort to fulfill them is a disastrous course for most people."

"I've told you. I've always topped?" Karl said. "At first I told myself it was just men's asses were tighter than cunts."

"You started to realize you liked sex with men better?"

"I did. I told myself, it was maybe because men were more appreciative. It's hard for a guy to fling attitude when your fucking the shit out of him." Karl said. "My wife thought she was doing me a favor. At best, she did an imitation of a log."

"I thought you weren't really gay as long as you topped and let guys give you a blow job. It all changed when I got real drunk and spent the night with an old high school buddy." Karl continued. "I sucked him and never had better sex. I thought having a guy's cock in your mouth would be disgusting. It was the most exciting thing I ever did, the problem was I was too chicken to do it sober."

Karl had been my patient, but had never told me these things before. Even though he had come to grips with his sexual preferences, he had still been too embarrassed to tell me the whole story.

"You though you were too masculine to suck cock?" I asked.

"I guess that's it." Karl said. "I get turned off by effeminate men. I couldn't think of myself being that way. Until you talked with me, I'm not sure I had any other view of homosexuals. I knew so little about myself, I was clueless."

"Who in hell wasn't?" I asked. "The amount of misinformation and downright lies out there is unbelievable. There are a lot of people who have a firm commitment to making sure no one gets a truthful view of homosexuality. You have guys out there trying to prove the world was made in six days and looking for the Ark. They want to start sex education in ninth grade and don't seem to know girls are getting pregnant by then."

"Maybe born-again girls don't get knocked up." Karl suggested.

"I'm afraid basic biology and sex drives apply to everyone." I said laughing. "Even "good girls" figure somethings feel good. It's especially a problem for girls who are taught having a baby is the only real reason for a girl to exist. Sex with a man is the only way to be a real woman, but you can't have sex, or even think about it until the wedding night. A recipe for disaster."

"Shit, you just described my exwife!" Karl bellowed. "She did it twice and we had two kids. That was it for her. Somethings just feel good, to me at least, but my wife couldn't get over it was a cock in her. She didn't like it. She didn't want to like it."

"How is she doing with her new hubby?" I asked.

"Well, my son told me he's hung like a mosquito." Karl said. "No stress for her."

"You had too much cock? Be still my heart!" I said. "It's not a problem for me, but sometimes the cock just plain doesn't fit the ass."

"No guys seem to complain." Karl said. "Once I get in, it's smooth sailing." He paused. "They say it feels real good." There was a touch of uncertainty in his voice. He had finally turned the conversation around to fucking.

"You've never felt a cock in your ass?"

"Nope. Does it sound stupid to say I'm curious? I sure love the top, but the bottoms I fuck sure seem to like it too. I'd never seen a hands free shot before I fucked a guy. I must have hit a great spot. It must have been really good." he said. "I was sort of wondering I had the same spot in my ass."

"It must have been good. Once my cum almost made a hole in the drywall!" I said. Karl laughed. "Getting fucked can be a challenge, but when it's good, it's really good. You can't fake an orgasm like that."

"That's got me thinking, I might like to try it." Karl said.

"And you think my cock might be just the right introduction?"

"Yeah. I don't want to sound calculating, but it seems to me your cock might fit real good." Karl said. "And there is one other thing." He paused. "I kind of like the thought of your cock in my ass. You've helped me a lot."

"If I told you I'm already hard as hell, would you be surprised?" I asked.

"Shit no. I'm right behind you. How about us getting naked and getting it on?" I was ahead of Karl on that score. We were naked and 69ing on my bed in seconds. I deep throated Karl and when I pulled back, I must have suctioned a pint of precum from his balls. Karl was hot.

I'm short, but my throat and ass are accommodating. I almost never have trouble taking big cocks. Karl had nice and hefty meat, broad and thick, with a blunt cock head and a wide slit. If we had the chance, his cock would be just right in my ass. Karl had no problem sucking my cock at all.

"Damn, you're hot! Are you ready?" I asked.

"Sure am. I've been thinking about it for a week." he said. We rearranged ourselves. I had him on his back on my bed, with his legs pulled up on the edge of the mattress. His hole was fully exposed. He was covered in whitish-blond hair and that included his ass. His hole was a pink opening with a reddish rosebud peaking out of the center of the opening.

I had a tube of lube. Squirting some on my finger, I touched his rosebud. He jumped a little.

"Just relax, Karl. You know I'm a careful guy. We'll just take our time and get you nice and ready."

"I want to do it, but it's a shock to have someone touch my ass hole. You're the first." Karl said. "It may take some getting use to." I swirled my finger around the opening. The hairs on the edge of his ass hole were longer and darker than the hair on his ass. The sun never shone there. I circled my finger until I was playing with the rosebud.

"You know what is next." I said. "Relax and I'll start opening you up." I began to press my finger in the hole. I was so heavily lubricated, it was more like trying to push lube into his hole. I got to his tight pucker and met resistance. I didn't push any further, but I didn't pull back either.

"I don't know about teaching an old dog new tricks." Karl said. "I'm fifty and never had anyone do this before."

"If you've been waiting this long, I'll just take my time. I know you're uneasy, but your cock is hard as a rock and drooling. Your body is willing." I lubricated his cock and stroked it as I pressed my finger on his sphincter. I gave his dick a good stroke and popped through the ring. His cock felt so good, I don't think he realized I was beyond the only barrier in the ass.

"As of a second ago you ceased being an ass virgin!" I said. Pulling my finger out, I applied more lube and went back. I lubricated the ring and the inside of the tunnel. I wanted to make sure I would slide in without effort. I pressed deeper and found his prostate. It was one finger length inside his ass and when I massaged it, Karl moaned.

"What in hell was that?" he asked.

"That is the reason guys like to be fucked. You have just been introduced to your prostate."

"Holy shit. I never felt anything like it."

"Well, if you like this, you have a good night ahead of you." I said. "I've popped through your sphincter and lubricated it royally. Let me warn you now, you're a big muscular guy, but with all that lube, there's no way you can keep me out."

"What if I change my mind?" he asked. I pressed his prostate hard. Karl's eyes rolled back in his head.

"I'll stop of course." I answered. "But somehow, I think that isn't what you want, is it?" It was clear to me Karl's prostate was ultra sensitive and he was going to have no problem as a bottom, assuming the cock would fit in his hole. Karl shook his head. I took my finger out of his hole and lubricated my cock. From the expression on his face I knew he wanted something in his ass. Then I positioned my cock head at his rosebud and pushed. He naturally tightened up.

"Just relax, Karl. You can't keep it out and it will feel better if you let me in." I instructed him. "Relax." I repeated. He relaxed some and my head popped through the ring of muscle. He jerked as my head popped through, his sphincter clamped tightly to the shaft. Only my cock head was inside his ass.

"Are you okay?" I asked. "Do you want me to pull out?"

"No, just let me get use to it." he said. I stayed still and only made slight movements, just to remind him my cock was in his ass. I could feel him relax. The vice-like grip of his sphincter on my cock head released. I pushed in to about where I estimated his prostate was located. Nothing happened, so I pushed a bit deeper. Nothing happened there, so I deep dicked him and began to pull out.

That was when I found his prostate. Karl moaned and shivered in pleasure. My shaft is thin, but my head is a big, lollipop style. Somehow the edge of my cock head hit Karl's magic spot as I pulled out. I pushed in and pulled out again. Karl moaned at the exact same place. I pulled all the way out.

"Do you want me to do it again?" I asked. Karl smiled at me.

"What in hell do you think?" he said. I slipped into his ass again. It took five or six thrusts before we figured out what worked best. It didn't take long for Karl's ass to give up any resistance. His hole was a bit small for my cock head, but he didn't mind. My cock was caressing his hole before I would drive it deep, then pull out. My cock felt best driving deep. Karl liked it when I pulled out.

Our excitement built as I continued to thrust. It was about as good as it gets. I suddenly felt the sperm rising in my balls and I knew I was gone. Pulling out, I sprayed Karl's hairy chest. I couldn't believe how much cum I shot.

I looked down and realized Karl had shot off too. I shoot spurts and dribbles. Karl had what a friend of mine called a "gully washer". There was cum everywhere, puddles, dribbles and one or two lakes of cum.

"Damn, I did it!" Karl said.


"A hands free orgasm. You fucked the cum out of me!" Karl said. "Damn, I don't believe it."

"You liked it?"

"Shit yes! Damn!"

I was laying on top of him. We were cemented together by our cum. Things were good. We spent the night together. I fucked him several more times , he fucked me. I loved it. I have to admit, I have a warm spot for beer can cocks. Karl's was everything I hoped for.

I went to work the next day. Karl called late in the next day. He asked, when I would get back to the Capitol. I said, as soon as possible, but that turned out to be a week away. I had a suicidal patient who occupied much of my time.

When I finally got back to the Capitol Hotel, they were having a party in honor of Lester, who had been promoted from being a watchman to supervisor at Catfish & Company. Lester had recruited Leroy and Dalton to be in his crew. They were the security for a small industrial concern. It wasn't the big time, but all three men liked being back in uniform. Edmund provided pizza and drinks.

Edmund was always helpful and trying to help. Many of the men had been dumped on and were alone. It was good to have your efforts recognized. The party was good and festive. Lester had done well. He was an aggressive man, but friendly and helpful. Leroy and Dalton were among the weaker men at the hotel. Lester gave them the leadership they needed.

After the party, Edmond asked me upstairs to his suite. It was nicely decorated, unlike the basic interiors of the rest of the hotel. In his bedroom, I saw he had a sling. Edmond had additional plans for the night.

Next: Chapter 44: Catfish Returns 1

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