Millennium Construction Company

Published on Apr 3, 2002


Chesapeake Construction Company 2

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments send them to or

Neither Raleigh nor Gil were one bit shy about sex. I was so excited, I forgot the preliminaries and started sucking Raleigh immediately. His chest hair was continuous over his entire body and thickened as it reached his pubic region. Foreskin shrouded a fat cock head. This was the only part of the cock visible in the pubic forest. I worked my tongue into the pucker and hit pay dirt.

He looked cool and collected, but he must have been oozing the whole time we had been talking. Why the precum wasn't dripping from the pucker, I don't know, but the taste and smell of the hot fluid was intoxicating. There must have been several hours of the stuff kept warm inside his generous foreskin. It tasted and smelled like pure man in heat.

"Let's get comfortable." Raleigh suggested. He sat on a marble bench. I was on my hands and knees and continued sucking him. Gil went to my ass like an iron filing to a magnet. He touched my hole and I opened up. I expected to feel his cock next, but it was his tongue that touched my hole. I had the Apache Kid's cock in my mouth and Captain Lukas' tongue in my ass. It was a thirteen-year old's dream come true.

Raleigh had a beer can cock. His huge head crowned a shaft the same diameter. It was five or six inches of thick meat. His piss slit was wide and was oozing precum continuously. I worked my tongue in deep and intercepted the sweet goo. He looked really relaxed and almost asleep, remaining cool and collected on the outside. His balls were churning out precum by the bucket full.

I didn't see Gil's cock for a while, but I wanted to feel it more than see it. He continued to rimmed me. I soon found both men were sexually generous. They liked it all and were willing to do it all. Much to my surprise, they were as turned on by me as I was by them. I'm 5-8 and 170 pounds. I had been a marine for eight years and it still showed. Everyone says I look like a marine. They apparently liked the look. The two stars thought I was hot stuff and wanted to please me.

Gil spread my legs. I though he was finally going to fuck me. Instead, he got his head in between my legs and began to suck my cock and balls. Most men's cocks curve up when they are hard. Mine curves down, so it was convenient for Gil. My balls are low hangers too. I was in heaven. Gil and Raleigh traded places and I got to suck Gil.

His cock was the length and diameter size of a family-sized tube of toothpaste. He was uncut, but so hard you could hardly tell. He didn't ooze much, but he was a moaner. He loved being sucked and gave a running commentary on what he liked. The edge of his cock head and the underside, where the skin attached, were particularly sensitive. I would run my tongue between the piss slit and the underside of his head and he would go crazy.

While Gil didn't ooze much, he had several mini-orgasms. He would twitch and spasm, then a bead of milky cum would dribble from his slit. I was afraid he was going to shoot big time, but he told me it would be a while.

I guess I am into heavy vanilla sex. I like to suck and fuck and be sucked and fucked. Everything had been oral so far. I wondered if that was their only interest.

Jonathan, Wayne and Mitch joined us in the shower room. Jonathan had been much taken with Wayne. It was clear Mitch shared the same taste in men. They had all cum and were going to relax and shower before the next session. We all calmed down for a while and showered.

Six naked and horny men in a shower are not the ingredients in a recipe calculated to avoid sex. Gil bent over and Mitch slipped in his ass. I was a bit shocked. I wasn't surprised Mitch was fucking, that I expected. It was was so casual, almost as if Mitch was slapping Gil on the back rather than shoving his penis into his ass.

Quite frankly, it also turned me on. My cock enlarged to full size. Raleigh noticed this. He turned his back to me and bent over. I did what he expected and seconds later the "Apache Kid" was skewered on my cock. He offered no resistance. My pubic hair was touching his ass when he clamped tight his ass muscles. It felt great.

Raleigh lost all of his cool detachment the second my cock head touched his prostate. He moaned and wiggled and whimpered as I fucked him. It was almost difficult to pull my cock out of his ass. He wanted it in and squeezed hard to keep it embedded. As soon as I pulled out, he relaxed and he opened his ass wide in invitation. After a half dozen thrusts, we had it down to a science.

I didn't last long, I shot so much cum in Raleigh's ass I was afraid I had lost weight. He seemed to appreciate it. Wayne had been watching us. I guess he must have made some eye contact with Raleigh and knew what the star wanted, because he was ready to replace me as soon as I pulled out.

By the time the night was over, we all knew each other well. There was a lot of sex, but more importantly, we discovered we could get along. Mitch has lost his distrust. I was no longer in awe of the television stars. Gil and Raleigh discovered they could be treated as one of the guys, not as stars, or a way for an actor wannabe to get ahead. We flew home Sunday morning. I felt much better about the project and my employer.

When we got back to Virginia, I realized just how much work needed to be done to get the project underway. I am an organized man, but this project was much larger than any I had done before and my ass was on the line. If I fucked up, I was dead meat. You never get an opportunity like this twice.

Two things were going for me. All my crew shared my desire to succeed. They wanted to do as well as I did. And John, the President of Millennium, was willing to help when asked. Mostly it was advice, but he could also provide additional men in a pinch.

The architectural drawings for the new buildings were ready in December and we had them out for bid after Christmas. Most of the prices came in well, except for the masonry. This was sky high. None of the masons wanted to spend so much time getting the materials to the island. There were easier projects closer to home.

Tyrone came to our rescue. Tyrone worked with us most of the time now. He had performed heroically during the bombing and the aftermath. He was a human bulldozer and had been one of the first on the scene after the explosion. He saved several people and also found three bodies. Things were fine as long as he was digging. He was always happy working. When he stopped, he couldn't sleep and couldn't get the images of the bombing out of his head.

John, the boss at Millennium, felt Tyrone needed to get away to a quiet place. It doesn't get any quieter than New Samoa Island in the winter. I was talking about the masonry problem and Tyrone said he knew someone who could help, his cousin Washington. It was really unusual for Tyrone to say anything. A week later, when he came to work after spending the weekend with his Aunt and Uncle, he had a note from them. It contained Washington's phone number and address. I was desperate for a mason, so I called him by cell phone and we met in Urbanna at the town dock two days later.

Washington Byrd was a spectacularly handsome black man. He was a good 6-2 tall, with close-cropped hair and a black mustache. He wore a flannel plaid shirt that fit him like spandex on a jogger. It was clear he was muscular. Wash had been the head of a masonry crew for a Norfolk contracting firm that went belly up. It turned out, he too was a former Marine. He was well spoken and knowledgeable. We went out to the island and he understood the problems immediately. He was figuring out ways to get materials there and who he would need to have working for him to make the project work.

He wanted the work and told me directly about his problem. He was a mason, not a businessman. He had just been divorced and was financially unable to start his own operation. If we could get the materials, he could do the work. I liked him. He was a no bullshit kind of guy, direct and to the point, no attitude at all. He gave me a list of references. I called them and he got rave reviews.

An architect in Norfolk said, he was a supurb craftsman, a fast worker and honest. The firm he worked for had inflated a masonry change order and Wash had told him the true figures. Two other men said, he was first rate. I called his former employer too. He said, he was okay, but he wasn't a real man's man. Apparently the divorce was nasty and his ex made a scene at the construction site. She had accused him of being gay. I could smell the sour grapes over the telephone line.

I called Washington and told him to report to work. He could do the foundation work. If we were happy with the first part of the work, he had a job. If we weren't pleased, he'd get paid and that was that. He said, he just wanted a chance to show what he could do.

It was late winter and the island was windswept and inhospitable. Washington arrived with a crew of three, an older man called Gramps and two younger guys, Wally and Coon. There was a lot of heavy work to be done as they unloaded the barge. We had a small lift to move the brick and block, but much of the work had to be done by hand. Washington and his crew didn't seem to notice.

The architect planned to reuse the stonework and foundations from the old, burned out lodge, but much work was needed to repair damaged areas and insure stability. Gramps had been a stone mason in his youth and understood stone masonry. My background is as a carpenter and I had never worked with stone. Wash hadn't either, except for fireplaces, so this was a new experience for him and his crew, except for Gramps.

Max MacAffee, the architect, came by to look at their first effort. It looked like a perfect match to me. Max loved it. Washington was hired for the rest of the job. By spring Jack brought the houseboat back to the island. It wasn't big enough for all of the crew now working on New Samoa. Washington brought a tent for his crew to stay in. It was a Military surplus item, but was a modern tent and quite comfortable.

In the winter when we were going back to the mainland every night, we lost some of our tools, so we decided to have someone on the island all the time. Jack and the landscape crew were on the houseboat, by the dock. Washington's masons were near the ruins of the house, and I set up a cluster of tents for Wayne, Jerry and me at the artificial pool. This arrangement worked out well, since it gave everyone a place to go away from the entire group.

The men liked the camps. Several had furnished rooms in town. They gave them up and saved money. The food was good. Jack was a good cook and many of the men were fishermen.

Washington knew about our sexual preferences. He didn't seem to mind, but he and his crew kept to themselves. You never know how guys will fit in a crew. We all got along, but I was a bit worried about having a segregated island, with one black camp and two white ones. It would look bad if there ever was a complaint. Tyrone helped to solve that problem too.

Tyrone spent the late winter and early spring in Richmond working at a theater project. There was some heavy, hard work needed. Tyrone was strong and proud of his strength. He was happy working hard and impressing everyone. He returned to us in late April.

It was Jack's birthday and his boys were having a party for him. Eduardo and Stavros were cooking, so the food was Mexican-Greek. Buck was helping, but in true red neck fashion, he provided the beer. Tyrone told me it was Gramp's birthday too, so they expanded the party to be all inclusive.

Gramps was a character. He was average height and stocky, chocolate skinned with a Santa-like beard. He had retired years before, but came to help Washington, who was a nephew of some sort. In reality he was getting away from his wife and daughters. He had four daughters who lived within a block of him. All married well, to school teachers or preachers. None of the sons-in-law were handy around the house and Gramps fixed everything that needed to be fixed in the five houses. He said he went back to work to relax and lighten his work load.

He was in good shape for a man in his late 60s. Wally was another nephew or cousin. He was 30 years old, dark skinned with short, pitch black hair. He had a small mustache. He was into body building, masonry was just another way to life weights. Coon was a 40 year old, country boy. He was the black equivalent of Wayne, hard working, but poorly educated. He had a short black beard.

It had been a cool spring . This was good for my men who were doing a lot of heavy work. A high temperature of 55 feels great if you are lifting heavy stones for eight hours. We joked summer might arrive overnight. That is exactly want happened. April 25th was cold and raw, April 29th had a high of 85 and a low of 65. Summer descended on us in one week. The shallow water of the artificial pond was warm enough to swim in.

At three in the afternoon, everyone was bushed. We all went to the pond, stripped naked and jumped in. The water was refreshing after a hot day. I got out of the water and sat on a chair on the edge of the pond. Wayne sat next to me. Washington emerged from the pond.

Wayne did a double take. "What in hell is hanging between your legs?" he exclaimed. "You are Tyrone's kin! You've got his cock!" Washington laughed as he walked over to us. He was hairy with a long, meaty dong and big balls.

"Tyrone told me you boys don't mind dark meat." Wash said. Tyrone got out of the water and joined us. It put his arm around Washington's shoulders and Washington fondled Tyrone's cock. The cool water shrunk Tyrone's dick. The attention re-inflated it.

"We have a little problem here." Washington said. "My crew doesn't mind a trip on the wild side, but we seem to have an oversupply of tops. Coon is the only one of us who swings both ways. I was hoping some of your guys might be able to help us out." Jack came up and joined us.

"My guys are pretty much open to all the possibilities. Jack keeps his boys' asses for himself. " I said. "As long as it's fun, we're game." Washington was staring at my cock. I stood and Washington dropped to his knees and licked the gold ring through my head. I remembered that Tyrone had liked the ring. I had taken it out for my flight to New York earlier that year. I didn't want to have a problem with the metal detector and had just put it back in.

Washington was playing with the ring with his tongue. He shared his cousin's interest. I was interested in his cock and wouldn't mind giving his cock a test drive in my ass, but I didn't like the idea of being just a bottom for him. It only took a few seconds to know that Washington was a first rate cock sucker. Wayne came over to watch and Wash included his cock in his sucking duty.

Washington looked up at us. "Shit, I love cock!" he said as he returned to our cocks.

"Do your guys like it as much as you do?" Wayne asked.

"Hand picked and personally trained." he said looking up again. "The only problem has been there is too much big meat and too much tight ass." He returned to his cock sucking duties. Jack was to the side still watching.

"Damn, I love this place!" Jack said. "Hey! Birthday Boy!" he yelled as Gramps emerged from the water. Gramps was barrel chested like Jim and almost as hairy, except his body hair was curly white.

"Come over here for your birthday blow job!" Jack cried.

"That's the best offer I've had today!" Gramps called back. "Cum is better than a cake any day." His cock was soft, but you could tell it was thick. The head looked apricot sized in its skin shroud. Washington began to concentrate on Wayne, so I joined Jack and Gramps.

"I hate to sound like an old cock hound, but I really feel like sampling some new cock." Jack said. He was feeling Gramps out. "You've got some real billy-goat balls on you." he said

"Bull Balls, not goat!" Gramps said laughing. "Those seed factories never quit. I figured when I got older they'd stop producing. Shit no. If I don't drain them every day they fill up and I get headaches. You got some nice equipment yourself." Apparently both men were hungry for cock. They stopped talking and were soon on the ground 69ing.

Apparently everyone was hungry for cock. There must have been a lot more penned up lust than I had realized. Everyone was ready to play and, as Jack said, felt like sampling new cock. I felt the same way. The birthday party was well on the way to being a great success.

Next: Chapter 27: Catfish and Company 9

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