Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jul 23, 2002


Catfish & Company 14

By Bald Hairy Man

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This is an adult story for adults. It is not intended for minors, nor for persons who are offended by alternate life styles. Some of the characters are escapees from Millennium Construction Company. No effort is made to use safe sexual practices. It's intended to be fun, not a sex manual.

Mom was in a state. She was helping Buddy with the kids, doing all the food for the funeral and mad as hell. If Rev. Paul dared to set his foot in the Presbyterian Church, he ran a serious risk of being burned at the stake in the fellowship hall.

Mom also looked ten years younger. She had a purpose in life and a second chance at motherhood. Buddy's children looked on her as their Grandma. My good aunts, Ellen and Becky, were there. Edit was going to come to the funeral. They figured out what Fred and Lonnie were, but looked on them approvingly. Lonnie's experience as a waiter and in restaurant work was a genuine help. After a half hour of knowing Lonnie, Mom decided he would get all the food set in the fellowship hall while she and her sisters went to the service. He changed from being a school friend of Sally's to being a caterer.

Sally's autopsy had been released to the paper the day before. She had been shot before the fire, but wasn't dead. Sally was burned alive. That sent a shiver through everyone's spine. They also found a large tumor in her brain. That explained her behavioral change. Buddy was brow beating himself that he had not taken her to the doctor when she started to act strangely. Becky would have none of that.

"Buddy, you've done everything possible you could have done for Sally and for the kids." Becky said with authority. "You and Catfish are the most responsible members of your generation in this family. I won't have any of this kind of talk. Sally is dead and gone. Think about your kids. Pull yourself together and lets get ready for the funeral." I was shocked to find myself listed in the responsible members of the family. Just then the doorbell rang.

I answered it. It was Rabbi Cohen from the Temple in Richmond with Rev. Williams from the Presbyterian Church. Cohen had come to apologize for the thoughts he had. When he found out about the tumor, he realized Sally had been used and had no control over her actions. They spent a half hour with Buddy and the kids and by the time they left everyone felt a lot better. The funeral was good too. Rev. Williams did a sermon which was a masterpiece of reassurance. The television crews were kept at a distance and didn't disrupt the funeral.

I sat in the front of the Church with Mom and Buddy. I sat on the end of the pew so no one could stare at the kids. My Aunts were seated to the rear and keeping track of who was there. They knew everyone and had steel trap memories. Sally was buried in the church yard, right behind the church and we met people in the Fellowship Hall.

Some friends and family came to the house after. Aunt Edith showed up, but kept out of range. She hit it off with Lonnie. Lonnie had that odd, gay hairdresser's way of gossiping with the girls. He chatted away mindlessly and they told him their deepest and darkest. I would need to talk to him later.

I also met Earl's wife. He was out of uniform and casing the place. The second I met her I realized she was lesbian. She was the Gym teacher in High School and needed a husband to be respectable. She was a nice woman. They had worked out a way to deal with the realities of being gay in a small town.

I saw some old friends and relatives, but no one who aroused suspicion. That night, I was in the motel again since Mom's house was filled with relatives. Lonnie and Fred were in the same motel, so we got together at eight in my room. Earl said, he would join us and I had spied Jim, the young kid who knew Ovid and that crew, at the funeral. Earl talked to him. He said, Jim had some more information and would get by after dark.

Fred had been circulating in the crowd at the funeral. He said, most of the people were conventionally shocked and disturbed. He ran into one man, who seemed to think she was a martyr to the cause. Fred only got his first name, fortunately it was an unusual name, Carstairs.

Lonnie said, Edith was disturbed the funeral was at the Presbyterian Church and not at the Victory Temple. Edith also commented, she expected to see more members of the Victory Temple at the funeral. "That woman is totally clueless." Lonnie said. "She didn't seem to understand the relationship between the tumors and Sally's conversion and she didn't believe Sally could have had anything to do with the Bombing. She did make one point. She felt the bombers couldn't have done it, simply because they were too stupid to plan such a thing."

"She might have a point about that." I said.

"Another woma, said much the same thing." Fred said. "Miss Miniver? Or something like that?"

"Miss Minnie Vertue." I said. "She was a sixth grade school teacher."

"She had most of them in her class and had kept up with them." Lonnie said. "She thought they were foolish little boys who let their big dreams get in the way of day to day life. She said, they never carried through with any of their plans. 99% of their schemes never got beyond the big talk stage. She didn't think they were vicious."

"Someone carried a scheme through. There are way to many dead bodies in Central Virginia, that's for sure." Lonnie said. There was a knock at the door. It was Jim. I introduced him to my men. Lonnie perked up at Jim's entrance. There was another knocking at my door. This time it was Earl, the Sheriff and Buck, my old friend from school. Jim was looking real excited. I guessed Slim had told him the Sheriff was a member of the club, but they hadn't been together. Poor Jim was trying to look at Lonnie and Earl without being obvious.

Buck looked at the crowd in my room. He looked disappointed.

"Don't worry." I whispered to him. "They're all members of the fraternity."

"All of them?"

"Tried and tested by me." I said.

"Oh baby." Buck replied. Earl overheard our whispers and smiled. I introduced them to Lonnie and Fred. I caught a glimpse of Jim as he saw Earl and realized he knew Earl.

"This has been a long day. I'm tense as hell." I said. "Anyone up for a rest and relaxation period before we get down to business? I know most of you don't know each other, but take my word for it, you're all real compatible."

"That sounds good to me." Earl said. Lonnie had Jim in his sights and was already naked. Jim was down to his Jockeys in record time. Lonnie was beautiful naked. He looked like a male model. He was toned, tanned, had a hairy chest, but every hair seemed to be in place. I always looked shaggy. He also had a nice cock, pretty, rather than big.

I didn't get to see the cock for long. Jim swallowed it whole.

The next hour was good. It was a mixed group of men with little in common, some of whom didn't know each other. We were a good mix, unified by a common sexual interest. Fred was a dumpy guy with a big cock and that combination hit the spot with Earl and Buck. They quickly formed a triangle on the bed, linked cock to mouth. I joined Lonnie and Jim.

Lonnie was no virgin and I wanted to make sure he didn't push Jim too far. I didn't need to worry. I had guessed Lonnie was a bottom, but knew enough to realize guys aren't often what they look like. I had a tube of lube. Lonnie saw it and smiled. He was now sucking Jim, but he fingered his own ass to let me know of his intentions. Jim was lying back on the bed. Lonnie was on his knees sucking, but he had spread his legs wide so his hole was wide open.

Earl looked over and saw the open invitation. I hoped my new employee didn't mind entertaining a crowd. Lonnie rose and got beside Jim.

"Jim, let me introduce you to Lonnie, my newest employee." I said. Jim giggled.

"It seems we've already met!" Jim said. "He's so handsome." I don't think Jim meant to say that, it just slipped out.

"I don't know if you are much into fucking." I said. "Lonnie is. He likes it in the ass a lot."

"I've never fucked a guy." Jim said. His cock oozed a big bead of precum.

"Hot Damn!" Lonnie said.

"This is your lucky day. Lonnie doesn't mind helping a kid learn about sex." I said, "Do you?"

"Not at all!" my new employee was downright enthusiastic.

"I might do something wrong?" Jim complained. He was worried and excited. He looked around the motel room at all the naked men.

"I don't think there's a snowballs chance in hell you'd do anything I wouldn't like." Lonnie said. "Everyone here did it for the first time once. We all came back for more." I said. "You're among friends, you have time and no ones going to walk in and spoil the fun." Jim was ready. He got up and Lonnie had his legs on his shoulders. I lubricated Jim's cock and held it at Lonnie's ass.

"Just press and see what happens." I said. Jim was timid. "Push a little harder."

Suddenly, Lonnie's balls were resting on Jim's pubic hair. Both guys looked as if they had just won the lottery. Jim didn't need any mores lessons from that point on. Nature took it's course.

"Damn! To be young again." Earl said.

"Thank God, a cock feels just as good in an ass today as it did twenty years ago." Fred said. "Come to think of it, it feels better. I've got no hang-ups to diminish the fun."

"You may be right about that. I've loosened up a lot too. Cocks seem to fit better and go deeper." Earl said. "It's more relaxed. I ain't looking for true love, just a good time, it makes life simpler."

"Boy's, I'm normally a top, if any of you are interested, I'd be glad to help you scratch any itch you might have." Fred said. "But I can swing both ways. Catfish can tell you, I'm a good sport."

"Looks real filling." Buck said.

"My dick tapers towards the balls." Fred said. "Once it's in, they tell me it's real comfortable." Lonnie was moaning in pleasure as Jim thrust deep. Lonnie must have been the poster boy for the joys of anal sex, bottom position. I was feeling downright inspired. Earl must have read my mind. His cock was poking at my back door. I bent over and let him in.

Earl had a nice average cock and it hit the spot on the first thrust. No stress, no stretching, just cock. Earl was a massager, rather than a thruster. I am a late convert to the bottom and I could recommend Earl as the prefect introduction to that position. He hit all the good spots, just hard enough to make you want more. Thirty seconds later, he would hit the same spot with more vigor and then I wanted him to thrust still harder.

I was thinking of the good times Earl, Slim, Buddy and Buck must have had playing together when I shot off. It caught me completely off guard. Lonnie shot off at the same time. Jim came over and watched Earl pull out of my ass.

"Did it hurt?" he asked.

"Shit no!" I said. "There's enough cum on my chest to use as wallpaper paste. Does it look like it hurt?" I looked at Jim and knew what he was thinking. Earl looked at Jim and we all had the same idea. Buck was twitching on Fred's love pole and had lost it. He was on another planet, alone with Fred and Fred's cock. That was downright inspirational for Jim.

Jim got on the bed beside me and put his legs on the edge, so his hole was open. Earl took some lube and worked it gently into the virgin ass. Jim was rock hard and as Earl worked his fingers deeper, he squirmed.

"Did you ever thing you'd have the Sheriff's cock deep in your ass. Jim?" I asked, whispering in his ear. "Is this the first time you've been together?" Jim nodded.

"Just relax." I said. "I know that's hard the first time, but try." Earl leaned forward and whispered to Jim.

"I've got your hole all lubricated and lubricated deep. My cock is dripping and is nestled in you ass. Can you feel where it is?" Earl asked. Jim said, yes.

"Did you feel me press a bit harder and push in a little?" Jim said, yes again. Buck was moaning as he twitched on Fred's cock on the other side of the bed.

"Another little push and my dick will be in you. You're real open. It's not too late to stop. Do you want my cock to be the first in your ass? I understand if you don't. It's a big deal when you open your innards to another man's genitals. It's a cock, oozing ball juice and man seed. Real personal." Earl said. "Do you want me to push one more time. I'm at the sphincter. Once I'm on the other side of that your ass is mine. Your cherry is popped."

"Fuck me, damn it!"

And fuck Jim he did. I always dread you will fuck a guy for the first time and he will hate it. It is real personal and individual. You never know whether a particular combination of cock and ass will work. Jim and Earl were made for each other. There was a little discomfort when the mushroom pushed through the ass ring, but after that, Jim was fine.

Later we discovered Jim's ass was perfect for Buck's cock and still later, Lonnie's. Jim had discovered a new part of his body and it was thoroughly broken in by ten. We finally got back to business then.

Earl was getting all the telephone records of the bombers and the Victory Temple. He wanted to find a link to outside support.

"The word in school is Ovid knows he's in with a group of homicidal maniacs, and is scared shitless." Jim said. "He would turn State's evidence if he could avoid the death sentence. He's worried about his family."

"Me too." Buck said. "That's my daughter and grandchildren you are talking about!"

"So far they have killed Mr. Edland, Sally and Bert. They tried to get Rev. Williams. And that doesn't include the victims of the bombing in Richmond." I said. "Homicidal manic seems likely to me. It seems odd for a act a terrorism to have so many miscellaneous deaths."

"I wonder if we are dealing with two crimes. One an act of political terrorism and another. Maybe a freelancer, who likes to kill people?" Fred said.

"I would guess politically extreme groups might attract people who are extreme in other ways." Earl said. "The general level of insanity is so high in the group a mass killer, or sadist might just fit in."

"What if the mastermind is in Greensboro, pulling strings, but one of his puppets is loony." I asked. "The bad thing is the loony one may be home grown."

"Why do you think that?" Jim asked.

"There was no reason to try to kill Rev. Williams, a small town Presbyterian minister and accidentally kill Mr. Edland. Only someone local knew Williams. I can't believe Rev. Tommy's plan included random murders in a small town."

"Way too many bodies." Earl said. "In my town!" Everyone had to go home for the night, so we broke up. Earl was going to send us video's of the funeral so we could look for suspicious characters. I was bushed and more than ready for bed. There was a knock on the door. It was Lonnie.

"I couldn't sleep. Thinking." he said as I asked him in.

"About what?" I asked, too tired to be annoyed.

"Your Aunt Edith left the house with the man I talked to earlier, Carstairs." he said. "They were talking in hushed tomes and very careful no one was near by. When your mother saw them and ran over to say good bye, they clamed up. I heard your mother asked, if he was Edith's beau. Edith said. they had never met, but they had been in a big time huddle, just before your mom saw them."

"That is odd. Edith makes friends slowly, no male friends at all as far as I know." I said. "Thanks for the heads up." Lonnie looked at me.

"I don't know if I can sleep any better." Lonnie said then he paused. "I know you're not my type and I'm not yours, but damn if I don't want your cock in my ass."

"You like big hairy cocks?" I asked.

"Nope. I like thin, smooth boys with matching meat. Jim was almost too macho for me." he said. "I just can't stop thinking about that monster of yours pounding the shit out of me."

"Can you take it?"

"I don't know, but I am willing to try."

Lonnie was willing and had no trouble taking it at all. I fucked him like a madman. He loved it that way. By the time he got back to his room, every hair on his body was no longer in place. I hadn't been sure of him before. Lonnie was all right.

Next: Chapter 36: Chesapeake Construction Company 6

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