Millennium Construction Company

Published on Oct 14, 2002


Capitol Hotel

By Bald Hairy Man. Contact me at or This story is all fantasy, all gay and mostly bear. If you don't like that, Don't read it!

My friend John, the owner of the Millennium Construction Company, found himself the owner of the Capitol Hotel as part of a complicated land swap deal associated with the assemblage of properties for a new development in downtown Richmond. It was six blocks away from the main development. The owner would only part with an essential parcel if the rundown hotel was part of the deal.

John bought the property from the development corporation for $300,000.00. That was a good price for any property in the central area, but the Capitol was no prize. It was built around the turn of the last century as a Bachelor Hotel. In reality, it was a flop house. It had a plan like the old YMCA's, with rooms sharing a central shower and lounge area. Each room was small and had a toilet and lavatory only. All the interior walls were load bearing, so it was next to impossible to take them out and make a more spacious plan.

It smelled bad too. The hotel closed three years earlier and squatters broke into it. The Capitol became a combination crash pad and public toilet. It was a mess. John cleaned it up and boarded it up, but couldn't find anything to do with it.

One of my clients had an idea. Edwin Smyth wasn't either a client or a patient of my counseling office. It would be more correct to say he was a patron. Smyth was wealthy, retired and had a taste for sex with men down on their luck. He was turned on by derelicts and street people. He liked sex with them. More unusually, he also wanted to help them.

It was an odd combination of sex for money and Salvation Army. Some men were too far gone to be helped, but Edwin was a curiously good judge of character. His father had beea deeply closeted man, who drank to deal with the stress of his sexual preference. The elder Smyth had lost his job, become homeless and committed suicide at age 50. Edwin had inherited his father's sexual preferences, but had dealt with them in a better way.

If Smyth found a man who had promise, he would send him to me and I would try to help. They were typically masculine, but gay men who were both sexually driven and terrified of being gay. Most had poor images of gay men and gay life in general. Substance abuse was their way of dealing with the problem. I would work with them to find peace within themselves.

Edwin was casually acquainted with John and had been at John's house when John and Skeeter were talking about gay men and alcoholism.

"I came fucking close to becoming a full time drunk before John found me." Skeeter said. Skeeter lived in the attic of John's house.

"I thought you were on the wagon when I met you." John said.

"I was, but it wasn't a permanent thing." Skeeter explained. "I felt the urge to backslide when things were rough. It may sound stupid, but I think a steady diet of man cum kept me on the straight and narrow." Everyone laughed.

"You think sperm had medicinal properties?" I asked.

"It does if you're a cum hound like me!" Skeeter replied. "If I get enough cock and cum, I don't need a drink."

"If I'm not mistaken, you must have sucked enough cock to give you a back log!" John said, laughing. "I think you have a hollow leg filled with man spunk. You should have enough to last several years! I think I have made a contribution or two."

" `Skeeter's Sperm Bank' has been a successful enterprise, I admit. Man seed is like Chinese food, it fills you up briefly, but you are always ready for more." Skeeter continued.

"I don't want to drink much anymore. Now, I know so many great gay guys, I'm not embarrassed or humiliated to think of myself as being a fag." Skeeter said. "Beer is good, but an orgasm is better!"

"You're method must work. It seems to me that a number of the men at Millennium have made the same discovery." I said. "The nice thing about it is that staying sober is easier when cock sucking and a good climax is the reward." The conversation moved on to other things, but two months later Edwin called me.

"Billy," he said, "the men I've been trying to help have been backsliding when they get into a cheep rooming houses on Grace Street. I've been thinking about the Capitol Hotel. I wonder if we could turn it into a halfway house for the men. A safer environment than the rooming houses and a place where they can be gay and be safe. Sort of like the old YMCA's."

"No drinking, no drugs, just sex?" I asked.

"That's it. I stayed in a Y when I was younger. It was a nice, clean place, no booze, but there was always the potential for sex." Edwin said. "It didn't happen all the time, but it sure got me home to my bedroom early."

"Your bedroom and the showers?"

"Exactly." he said. "Do you think it would work? I was thinking we might put a small restaurant in it. Most of the guys could at least do some work in a restaurant, until they get straight. I would be glad to finance it. I think I know someone to run it. Karl." When he mentioned Karl, the project seemed doable. Karl was a massive, white bearded, bear-like man who was one of Edwin's successes. He was both macho, gay and a natural leader of men.

Karl had not acknowledged his sexual interests, except when he was drunk and had become a habitual drunk driver. Edwin had found him in a flop house and had turned him over to me. He was a nice, country boy, who simply hadn't been able to think of sex with men, except in terms of effeminacy. I had cleared that up for him and he was working his way back to normalcy.

"Why don't you talk to John about it?" I asked. "He might be game."

"Do you think so?" Edwin asked. "Would you talk to him? I don't know him well." I said, I would be glad to go with him. Edwin was wealthy and distinguished, but I was sometimes surprised to see how timid he was when confronting new situations.

We talked with John, who thought it was a good idea, especially if it took the building off his hands for a while. Much to my surprise, the place was up and ready to go in several months. Edwin's deep pockets helped that, as did an unexpected halt in one of Millennium's projects. John had men available for several months and he put them all on the Capitol.

I had outgrown my suburban office since I had two associates now, so I opened a branch on the first floor of the hotel and sent Steve Williams, my newest associate to staff it. Steve was interested in gay issues and especially gay men who were from working class backgrounds. I had originally planned to spend a few hours a week there, but the office turned out to be my main base of operations.

The office was within easy walking distance of downtown and clients could slip out of their offices and drop in easily. It was a good location for high powered executives who were having problems and didn't want anyone to know about it. It turned out to be a dream location for me. I took a room upstairs, so I could get away from the office.

I have friends who claimed it was the lure of the naked men in the shower rooms that made me move to the Capitol. While I admit that played a role, the Capitol Hotel office was a gold mine for my business.

The Hotel had a little sandwich shop on the first floor, run by one of Edwin's friends. The second floor of the Hotel had twelve rooms with a central shower. The third floor had six rooms and two apartments, again with a common shower. Edwin took one of the apartments and Skeeter, John's friend, took the other. He had been living in John's attic for a few years and wanted something more of his own. He loved cum and figured the setup at the Capitol would be ideal. He also wanted to help men who had been in his situation. John always said, Skeeter could tell a bullshit artist from a real person, as they enter the room. That was a really good talent to have.

Skeeter brought Beau and Tyrone with him. Beau was a barrel-chested carpenter. Beau had the worst divorce in the history of Virginia and was trying to financially recover. Edwin's subsidy of the building cost was ideal for him. Tyrone was a laborer with a border line intelligence level. He was also hung like a horse. I was there when Beau and Skeeter met Karl for the first time. I wouldn't say it was love at first sight, but it was instantaneous friendship.

Several guys moved into the building in the first week. Robin was a 55 year old former stock broker, who had been wiped out in an insider trading deal and ended up alcoholic and homeless. He was 5-10, 170, bald with a carefully cropped beard. He looked dapper now, but had looked like the missing link three months earlier.

Lester was an impressive looking 45 year old, black man. He had been a Master Sargeant in the Army, but had been kicked out because of his suspected sexual preferences. The Army had been his life and he lost it.

LeRoy was another escapee from the armed forces. He and his friend, Dalton, had been Marines. They were cannon fodder, but they both had modest IQs and they couldn't function in the high tech world of today. Being not bright and not lucky is a bad combination. LeRoy and Dalton were lovers, but they didn't see it that way. They just messed around.

Marty was a former Methodist Minister, who had been arrested for soliciting a male vice cop. It had ruined his life. He lost his job and his family.

Jay was a good looking kid who had been living on the street since he was 15, when his parents abandoned him. He had a poor education. He had tried to bullshit his way through situations where he didn't know what to do. He wasn't lazy, but he sure tried to see what he could get away with.

I was upstairs in my room late on a Friday night just after everyone had moved. I had been to a seminar and dinner in a downtown hotel and decided to stay at the Capitol rather than drive home. Karl stopped by my room.

"You could do me a favor if you took a shower." he said. "I need to mix some things up a bit. Everyone is a little shy and I want to get the ball rolling."

"I'd like to help you out, but I don't play with patients." I said. "It would be unethical."

"Just this once." Karl said. He got closer to me and whispered. "Some are still convinced gay sex is dirty. If we get it on, it will sort of give them permission."

I agreed, reluctantly. I went to my room, undressed, wrapped myself in a towel and went to shower. The shower and drying room opened off a television lounge. Most of the men were watching a rerun of a NASCAR race.

I watched for a minute or two. Karl came up the hall. He had his towel over his shoulder. Karl was massive, with a gut, but not much flab. His white hair covered him with a thick, curly pelt. His cock was uncut. It looked short, barely poking out of the pubic forest with a head the size of a pool ball. Karl's cock head was all but shrouded in thick foreskin. You could barely see the head in the pucker. He went into the shower area. I followed.

Next to him I felt like Mutt to his Jeff. I am short and thick, 5-4 and 180 pounds. I was just as hairy as Karl , but with black hair. My cock is all but non-existent soft, but a thin six inches when hard. I was usually uncomfortable with my cock, especially when it is soft, but I was so turned on by Karl, it was hard as soon as I entered the shower.

The shower room was all tiled with the jade green that was so popular at the beginning of the previous century. It had four heads, separated buy a one foot deep marble slab. There had once been hanging curtains separating the shower spaces , but they were gone. The drying area was open into the shower area and had hooks on the walls and a marble bench on both sides.

"Billy, why don't you get me going." Karl asked. That was enough for me, I got on my knees and started to suck. I had guessed there was more to Karl"s cock the met the eye. It was a grower. I am no virgin, but it still amazes me that a massive shaft can be so compact when soft. Karl had a good eight inches, a club cock.

Marty was the first guy to join us. He was 45, thin and smooth. His long, blond hair was tied in a ponytail. His body looked younger than his face and was a bit more muscular than I had guessed. He had an average sized cock, uncut. The skin hung a good inch over the head.

I continued to suck Karl as Karl talked to Marty. Karl didn't mind having me attached to his cock. Karl was completely unselfconscious as he carried on an ordinary conversation while I sucked. Lester entered the room next. He did a double take as he saw me on my knees.

"Holy shit!" Lester exclaimed. "You shouldn't be doing that in the open."

Karl looked over at the black man. "Hey, Lester. I'm the Manager here and I make the rules. If you don't like them, you can leave. If you want to stay, you can either look away and shower, or join in. This ain't a spectator sport." Lester had hung up his towel. He was sporting an impressive erection.

"Hey, Lester." Karl said, with a big smile on his face. "It looks like your cock has made up your mind for you." Lester looked down at his cock. It was a monster, thick and heavy meat.

"My daddy use to say, my cock was twice as big as my brain." Lester said.

"It's a beauty. I'd do what it wants." Karl replied. "It's a dick that needs to be obeyed!"

"I guess you're right." Lester said, "I love cock play." He came over to us and nudged me out of the way. He wanted to suck Karl. I stood and Marty dropped to his knees and began to suck me. Robin and Jay entered the room and joined in.

Robin was as hairy a man as I had ever seen. He shaved his neck, but the rest was fur covered. I couldn't see much about his cock since it was obscured by his pubic forest. Jay was smooth with no body hair, but a thick tangle of hair at his crotch.

Robin was shy and held back. Jay wasn't at all shy and launched himself at the nearest cock. He replaced Marty and sucked me, but he was eyeing Lester's huge cock. It was a prizewinner and Lester knew it. He was use to the admiration.

Lester may have been uneasy when he entered the room , but once he got hard he was a 100% sex driven animal. When Leroy and Dalton entered the room, he ordered them to his cock and told one to suck his balls, the other to suck the cock. He used his best Master Sargeant voice and they obeyed. He must have instinctively known they wanted to be ordered around. They were pleased as punch.

Once everyone got into sucking, the tension in the room vanished. It turned into a relaxing suck session. All the men got along well and once they realized ,sex was okay. I could almost feel the relief in the air. Lester, Jay and Leroy were aggressive. They liked sex and didn't care who knew.

Robin and Martin were a bit more shy, as was Dalton. You wouldn't guess Dalton had any interest at all, except for his erection. He was a country boy from the mountains of North Carolina. He didn't talk much. I guessed he had been a scrawny kid, who had been beefed up by the marines. He had mousy hair and a patch of hair on his chest and a trail to his genitals. He had a handlebar moustache. He had big, low hangers and an uncut cock. You rarely got a chance to admire his uncut meat, he got a hard on at the slightest suggestion of sexual activity.

I was the first to shoot and set off a chain reaction. There was cum everywhere. Everyone as happy as far as I cold tell. I made a mental note to get Skeeter there the next time we did this, so he could do clean up.

I went too bed. I got up early the next morning, dressed and left for my other office. Karl stopped me at the door.

"Thanks for helping out." he said. "We sure got the ball rolling."

"When I tell you the pleasure was all mine, believe me, it's true." I answered.

"I'd like to do it again." Karl said. "Not for work, just for fun. You like to fuck?"

"I'd like to do it for fun too. I do like to fuck, love the bottom." I added.

"You're in luck, I love the top." he said. Karl dropped his voice. "I've never bottomed. I've been kind of thinking about it. I wouldn't mind trying on your cock for size."

"You think I have a good starter cock?" I asked. Karl looked embarrassed. I smiled.

"Believe it or not, I popped a few cherries in my day." I said. "I don't know if I was any good, but everyone still takes it in the ass. Most love it." Karl smiled.

"Will you be back this evening?" he asked.

"I wasn't planning to." I said. "But those plans may change." I went to work.

Next: Chapter 43: Capitol Hotel 2

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