Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jul 24, 2002


Chesapeake Construction Company 6.

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments, send them to or

You can read Millennium Construction Company and Catfish & Company to get to know the characters better.

Luke wasn't what I expected at all. I don't get infatuated and don't fall in love easily. Luke was taken with me. It wasn't love, but there was a powerful amount of lust and desire. He was loving and considerate as he worked his monster into my ass. There was no really delicate way to get his pole in, but he sure tried.

He was so excited and considerate, I didn't mind the rough spots. I wasn't fucked as much as occupied. I'm no virgin, but never had so much of another man's anatomy occupied so much of mine. Everything in my ass was pressed, shoved and stretched. It was like a glacier slowly moving into a valley. Slow, inevitable and pushing everything out of its way.

It was different from any other fucking I had experienced. The feelings were different. I couldn't respond to him, my thoughts were too confused and complex. When he got it fully lodged in my ass, he rested and let me get use to it. He just pulsed it in small movements. I guessed the small movement was enough to maintain his erection. It didn't quite hurt, but I was afraid one small miscalculation might be enough to rip me wide open.

"You've done well, Trent." Luke said. "I knew you could take it. You're tight, but willing. Damn, you a good looking man." He was playing with my tits and the hair on my chest. He looked me in the eye. He was almost crying he was so happy. I was taken back by the affection in his face.

I don't know what happened, something gave way in my rectum and suddenly his cock felt just fine. I must have relaxed knowing Luke was more worried about hurting me, than I was of being hurt. Whatever it was, Luke felt it too. His cock became a part of me. My cock and prostate kicked into overdrive. He pulled out an inch or two and slowly pressed it back, deep. I moaned.

I don't know how long we fucked. Luke got more vigorous as my muscles relaxed and my cock got more excited. I had watched him fuck Bomber and couldn't believe this was the same man. Luke was totally in control, but knew exactly what I wanted. He seemed to have a perfect understanding of my sexual anatomy. When I wanted to be rammed, he would pull out and pile drive. Then he pulsed slowly, letting me catch my breath, but still maintaining the pressure.

Only as I had a spectacular orgasm, did Luke pull out and spray me with his seed. We shot off together with our cum coating my gut and chest. I don't know how he was able to pull out spewing cum just as I climaxed. I didn't know I was going to shoot.

Luke lay beside me and licked the cum from my chest. I fell asleep and when I woke the next morning Luke was gone. Breakfast was bacon and eggs. It was surprisingly well received by the actors. They had been in low salt and no fat purgatory for years and welcomed a real breakfast. Luke cooked it.

"I really appreciate last night." he whispered to me.

"It was my pleasure." I said. "I enjoyed it."

"I really mean it. You didn't have to do it." Luke said. After breakfast most of the group went fishing, or wandering around the island. I was with Chambers and Bomber. They wanted more detailed information on the building project.

Chambers had briefly been an architecture major in college and still had an interest in design. Bomber was a carpenter before achieving wrestling fame. They thought the design was clever and sensible. Both knew quite a bit about building. Chambers had struck me as a nice guy, Bomber turned out to a normal man, once he dropped the wrestling persona. He also was brighter than I thought.

Bomber did have a tendency to drop back into wresting bombast, but Chambers would tell him to stop it and act like a human being. Bomber would do that.

"Is it hard to be a star and a human being too?" I asked. "Does the fame get to you."

"It can." Chambers said. "Especially at first, when it's all new and you can't tell friends from the snakes."

`It's worse for wrestlers." Bomber said. "The public wants you to be the most extreme ass hole imaginable and you need to be that way in public. People really think you are your character. It's hard to believe."

"Being gay and a romantic lead is a bitch." Chambers said. "It was hard on Rock Hudson and the press were pussy cats compared to today's tabloids. Everyone is trying to destroy you. Either to promote someone else, or from the shear love of destroying the lives of the Rich and Famous."

"Wrestling is funny that way too." Bomber said. "You have a bunch of over muscled, all but naked men, showing their cocks under the thinnest layer of cloth they can manage. They are in full body contact and affect personalities that would be outlandish for a drag queen. No one is gay though, straight as an arrow! That's for sure!"

"Are many wrestlers really gay?" I asked.

"I'd never answer that question. If I get caught and exposed, I'm done, but I won't drag anyone down with me." Bomber said. "You never know if the guy with his cock in you ass is a reporter for the Daily Dirt & Shopper's Guide."

"Well, you don't need to worry about that here." I said. "No one here had a secret desire for fame. It seems most of us have a not too secret desire for ass and cock."

"Amen, Brother!" Bomber said.

"When I had my first hit program, I thought most people either liked me, or wanted to hitch a ride on my star." Chambers said. "It took me a while to discover they either, wanted to be my dearest friend in all the world, or destroy and humiliate me. I'm a gay romantic lead, not at all effeminate. I have a quiet lifestyle, not showy or pretentious in any way. I contribute to every worthy cause and take a leadership role in some. That is not enough to keep some people from gunning for me."

"Is it jealousy?" I asked.

"I think it's being an ass hole. Some guys are never going to amount to shit. They never are going to make a single contribution to the world. If they can't create something, they can at least ruin something." Bomber said.

"And there's an aspect of fifteen minutes of fame involved too." Chambers added. "You'd be amazed at what some people would do for fifteen minutes on a daytime talk show."

"It's nice here, quiet and the living is easy." Bomber said. "How did so many gay guys end up on one island?" I told him the story of New Samoa Island and of the Alcazar club which had proceeded the island.

"There are lots of clubs in New York and L.A. They all seem to be pretty boy, drag queen clubs, or leather, whips and chains establishments." Chambers said. "Most of the guys there seem to be full time gays. No real jobs, just hangers-on looking to get laid."

"Where are there some normal cock suckers?" I asked. Both men laughed.

"It may sound funny, but that's exactly what I want." Chambers said. I want a guy who has a real job and a house. Preferably a man who has a real life, reads a newspaper and is interested in what is going on in the world and can talk about it."

"And just loves having your cock in his ass!" Bomber added.

"Exactly!" Chambers added. We all laughed.

"I'm not completely sure, but I think you might want a normal guy with a slightly above normal sex drive." Bomber said.

"I think the personals describe it as `open minded'. I added. "I think that's a euphemism for open mouth and open ass."

"I don't think of myself as always horny, but . . ." Chambers was saying when Bomber interrupted him.

"You're willing to take advantage of opportunity, when it knocks." Bomber completed the sentence.

"I guess that's a nice way to put it." Chambers confessed. There are some people who aren't much into sex, but I'm sure not one of them."

"Are people not into sex, or is it just they weren't doing it right?" I asked. "Some people have so many hang-ups, there is no way they could relax enough to enjoy it, I think. The religious sense you need to have children, but not enjoy sex is an odd notion."

"Sex can be so uncontrollable, it's too dangerous for control and that may well include most of organized religion." Chambers mused. "I know the urge to create is a good one, but I'm also sure the desire to feel pleasure and to give pleasure is good too. I've never thought of myself as a user."

"Have you run into guys who only want to be sucked?" I asked. "I guess I don't mind it, but it seems a bit like records before the introduction of stereo."

"I have a problem with guys who act like a log. A log with a cock. They stay motionless until they shoot, then they zip up and leave." Chambers said. "I know some guys are that way, but it's hard to understand."

"A lot of wrestlers are that way." Bomber said. "Macho image, stiff upper lip and matching cock. Do you remember Sarge America?" Sarge America was a big wrestler of the 1970s. "He was that way. Good cock, but no reaction at all. I blew him after each time we were in a match and he never showed any emotion, or reciprocity. Except for a mouthful of cum, of course. I finally told him to bug off. He had a great cock, but it wasn't that good."

"Well good for you." Chambers said.

"Sarge called me the next night and apologized. He said, he loved it and wanted to show it, but just couldn't. I just wasn't in his emotional makeup." Bomber said. "He was real nice about it. I understood."

"Nice, but did he still get blow jobs?" Chambers asked. I had a feeling the star had been there before. Bomber smiled.

"I asked him if he could take my meat in the ass." Bomber explained. "He said, he thought he could. The next time we met, I found out he could and my dick found his "on" button. I fucked him to the moon."

"The story has a happy ending." I said.

"Not quite. Sarge got an unusual form of brain tumor and he died, about a year after I fucked him." Bomber said. "He was only 37 and I've always been sorry he never had more time to really enjoy sex. Once he figured it out, he loved it. He always wore leather and chains in the ring, but was a sweet guy, once you got to know him"

"I've never understood leather." I said. "I do understand a nice harmless fetish. I like body hair on a man." I was looking at Bomber. At that moment he looked like an uncouth version of the missing link. He saw me looking at him.

"You must be in pig heaven right now." he commented.

"You have that right." I said. "But the bondage and pain stuff really turns me off."

"Don't you think it's for men who are uncomfortable admitting they like sex with men?" Chambers suggested. "A lot of them are macho guys who don't like the hairdresser and florist images of gay men. They go to the opposite extreme. Some are ashamed of their desires, so they can enjoy them only if they are forced to by a dominant figure."

"You may be right, but I can't associate pain with sex." I said.

"Not even in your first fuck?" Bomber asked. "I didn't like it, but I discovered I wanted to try it again a week later."

"Is it that much different from a woman losing her virginity?" Chambers asked. "That was one of the great nightmares of well bread Victorian ladies. Sheltered from any sexual reality, their fathers would, for all practical purposes, sell them to the highest bidder. They would learn all they need to know on their wedding night. And they had to worry about getting pregnant. "

"You mean, Johnny Cartright was doing me a favor when he fucked me at age 14?" Bomber asked. He was smiling. Chambers laughed.

"Well not exactly a favor, but it could have been worse."

"Damn right. Two years later I jumped him and he found out what a real fucking was like!" Bomber said with relish. "You know, come to think of it, he came back pretty regular for a refill. He liked big dicks."

"Did he know he liked big dicks before he met you?" I asked.

"Didn't have a clue!" Bomber let out a belly laugh. He looked at me. "And you don't mind if some hair gets stuck between your teeth when you're sucking cock? I thought you looked happy skewered on my cock last night."

"You have a real poetical way of expressing yourself, Bomber." Chambers said. We had been shirtless and wearing only shorts as we took the tour of the construction. It took three seconds to get naked and soon I was nursing Bomber, while Chambers licked my cock to life. Bomber's cock dribble was real man juice. I don't know if it was extra hormones or what, but it was great.

Chambers' sucking technique was good too, more tickling my cock head with his tongue, than sucking. It did the trick. Bomber was dribbling precum at flood stage when I felt a cool liquid coat my cock. A second or two later Chambers sat on my cock. A hot and steamy ass replaced the cool lubricant. Bomber moved, so I could suck his hairy balls.

Chambers' ass was literally hot. There was room for my cock to move and explore. His sphincter held my cock. Chambers knew where he wanted my cock to go and knew how to get it there.

"Damn it, Chambers, I didn't know you allowed white cocks in you ass." Bomber said.

" `Open minded', that is the way they put it in the personal ads, isn't it?" Chambers said. "You have a problem with that?"

"I'm a Southern boy, never done it." Bomber said. "Not opposed, I like big meat as much as any guy, but the opportunity never arose."

"Never?" Chambers asked.

"Never just right." Bomber said. "Truthfully, I'm no good at judging black guys. I'm good at white guys and top of the line when it come to white Red Necks. I can pick a bullshit artist, or con man right off the bat. I can smell them on the other side of the door. A country boy from the hills of North Carolina is damn good sex. Nice guys, friendly, not asking too much, pretty happy with whatever they get. Let me tell you, they get a lot from me. I just don't know black guys."

Chambers was undulating his hips and we hit a good spot. Chambers moaned. He and Bomber were playing with each other's tits as they talked. The precum was dripping from Bomber's cock to his balls and I was licking it up.

"I admit, it was a nice picture. Those shinny, lube coated, black cocks ramming your ass. A nice picture." Bomber said.

"Well, you don't need to worry about Washington and Wally. They're real. Old fashioned, stone masons with a warm spot for pile driving." Chambers said.

"Who's using my name!" a good natured voice boomed. It was Wally.

"Bomber was telling me he's never taken a black cock." Chambers said.

"Is that a problem?" Wally asked.

"I kind of think it might be an opportunity." Bomber said.

Next: Chapter 37: Catfish and Company 15

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