Millennium Construction Company

Published on Sep 28, 2001


Millennium Construction Company 4

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

I greatly enjoyed the sexual experiences of the last week and hoped that I could repeat them soon. That wasn't to be. One of the curses of being a man is commitment to work. Work just got too exciting to bother with sex. This seemed to happen to my staff as well as me.

Somehow in the back of my mind, my image of a gay man was a combination of Oscar Wilde and Pee Wee Herman. I associated being gay with effete upper class intellectuals and hair dressers. I discovered there were gay ditch diggers too. I paid well and with my benefit package I could pick and choose the men who wanted to work for me. Everyone was good at what they did. I had expected that of the skilled men, such as the carpenters and painters, but was pleasantly surprised at the laborers.

Tyrone Washington was a monstrously big black guy, who wasn't bright at all, but was a human bulldozer. He loved to work and show how strong he was. Tyrone was a friend of Bobby Jones, a diminutive redneck who had the same approach to work, and no problem with claustrophobia at all. They weren't brain surgeon material, but they got the job done.

The weeks were filled with work and I was too tired to play after quitting time. I hoped to play some on the weekend, although it was getting near Christmas and lots of guys had things to do.

The Friday after the explosion and fire in my block there was a second explosion and fire in downtown Richmond. It destroyed a commercial building and seriously damaged the Palladium Theater next door. The Palladium was a 1920's movie palace that had fallen on hard times. The fire was still burning when I got a call from Art Millwood, the director of the Richmond Art Alliance to look at the building and see if it could be stabilized for future renovation.

I went through the smoldering building the next morning with the building inspector and Max MacAfee, the architect. Building inspectors can be a pain in the tail, but the Chief Inspector knew his stuff and gave us the go ahead to protect everything we could. We had to send a letter to the city saying we understood the risks of working in a damaged building.

Vince was outside directing the firemen in the cleanup. Our eyes met for a second and I immediately knew that we were thinking the same thing. Two explosions and fires in one week were two too many. Something was wrong. These were was not accidents.

We had a meeting that night in the restored room of my house. Art, Vince and Walter Dobson, the director of the Preservation Trust for Virginia, were there, as well as Ed and Max. The nude images of Lee and Stuart looked down on us approvingly.

We knew the fires were arson, but it wasn't clear if they were drug related hits, or the work of a pyromaniac. Both burned buildings contained a drug lab, and both had contained victims. This information had not been released to the public yet.

"I don't know which is worse." I said. "The combination of dead people and a taste for fire is really unattractive."

"I'm afraid that someone with a taste for burning historic structures is on the loose." Walter said. "The Trust has a fund to repair damaged buildings. Arsonists hate to see their handiwork back in operation. We need visible progress as soon as possible."

"Well, the Millennian Construction Company can do it," I said, "but it's hard to put a price on the work at this stage."

"Just start!" Art said. "There is a tour of the area around the Palladium on the Sunday before Christmas. If we can have it looking respectable, it would be great." I agreed to do it somewhat reluctantly, since I wasn't sure how much work could be done in the holiday season. Max lent us one of his architects, Don, to look over the work.

Things got underway on Monday and after a full day of trash removal I soon realized there was very little structural damage to anything other than the roof and the main cornice. The rest of the work was a combination of dirt and poor taste in decoration. Tom Brown was the superintendent on the job, and Skeeter, Bubba and Butch were shoring up the roof and spreading tarps to keep the weather out. Tyrone was hauling trash, and Bobby was between the ceiling and the roof looking for damage. He had a digital camera and was recording the condition of the roof structure.

The theater was a wreck. The acoustical ceilings of the rooms were in poor shape and unbelievably dirty with soot. There was fiberglass insulation above that. The theater was classical with columns and arches all spray painted red. The soot sifted down every time you touched anything. The building had no electricity so we had temporary lights. The damaged building was cold and dismal. After two days my crew was looking tired and worn down.

Around 11:00 on Tuesday, Don and I were in the old concession stand when Bobby came out of the ceiling and pulled the flash card out of the camera and I stuck it in my laptop. Bobby's red hair and beard were almost black, and at his 5'-0" height, he looked like a devil, since his eyes were irritated and red.

"Holy Shit!" Don exclaimed. "There is a stained glass dome!" I looked at the lap top. Between the modern acoustical ceiling and the roof structure was an elaborate leaded glass dome, perhaps thirty feet in diameter. It had a few missing pieces of glass and it was black with soot, but it was still there.

"Yeah, I sawr it." Bobby said in his South side Virginia accent. "It's of clowns." When I looked closely I could see it was of harlequins, Commedia Della Arte stuff. Don and I immediately realized this was a major discovery. It was just the sort of news the Trust needed to build enthusiasm for restoring the building. It was also just the sort of thing that made the Millennium Construction Company look like a major player in the world of restoration contracting. We seemed to have the golden touch.

I called Art and Walter and they raced over. They were wildly enthusiastic. They called the local TV stations and planned a live shoot for the 6:00 news. We got most of the crew up on a scaffold removing the acoustical ceiling. They exposed the dome to view in the early afternoon. We got a call from the reporter who wanted to interview Art and Walter as well as the guy who found the dome. They said they liked the common touch.

I told Bobby this and he was excited. Then he looked uncertain. He was too dirty, he said. I told him he was working hard, and no one would mind.

"My momma would see me." Bobby said. "She'd think it was awful if her boy was on the TV covered in dirt." We talked to him for a while but he couldn't be budged, so I took him home to clean up in my apartment. Bobby was always covered in dirt, but I realized he never came to the site dirty. He just had a knack of getting dirty. When we got to my house, I grabbed his clothes and put them in the washer and he vanished into my bathroom.

Soot is greasy and my laundry skills aren't good, so I put the grimy clothes into the washer with some soap, started it, then read the soap boxes to see if anything would work better. I found some grease remover and added it to the water. I looked at the clock; it was three. The crew was to arrive at 4:30 so I had time to run the washer and the dryer.

In my bedroom Bobby was in the shower. He soon finished and emerged wrapped in a towel. I decided to shower too. I was almost as dirty as he was. I told him to watch the TV. I got out ten minutes later and Bobby was watching the cartoon channel.

He looked at me. "You got a big one." he said. "I like them big." I had been drying off my hair and the towel hadn't covered me. I had been so worried about the TV interview, I had forgotten I was naked. Bobby got up and came over to me. He was similar to Chuck in many ways, but he was as shaggy as Chuck was manicured. He was six inches shorter than Chuck, with about half the cock too.

"I like them in my ass." Bobby said in a matter of fact way. I was afraid I'd split him in half. Bobby played with my cock and seemed to admire its heft. He began to suck and nature took its course. He said he wanted to sit on it, so I got on the bed and he lubed me up. He straddled me and just sat back. It was an even movement, like sliding down a fireman's pole.

Bobby arched his back and opened his mouth. I almost expected to see my cock emerge from his mouth. Bobby was squirming. His ass was tight and his ass was a furnace. My cock actually felt hot. At first I thought he was in pain and was trying to get off. Then I noticed his cock. Soft it had been an empty skin hanging an inch or two below the cock head. Hard it was a respectable six incher. I stroked it a few times and was sprayed by his spectacular orgasm.

He got off my cock and rested on the bed next to me. We both saw the clock on the wall, realized what time it was and jumped up to shower again and get back to the theater. In the truck Bobby asked me what to say. I told him to simply describe how he found it. That was exactly what he did, with no embellishment. He sounded good.

Bobby wasn't smart, but he wasn't a fool either. He worked hard and did what he was told. He wasn't pushy and never put on airs. He said his Momma told him if it was worth doing, it was worth doing well. That was his approach to sex. As it turned out, when he said he liked cocks in the ass, that was an understatement.

The TV coverage was great. Walter was intelligent and informed. I was really nervous but everyone said I did well. Bobby said exactly what I told him and was a hit. His down home approach worked well in contrast to Walter and the whole thing sounded great on the TV.

The Palladium Theater was in a down at the heels part of town and the stained glass dome was just the sort of element that was exciting and interesting enough to get the public's attention. Walter wanted a portion of it cleaned and restored for the Christmas tour. This put my crew into high gear. There were massive amounts of work to do even without the dome.

My painters, Otto and Lance knew a stained glass craftsman and got him to come over. Lou Normant was a real find. He knew glass and every possible way to manipulate it. More importantly he knew every shortcut in glass repair that could stabilize it and preserve it without disassembling it. He was also fast. He had two helpers and I lent him Bobby as a laborer.

Butch, Skeeter and Bubba rigged up a temporary cover for the roof to cover the damage of the fire. Otto did some paint removing on the walls and uncovered part of the original color scheme. I got some extra labor to help with cleansing and trash removal, but most of it had to be done by my men.

Don, the architect, was really helpful. He found the original drawings in the Building Inspectors office and these served as a guide to our work. He had hired Chuck, the architectural draftsman, and had him working full time on the job, doing drawings for the repairs as well as the restoration. I love building things anyway, but this project was exciting. Max or Don would come by and get Skeeter or Lance to remove something, or strip some paint, and nine times out of ten we found something interesting. It might be a mural, mosaic, or a marble floor.

We all worked12 to 18 hours a day for two weeks, but it was worth it when the Art Alliance had its tour and the Palladium Theater was a sensation. We had more than 6,000 visitors. A two page spread in the paper and coverage on every television channel made the building an instant landmark. We were the heros and got great coverage.

It was a week before Christmas and we all deserved some time off. This is when I discovered the problems of being gay and a construction worker. My gay neighbors formed a close support group. They were openly gay and helped each other.

Most of my guys either were on the outs with their families, or didn't want them to know. They had spent most of their adult life hiding their sexual interests and were alone. The holidays weren't much fun for them. I was planning to go off to California to see my daughter for Christmas so I was taken care of.

On December 22 at 11:30 in the morning she called and told me her husband was off on business in Europe and wanted her to join him in London for the holiday. She said this in the nice way that lets you know if I still want to see her at Christmas I could, but she would be deeply disappointed and would hate me forever. She was a good girl in real life and normally she was considerate, but she had learned some tricks of the trade from her mother. I told her to go to see her husband, I would be fine.

I was free for the holiday with nothing planned. Everyone at the office was sympathetic and I soon realized that none of them had any real plans at all. Lance and Tyrone were going off to see their families. Bobby was driving home for the day only and would get back in the evening. He loved his mother, but hated his Uncle Joe, who hated fags and had deep suspicion about his nephew. We had a little Christmas party planned for the office that afternoon, and that was going to be the highlight of the weekend for many of the guys.

Skeeter came up to me in my office and asked if he could have some friends over. He had thought I would be away, so he had asked some of the guys to keep him company for the holiday. I said sure. He was in the attic but you had to go through my apartment to get to it so he always asked. Skeeter never imposed. I asked him who they were.

"Well, Butch is too far away to get home. Things aren't good there anyway." Skeeter said. "Tom's wife has taken his kids to Disneyland, and Otto's mom and dad are dead. Ed's family is visiting his ex's parents in Vermont so he's alone too." Skeeter added. "I was kind of planning a sleepover." He almost whispered this last part. He only had a hot plate, microwave and refrigerator and I knew he had been planning to use my apartment's kitchen for his party. "I bought a turkey." he added.

"If you'd like to join us, it would really be fun." Skeeter said. "Really fun." I knew what he had in mind.

"That's a great idea." I said. "It does sounds like fun. Since all of our plans for the holiday have fallen through, why don't we pool our resources and make our own holiday." Skeeter looked as if a terrific load had been lifted from his shoulders. A few minutes later a deli tray arrived and the guys began to collect for the office party.

The high point was my official distribution of Christmas Bonuses. I gave a talk thanking them for the work they had done and making the first months of the Millennium Construction Company a success.

"My plans for the Christmas holiday fell through this morning, so if any of you guys are free, I would be glad for you to spend Christmas eve at my house." I announced. "I always had an open house on Christmas day and I want to do that again. I will be more than pleased if you men would do me the honor of dropping in and celebrating the season. I know this is real late for an invitation, so I understand if you can't come. I would love to see you, if you can make it."

This was the right thing to say. I knew that many of the guys didn't have any where to go, but most didn't want to admit it. They liked the idea of cheering up the boss since he had been left in the lurch at the last moment. It gave them a good excuse. Frankly, I wanted some company myself.

"As you guys know," Skeeter said, "the boss doesn't like drunks on the roads. The season requires a drink or two, so if any of you guys feel the need, they can bunk in my attic bungalow." Everyone laughed. Several of the men had drinking problems, Skeeter included. I felt it was better to keep this under control and among friends.

"I don't have a tree or anything, but we can make the place look festive somehow." I added. "Merry Christmas!" After eating everything that could be interpreted as edible the men broke up. After everyone went home, I realized I needed to buy a lot of food. I drove to the market and sent Skeeter down the street to search out Christmas decorations. On the 22 of December the selection was poor, but the price was great.

When we got home, problems arose. I had counted on my catering neighbor to give me some pointers on the food, but he was off doing a huge party downtown and would be busy the next day. I was on my own. I had figured out stuffing, potatoes and peas, but that didn't seem to be enough. Skeeter was putting the food away when the door bell rang. Vince, the fireman, was there. He had two younger men with him.

I asked them in. Vince introduced Julio and Steve. They were members of the arson squad. They needed some information about the Palladium theater. I was puzzled. The information they needed wasn't particularly significant and didn't seem to justify an evening visit just before Christmas.

I told them about the Christmas festivities at my house and of my cooking problem. I was going to have eight or nine people for dinner and had no real idea of how to cook the turkey.

"This is your lucky day!" Vince said. "There is nothing as good as firemen's food! Julio is a great cook. He's visiting from Philly, so he's not a southern cook, but he's good." We went to the kitchen and they looked over my grocery purchases and weren't impressed. Vince sent them off to the supermarket to fill in the gaps. Skeeter went along as a guide, since they were new to the city.

"Well Vince. What's up?" I asked as soon as they left. "They're nice guys, but this isn't part of the arson investigation." Vince laughed.

"I didn't think you would believe it." he said. "They're good kids sent down here to fill in for the holidays. Our regular group is on leave, on vacation, or sick. We needed some guys to be on call if we have another fire. I discovered that they have a taste for older men." He paused and smiled. "I won't tell you exactly how I discovered it, but they seem to like daddy types. When I heard you were going to be in town, I though you guys might like to get together."

"You aren't daddy enough?" I asked. He laughed.

"My daughter and her family are arriving tomorrow for a week." he said. "If it wasn't for that I wouldn't be sharing! When you told me about your party, I figured it might be just what they would like. They are really open minded. And they are really nice guys to boot." The doorbell rang again. It was Larry. Every time Vince showed up, Larry seemed to appear right behind him.

Larry heard of my situation and having found a Christmas tree , he wanted to know if I could use it. I said sure. Skeeter, Julio and Steve returned with groceries and we all sat down to plan dinner. After about ten minutes I saw Julio looking at Vince with unadulterated lust in his eyes. Larry and Steve were hitting it off. I got a bottle of wine out and we all relaxed. I made some hamburgers for everyone and I soon had two more house guests for the holiday.

Vince mentioned Larry's hot tub next door and Larry asked us all over to try it out. Skeeter said he had to stay and get his room ready, so the rest of us went to Larry's house. The hot tub was designed for four people and we had five. Vince and I were both big men and it would be a snug fit. That didn't seem to bother anyone, least of all Julio and Steve.

Steve was in his mid twenties, tall and blond with pale skin. His eyes were pale blue and while his chest was covered in hair, it almost disappeared it was so fine. His lips were pink as were his nipples and cock head. He was cut and the head was big and almost bisected by his slit.

Julio was shorter and more muscular with black hair and an olive complexion. A forest of curly and glossy hair covered his chest. A trail of hair connected his chest to his pubic forest. His cock peeked from the forest, but his balls were all but lost.

I joined Larry in the tub and Steve got in beside me. Briefly his cock was at my eye level and I saw a bead of precum emerge from his slit. He was still soft but I knew he was ready and willing. Vince joined us and finally Julio got in the tub. It was a tight fit. I moved my arms and put them around the guys on each side, Steve on one side and Vince on the other. Steve snuggled closer to me. Even in the bubbly water I could see he was erect. We talked about Christmas plans. Steve was feeling my cock and I was surprised as how quickly I responded. I was rock hard.

While Vince, Steve and I were talking, I noticed that Larry and Julio were quiet. I looked over and saw them making out. I was hot in the tub so I sat on the edge of the tub and Steve was immediately on my cock. It wasn't Steve's first cock.

"Let's get out of the tub and more comfortable." Larry said. "I hate to combine sex and burns!" We got out and dried off. This was hard because both Steve and Julio didn't want to give up the cocks they were nursing on. Steve's cock was surprisingly big. Julio's was still hiding in his pubic bush. Larry began to moan as he shot off and the big load of cum seemed to satisfy Julio. Steve had transferred his affections to Vince and Vince popped almost immediately.

"Damn, these boys are hot!" Larry exclaimed.

"I'm sorry." Julio said. "I didn't mean to pop you so quickly." Larry smiled.

\ "Believe me, I'm not complaining!" Larry said. "You guys are fast and good."

"I've never been able to do this before." Steve said.

"This is your first time?" I said incredulously. They laughed.

"Not really." Steve said. "I mean, this is the first time I ever was able to do this openly. I'm not sneeking around or afraid to be discovered. I'm as exited as a six-year-old at Christmas."

"It is Christmas." Vince said. "These boys are daddy deprived. They didn't know that until they met me in the station shower room, but they know it now."

"Are you guys old friends?" I asked.

"We've worked together for about three years, but I had no idea anyone in the squad was gay." Julio said. "Other than me, of course. I was never so shocked in my life when I walked in on the Chief and Steve."

"Scared me half to death." Steve said.

"Well boys." Vince said. "That's happened a few times to me too. You might not believe this, but everyone has had the same reaction. They join in. I don't know if it's because they are gay, want to see my cock closer or just get closer to the Chief. Whatever it is, they all join in."

"I thought I'd be kicked out." Steve said. "It didn't strike me until the next day that the man who would need to do the kicking out was the same man I was sucking." Vince got up and began to dress.

"Larry, John. I've started these boys' education. They know now that you can be a man and gay." Vince said. "I figure that you can complete the education. I've got to pick up my daughter at the airport at 11:30, so these pups are yours." It was going to be a Christmas to remember.

Next: Chapter 5

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