Millennium Construction Company

Published on Sep 10, 2002


Chesapeake Construction Company 7

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments, send them to or

You can read Millennium Construction Company and Catfish & Company to get to know the characters better.

I was positive Bomber was ready to have an up close and personal encounter with Wally's cock when Luke ran up.

"There's a boat having trouble in the Bay!" he yelled. We followed him to the edge of the island. There was a older sail boat listing to one side, with several men running around on the deck. There was nothing about the scene suggesting that any of the men knew what they were doing. We waved at them. They were well out in the Bay. We could hear them calling for help, but nothing else. We ran to our dock. The Captain was ready to set sail and go to their aid.

It took about twenty minutes the reach the ship. It was named "The Sea Otter" and was from New Bern, North Carolina. It hadn't moved since I first saw it and I realized it must have run aground on a sand bar. The ship was old and not well maintained. The crew looked young.

"What happened?" the Captain called.

An older man answered. "We ran aground and can't get off without damaging the boat. It has a wooden hull. I'm Bob Williams. We were taking the ship to be restored. My crew is inexperienced, first time sailors. Can you help us?"

"Of course." Captain Burt said. We dropped anchor and launched a inflatable raft to look at the boat. Luke and the Captain went over. I tagged along.

The boat had once been handsome, but needed repair badly. Bob Williams was maybe forty five, dark hair with a bushy mustache, heavily tanned and his unbuttoned shirt revealed a hairy chest. The crew was much younger. All were tanned, thin and handsome.

The name "Sea Otter" was newly painted. Below the new name I could make out the former name, "The Carolina Princess." I took a second look at the crew. They were all Otters, thin, muscular and very hairy men. Two were blond, one had black hair and the other was a mousy brown. Bob seemed very worried about the crew. I realized there was more than an interest in sailing uniting these men.

One of the blond guys called Bob, "Dad" and I was sure they weren't related.

"There is nothing we can do now." Captain Bert said. "We can look at it at low tide to see if it has been damaged. We can't float it until high tide. You might as well come on shore and relax some." The crew of the Sea Otter was more than willing to do that. I ferried them to our boat and we were back at the dock in a half hour.

Bob explained the situation to us as we returned. He was a retired executive and the Sea Otter had been his dream. He was planning to restore it and spend a year or so cruising. He had sailed when he was younger, but conceded he was a bit "rusty". The crew members were interested in sailing, but not experienced. It was clear Bob didn't remember as much about sailing as he thought he did. One of the crew members had been really seasick. He was glad to hit solid ground.

I am not a believer in Gaydar, but everyone knew everyone else was gay in about thirty seconds. I was a bit afraid they were a harem, like Jack's, but that wasn't the case. The guy who called Bob, "Dad" was Kip. They were lovers. The other men were Kip's friends. They were all free agents. They looked at the group of men assembled on the island and looked as if they had won the lottery. We looked good to them and they looked good to us.

We had a good lunch and got to know each other, then went back to the stricken boat to do an inspection and see if it was damaged. Fortunately, Captain Burt and Luke knew boats inside and out. Wayne had worked for a boat builder. Chambers knew how to sail and had some experience with inexperienced crews. The tide was down and it was clear there was major, but not fatal damage to the hull. Wayne though he could do some temporary repairs which would hold it until they could get to a ship yard.

We were able to shift the boat into a better position for floating. This required a lot of cooperative work. It also gave everyone a chance to get to know each other better. I was working with Keith, the otter with the pitch black hair. He was almost six feet tall, but weighed about 150 pounds. His shoulders were broad, but half of his weight must have been in his body hair. He had a goatee and was tattooed on his arms. Keith was a hairdresser, which was two strikes against him in my book.

Keith turned out to be an aggressively hard worker. He was energetic and helpful. While we were paddling around in the water, I discovered he also had another big chunk of his weight dangling between his legs. The work was heavy and dangerous. The weight of the boat could shift and easily hurt someone, so I concentrated on the boat and forgot about Keith's cock.

We got the boat ready to float, then had to wait for the tide to rise, so we went back to the dock and rested. The crew of the Sea Otter all pulled their weight and were willing enough to work. The problems were purely due to inexperience, rather than lack of effort.

Curiously, most of them were too young to recognize the stars staying with us on the island. They did recognize Bomber. Bob noticed who they were, but he didn't mention it. I did catch him staring at Chambers, every time he thought no one was watching.

We went to the pool and Jonathan was the first to strip and jump in. You could feel the relief in the air as the other guys jumped in naked. They knew it was an all gay group, but they needed for someone to take the first move. No one was overdressed anyway, but there is a difference between a nice bulge in cut off jeans and seeing the actual cock. None of the men had a tan line, so it was obvious that nude sunbathing had been the rule on the Sea Otter.

Everyone liked what they saw. Kip was the only one of the crew who overtly played Daddy and Son, but the other young men certainly had no problem with hairy older men. I'm not into twinks or kids at all, but the otter's hair coat gave them an older look.

It took no time at all for the underwater exploration of each other's genitals to take place. Keith's bulge was not false advertising. Before we could get much beyond this, Captain Burt came up and announced the wind had changed and there was a chance we could move the boat now. He said, it was safer to move it in daylight, than at dusk, time of high tide. We all rushed to the boat and returned to the Sea Otter.

There was a strong wind from the southwest raising the water and directing the boat in a favorable direction. Luke captained the Sea Otter while Bomber and Wayne organized the crew, pushing the hull of the boat when a big wave came by.

It was a long hour of heavy pushing and lifting, but the Sea Otter broke loose and floated again. Luke sailed it to our dock and tied it beside Jack's houseboat. Wayne immediately began repairs. Bomber had been a house carpenter, but was good with a saw. The brown haired otter, Ben, also had carpentry skills, as did Raleigh. Washington and Wally's skills as masons were not needed, but both men were strong as oxen and provided much needed muscle.

It was dark by the time a temporary patch was in place on the Sea Otter. We had been working so hard and fast, I was actually shocked when I realized the sun was setting. It had been six hours of work that seemed like an hour or two. Jonathan had made a good dinner that really hit the spot after the hard day of work.

Keith sat next to me at dinner and introduced me to Lars. Lars was a tall, slight, attractive guy of about 25. He had long, blond hair to his shoulders and would have been pretty, if he were a woman. His features were delicate and elegant. He looked smooth from a distance, but in the campfire you could see a thick coat of blond hair covering his body. The hair on his chest was darker than on the rest of his body and the contrast between his delicate features and the thick coat was attractive.

Even more attractive was my discovery that both Keith and Lars were interested in me. Inhibitions vanished as darkness fell. I soon discovered there was nothing feminine about Lars' cock. It was long, fat and uncut. It was 100% man dick. There was a disconcerting contrast between Lars' delicate facial features and his crude, massive cock. Disconcerting and exciting.

I also got the impression the crew of the Sea Otter was sex starved. I found out later they had been at sea for five days and the stress of learning how to sail and the problems with sea sickness had made sex unimportant. The crew was ready to play and had five days of man spunk saved up for the occasion.

Everyone from the Otter was with my men, or the guests. Much to my surprise that included Bob, the Captain of the Sea Otter and Kip, his friend. Bob Williams was with Chambers. Bob clearly was a fan of Chambers and wanted the chance to get close. He was willing to give his "son" a night off so he could play with Chambers. Bob didn't suck Chamber's meat, he worshiped it. Chamber's was a down to earth guy, who enjoyed not being a star, but he didn't object to Bob's attention at all.

Kip was with Bomber and Wally. Kip was a North Carolina, country boy, who liked red neck sex. Kip was thin and short, with dirty blond hair and an uncut cock. I watched Bomber and Kip suck Wally and realized that neither had sucked a black cock before. This was a new adventure for them and they seemed to like it. Wally was a nice guy, but for Kip and Bomber, the combination of the lure of forbidden fruit with Wally's club cock carried the day. It wasn't Wally's personality they liked.

Tom and Steve were sharing Fred, the brown haired otter. Fred was deep throating Tom, while wiggling his ass in the air. Steve took the invitation and was soon poking his cock in Fred's ass.

Raleigh and Jonathan got with Wayne and Washington. They went to the boat for a private party.

I thought I had lost an otter, the other blond, but I caught a glimpse of him behind Washington. The big mason had totally hidden the boy.

Keith was sucking my cock and Lars was trying to share it. Luke walked over to us. "Willing to share?" he asked. I said, sure. Lars looked a bit unsure about the older man, until Luke dropped his shorts and exposed his monster.

"Holy shit!" the blond otter exclaimed.

"It's quite the ice breaker, isn't it." Luke said. "You got some nice meat yourself. I sure hope you're a doer and not just a looker." Lars answered that question by trying to swallow Luke's cock whole. Keith had me to himself for a while.

Since Keith was a hairdresser, I had figured him as a flaming faggot, queen type. He was oddly inexperienced. Fortunately he made up in interest and enthusiasm, what he lacked in sexual knowledge. I wanted to fuck and was deep in his ass by the time I realized he wasn't experienced.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I've hurt you." I tried to pull out, but he stopped me.

"It will be fine, if you take it a bit slower." he said. "It feels good, after I get use to it. Donnie never fucked me. I need the practice."

"Was Donnie your lover?" I asked.

"Sort of." he said. "My folks found out I was gay and Dad beat me up kind of bad. I ran way and Donnie picked my up hitchhiking. He took me home and gave me a job. He was a hairdresser. He was old, just over 70 and he liked to watch me. He would suck me, but he wasn't a sex for room and board thing. He had just wanted to help."

"Where is Donnie now." I asked.

"He died a year ago. He had a heart attack two years ago and died six months later." Keith explained. "I took care of him. He left me everything. It isn't a lot, but it's a lot more than I ever had before. I just sold the business and decided to see the world. Do you believe I've never been outside of North Carolina?" He squeezed his ass, so I began pumping, slowly.

"Is it feeling better?" I asked.

"It sure is."

"Is this your first time?" I asked.

"No." he said. "It is the first time I've wanted a guy's cock in my ass, though. Damn, you're a good looking guy."

"I was thinking the same about you." As I said that, he relaxed and my cock slipped in all the way. He gasped.

"Damn, that's good!" Keith exclaimed. "Damn, that's why guys like it! Shit, I had no idea. It kind of blows your mind."

"You like it?" I said as I made a hard thrust. He had lost his erection when I first entered him. He was rock hard now. I felt an urge to get his cock in my ass. I lubricated his dick while I continued to pump. He was moaning. I had finally found the groove.

I pulled out, repositioned myself on his cock and sat back. It slid into my ass effortlessly, but must have made a direct hit on my prostate. It was great for me. He gasped.

"I've never done this before." he whispered.

"Do you like it?" I asked

"Oh, God yes!" he replied. I did a little dance on his cock and we both enjoyed that. After a while I got up and fucked him a second time. Keith had figured out the ropes by now and was really getting into it. The longer I was in his ass, the more responsive he got. I was enjoying the fuck when there was a finger at my ass. I glanced back and it was Lars.

Luke was encouraging him to slip into my ass. I didn't object to that at all. I was as deep as I could go in Keith's ass and had him all but bent in half. I could kiss him. This left my ass nice and open. Lars filled the breech. His club cock went in to the hilt and I took a sexual trip to the moon. It was that good. It only took a few seconds for Lars to coordinate his thrusting movements with mine.

It was a chain reaction of thrusting cocks in hot steamy, asses. I remembered joking about a porno movie, when they described the cocks as "thrusting, throbbing, man meat". I was throbbing and I was excited fucking Keith, while Lars' cock was no more than an inch or two away in my ass. I knew I couldn't last long.

None of us did. I felt Keith's seed flood the space between our bodies. That was enough to push me over the edge. I usually have a non-verbal orgasm, but not this time. Everyone on the island knew I was shooting off. They could have heard me in Urbanna, on the other side of the Bay. Next, Lars was moaning, making the deep bass sounds I associate with a totally satisfactory climax. It was good for all of us.

We broke apart and rested. The moon was full and I could make out Bomber's form. He legs were in the air and an invisible force was fucking him. I laughed to myself when I realized it was Wally in Bomber's ass. Wally all but disappeared in the dim moonlight. It was clear there were no race problems there anymore.

There were muted sucking sounds and periodic moans. It was a night made for sucking and fucking and we all took advantage of it. Chambers was slow fucking Bob, the Captain of the Sea Otter. They were talking quietly as Chambers' long cock slowly penetrated Bob's ass and then withdrew, equally slowly. It was clear Bob had thought of Chambers with pure, unadulterated admiration. It was also clear, Bob was a first rate bottom and Chambers had enough experience to appreciate it.

We wandered off to the pool for a swim. Somehow we ended up fucking again in the water. This time I was in Lars' ass while Keith fucked me. Luke was watching, like a happy Grandfather looking over his grandchildren playing.

Next: Chapter 41: Catfish and Company 18

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