Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jun 16, 2002


Chesapeake Construction Company 4

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments, send them to or

You can read Millennium Construction Company and Catfish & Company to get to know the characters better.

My worries of racial disharmony on the island vanished that night. Everyone got along fine. Good sex, makes good friends. Washington's comments, about being confirmed tops was an overstatement. All were confirmed tops, unless they felt like bottoming. Except Wally of course. Wally would bottom to be polite, but I had the feeling he just hadn't found the right man yet. He always let me in. I wanted to make sure he stayed open.

Sunday night, I got a call from Jonathan. He was planning to visit the island next weekend and wanted us to erect some tents for his guests.

"I will have six, or seven guests with me. They are all potential investors in the island and I want to impress them." he explained. "I do have something to ask of you and it's a bit embarrassing. I don't want you to take it the wrong way."

"Go ahead." I said. "I don't offend easily."

"These men are friends of Raleigh and Gil. Raleigh told them, about the hot construction worker sex they had at my apartment and the new men were hoping for the same. I was hoping, you could talk a few of your men into staying for the weekend."

"We're a construction crew." I said.

"I know that and that's why I'm embarrassed." Jonathan said. "I can't tell you who the guests are, but they're all nice guys and real attractive. No trolls, like me. I want you there as my guests, not employees. All equal, not there to provide a service." I wasn't too sure and said so.

"Did you feel uncomfortable at my apartment?" he asked.

"Jonathan, you got me there. It was a good time and no, I didn't feel uncomfortable." I said. "I'll ask around and see who might like to stay for a weekend party."

"Thank you, Trent." Jonathan said. "I am 99% sure it will be real enjoyable for everyone. If it isn't, you will have my sincere apologies and I'll never ask you for anything like this again. I promise."

The next day I asked to see if anyone would like to stay on New Samoa for a party next weekend. It was the 4th of July holiday coming up and several of the men had plans. Gramps, Buck, Jimmy and Stavros had family events planned. Jack wanted to visit an old friend. That would leave Wayne, Washington, Wally, Eduardo and me on the island.

We got a lot of work done on the island. With the repair of the stonework, some parts of the island's buildings were beginning to look like something other than ruins. On Thursday Captain Burt brought some new tents for the guest we expected for the weekend. The tents were hard to figure out, but once we got them up they were spectacular, they were freeform shapes. They covered a central area and smaller tents provided accommodations. We sat the tent on the side of the artificial pool.

I wasn't too sure about the entire arrangement, but the double tent arrangement was remarkably cool. The island consisted of scrubby second growth and the new tent provided much needed shelter. We were use to the sun baked island. I assumed Jonathan's friends were unused to anything other than air conditioned spaces. Captain Burt said, he would return Friday afternoon with the guests. He said, he would stay for the weekend with his first mate, Luke. The first mate was a new person in his life and I wondered if the Captain had finally found someone.

Jack left with the part of the crew that was going home Friday morning and the rest of us relaxed on the island until Magnus' boat arrived. The island was pleasant. I was so use to working, it was hard for me to visualize the place as a resort. It was a beautiful day and the sky was clear and New Samoa was about as peaceful as a place could get.

Burt honked the horn of the boat as he arrived with Jonathan and his visitors. Raleigh got off first, with Chambers McMillan. Chambers started his acting career as a teenage heartthrob on the "Young Intern", then had a second career in a mini series named the "English Samurai". He was older now, but still good looking. He was bearded, thin and somewhat muscular and dapper. I had somehow thought he was short, but he was over six feet high.

Behind them was Steve Buckmaster, a martial arts star. He was walking with Bomber Ryan, a professional wrestler, who was a supporting actor on an adventure-action show. Buckmaster was a good foot shorter than I had guessed. On the silver screen he was tall, on the island he was 5'-6". It was a beautifully proportioned five six. He had a tight cropped beard and his open shirt exposed a hairy chest.

Bomber was a blond gorilla. On the television they must have shaved him or spruced him up somehow. Now, he was the shaggiest man I had ever seen. He looked like the missing link, if the missing like had been blond. He had long hair, a handlebar mustache and four days growth of beard.

Jonathan finished the group landing from the boat. He was with Tom Bullock. Bullock had starred in 1970s era red-neck, hot-rod movies. Bullock's black curly hair was mixed with gray now. His six pack had turned into a paunch.

They were all older than I remembered them and there was no makeup. I would guess they all carried 20 more pounds than in their salad days. Buckmaster and Ryan pumped iron. Chambers looked as if he watched his diet, Bullock clearly didn't give a shit. He may have acted as a good `ol boy on the screen, he was the genuine article in life.

Wayne and Wally helped Captain Burt unload the boat, while I gave a tour of the island with Washington. I was uncomfortable with the famous stars for a good five minutes. After that, they seemed like regular enough men. They were politely interested in the island. The island was not spectacular looking and I guessed they were used to Hawaii, or Bali. New Samoa seemed pretty tame.

We were looking across the Bay toward the Virginia shore, when a Bald Eagle dove from the sky and caught a fish and carried it off to its nest. If Jonathan had ordered the Bald Eagle to put on a performance it couldn't have been better. Our visitors were hooked. None of them had ever seen a Bald Eagle before. In an instant they fell in love with the bay.

Ten minutes later they saw Blue Herons overhead and they became confirmed bird watchers. Washington and I weren't naturalists, but we were able to introduce them to the wild life of the Bay. From that point on all was well with us and the stars. We came back to the new tent and I explained the plans for the island. The buildings were to make minimal intrusion into the landscape and be all but invisible. The entire island was planned to be as ecological sensitive as was possible using today's technology.

Wayne and the first mate, Luke, brought sandwiches from the boat for lunch. Much to my surprise, Luke was a beefy Polar Bear with a Hemingway-Santa Claus look to him. He must have been twenty years older than Captain Burt. He was about as cordial as a man could be and seemed to act as the butler. Jonathan and the Captain mixed with the crowd, while Luke took care of all the details. Luke wore a flannel shirt and worn jeans that left nothing to the imagination as to his endowment. I had never thought of Santa as being hung, but Luke sported a medical specimen.

Lunch was good. I should have known Jonathan would have found a good chef to cater the weekend. Jonathan served English beer with lunch. As the day warmed up and the beer took effect, we all became mellow. The pool was the obvious refuge in the midday heat. We all stripped and got in the water. The quick glimpse of cock between stripping and diving was tantalizing. There were so many men, you didn't have a chance to check them all out.

Once we were naked the sexual tension rose, but Chambers organized an informal water polo game which was more fun than I would have guessed. The game slowed up the movement toward sex.

Buckmaster and Bomber were really competitive guys, so the first match turned into a best of five, then best of seven. The water was pleasant and the game gave everyone a chance to get better acquainted. The vigorous action of the game provided an opportunity to bump into one another. By game five, straight forward groping was the rule. Captain Burt had to go to the boat, so one player from the other side had to get out to even up the teams.

Tom Bullock volunteered and when he got out on the side of the pool he had a full erection. His body might have gone to pot, but his cock held up like a teenagers. Given how hard and big his manhood was, he showed not an iota of embarrassment. He sat on the side, cheering his team on and stroking his cock whenever it began to droop.

As we finished the seventh game some guys seemed to gravitate toward others. Steve Buckmaster and Eduardo hit it off. Chambers and Washington were chummy. I heard Washington whisper he was a top. I couldn't hear Chambers' answer, but he sure was smiling. Wally, Wayne and Bullock formed a tight cluster. Raleigh and Jonathan were feeling each other out. Captain Burt joined them when he returned from doing his chore on the boat.

Bomber, Luke and I were standing on the edge of the pool. Bomber had his arm around me, while he talked to Luke. "Nice boner you got." he said, looking at Luke's cock. Bomber wasn't a very sophisticated conversationalist. How he ever memorized his lines on screen still puzzles me.

"Just wait till you see it hard, I'm still at half staff." Luke answered. Luke could more than hold up his end of the conversation.

"Shit, what does it take to get you hard?" Bomber asked. "I'd love to see it up."

"Would you think I was tacky if I told you a nice, soft, pink hole surrounded by a muscle bound ass would do it?" As I said, Luke could hold up his end of the conversation. Bomber smiled. He was well beyond half staff by now. Some musclemen have smallish cocks. Bomber wasn't one of those. No steroids had shrunk his equipment. His cock was more than respectable, but his balls were prize winners.

As a professional wrestler, Bomber had spent a lot of time naked in locker and shower rooms. He knew where he stood in the pecker order. He had nothing to be ashamed of and he clearly was interested in big meat. Luke knew where he stood too and wasn't shy about his cock. Bomber's cock head was huge and purple and as we talked, a bead of precum emerged. His piss slit was a good half inch wide and moist with cock juices.

Bomber reached over and stroked Luke's cock. I touched the bead on Bomber's slit and spread it over the head. He was fully erect now. His arm had slipped from my shoulder and was at my ass. The wrestler's finger was exploring for my hole. He found it. He then licked his finger, covered it in spit and returned it to my hole. Bomber was fingering my ass with one hand and stroking Luke with the other.

"Damn, this is a friendly group." he said. "I've never been anywhere before with as much cock and ass ripe for the taking."

"Are you sure you can take anything you want?" I asked. Bomber looked dumbfounded, as if he hadn't considered the possibility of someone not wanting to play with him.

`You don't want me to fuck you?" he asked in amazement.

"Actually. I want to fuck you." Luke said.

"And, I wouldn't mind your cock in my ass at all." I said. "I just think you should ask first." Bomber looked relieved.

"I kind of thought if you didn't mind my finger, the cock would follow naturally." Bomber said. He turned to Luke. "I normally top, but that fucker of yours is a beaut! I am sorely tempted."

"Do you give into temptation?" Luke asked.

"Always, it keeps me young." the wrestler said as he dropped to his knees. He started to suck Luke and from his new position it was a lot easier to force his fingers deeper in my ass. He found my prostate and knew exactly what to do with it.

He had two fingers on my prostate and I was on my way to the moon. "Get on the ground, so I can fuck you proper. I did as he said. He lubricated his cock and it slipped in with minimal effort, but great effect on me. It was a perfect size. With my legs on Bomber's shoulders and his cock deep in my ass, Bomber's mouth was free. Luke straddled me and let the wrestler nurse his oozing cock.

Bomber Ryan was so casual about sex, I thought he would shoot fast and move on. Bomber surprised me. Once he was in my ass, he was in for the long haul. He had a good sized cock, but it seemed to get bigger as he pumped. Actually, it seemed his cockhead got bigger. He got more into it. Each stoke built up his enthusiasm as well as mine. After a minute or two we made that so rare, but so good, brain-cock connection.

The feeling went directly from his cock to mine and then directly to the brain. I couldn't think, I could only feel.

I felt like I was a part of his fuck tool, totally his. He wasn't a considerate fucker in the normal sense. He was unconscious of me. It was as if he was slowly jerking himself off, except he was using my body rather than his hand. He had stamina and in spite of his monster balls, he seemed to feel no urge to shoot early.

Remarkably, he was treating Luke the same way. He was nursing Luke's monster as if he were a baby at his mother's tit.

"You like it, don't you." Luke said. "I'm oozing good, but you don't need to worry about me. I can leak for hours before I pop. Just lick up the scum and there's more where that came from. I'm not going to shoot until I'm a good ten inches into your hole." Bomber was stroking my cock periodically and had his other hand gripping Luke's low hanging ball sack. Luke squatted down to give Bomber a better angle to suck from.

This opened Luke's ass and the wrestler wasted no time getting a finger in the hole. Bomber was rhythmically sucking Luke's cock, massaging his prostate, fucking me and stroking my dick. It appeared effortless and simple, except sweat was rolling from his body, matting down his thick body hair. He was excited.

"You feel that big nut in there?" Luke asked. Luke was a talker and gave a running commentary of what he was feeling and liked. "I can sure feel it. The doctor thought it was enlarged, but found out it was just big. You know your way around a man's ass, don't you. The only thing better than a finger, or two is a cock. That will come soon enough, but I want your ass first. In a minute, or two you'll have me just ripe enough to give you the ride of your life." The wrestler made no objection. In a few minutes, Bomber would be riding Luke's love pole.

My mind began to clear as I got use to the intensity of the sexual sensation. I glanced around the tent. I had been the first in the group to feel a cock in my ass, but by now I was not alone. Eduardo was on his back with his legs spread wide and Steve was deep dicking him.

I had gotten no more than a glimpse of Steve's cock, but it must have been longer than I thought. He was pulling way out then slowly slipping back in, like a cellist playing his instrument. Eduardo was moaning and his moans got deeper as Steve got deeper. When he was fully lodged, Steve gave Eduardo two a three quick thrusts. Eduardo grunted in a deep bass as Steve probed the deepest recesses of his ass. Eduardo was Jack's favorite bottom and I had seen them fuck many times. This was an all new experience for Eduardo.

"Do you have any problem with red-neck cock?" Tom asked Wally. The two of them were standing with Wayne on his knees, alternating sucking their cocks. Wayne looked up.

"You guys taste great and the view is first rate." Wayne said, "but shit, my knees can't take it!" Tom laughed.

"Lay back and let me try that red-neck joy stick of yours." he said. Wayne got back and Tom squirted some lube on Wayne's cock. He straddled him, then sat on the rigid pole. Tom arched his back and sighed.

"Damn, it's good." Tom said. He had been hard since the volley ball game and the cock in his ass gave him a new burst of excitement. "I ain't no virgin, but damn, I love it. I haven't taken a ride on a new cock in a year or so." he said.

"Don't believe him." Steve said, overhearing the conversation. "Tom's year is six months long!"

"Maybe it is, but it's still damn good." replied Tom. By now Wally had straddled Wayne's face, so Wayne could suck his balls. Wally and Tom were facing each other and were stroking each other's cock. They started to kiss, more to get stability than out of passion. Wayne's cock in Tom's ass and his mouth sucking Wally's balls did have an effect, it turned into a wild make out session.

"It's time to fuck." Luke said to Bomber. "Are you ready?"

"Slow and steady?" Bomber asked.

"That's the only way I do it." replied Luke.

Next: Chapter 32: Catfish and Company 12

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