Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jun 14, 2002


Chesapeake Construction Company 3

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments, send them to or

You can read Millennium Construction Company and Catfish & Company to get to know the characters better.

I wasn't sure how the event would work. Jack kept his men's asses to himself and while Wayne and Jerry liked it all, as did I, fucking is a really personal thing. I had no idea about Washington's approach to screwing. Once and in awhile a pile driver or bulldozer is fun, but not everyone shares my open-mindedness on that subject. We had a good chance to get use to each other while waiting for dinner.

I provided free beer for everyone on the island. The men all thought I was being generous and appreciated it. I had an ulterior motive. Drinking too much was a problem with some of my men. I could control how much everyone had, so they could enjoy themselves, but not get in trouble. They saw me as being generous and understood why I didn't buy everyone a case per man easily enough.

Gramps and Jack hit it off real well. Gramps loaned Jack, Coon as a playmate. Gramps told Coon to bend over. The old man asked if there was some lube. Jack had some in the cooler, next to his chair. Gramps spurted some into Coon's ass and worked it in deep with his finger.

"He's easy to open, but nice and tight once you get in." Gramps told Jack. "You don't need to be too delicate with Coon. He's a real man's man and he likes it a bit rough." Jack got into position and slipped his cock deep into Coon's ass effortlessly. Coon was an enthusiastic bottom and Jack enjoyed the ride.

"Any one of my boys you'd like to try?" Jack asked as he slowly pumped Coon. Coon was taking it doggy style and obviously loved it that way. Gramps glanced at Buck. Jack smiled.

Much to my surprise Jack told Buck to open up for Gramps. "Buck, you get over here and open up for this nice man." Jack ordered. Buck looked a bit surprised. I noticed his cock went from soft to half mast as he realized what Jack wanted. "You ever been fucked by a black guy before?" Jack asked Buck. Buck shook his head, but didn't object. Buck is a blond redneck kid, about as pale as Gramps was dark. The older, black man sported a beer can cock and it looked as if it would be a challenge for Buck.

"Are you sharing your boys' ass holes?" I asked.

"I decided to let them get some more experience." Jack said. "They like ass play and it takes the pressure off me to fuck them every night." By now Buck was on his back and Gramps had the kid's legs over his shoulders. Buck looked uneasy, but sported a full erection. I took the lube and coated Gramp's meat and Buck's pink hole. The little rose bud poked out of the opening.

"I'm going to fuck you nice and slow. Just ease the cock in. You tell me if it hurts and I'll slow up, but remember, you're going to be deep dicked tonight, no matter how long it takes." Gramps said. I watched the slow fucking and got turned on myself. Gramps was a hard but fair fucker. He gave Buck some resting time, but every time I looked Gramps was in deeper.

Off to the side, I saw Washington slipping into Wayne's ass. The big, redneck bear had no problem with black cock. Washington was fucking at full speed. He would then slow down and give Wayne a chance to catch his breath. I wandered over and realized, Wayne was giving Washington warning when he was ready to pop and Washington was accommodating him.

Wally came over to watch Gramps and Jack. Eduardo and Stavros had finished preparing dinner and everything was cooking, so they joined us. They stripped off their shorts as they walked toward us at the pool area. Naked men in the full sun can't hide their interest. I was thinking how odd it was an erection can induce another erection. Stavros' cock stuck straight out by the time he was naked. I glanced down and saw I was in the same state.

Eduardo took one look at my cock and dropped to his knees. My cock vanished in his mouth. His big, black mustache draped on each side of my meat. Wally was the only one of the black masons who wasn't fucking, or being fucked. He was watching Eduardo and me. I motioned for him to come over. Wally was very hairy with a thick and long club cock. He was uncut. He joined us and Eduardo sucked the pair of us. Eduardo and Wally were about the same age and I guessed they were attracted to each other.

Wally's foreskin was almost black, but his cock head and the inside of his foreskin was lighter and pink. The color was almost delicate, even though there was nothing delicate about the cock at all. It was pure man rammer. The pink dick head in the dark mass of black hair and skin turned me on. Eduardo came up for air, so I dropped down and began sucking the two men.

The minute my lips touched Eduardo's cock, he began to shoot. He shot a full load in my mouth. I turned to Wally and sucked him. He was oozing, but not as far along as Eduardo had been.

"Tyrone said, you guys were really friendly." Wally said. "Is your ass as open as your mouth?" I looked up.

"It sure is!" I said. He smiled.

"If you keep on doing what you're doing, I'm going to shoot my load." Wally whispered. "You can pick if you want it in your mouth, or ass." I got up and went over to the table with the lubricant on it. Wally broke into a broad smile.

"I was hoping you were a mind reader." Wally said. I got on an air mattress on the ground. Wally had slicked up his cock and had my legs on his shoulders in one easy movement. Buck was moaning in pleasure. Gramps was in all the way and had started pumping. Coon had just jumped in the water and Jack wandered over to us. His cock was still dripping cum.

Wally went to the hilt on the first thrust. "Oh baby!" he cried. He left it in. I couldn't sort out my feelings. I was absolutely still and rigid. I wiggled my ass a few times and Wally's cock found the groove. I relaxed.

"That's it baby!" Wally whispered. "I could look at you and know you wanted it. Just relax and enjoy the ride. You got me revved up, so it may not be a long ride, but it sure will be good!" Wally was right it was a fast, intense ride. It might have been better longer, but it was good. Wally said, his cock was over ripe and primed, so he was single minded in his drive to shoot. At first it seemed odd to have the cock of a guy I barely knew pounding me. Then I realized, we were all members of the same fraternity. I had been where Wally was with my cock calling the shots. His cock was rock hard and every inch was ultra sensitive. Every nerve in his body concentrated on his bloated cock head. His balls were churning out cum, but the man juice was trapped and building up a head of steam which screamed for release.

Wally was sweating and shivering with emotion. He had reached the point just before his orgasm, but couldn't quite get pushed over the edge. It seemed as if he teetered there for minutes, but it couldn't have been for more than 45 seconds to a minute. That's a long time in the seconds before an orgasm when the feelings are so good they almost hurt.

He bellowed as he shot. Wally's cum felt like a hose shooting in my ass. His whole body convulsed with each ejaculation. It was one of those climaxes you could enjoy just watching. Wally was in heaven. I felt pretty good too.

We all jumped into the pool and then went to dinner. The food was good, the beer hit the spot and everyone knew the night was still young. After dinner we were all feeling mellow. It was a warm and pleasant night. The sex play before dinner seemed to have been an appetizer rather than the main course and all the men were soon jockeying for position.

"You know, it's been a long time since I was in a white boy's ass." Gramps said. "We are all the same on the inside. It's nice to refresh the memory."

"I think you got a bit deeper in me than ever before." Buck said. Everyone laughed. Buck smiled. "Mind you, I ain't complaining one bit. Frankly I don't mind being split in two for a good cause."

"Was it good?" I asked.

"Shit yes!" Buck replied. "But I haven't had any experience in a black ass. I've got to admit the idea has some appeal." He glanced at Gramps, and smiled. "I might even acquire a taste for it."

Washington was sitting next to Buck and he fondled Buck's cock. "I've got some big meat, but my ass it tight as hell. Your's look like it might fit." Buck's cock responded to the stimulation. His was long and thin with a curve toward his navel. Buck's cock head was defined, but more the size of a large olive than the big fruit sized cock heads I like.

"Are you thinking of expanding you repertoire?" Wally asked.

"Just pondering it." Washington replied. "I've watched enough men twitching in ecstasy on my cock to know there is something good up the shit chute, it's just I've never felt it myself. I tried it in the Marines and it wasn't a success."

"I never though a man should take it in the ass." Wally said. Wayne looked at him oddly. Wally glanced at Wayne and saw the reaction. Wayne was about as masculine as a man could get. "Maybe because I never thought that much about the bottom. It's so good being a top."

"I think a few rides as a bottom make you a better top. You get some idea what the other guy is feeling." said Jack. Jack almost always topped. He had told me, he topped because his boys needed to be opened up. Anyone can top, he told me once, but a hot bottom needs some training.

By this time Buck was fully erect and ready for fun. Washington had the bottle of lubricant and spread some of the slippery fluid on Buck's prong.

"Sit on it," Buck said. "that's best for starters." He got on his back with his cock aimed straight up. "Straddle me and sit back on it. Just bounce some on the head and we will ease it in." Washington did as Buck suggested. Buck was thin and looked small as the massive black man straddled him. Washington positioned the cock at his hole and eased back. For a minute it looked as if he was balanced on the slender tube of white flesh.

"Don't go too fast!" Coon said. "You might snap it!" Everyone laughed. Washington eased back and the head disappeared. He rose again and the head reappeared. He sat back and he began a slow descent down Buck's cock.

"You don't need to go too fast, take your time." Buck said. "What's good for you, will be good for me." Washington looked uneasy, but determined. I think he was too nervous to be comfortable. Finally the entire cock vanished in his ass and he sighed in relief. He just sat there for a while, getting use to the dick in his ass.

He finally realized it wasn't going to hurt and he relaxed some. Stavros was playing with Coon and had his cock rubbing the Greek's prostate. Jimmy was with Wayne and Gramps joined them. There seemed to be a dispute about who Gramps would fuck first. Jimmy won, since he hadn't been screwed in the pre dinner festivities. Gramps made a Solomon like decision, he would fuck Jimmy, but shoot his load in Wayne. All three seemed happy.

Wally, Jack, Eduardo and I were watching the scene and getting hotter and hotter. Washington was slowly undulating his hips to adjust the location of Buck's cock. On one of his gyrations, the cock must have rammed or squeezed Washington's prostate.

"Holy Shit!" Washington exclaimed. He lost the spot and continued to gyrate until he found the same spot again. Buck was watching Washington's reaction and knew the position, so he guided him to it.

"If we roll over and get on your back. I can promise you I will hit that spot every time." Buck whispered. "I'll make you feel really good." Washington rose up and lay on his back. Buck got his legs on his shoulders and got his cock head into the ass opening. I will swear, Buck's cock looked as if it had grown an inch. Buck slid his cock in slowly, searching for the magic spot. He was six inches in when he found it.

Washington's eyes rolled back in his head and his cock doubled in size. Buck was relentless in his cock's attention to the magic spot. Washington was in dreamland. I was pretty sure he had never felt anything like that before.

"It looks good, doesn't it?" Wally whispered to me. I knew he wanted to try it, but was afraid for the other men to know. It was dark now and everyone was busy, Wally, Eduardo and I slipped off to the side.

Wally got on his back and spread his legs. My cock was heftier than Bucks, so I decided to finger Wally first to loosen him up. His mind said, he wanted to get fucked, but his body wasn't in agreement. His cock was hard, but ass was clamped shut.

Eduardo had an idea. He skewered himself on Wally's cock, while I opened Wally's ass from the rear. Wally relaxed as the Mexican slid down his love pole. As he relaxed, my fingers penetrated deeper in Wally's ass and touched his prostate. Wally really liked that. I applied pressure to the tiny organ and Wally was drooling. "This is good," he muttered, when he could catch his breath.

Eduardo's weight held him down and Eduardo was undulating to keep his ass chute stimulating Wally's cock. Eduardo hooked Wally's legs with his arms, so Wally's hole was wide open and unprotected by his muscular ass. Wally didn't realize he was sexually defenseless. It was my turn.

Once I rammed through the sphincter, it was clear sailing into the depths of Wally's gut. Wally couldn't get his feelings straight. He was lost. Intense waves of pleasure overwhelmed him and he couldn't tell where they came from. Eduardo popped first, spraying warm sperm all over Wally's hairy chest. This was enough to push Wally over the edge, he filled Eduardo's ass. He almost bucked the Mexican off his cock, the ejaculations were that violent.

Wally's ejaculatory contractions were enough to pull my trigger, so I filled him. Wally's twitches all but sucked the cum from my balls. We broke apart quickly. We were all exhausted. It was getting late and I got inyo my sleeping bag and drifted off. Sometime in the night Wally climbed in with me. "I need to fuck, can you help me with that?" I though a minute and said, "Yes".

"Is turnabout fair play?" I asked.

"If I go first." he said. "Please?"

Wally was a different man. He had bent me onto my back with my legs pinned on his shoulders. The same position he had been in earlier. Instead of ramming me, he worked his club cock in slowly. He was almost delicate as his cock moved deeper and deeper into me. I was contracting my ass tunnel and massaging his cock as it penetrated deeper.

Wally began to moan and twitch, he was ejaculating. He tried to pull out. I stopped him. "Just leave it in there for a while. Wait until the last drop." I said. We were quiet for a while. "Are you ready for me?" I asked. He said, "Sure."

"You're kind of sore, aren't you?" I asked.

"Kind of, but a deal, is a deal." Wally replied.

"Did I rip you in half?"

"It seemed that way at first, then it was okay, by the time you were done, it was fine. Maybe it was better than fine." Wally said. "It was completely different. It was sex, but it wasn't like anything I had felt before."

"Do you want me to do it again?"

"If you'd asked me an hour ago, I'd have said no." Wally said. "But now, I'm game. The idea grows on you." Wally had stopped twitching, but was still hard. He adjusted his body and the cock slipped a bit deeper in my ass.

"I kind of like what's happening right now. Do you think you've got another load in those balls of yours?" I asked.

"I think it do, but it may take a while to get them ready." Wally said.

"We've got all night." I said.

"That is a plan!" Wally replied.

Next: Chapter 31: Chesapeake Construction Company 4

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