Millennium Construction Company

Published on May 16, 2002


Catfish & Company 10

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments send them to or

I'd spent so much time out of town recently, I had neglected my old friends. John had a special relationship with my cock. John and I were good friends, he was a nice guy and the original financial support for Catfish & Company. His ass was in love with my cock. They fit perfectly and my dong rang a bell no one else had ever rung.

Some people might say I am obsessively sex driven. I admit I get my share of sex. John wasn't a sex maniac. I think he was embarrassed, at first, at his reaction to my cock. He told me he never totally lost control the way he did when my cock head rammed his prostate. It's hard for a middle-aged businessman to admit a redneck cock drove him crazy.

John was used to it now and could relax and let my cock work its magic. It wasn't as good for me as for him, but it was nice to be appreciated. I'm not sure I understood what he felt until I ran in to Mark. Actually, it would be more correct to say I didn't understand until Mark's cock ran in to my prostate.

At this very moment, Bobby was bouncing up and down on Mark's cock on the stairs, so I took advantage of John's quivering and welcoming ass. John was on the bed with his legs spread, so I slipped right in. John's best friend, Ed, was watching.

"Damn, that looks easy!" Ed said. "I'm not sure I've seen a big one slip in so smooth."

"John makes it that way." I said, "He really likes it." I gave him a few quick thrusts and John moaned.

"I've never had much luck with big ones." Ed said. "Nice to look at and inspirational, but hard to take."

"You're nicely equipped yourself." I said. Ed had a good cock, but Ed himself was real attractive. He wasn't pretty. He was handsome, manly I guess you would say. A bit stocky, with blond hair turning white, he was muscular from hard work rather than the gym. He had a white beard and was covered in curly white body hair. Someone had described him as a blond Bluto. Unlike Bluto, he was affable, smart and organized. He was John's right hand man.

He was like John in that he wasn't sex driven, like me. Ed liked sex, but he didn't get carried away. Both men were builders. They got the excitement and thrill I get from catching a criminal, by building something. I think Max, the Architect, felt the same way. Even though I like sex a lot, I have always thought of it as a sideline. I've met some guys who were professional gays. It never seemed to me being gay was your day job. Men need to do something real.

I did get the distinct feeling sex was on Ed's mind now and the sex he was thinking about involved me. The room was quiet, except for heavy breathing and Larry's moans. Vince had him right on the edge of an orgasm, but had managed to keep him teetering on the edge. Larry was whimpering to finish him off, he couldn't stand it anymore. Vince didn't get to top that often and wasn't going to stop until he was good and ready.

"Have you ever been there?" I asked Ed, referring to Larry.

"No, not really." Ed said. "I got my wife there a few times, but I shoot too easy to be there myself."

"When did you change over to men?" I asked.

"After she died." he said. "At first I thought it was because there were fewer strings attached to men. When I hit fifty, I admitted the sex was better."

"Never got married myself." I said, while giving John a few deep strokes with my cock. "I liked men from the start. When you look like me, it's not as if there's a line of women lusting after your bod. It was easy for me. No one expected me to get married."

"You do better with men?" Ed asked. He was smiling.

"I sure do." I replied. "Even straight men respond when you are hung like the Statue of Liberty's stud muffin." I pulled my cock entirely out of John's ass. The lubricant glistened and emphasized every vein on my shaft. I shoved it back in hard. John gasped for breath. He liked that a lot.

"I use to get guys who were curious. They wanted to feel it and sometimes suck it." I continued. "The real brave ones wanted it in the ass. I'm afraid I'm more than willing to accommodate them."

"John told me it was an incredible sensation." Ed said. "He wasn't sure men were meant to feel the way it made him feel." I gave John a few more thrusts and cum spurted from his cock, hands free. The sperm made graceful arcs over his gut and landed on his hairy chest. It was a top of the line orgasm and John was all but asleep by the time it was over, drained. I pulled out.

Ed and I were on the bed next to John. I stroked Ed's hard cock. His cock head was covered in precum.

"You liked watching, didn't you?" I asked.

"I guess I did." he said sheepishly. "I'm kind of embarrassed, but I did."

"More turned on then embarrassed?"

"Yep." he said.

"There is nothing wrong with watching guys enjoy themselves." I said.

"There sure isn't!" Mark added. He had finished on the stairs with Bobby and joined us. "That Bobby is a wonder. "Takes a licking and keeps on ticking." I've never screwed anyone that small. I was afraid my cock would stick out of his mouth, but it didn't." Ed and I laughed. "Are you hunting for big meat?" he asked of Ed.

"Damn, Mark. You are so refined!" I said. "Here Ed and I were having this nice conversation and you butt in."

"As a matter of fact, I was thinking about sampling big meat." Ed said, smiling. "I figured this was the right place to find it. It looks like I'm a bit oversupplied with dick, a surfeit of cock."

"You got one real inviting cock." Mark said. He was looking at Ed's hard and dripping dick. "I love them juicy!" he added. Mark climbed on the bed, straddled Ed's cock and sat on it. This caught me by surprise. Mark usually tops.

"Shit, that's good." Ed said. He was surprised too, but enjoyed it. Mark had been at half staff when he took the cock. His meat looked as if it was a balloon filled with helium. He was doing a version of a hula on Ed's love pole, trying to get the maximum sensation from Ed's cock. From the look on his face, Mark liked it more than he expected.

"Do you mind if I get off before I pop?" Mark asked.

"No problem." Ed replied. "I'd like some more playtime before I drop my first load." Mark got up.

"Anytime you need an ass to keep your cock warm, give me a call!" Mark said. "Damn, that was good." Ed looked at me and I knew he was thinking about my cock and his ass. John was awake, looked at me and got a tube of lubricant off of the table next to the bed. John got up and Ed spread his legs. John began to work some lube into Ed's ass. He also squirted some on my cock.

Ed's pink ass hole was pretty, with a little rosebud peeking out. His cock was rock hard and still dripping and his balls were pulled tight. I knew he was as ready as he ever would be. I rested my cock head at his ass and my piss slit touched his rosebud. I pushed. He resisted. John opened a bottle of Rush and gave Ed a good snort.

A second later my cock was in. Ed's ass all but swallowed my cock whole. He gasped for air as if he were winded. I was a bit uneasy. I never ram my cock in full depth, unless I know the guy real well and know he likes it that way. I just stood there with my pubic hair pressed against his hole and my dick in, as deep as it could get.

"Holy shit!" he exclaimed. Ed's ass twitched, then he wiggled a bit to get a more comfortable fit. I felt better. I pulled out a little, then went back in deep. I did this a few times, until I was sure he was enjoying it. Then we got down to real fucking. As I said, I'm a careful guy when it comes to fucking. I like to make sure my partner likes it as much as me. That can be a challenge with a cock as big as mine.

It didn't take me long to realize Ed liked it a bit rough. He wanted me to pull my cock out, then ram him to the hilt as fast and hard as I could. I can be really fast and my cock was really hard. That was fine with Ed. John seemed to enjoy watching Ed have a good time. Ed was usually reserved, but you can't hold back when my cock is playing tag with your prostate.

The room was quiet. Vince had filled Larry's ass and Larry was resting. Bobby looked as if he was a wet dishrag. He had huge orgasms, and afterward, Bobby was usually drained. Vince came over and touched me on the shoulder.

"May I cut in?" he asked. I moved out of the way and he slipped his cock into Ed's ass. Mark motioned to me to get on the bed. Mark was usually physically ungainly, but he got my legs on his shoulder and his cock in my ass in a single graceful movement. His cock sent me to the moon on the first thrust. After fifteen minutes of hard work, we were both happy.

It turned out to be a good night. Normally a climax like the one I had with Mark was enough to put me out of commission for a good hour. I think the Viagra may have been inspirational. I was interested in sex in ten minutes and ready to screw in fifteen.

Since it was my birthday party, several guys came to me to get a inaugural ride on my cock. Otto, John's somewhat swishy painter, was a real find. He wasn't a virgin and took my cock like a pro. Swishy isn't my favorite flavor of fag, but he was good. Otto must have had some muscles in his shit chute lacking in most men. It was like one of those electric massage heating pads, hot and quivering.

At first Otto was just being polite and perhaps a bit curious. After about three minutes, he was a lot more than polite. Lance, Otto's partner in work and love, also joined in. He fed Otto his cock, while I plugged his lover's ass.

Karl and Bob, John's next door neighbors, also made the big jump. Bob was a top and Karl had decided I would be the perfect introduction to the science of being a bottom. I don't know how that happened, but I had a suspicion Bob had lost a bet and my cock was the punishment. Karl was a professional caterer and semi-professional bottom. He was going to be the coach.

We were watching Vince pounding Bobby when Bob whispered in my ear, he would like to give it a try. Bobby was the `poster boy' for anal sex. He loved it and seemed to never get enough of it. Mark had fucked him earlier and that only seemed to increase Bobby's desire for monster meat. He was spread eagled on the bed with his ass wide open and Vince was deep fucking him.

One of the nice added attractions to having a big cock is the view it gives onlookers. Vince was proud of his mighty dong and he pulled the entire thing out on each thrust, giving us a good view. The coating of lubricant made his cock look like it had been candied. The glistening ointment showed every detail of his cock in great detail. Bobby was small and you could see him react to each thrust. It was like a Keystone Cops routine, except it was to see how much cock you could fit into a single ass rather than cops into an antique car.

Bobby was in heaven. He liked it and everyone knew. Bob was inspired. We went over to the bed and Bob bent over. Karl lubed him up and had all but his thumb in Bob's ass. Karl showed no mercy and Bob didn't seem to mind. Bob was handsome, almost pretty. Every hair was always in place and I felt kind of odd shoving my cock in his ass. No Greek sculptor would have immortalized my cock. What it lacks in beauty it makes up for in size.

I did him doggy style. My cock slipped in easily enough, but there were no fireworks. Bob wasn't in pain, but he wasn't enjoying it either. Karl wandered away.

"This isn't working, is it?" I asked.

"It's not bad." Bob said. "It must not do for me what it does for Bobby, or Karl for that matter."

"Want to try it spread eagled?" I asked. "Sometimes another position feels better. Usually doggy style is easiest to take, but you never know." Bob agreed. I pulled out and he got on the bed. I lifted his legs and repositioned my cock. Bobby was free from Vince's cock and squirted my cock with additional lubricant.

The minute my cock head cleared the sphincter, I knew this was the way to go. Bob twitched and shivered the whole way. By the time I was in deep, he had a spectacular hard and was moaning. Apparently my cock hit every good spot in his ass. It felt so good, he involuntarily spasmed. After two or three deep thrusts, I had figured out what to do to drive him crazy and Bob had lost it.

Karl returned and was inspired himself. He wanted to replace me in his lover's ass. I figured he had the right, so I let him. Karl was better hung than I remembered. I am often surprised to find guys, who aren't my type, can still have some heavy meat. Karl was a bottom and didn't seem to have much technique as a top. He just shoved it in and didn't seek out the good spots.

I took charge and slowed him down and gave him some guidance. When I got him to concentrate on one of Bob's good spots, Karl finally got the idea. He got Bob's legs on his shoulders and had bent Bob back, so they could kiss. Bob was a lot more flexible than I am. This move left Karl's hole wide open. His rosebud was peaking out. I was trying to decide what to do next, when Karl's ass winked at me.

I coated my cock with lubricant again and slipped into the welcoming ass. I had fucked Karl once before, but he was concentrating on Bob, so he just opened up and let me in. His entire fuck tunnel was contracting as he began to ejaculate. I kept on pumping, so his ejactulatory spasms massaged my cock. It was great. I was right on the edge of shooting when I pulled out.

I was a bit lost, when Bobby came up to me.

"It's your turn!" he said. "I've got three loads in there already, you won't need no lube." Bobby was right about that. Man seed is a great lubricant.

Next: Chapter 29: Catfish and Company 11

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