Millennium Construction Company

Published on Oct 8, 2002


By Bald Hairy Man. Contact me at or This story is all fantasy, all gay and mostly bear. If you don't like that, Don't read it! Catfish & Company 18 is the last part of this story

Catfish & Company 18

Keith got better as he stripped. He was beefy and muscular, with a coating of fine hair on his chest and a treasure trail to his pubic bush. There was a treasure poking from the bush, a thick tube of uncut meat. Keith was not what I expected. He was inexperienced, but more than eager. He liked sex and he loved man sex.

It was rare to find a guy so inexperienced, but with no hang ups. He and Jim had sucked some, but that was the extent of his knowledge. But, the sky was the limit when it came to his willingness.

He was a cock hound and size queen. He thought he had found the mother load of cocks the minute he saw my dick. It took me a good two or three seconds to realize I had discovered a first rate sexual athlete, inexperienced, but ready for training. He deep throated me on the first effort.

Eventually, I pried him loose from my cock and sucked his dick. It was hard and dripping. I worked a finger to the rear and touched his hole. He shivered in excitement and opened wide.

"You like being fucked?" I asked.

"Never been fucked, but I'm pretty sure I'll like it." Keith replied. "You're awfully big, but I figure I might as well start at the top. Jim said it was incredible."

"What makes you think you would like it?" I asked as I worked a finger into his ass. There was no resistance, no effort to exclude my finger. I rammed his prostate. Keith moaned in pleasure as another shiver of excitement ran through his body. I had to admit, Keith was ready and willing. I just wasn't sure he was able.

Fifteen minutes later I knew the answer. By that time I had been deep fucking him for ten minutes. There had been one or two little rough spots in the road at the beginning, but they faded the deeper into his ass my cock penetrated. He liked long deep strokes the best, but he didn't mind short quick thrusts, especially if my cock head was in the vicinity of his prostate.

He liked it spread eagle and doggy style. If it involved my cock and his ass hole, Keith was game. It was nice. It was pure enjoyment, all sexual excitement for Keith. He must have shot off four or five times. These were not modest dick dribbles. Keith was 23 and he must have been saving up for years to produce the cock gushers.

There was sperm everywhere after each orgasm. My chest was covered in ribbons of cum. As I said. Keith was a cum hound. I left my loads ten inches into his ass, so he had to meet his needs by licking up his own from my chest and gut. This worked out well.

He would shoot and I would follow. While I was recovering, he would lick me clean. By the time he was done, we were ready to go again. This went on until Skeeter came out to tell me Aunt Edith was talking. He walked in on us fucking. I pulled out of Keith, turned the boy over to him and went inside.

Edith was in pain, the shock had warn off and she was feeling terrible. She also wanted revenge. The pain must have cleared her mind.

"All those dead people, the Johnson's could have done it." she said. "They were miserable little boys and young men. I remember some folks thought their stint in the army would have helped them. It didn't. They came out meaner and nastier."

"They liked women, but it wasn't right." Edith continued. "I think several women of the church went out with them. I didn't understand that at all. The Preacher must have made them do it."

"You think he was pimping for them?" Aunt Ellen asked. Ellen wasn't prone to mince words.

"That could have been." Edith replied. `I have been such a fool! I thought it was odd and didn't say anything about it."

"They might have killed you." Ellen said. "They seemed to kill anyone who could lead the authorities to them."

"I'd rather be dead than thought of as a gullible fool." Edith said.

"Don't be silly, Edith." Ellen replied. "You have been a fool, but can redeem yourself if you help to put them where they belong. Being gullible isn't a crime. Not helping the authorities is."

"What do you know about Rev. Tommy?" I asked. I wanted to know if there were any additional links to the TV Evangelist in Charlotte. We talked for an hour. Edith wasn't a perceptive woman, she was a gossip, busybody.

She had not put things together in a pattern, but she had seen a lot. She interpreted things to favor those she liked and to put those she disliked in the least favorable light possible. I realized she would be a good witness, since she had seen many minor incidents that could be used to corroborate other peoples' testimony.

Mom and Ellen took good notes. I went back to the Winnabago. Skeeter returned to the house, I returned to Keith's ass. I fucked him again, then told him I had to get some sleep. He went home, but promised to come back.

The phone rang at five. It was Earl. The Johnson boys were getting ready to leave. There was a big bang on the phone and it went dead. The Johnson's lived outside of town on the side of a mountain. I looked in that general direction and saw a pink cloud of smoke and flame rising from the area of the Johnson house. The town fire alarm was blowing, waking the volunteer firemen. Seconds later, it seemed as if the entire town was up, lights were on in almost every window.

Much to my surprise, I jumped into Mom's car and drove in the direction of the explosion. I could see secondary explosions on the hill and guessed the Johnson's arsenal was blowing up. I wanted to call Earl and see if he was all right, but guessed he was too busy and I was better to keep the lines open.

I couldn't get close. The Troopers had sealed off the roads up the mountain, so I parked the car and walked in. It was still dark. I could hear the fire engines' sirens, punctuated by small explosions. It took about 20 minutes to get to the area near the Johnson house. I found Earl behind his cruiser.

The woods were on fire and there was no sign of the Johnson house. No one could fight the fire yet because ammunition was exploding from the heat of the fire.

"No one's hurt." Slim said. He was huddled beside Earl. "Except for the Johnsons and whoever was holed up in the house. I was pretty sure I saw four men near the car just before it blew."

The rest of the night was confused. They got the fire under control and found a grand total of four bodies.

A week later the full extent of the plot was known and eventually a slew of born-again, self righteous fools found themselves doing serious jail time. The Mayor of Richmond and the so called, "Christian" Police Chief were out of power. The Mayor would have to face serious Obstruction of Justice charges, but he had a near total physical and mental breakdown.

The next day Skeeter, Lonnie and I cruised out to Cousin Buddy's farm to pick up our Buddy and get home. When we got to the farm, Earl's police cruiser was in the yard as was a pick-up with volunteer firemen's plates.

I walked into the kitchen and found the two Buddies, Earl, Keith and Jim drinking coffee. Jim had come back from college, because of the excitement. Everyone introduced himself and we had a nice, fill in the gaps conversation.

Dental records identified the Johnsons, DNA a guy from Charlotte and much to my surprise, the Preacher. The Johnsons were burned alive as was the accomplice from Charlotte. The Preacher had been killed earlier. He was found dismembered. Portions of his body had been burned up in a wood stove, the trunk and head remained. Apparently the Johnsons were getting rid of the evidence.

The Preacher had died from loss of blood. Coroner said, the dismemberment apparently began before the Preacher died. That fool had been playing with psychotic killers and got caught up in it.

The final explosion was an accident. When it comes to poetic justice, it doesn't get any better than this. The reign of terror was over and the perpetrators died in as painful and horrible way as anyone could have wished. I would never wish being burned alive on anyone, but for this crew it seemed fitting.

I said, we needed to get back to Richmond.

"Do you have a few minutes for some rest and relaxation?" Cousin Buddy asked. "My kids are coming back tonight and this may be my last chance for fun in a while." He tried to sound as if this was a spur of the moment comment, but I realized what Jim and Keith were there for.

"That sure sounds good to me." I said.

"Me too." Earl added. He looked at Keith, who he didn't know. Earl wasn't sure Keith was a member of the fraternity. Keith cupped his basket and gave it a good squeeze. "Let's all get naked and play. Is anything out of bounds?"

"Well, I guess I'm the only one here who has been with everyone here." I said. "Everyone is tried and tested and has passed all the tests with flying colors."

"Hot damn!" Earl said. We went upstairs and stripped. Earl formed a nice fuck group with the two Buddies. They made a ring of shifting penetrations.

Lonnie hit it off with Keith. I played with Jim, while Skeeter spent most of the time on his knees, sucking whichever cock came into range. I was deep into Jim's ass when Skeeter began to lick at my ass. I had Jim bent double and stretched wide open. I spread my legs as wide as I could and Skeeter wedged himself in the gap.

My balls were slapping against Jim's and Skeeter got to suck all four of the nuts. Jim shot a spectacular load after a few minutes of this treatment. I was just beginning to get into it and wasn't going to shoot for a while. Pulled out of Jim and motioned to Earl the come over.

I figured Skeeter would like having the Chief of Police's cock in his ass. I guessed right. Earl was a big boy, but less massive than me and I wanted him to loosen Skeeter up a bit before I went in. It was a good plan, but they liked it a bit too much. I was without a partner. I saw Cousin Buddy on the bed. He looked at me, I looked at him. He pulled his legs up on the edge of the bed, spread them, then winked his ass hole at me.

I wandered over to him. "Do you think you can take it?" I asked.

"I think so." Buddy said. "I've been getting some practice."

"Has it been good?"

"A lot better than I thought it could be." Buddy replied. I nosed my cock into his pink hole. My head barely penetrated his sphincter when I pulled it out and added some lubricant. I had known Buddy since being a kid and it seemed strange to be fucking him. I got in position again and popped my head into the hole. The other Buddy was behind me and bumped me. I went in to the hilt.

Buddy had been primed by Earl and the other Buddy and his ass was a hot furnace. His ass clamped shut on my cock, trapping it in his chute. He had a sphincter of iron, but the chute was filled with lube mixed with Earl and Buddy's cock juices. It felt really good. Buddy's ass was contracting and quivering.

I don't know when exactly it happened, but Buddy and I merged. He suddenly relaxed and I slipped deeper and my cock became a part of his ass. It was as if my dick had found a home. My cock became hypersensitive and every movement of his quivering ass gave me overwhelming feelings of pleasure. Every move I made left him gasping for breath. It was total sexual union. His ass just quivered until I shot off my load deeper in any man's ass than ever before. The other Buddy was there to suck my Cousin as he came. I pulled out, then we lay in bed. I rear ended him and we stayed in bed, twitching and enjoying.

Keith and Buddy were spread eagle on the floor while Earl and Jim slow fucked them. For the first time since the bombing in Richmond, I could relax. It seemed as if the cares of the world were dissipated as we fucked and sucked.

Next: Chapter 42: Capitol Hotel 1

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