Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jul 14, 2002


Catfish & Company 13

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments send them to or

I went to see Ed that night. Carter and Chuck were there and we had a good talk. We all had been friends and sex buddies years before, when we were all prison guards. Carter was a big guy, but he had gained more weight and must have been near 300 pounds. His hair and beard were white now. Chuck was still thin and lanky, but he must have been working out. I asked him about that and he said, "Yes", he had been working out. He had a buddy at the gym, a young guy named Sean, who encouraged him.

Ed still had the hang-dog look he had years before. He did look a lot healthier, he had stopped smoking and cut way back on beer. Bert's death was the primary subject of conversation.

"I will swear no one snuck anything by me." Ed said. "After that woman was burned, I figured they would go after him. Talk about a real weakest link."

"Who was on before you?" Carter asked in his deep bass voice.

"Washborne and Brown." Ed said.

"Talk about weak link!" Chuck cried. "Brown is a big time Jesus freak. She could have let something by."

"Could it have been someone in the kitchen?" I asked.

"Nope. The trays aren't prepared to any particular room. There would be no way to know who got which tray." Ed said. "I could have been the delivery man. She would have known."

"That was Lizzy, wasn't it?" Carter asked. Ed nodded. "She's okay, her cousin was killed in the bombing. She was hoping for a ticket to the lethal injection. I don't think she wanted him to die too quick."

"I think it's the born again we're after. They are killing the witnesses who could incriminate them. First Sally, now Bert. Someone knew Bert knew way too much and needed to be out of the picture." I said.

"Reverend Johnnie!" Chuck said. "That's who did it."

"Was he around?" Ed asked.

"Who is Reverend Johnnie?" I asked.

"Prison preacher man. He works for one of those prison ministries type organizations." Chuck said. "He makes my skin crawl. He was here the day before visiting prisoners. I'd have never let him in, but Brown might have. She's into salvation."

"Well if it's him, they will catch him soon." I said. "That's about as obvious as could be."

"Not necessarily." Ed said. Ms Brown has no commitment to the truth. I'd be real surprised if she told them anything about a visit by Reverend Johnnie. The man who runs the jail is a crony of the Mayor. He'll do anything to protect the Mayor and his own ass from looking bad."

"He's got one sad looking ass, there ain't much you can do about that!" Carter said. Everyone laughed. We all had another beer and talked more. It was clear the Preacher was the most likely conduit for the overdose to get into Bert's cell. The doorbell rang. Chuck jumped up and answered it. A minute later he returned with a young man.

"Guys, this is Sean." he said. "You've met Ed before, the big guy is Carter and the small guy is Catfish." Sean was maybe 25-27, tall and extraordinarily muscular. He was wearing a tank top which exposed as much of his perfectly smooth skin and beautiful tan as it could. He had a mop of blond hair, straight from the bottle. He wore sweat pants which seemed to be drooping.

He shook hands with me and Carter. It was firm ,but not too strong. At least he wasn't trying to impress us with his strength.

"Daddy told me all about you." he said to Carter. Sean turned to me. "And you. He said you were small, but not where it counted!" he winked at me.

"Yea, Catfish's got a really big heart!" Ed said. Sean smiled.

"Somehow, it just didn't seem to me Daddy was talking about Catfish's heart." Sean said.

"Have a beer." Ed said. "You can join us while we solve the problems of the world." Sean took a beer and sat down with us. We continued talking about Bert's death, but anything that could possibly be a leak vanished from the conversation. Everyone was discreet. It was clear Sean hadn't been following the story. The boy was so in love with Chuck, it was almost comic.

I went off to the bathroom and Chuck was waiting at the door when I got out.

"Catfish, I'm sorry, but I told Sean about us when we lived together years ago." he said.

"I hope it didn't bother him." I said. "It was a long time ago."

"It didn't really bother him. It . . ." Chuck paused, "it turned him on. He'd love to try you out."

"I sure wouldn't mind taking him out for a test drive." I said. "But my dance card is full tonight. I promised Ed."

"I don't think it would bother Sean if we all played." Chuck said. "He says he's never done it in a group, but the idea turns him on."

"We don't play kiddie games. You don't mind seeing another guy's cock in your young friend's ass?" I said. Chuck shook his head and cupped my cock in his hand.

"I seem to have some real distant recollections of some good times in the past." Chuck said. "I sure wouldn't mind a trip down memory lane myself."

"You remember some guys get real hot and bothered when I pop into their ass." I said. Chuck got close to me and whispered.

"Sean's a real nice kid, but he's never completely lost it." Chuck said. "He's always stayed under control. I wouldn't mind if you pushed him as far as you can. He's proud he can hold his feelings in. I'd like to see him loose it. He might need some forgiving after."

We returned to the living room. The beer made everyone convivial and I could tell Sean didn't mind being in a room with older men.

Sean went to the bathroom. When he returned, his baggy sweat pants had slipped and an inch of pubic hair peaked over the drawstring. The conversation was running out and the sexual tension in the room rose. Talk had turned to workout routines and Carter was asking for some advice.

Carter had been unbuttoning his shirt throughout the evening and he now removed it. He must have been working out too. He was real beefy, but well defined and muscular. He was tanned like Sean, but was covered with thick, white fur. Sean all but drooled.

"Let's see your bod." Carter said to Sean. "You ain't shy, are you?" Sean wasn't at all shy. He stripped off his tank top and sweat pants. He was wearing only a pouch type jock. It held his balls and cock only. His pubic hair was above the band. He was shaved smooth except for his pubic region.

"Don't be shy, Sean." Chuck ordered. "These are my best friends, we're all pals. We've all been naked playmates before." Sean stripped off the jock and posed. Carter was naked now and Chuck was stripping. I was thinking about joining in.

Sean was posing and he made sure each pose left his ass hole on view. He had a good cock and nice balls, but I got a clear impression Sean's favorite sex organ was several inches in his ass.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm tired of pussyfooting around." I said. "Let's all get naked and start fucking."

"Amen, Brother Catfish!" Ed cried.

"Now, Brother Chuck, you know we've always been share and share alike guys, but if your friend here is exclusively yours, let us know." Carter asked.

"Shit guys. I've told Sean we all are family and your cock is no different than mine." Chuck said. He looked at Sean. "You'd like to play with my pals?"

"If you would like me too, Daddy?" Sean replied. He was fully erect now and a filament of precum draped from his cock to the floor. The boy was ripe.

"As long as it's in the family, it's fine with me Sean." Chuck said. "Ed, why don't you open him up. I just ask that Catfish be the last. I don't want Sean split in half at the start."

"Sean's so pretty, I don't need to shove my donkey dong into that pink hole of his." I said. I never saw a greater look of disappointment on a guy's face as I saw Sean's reaction. He had been watching me as I undressed and had just seen my cock. Sean wanted it badly. "We'll wait and see if Sean is interested and play it by ear." I said. Sean looked relieved. I knew he would be ready when I was.

Ed was right behind Sean and told him to bend over. Ed was no anatomical wonder, but he was nicely hung and about as considerate a fucker as anyone could wish. His dick was slightly wider and shorter than Chuck's and Sean had no problem at all. I was sucking Chuck and felt an odd wave of nostalgia as his cock oozed precum. We had lived together for five years. We were never lovers, but we sure had a lot of fun. I don't think Chuck ever said, No", when I wanted sex play and I know I never turned him down. Carter joined us. His beer can cock was dribbling and Chuck and I alternated sucking it and tasting the sweet goo.

Ed began to moan as he shot a load deep in Sean's ass. Sean was smiling, but hadn't broken into a sweat. Carter was up and ready to replace Ed as Ed's cock pulled from the hole. When I said Carter had a beer can cock, I meant it. It was almost as round as it was long and Sean was stretched. Ed came over to Chuck and me.

"You got a hot one there, Chuck." he said. "You've trained him well."

"Thanks." Chuck said. "I think all those years of practicing with you may have done it." Chuck paused. "It must have been two or three years since I was up your hole."

"Four years and two months to be exact." Ed said. "But who's counting."

"If you wouldn't mind, I wouldn't mind going in again. Lie back and open up." said Chuck. "Are you sure it's been that long?" By then Ed had his legs on Chuck's shoulders and a second later, Chuck's cock vanished deep into Ed's ass. I left them alone and went over to Carter and Sean.

Sean wasn't quite as self assured as he had been with Ed.

"I can prime the pump here, but can't quite get the flow I want." Ed said. Sean was on his knees taking it doggy style. Carter stopped pumping and twitched a few times. I remembered the big man's orgasms. Motionless, but for the twitch. Carter was done, he pulled out and Sean looked at me. I wouldn't say Sean was cocky, but he was self assured, confident he could take whatever came his way.

"Why don't you taste it before you take it?" I suggested. Sean tried to deep throat me, but couldn't get much beyond my head. "Slobber me up good." I said. "Spit's a good lube and with all that cum in your ass, I should just slide in." Sean was excited. "Roll over on your back, legs apart and get ready. Sean did what he was told.

Chuck appeared with a tube of lubricant. He coated my cock with it. I toyed with the idea of a single quick thrust, but decided on the slow and easy approach.

"Let me hold your legs open, so Catfish can fuck you right." Chuck said. I worked my head into the hole and Sean's tight ass hole peeled back my foreskin. He winced and I pulled out. Chuck added more lube, then I worked it in again.

"Catfish use to fuck me. Not real regular, but for special occasions." Chuck explained to Sean. "Too intense for everyday use." I was forcing my cock in, inch by inch. I was half way, at just about the length of Carter's dick.

"It's no problem for me." Sean said. He had a self assured smile on his face. I gave a sudden thrust and impaled him. His eyes glazed over and rolled back into his head. Chuck smiled. Chuck was a sucker and top. He was a reluctant bottom. He knew exactly what Sean was feeling.

Sean looked winded, so I kept on making little pumping movements to keep him that way. He had been half erect when I started, lost his erection when I porked him, but as I pumped, his cock began to re inflate. I began to make deeper thrusts, pulling out four or five inches. His eyes were still glazed, but his cock was rock hard and oozing. Chuck reached over and spread the precum over Sean's cock head.

I pulled all the way out, with my cock head just barely nestled in Sean's hole. Sean seemed to focus. I deep dicked him a few times slowly. On the third or forth time, he began to squeeze his ass.

"Daddy, tell him to fuck me fast, I can't stand this much longer." Sean said to Chuck.

"Sorry Sean. It's his cock. You got to let a guy do what he has to do." Chuck said. "You're his until he shoots." I was in no hurry. It was a good fuck. I pumped him for five or six minutes. Sean was trying to stoke his cock into an orgasm, but Chuck wouldn't let him. He was beginning to moan.

Sean was desperate to shoot, but I varied my thrusting, so he couldn't get used to it. He would build up a head of steam and I would slow down. Ed and Carter joined us and watched the show.

"Damn Catfish, your fucker ain't pretty, but it sure is sexy." Ed said. "All man meat."

"All that cum in Sean's ass seems to give your dick a nice sheen." Carter said. "Has your cock always been that veiny, Catfish? I've never really watched you fuck before, it's hard to believe its real. It seems to me that vein on the top of your cock is actually throbbing." The longer I fucked him, the more Sean seemed to try to grab my cock with his ass. He was shivering in sexual abandon. Chuck was rock hard. I motioned to him and I pulled out as he shoved his cock in for a home run.

Sean hadn't paid attention, he opened his eyes and found Chuck ramming him. He looked like he had died and gone to heaven. He had been stretched to his limit, now he had the cock of the man he loved deep inside him.

"Is my boy stretched?" Chuck asked. Sean nodded. "Daddy's going to shoot some of his nice man seed in you and make it all better."A few seconds later, Chuck and Sean were climaxing. I still had a full load, but everyone had shot, so I got dressed and went home. I must be getting older. I just got in bed and fell asleep.

The next morning I called Sheriff Earl. We had a lot of talking to do. I was going home for Sally's funeral and I wanted to make sure we got together. Earl wanted me to bring a few of my guys who were completely unknown. He figured the men who burned Sally would likely be at the funeral. All of his men were well known.

I would have loved to take Butch or Washington, but you could tell they were police, or former military. I settled on Fred, our dumpy accountant and Lonnie, our swishy, former waiter. Fred was one of those guys most people thought they knew. He looked so ordinary, everyone seemed to recall him. Lonnie posed as one of Sally's friends from College. Sally spent three years at Mary Washington College before she decided to get married. No one from town had been there with her at the time, so it was a gap we could explore.

I gave both men the rundown on Sally and Buddy in the car. Fred was always good about remembering. Lonnie was a natural gossip and by the time we reached my Mother's house, you would have sworn Lonnie had been her best friend and confidant in school.

Next: Chapter 35: Catfish and Company 14

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