Millennium Construction Company

Published on Aug 18, 2002


Catfish & Company 16

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments send them to or

Buddy had to get to work early, so he was out of the trailer at six. I took a second ride on Beau's cock and then went to work. I made a call to the Richmond police as soon as I got back.

The Richmond Police arrested Reverend Johnny before noon. They searched his house and found a bottle of the drug Bert overdosed on. My connection in the police, Bob Miller, told me Johnny was all but bragging about it when a real high powered lawyer showed up and made him shut up. The drug came from a pharmacy in Charlotte, North Carolina and was made out to a man named Carstairs McMillian. I relayed the comment from the funeral about a man named Carstairs.

Bob Miller had been a second from the bottom detective when I had been on the force. He had risen to the top due to the shake up in the Department. He was more dogged than bright I thought, but he had been working with us from the start. He wanted to find the bombers as much as we did. I was surprised at how fast the investigation progressed with the new information. Bob wanted to prove he deserved his new rank in the department. He just needed a break to make an advance. That was fine with me.

Miller was onto the North Carolina connection like a hound on a fox. When it came to basic everyday police work, Bob was good. I sent Lonnie to the Southern Bar and Grill to see what the reaction there was to Johnny's arrest. I wondered if he had been bragging to other patrons of the bar about his exploits.

Lonnie called me a 8:00 that evening with his cell phone. A guy had been there asking about Beau and his friends. No one knew where they were and the man had left his phone number and a promise of a hundred dollars for anyone who called. Lonnie followed the man out and saw his car had North Carolina plates. I was on my way to Beau's trailer in ten minutes.

Beau hadn't gone to the bar yet. I told him the whole story and said, he was going to be bunking with me for a while. We called Skeeter and Buddy and told them to lay low and keep away from the Southern Bar and Grill. No one knew much about them, including where they lived and worked. Beau thought no one would tell the guy where he lived since everyone disliked the Reverend so much. I reminded him the nights were long and boozy. A hundred dollars might look good at two in the morning.

I was afraid Beau would be pissed I had used his information to get the Reverend. Fortunately, he was really interested. He had been shocked at the bombing and had done some volunteer work in the aftermath. He had found a body in the apartment house for the elderly and took it real personally. Beau was more than willing to help. He packed fast, grabbed his photographs of his kids and we left. It was a furnished trailer and he had no possessions at all.

Beau was also looking for a new job, having just finished framing a house the week before. When I got to my office, I called John and asked if he needed some new guys working for the Millennium Construction Company. John said, he'd talk to Beau tomorrow. Lonnie already had called in his information to Bob Miller. By the time we got back to the office, the police had followed the clues. The phone number was for a motel room. The car was not registered. The license plate was a fake, no such number existed in the North Carolina DMV. A few minutes later Vince dropped by.

He was in his Fire Department Chief's dress uniform and looked mighty impressive. I introduced him to Beau. They both liked what they saw. Vince had been at a promotion ceremony and had talked to Wilmot Evans.

"I think I misjudged the man." Vince said, "He is sure on board now. Big advances on all fronts." I told him of my talks with Bob Miller.

"Bob is like a lazy Basset Hound who gets a scent." I said. "He's on the trail and won't let go until he has tracked down the killers. They must know the noose is tightening." I told Vince about Beau's role in unraveling the plot.

"It's private citizens like you who have driven this investigation." Vince said.

"I helped by accident." Beau said, "Donkey Man made the connections."

"Donkey Man?" Vince asked. I explained my deception. Vince had a good laugh at that.

"If you like Donkey dicks, or horse cocks, or Tonsil Ticklers, Vince here is the man for you." I said. "He has the meat to beat."

"Are you guys members of a club?" Beau was smiling as he asked this, but I knew he was interested and wanted to know more about Vince.

"Not exactly a club," I said, "although they are building one. I guess it would be best to say, we are a group of like minded guys." Vince looked Beau in the eye.

"I take it you are a like minded guy too" he said.

"I don't really know." Beau said. "I like to suck cock and get sucked. Does that make me one of the guys?" Vince let out a belly laugh.

"It sure goes a long way!" he said, still laughing. "Something about the way you said that makes me think this might be the first time you've admitted that. Beau, you're among friends, here. We're all cock suckers. We're all men who like man sex. "

"Why don't you guys get comfortable upstairs." I suggested. "I'll join you shortly." They went up and I sat down looking at messages from earlier in the day. By the time I went upstairs, Vince and Beau were naked and sucking.

Vince was usually 100% top. He too discovered Beau's warm spot for fucking. Beau was such a nice guy, you wanted to help him out. I had helped him out the night before, Vince helped him tonight. It was about ten and for some reason I wanted to fuck. Usually a nice J.O. session will meet my needs, but I really wanted to fuck. I realized we were without a real bottom in my bedroom. I got up, dressed and went downstairs to the office. Everyone was busy there, so I wandered over to John's house. It was dark. A car drove up. The window rolled down.

"Hey there, short, hairy and ugly. Looking for a good time?" I was going to say something nasty when I recognized the voice. It was Tom, one of John's superintendents.

"What are you doing out this late?" I asked.

"We had a bad pour for a floor slab, we spent the last six hours trying to fix it. I had to drop the company truck off at the back." Tom said. "I have to drive home, then get back here at six tomorrow."

"You can spend the night here, if you don't mind the commotion." I said. I got up to the window. "I am in the mood for some hot and heavy fucking tonight. Are you game? It's a great relaxer."

"I'm really tired." Tom said that in a way that indicated he could be convinced really easily.

"When was the last time you shot off?" I asked. That comment was enough to change his mind. I had never fucked Tom before, but I knew he liked the bottom. We had partied together and he has seen me in action, so he knew what he was getting into.

"Do you think you could fuck me to sleep?" he asked. I said, we could sure try. We went back to my apartment.

Vince was sitting on Beau's cock when we got to the bedroom. Tom was a regular at John's house and was a participant in the open sex there, so he just stripped and took a shower. Vince had to go home, so he dressed and left. Beau took a shower to clean up after his fuck session with Vince. The two men joined me in my bedroom.

Tom is short, muscular, with dirty blond hair. He was good looking and Beau, who looked a bit like Bluto, was obviously taken with him. I thought I might have lost my chance for a fuck for the night.

"There's no way the donkey dick can fit in your ass." Beau said. "That fucker must weigh more than you do."

"Seeing is believing." Tom said. I had planed to have a nice utility fuck. Quick in, quick out and no bother. Tom was thinking the same way, but neither of us had considered our cocks and their feelings.

It didn't turn out the way I expected. I was sitting on the edge of the bed and Beau took a hankering to my cock. We had sucked the night before, but Beau seemed to have relaxed some and was doing a first rate job. Beau had his ass in the air and open. Tom was inspired by this and fingered Beau's ass. I was going to tell Tom, Beau was a top, but I figured Beau was an adult and could take care of himself.

Tom decided to lubricate Beau's ass with spit, using his tongue as an applicator. Beau seemed to like this a lot. All this attention to Beau's ass turned Beau into a first rate sucker. His interest in my cock seemed to increase with Tom's interest in his ass. We all knew exactly where this was heading.

Beau was trying to swallow my entire cock. I pivoted so we could 69. I was at Beau's cock. He had spread his legs, so Tom could rim him. Tom was inches from my face as I sucked Beau's dribbling cock. Tom sat back and a few seconds later, his cock appeared, hard as a rock and aimed at Beau's virgin ass hole. He poked his mushroom in the hole a few times. Beau moaned. He pulled out, coated his cock in spit, then shoved it deep.

As Tom's cock vanished in Beau's hole, my cock vanished in Beau's throat. He deep throated me, for only the second time in my life. I started to shoot, Beau shot and Tom popped at the same time. It was good. We broke apart and I fell asleep. Orgasms are the best sleeping pills.

Next morning I took Beau over to John's office to see if Beau could get a job. Skeeter, John's tenant was there. Skeeter did most of the hiring of labor. It was clear John had clued him in on Beau's situation. They hit it off well and Skeeter hired him on the spot and offered him a bed in the attic until the murderer was caught.

I felt like I had done my good deed for the day, but when I got back to my office there was a call from Buddy, the mechanic and the Sheriff from home. I called Buddy first. He said, a guy had been by looking for him, but the girl at the counter had told the guy it was his day off. I told him to get over to my office right away and have the girl call Miller. I also told Buddy to check his pickup before he drove it.

I called the Sheriff next. He said, Slim was worried. There was lots of activity at the Victory temple and something was afoot. He was trying to get a search warrant, but the Judge was balking. He was a Baptist and a big time born again. He said, he was afraid of church versus state issues. Sheriff Earl had other ideas. About a minute after we hung up, my Mom called.

"You're Aunt's acting strangely." she said. "Edith's always acted strangely, but she called and said good by, she was going on a trip."

"She ain't the cruising type, is she?"

"She had that pompous, exalted air she has when she's thinking about God and getting ready to do something stupid." Mom said.

"Like when she gave all that money to the missionary?"

"Like that, but much worse. Muttering stuff like, she's sorry for all the things she's done, but she never meant any harm." Mom said.

"Call the Sheriff, now!" I said. "He thinks something is afoot, he needs to know."

"Do you think it's that serious?"

"I sure as shit do!" I had forgotten I was talking to Mom. She was so concerned, she forgot to complain about my language. She said, she'd call now.

At noon, Earl raided the Victory Temple. The place had twenty or so "True Believers" praying inside. Earl took them out for questioning and they had just cleared the sanctuary when the building burst into flame. Lots of minor injuries, glass cuts and bruises caused by flying debris, no fatalities among the "True Believers", or the police. Earl told me about it from his cruiser radio.

"Watch out for a second bomb!" I screamed at him.

"Shit, your right!" he exclaimed as he hung up. The Fire Department had just arrived. I later found out they stayed back and the second bomb exploded, with only minor injuries. It had been a canister of shrapnel. It was a man killer.

By now Buddy was at my office. I got Lonnie to find Skeeter and reel him in. The bad guys were in a killing frenzy. They had lost, but they might try to do a lot of damage before they were caught.

I turned on the news. Much to my surprise, the Richmond Police had road blocks throughout the city, checking for bombs and suspects. The Police and the Fire Department Arson investigators had arrived at the Mayor's house that morning and they gave up all pretense of following the Mayor's instructions. I thought they had heard of the new bombing at the Victory Temple.

Wilmot Evans called and told me they had a search warrant for the Mayor's house and office and were going thought it with a fine tooth comb.

"How is your niece? I asked.

"She and the kids are at my house. She found something on his computer last night. Her thirteen year old removed the hard disk and brought it in. It's very bad." he said. "Very bad."

"Do you have a Police guard at your house?" I asked. There was silence.

"There will be." he said, as he hung up the phone.

My Mom called later in the day. She and Aunts Ellen and Becky were off to post bail for Edith.

"She has a bad cut, so they are letting her go. No one's telling anything." Mom said. In the background I could hear Aunt Becky ranting. "There are no Miranda rules in this house. If we're posting bail, that foolish girl will tell us everything!" Mom said she was off and then she asked if I could come home to help out. "We feel a bit exposed here."

I said, sure.

A huge Winnabago drove up to my office. My first thought was another bomb, but Lonnie waved to me from the passenger side window. Skeeter's lived in the motor home, so they drove it over. I told Butch, I need to go to Mom's. He understood. The Police were doing their jobs, so I wasn't needed. Skeeter offered to give me a ride. The motor home was fully outfitted with phones, a satellite dish, a computer and a television. I agreed. Buddy, the mechanic joined us, so Skeeter, Lonnie, Buddy and I took off.

Lonnie had been a truck driver at sometime in his career, so he drove and I watched the Televison and made calls from the living area. The Charlotte police had closed in on the North Carolina part of the operation. The scheme had unraveled. I could relax.

The trip was four hours in my car, in the Winnabago, it was five and a half. We had some time to kill. I was thinking of taking a nap. Buddy and Skeeter had another plan.

"Buddy here tells me you got the Dick of Death." Skeeter commented. "Do you give rides?"

"I've been known to give a guy a trial run, if he's into it." I said. Skeeter looked at me long and hard. He swallowed.

"I'm into it." he said, almost whispering. I caught the look on Buddy's face. I realized Buddy didn't know Skeeter bottomed. Skeeter was a big, blond, redneck. I knew how difficult it was for him to admit he wanted it in the ass. I smiled at him.

"That sounds good to me. Do you want to take a look at my fucker before you get on board?" I asked.

"I'd sure like that." Skeeter replied. He looked at me closely again. "I'd like a real close look."

"Hey, Lonnie!" I yelled. "Avoid potholes for the next few miles. We're getting up close and personal back here and I don't want to hurt anyone." I stripped naked. Buddy was already nude and Skeeter stripped slowly. He was uneasy. He wanted my cock bad, but he was obviously embarrassed. Buddy knew why. Skeeter was on the floor looking at my cock while I sat on a bed. Buddy joined him.

"You've been holding out on me. How often do you take it in the ass?" Buddy asked. He was speaking softly. "Donkey Man's cock was in my ass for a good hour and a half last night. I never got to look at it close like now. Look at that beautiful bead of man juice on the slit! Do you want if? I'll take it if you don't." They stuck out their tongues together and shared it. "You were such a good top, Skeeter, I never guessed."

"I've done it once or twice." Skeeter said.

"You liked it, didn't you?"


"You liked it a lot more than you were willing to admit. Didn't you?" Buddy asked. Skeeter tried to swallow my cock whole in response.

"Donkey Man's cock is different from the usual fuck." Buddy continued. "It fills up every space you have left over in your innards. I felt he was reaching toward my heart. Like his was giving me CPR in my ass. You're going to love it."

Next: Chapter 39: Catfish and Company 17

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