Millennium Construction Company

Published on Sep 6, 2002


Catfish & Company 17

By Bald Hairy Man. Contact me at or This story is all fantasy, all gay and mostly bear. If you don't like that, Don't read it!

Skeeter was timid and tight, but he wanted my cock so bad he was willing to put up with a lot. I was willing to help him out. It wasn't easy getting in, but Skeeter's interest never flagged. Buddy was a first rate bottom, so he coached him. He also gave Skeeter a few snorts of Rush. Once I got fully embedded and the poppers took effect, all was well.

Deep in his heart Skeeter was a strong, silent type, red neck. My cock pushed him over the edge and he was a moaning and whimpering mass of male hormones. He was on that razor thin edge between ecstasy and pain. My horse cock was the absolute limit as to what he could take. He was like a violin and my cock was the bow. Every movement of my cock made him moan, twitch, or shiver.

My dick was a true joy stick and small movements caused convulsive reactions in Skeeter. I had started thinking his would be a nice utility fuck to get my rocks off, but I got into it kind of deep. He was real tight and I didn't think I could pile driver fuck him without hurting him. It was one of the few times when I felt every square inch of my cock had bonded to his ass. Every nerve in my fuck tool was sending pleasurable signals to my brain. I knew my cock in his ass was in total control of his emotions.

I would pull out and his ass would try to hold my cock head in a vice-like grip. As I pushed in, he reacted to every movement and by the time I was deep in him, he could hardly breathe. Before Skeeter, I had thought of the ass as a hole. Skeeter's ass had lips that caressed my cock and after some effort, opened to let me into his love tunnel. I will swear Skeeter's ass kissed my cock.

My balls were telling me to pound the shit out of the guy and shoot. My mind told me to be careful and take my time. Lonnie pulled off the road to see what was going on in the back. I was getting into the same state Skeeter was in. Every sexual nerve was raw, but I couldn't pop.

Lonnie saw my predicament and came to my rescue. He stripped, lubricated his cock and popped it into my back door. The second his cock head hit my prostate, I popped and that was enough to send Skeeter over the edge. Buddy lunged forward when he saw the first glob of cum emerge from Skeeter's cock. He swallowed every drop.

When I finally pulled out, I felt as if I was a pound or two lighter. There wasn't a single drop of cum left in my body. Skeeter looked as happy as any man could be. I felt pretty good too. Lonnie had popped in my ass, got dressed and went back to driving.

"Damn, that was hot!" Buddy said. "Skeeter, my buddy, I forgive you for holding out on me about bottoming. That was the best show I've ever seen. Damn. I didn't know you had it in you."

"I didn't either." Skeeter said. "Shit. I'm sorry. I lost it."

"Hey, we're pals." Buddy said. "How many times have you cracked my nut? Thirty, forty times? It seems to me you've dropped a load in my ass every time we've had a chance too."

"I guess so." Skeeter replied.

"Have I ever pretended to not like being fucked? Shit no."Buddy said.

"It was embarrassing." Skeeter said.

"Why, because you enjoyed yourself? Because you shot the biggest load of your life?" Buddy continued. "You never complained when I hit the back wall of the trailer with my jiz. Did you? You finally relax enough to let it all hangout and you're embarrassed? Come on!" To emphasize the point, Buddy leaned over and lapped up some of his friends cum as it quivered on the blonde's still oozing cock. He licked it up.

The rest of the trip was uneventful until we got to Mom's. When we got to my house, I went in alone. Aunts Becky and Ellen were being nice to Edith. Edith's condition was not good. The cuts from the explosion had required 67 stitches so she was in shock. She looked like shit. The combination of the cuts and the embarrassment of being used by the Preacher had taken a toll on her. My Aunts took mercy on her.

Mom and Ellen led her to bed. Becky filled me in on the local news. The Preacher had vanished, leaving the flock to fend for themselves. It was finally dawning on the "True Believers", the Preacher planned to burn them up in the Temple and he apparently was not planning to take the trip to heaven with them.

There was an all points bulletin out for the Preacher, but his car was left at the Temple. He must have been using another car no one knew about. The town was an armed camp, with the local Police and State Troopers very much in evidence. There were a lot of hunting rifles ready for use too. The full extent of the Temples activities were now known and most realized there was a mass murderer on the loose.

My cousin Buddy came by with his two children. Becky was going to take them to her cottage on the Outer Banks for a week. Buddy felt it would be a good idea to get them away from town until the Preacher was captured. He assumed the Preacher was the killer. I didn't mention there probably was another murderer. It was possible the mass murderer was the Preacher, but I doubted that. Someone had killed Mr. Edland and Buddy's wife and who knows how many other people by now. He was at large too. I guessed the Preacher wasn't the sort who got his hands dirty, let alone covered in blood.

There was so much excitement in town the kids wanted to stay, but Becky was obviously a favorite aunt and a fun woman to boot. They went off with her without too much complaint.

Ellen returned from putting Aunt Edith to bed. She and Mom were going to stay with Edith 24/7, until Edith was feeling better and had told them all they wanted to know.

"She is a foolish woman and the only way she can redeem herself is to tell all." Ellen said. "I know she knows more than she admits. If she will babble in her sleep, I will be taking notes!" I told her I had some men to stay at the house and protect them if necessary. She said it wasn't necessary, they could take care of themselves. She did not insist, so I realized she was relieved to have a man around. Lonnie appeared. They had been at Sally's funeral with him and seemed to think of Lonnie as an old friend.

I took Buddy to the Winnabago and introduced him to the guys. When Buddy, my cousin, met Buddy the mechanic, they clicked immediately. I had never seen love at first sight, but it was damn close. Cousin Buddy offered to take Buddy, the mechanic, to his house, so it would be less crowded. It would be more restful, he said. I doubted rest was on their minds.

Sheriff Earl and Slim drove up. They were checking on Edith.

"You know there was no real justification for letting Edith off." Earl said. "It's just that she was so pathetic. I was hoping to question her."

"No chance of that now, she's sleeping." I said, then I told him of Ellen and Mom's plans. He chuckled.

"They may have a better chance of getting something out of her than me." he said. "Are they serious about questioning her?"

"Dead serious. Mom has tendencies to be merciful, Ellen can't tolerate fools, least of all in the family." I answered. "Ellen was a legal secretary. She knows the ropes and takes diction at a million words a minute. Don't worry, if Edith says anything they will get it word for word."

I introduced Earl and Slim to Buddy and Skeeter. Everyone understood each other real well. I wondered how long it would be before Slim appeared at the door of the Winnabago. Earl was cousin Buddy's lover. He noticed the obvious attraction between the two Buddys, but didn't seem to mind. Slim and Earl both appreciated the fully outfitted camper. The motels in town were filled with police and FBI. There was a need for a quiet getaway.

Earl offered to take me to the Temple site, so I left my Mom and Aunts in Lonnie and Skeeter's hands. In the rear view mirror of the Chief's cruiser I could see the two Buddys taking off for the farm.

"We were a minute of two away from being blown up here." Earl said. "Thanks for the warning. I should have thought of that myself. It would fit the M.O."

"Are there any locals who have a real problem with authority?" I asked. "I'm not sure they originally intended to kill policemen and emergency workers, but it seems to me, the guy who did it may have acquired a taste for it."

"You may be right. I've told my men to be careful." Earl replied. "The church building is booby trapped. We've found two more devices."

"No one hurt?"

"No one, but it makes the investigation of the site a bit slow." Earl continued. "We've arrested all the usual suspects. My guys were none too delicate, but I think they are a dry hole. The State Troopers have a list of anti government people, you know, the guys who send threatening letters to the Governor and the like. They are going after them." We got to the site of the church. It was nothing but smouldering rubble, surrounded by a ring of fire engines, police cars and emergency vehicles.

Earl introduced me to some of the firemen and then went off to talk to a ATF agent. A young volunteer fireman came up to me.

"Are you the guy called Catfish?" He asked.


"I'm a friend of Jim." he said. "He described you. I guessed it was you." Jim was the kid I played with when I was pruning my Mom's shrubs a month earlier. "I'm Keith. Jim said he had a really good time with you."

"I had a good time with Jim too. I said.

"Jim and I were talking about the bombing. The one in Richmond, not this one." Keith said. He had a slight air of being proud that his own small town had it's own bombing. This would be the first time Victoriaville would ever be on the national news. "Jim couldn't think of anyone mean enough to do something this bad." He paused. "I could."

"Let's have names." I said. "Too many dead people here to play games."

"Your right about that, I came damn near to being one of them when the church blew." Keith said. "Do you remember the Johnson boys? You may have been in school with them."

It took a second, but I remembered them. They were a few years older than me and they had liked bullying the younger smaller kids, about the time I was in fifth grade. "Was that Carlton and Bart Johnson?" I asked.

"Yep." Keith said. "They live in an isolated farm about six miles to the west of here. Mean as snakes. They spent some time at the Victory Temple, but not at the services. Jim's sister found out from a girl she knew. They had the hots for one of the girls there, a fourteen year old. Apparently the Preacher had told them they could have her."

"What does that have to do with the bombing?" I asked.

"Nothing directly, but the Preacher asked the girl to go with them and he said, the guys had done a lot for the Temple. He referred to one of the brothers as, "Nitro man"." Keith said. "The girl thought he said "Night-o man", but Jim figured it was "Nitro". It ain't much, but it might be worth looking into."

"Is that why you are talking to me?"

"It doesn't seem to be enough to tell the police, but it seemed I should tell someone." Keith said.

"I think your right about that. I'll check on it." I said.

Keith got closer to me and whispered, "Jim said you two had a really good time when you got together." I took a long look at him. He was young, maybe 21, but he sure was fully grown. "Are you staying at your Moms?" he asked.

"Actually I am bunking in the Winnabago next door in the lot beside her house. I'll be busy until late, but drop in if you're out wandering after 10:00 or so." I said. He went back to the smouldering ruins. I pulled out my cell phone and called the office, asking them to do a search on Carlton and Bart Johnson.

Earl returned. He had never heard of the men. They had no run ins with the law. Earl had been here for about ten years and he wouldn't have known the school bullies. The ATF men were happy with what they found. They were sure some of the same materials used in the Richmond bombs were used here.

Earl took me home. Lonnie and Skeeter were all but members of my family by the time I got back. Skeeter was one of those guys who had been taught to be real polite around ladies. He also was really appreciative of home made food and Mom and Ellen loved to cook. One was always with Edith, but somehow they had made an apple pie and were working on a pot roast for dinner.

Skeeter was big and a stranger in town. Having him prowling around the house was useful, if the murderer was watching , he wouldn't know what Skeeter was. It was the death penalty for killing a cop in Virginia and Skeeter could have been undercover.

I watched Edith while Mom and Ellen ate with Lonnie and Skeeter. I like my Mom's food, but I never approached Skeeter's level of appreciation. I realized he must not have had much of a family life growing up. Sitting with Edith for an hour and a half was good for me. I had always dislike the woman who had always been a sour bitch, but she was so pathetic I felt sorry for her. Being a bitch and stupid wasn't the same thing as being criminal. I wondered if her face would be scarred.

She had been handsome in a horsey way. Even for a woman in her early 70s, being scarred would be horrible for her. She moaned.

"I'm here, Aunt Edith." I said. "It's Catfish. Momma and Aunt Ellen are downstairs if you need them."

"I've been a fool." she whimpered. "He was a false prophet. I thought he was a Saint."

"He was behind the bombings in Richmond, Edith." I said. "Do you know who helped him?"

"No one could have possibly done anything that awful." she said.

"Buddy's wife was helping." I said. "You know that, don't you?"

"I can't believe it." she moaned, but a trace of her normal sanctimoniousness in her voice. I decided to take a flyer.

"Could Carlton and Bart Johnson been involved?" I asked.

"Oh God," she said, "Oh no! That's why they were there! I saw them once in awhile with the Preacher. They were trash and I thought they had reformed, but they never came to services. Bart was in the Army. He was in a bomb squad. Dishonorable discharge. We never learned why." Edith seemed to have exhausted herself.

I left the room and called Mom to replace me at Edith's side. I raced to the Winnabago and called my office, telling them about the bomb squad info. The computer geeks had discovered the Army records and the discharge, but not the reason. I called Earl and told him.

Earl had not been resting. He had done some work on the Johnson brothers and was not at all happy with what he found. "I'm putting a watch on their farm. It's dark already, I'll go in tomorrow morning for a search." Earl said. "Slim was downright pissed he hadn't thought of them right off. Odd characters."

I went back to the house. Skeeter and Lonnie was going to spend the night there, with Lonnie at the back door and Skeeter at the front. I was to stay in the Winnabago to maintain contact with my office. Ellen and Lonnie were working on brownies. Ellen and Mom switched places and Mom told me of Edith's ramblings. The Johnson brothers were the focus of her thoughts. I went back to the mobile home.

Keith must have been waiting for me to leave the house. He wandered by on the side walk and said, "Hi". It was as if we had met by accident. I asked him in. He eagerly accepted. He was dressed in a tee shirt and shorts. I had no real idea what he looked like under the Firemen's equipment. He was football player muscular, dark hair, with a small mustache. His shorts were cut off jeans. His cock and balls were clearly indicated by wear marks.

He was nervous and excited. I could see his cock growing as I closed the door.

"Jim said, you were real nice." Keith said.

"Is he a good friend of yours?"

"Yes." Keith answered.

"How close are you?" I asked lowering my voice."

"I guess about as two guys can get." he said. He began to whisper. "Jim told me all about you and what you did, but he had to go back to school before we had a chance to try them out."

"You want to try something now?" I asked.

"I've been thinking about it every night since Jim left.

Next: Chapter 40: Chesapeake Construction Company 7

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