Millennium Construction Company

Published on Mar 27, 2002


Catfish & Company 8

By Bald Hairy Man

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This is an adult story for adults. It is not intended for minors, nor for persons who are offended by alternate lifestyles. Some of the characters are escapees from Millennium Construction Company. No effort is made to use safe sexual practices. It's intended to be fun, not a sex manual.

Earl told me I would like Slim. He was right. Slim Wilson, the Deputy, was a trip. I thought I was country. Slim defined country. He was from some God forsaken place in the mountains. He was tall, slim, redheaded with a close cropped mustache and goatee. I knew the close cropping was a requirement of the job. Deep in his heart he would like to look like a Billy-Goat.

I also thought I liked sex. Slim ate it up. His cock, mouth and ass were everywhere. He wasn't shy about anything. Shoving a cock in an ass was no more to him than shaking hands. He really hit it off with Buddy.

Buddy was basically an up tight Southern Baptist boy. As far as I could tell, Slim was a real laid back Druid. I think Buddy was shocked when he first played with Slim. His approach to sex was so casual and unashamed. Buddy thought he was odd. That all changed when he fucked Slim the first time. Buddy's cock was made for Slim's ass. I could see Buddy glowing as he slipped into the shit chute. He enjoyed it so much, he was embarrassed. I knew Buddy liked Earl. I think Buddy got so carried away and he was afraid Earl would be jealous.

Earl came over to Slim and fed him his cock. Slim licked the Sheriff's cock and balls. Earl kissed Buddy as Buddy continued to pump. Slim liked being rear ended as he was front loaded. It was hot to watch, but it was better for them than it was for me. Buddy discovered that good sex and love weren't the same thing. Earl didn't mind if he played with other men. Earl knew Buddy was his.

Slim had nice equipment, not challenging, but fun. His cock was okay, but Slim's ass hole was his best sex organ. When Buddy popped and pulled out, I moved in. I admit Buddy's cum made a good lubricant, but Slim was a first rate bottom. He liked it and you could tell. He seemed to be able to constrict his ass to grab my cock and massage it. After my recent experiences with bottoming I knew it was hard to do when you're stretched to the limit.

I don't have the biggest cock in the world, but I am in what they called in school the "ninetieth percentile". Slim took it well and willingly. He had a great time and gave as good as he got. I shot off and took a breather. I must have slept for a while. When I woke, Earl was next to me. He was awake too, so I started sucking him. Slim slipped his dick in my ass. It was a nice touch.

Earl rotated so we could 69. Buddy rear ended him as Slim continued to fuck me. We had all shot off earlier, so it was a nice quiet time. It was more of a cock massaging my prostate than a real fucking. I could watch Buddy slow pumping Earl's ass and taste Earl's cock juice as it dribbled. Earl was tasting my juice, as Slim slowly thrust in my hole.

I don't know how long we did it. It was a long while. I was thinking, we could do it all night long, when Buddy began to pick up steam. Cocks are tricky things. They seem to have a mind of their own. I could sense Buddy's balls filling and soon we all got back into the mood. Earl shot first and set off a chain reaction. I shot a huge load into Earl's mouth and fell asleep.

I woke at five and Earl's cock was six inches from my mouth. I decided to find out what dried cum tastes like, so I sucked him. It was nice to suck a man from being completely soft to being hard. Earl told me he liked being sucked awake. Better than an alarm clock, he said. He wanted to get into work early and check on Mr. Edland. I asked, what was wrong with Mr.Edland. Earl told me, Edland had been in the accident that delayed him.

Buddy had to tend to his cows and left Slim and me to our own devices. He said, he would really like to spend some time getting to know my prostate. I told him that would be fine, if he would teach me what he did with his ass when he was fucked.

He was a good teacher. Maybe he was too good. He shot off ten minutes into his lesson. He told me, we could finish it some other time. The phone rang. It was Earl. Edland was in critical condition. The mechanic who examined the car said, the brakes had been tampered with, almost cut through. It all became clear to me.

"It was Williams they were after." I said.

"What are you talking about?" Earl asked.

"Rev. Williams. He's been getting death threats from the Victory Temple people." I said. Edland parked next to him at the party at Mom's house. They have almost identical cars."

"Shit!" Earl exclaimed. "Williams never told me about the threats."

"He though they were pranksters. His wife thought they were real." I said. "She's a smart woman."

"Holy Shit! I can't believe people hide things like that. Threats are a crime too! Is Slim still there?" I said, yes. "Send him over, if you will. We've got some detecting to do!" Earl hung up.

I told Slim what happened. He was the `fingerprint man' for the town and was on his way to the Police Station in thirty seconds flat. I got dressed and went to Mom's house for breakfast.

The local jungle drums were working at full speed. Old ladies have a remarkable communication system. Mom and my Aunts knew all about the accident, Mr. Edland's status in the hospital and they had a suspicion something was wrong.

"Edward was such a careful man. He had that car checked every six months and was so particular. I can't believe the brakes failed." Mom said.

"Maybe he was getting sloppy in his old age?" Edith said.

"I just don't know why you say things like that." Aunt Becky said. "You know what he is like. Precise and exact. He's no different now than when he taught my daughter 35 years ago." That started an argument, so I went to help Mom and Aunt Ellen in the kitchen.

"Catfish, did you notice how similar Rev. Williams' car was to Mr. Edland's?" Mom asked.

"I sure did Mom."

"Do you think someone should mention that to the Sheriff?" Mom continued. "It's very worrisome. They should have reported their problem to the Police."

"I already have Momma. It might be nice if you kept it quiet like. It would be better if nobody knew for a while."

"Edith is in deep with those people. She has less sense now than when she was a girl." Ellen said. "She might report back anything she hears . We need a little trip. Let's get her out of town for a few days." Ellen was super organized and she called a travel agent friend and had reservations at the Peaks of Otter Lodge in a few minutes. I remembered the Blue Ridge was Edith's favorite vacation spot.

Ellen presented it as a special birthday gift to Mom from her children. Edith said there was too much to clean up at the house after the party. Ellen told them I had volunteered to do that while they were gone. I would stay in the house.

"If we leave now, we can be there in time for lunch!" Becky said. "They have fresh caught Mountain Bass this time of the year." Forty five minutes later, they were on their way in Becky's Oldsmobile. Ellen was prone to impulsive gestures like the trip to the mountains and all four women were enthusiastic. They had done that sort of thing when they were girls and were acting like young girls as they drove off.

I called Earl and told him about Mom's suspicions. Mom wasn't exactly Sherlock Holmes. If she could figure it out, others would. He wanted to keep as quiet as possible and asked me to look at the driveway and see if there was anything of interest there.

He hung up and I called the office to see what was up in Richmond. Butch was at the phone and I gave him a full report. He would look up Ovid Jones and see if he was on any watch list. Butch told me an internet server named "" seemed to be the locale for several of the most radical web sites. It was located somewhere in the area. He asked me to stay near the phone so he could get back to me.

I went to the yard and gave it a quick look. It didn't need any more than that. There was the stain of break fluid, where Edland's car had been. I got a camera and took pictures. I called Earl and got Slim. He said, he'd be by to take evidence. I went to the motel and checked out then relocated to the attic of Mom's.

I cleaned up the party stuff and decided to trim the shrubs. Mom had a wireless phone, so I could keep in touch while outside. I wanted to be in the yard to see if any of the neighbors might have seen something. It was a weekday and the street was quiet. The shrubs needed a lot of work and I got into it and had a good time. It was a hot day and it was nice to have some real physical work to do.

Several neighbors walked by, but hadn't seen anything. A woman came by and wanted to root cuttings for the shrub I was trimming. By lunch time, I was bushed and went in for a lunch of leftover party food. The day had turned really hot. After lunch, I went out to survey my work. The house looked like the Titanic going down for the last time. I had trimmed half and that part looked great. The other half was shaggy and disreputable. It was twice as tall and the house looked like it had a list. I would have to do the rest.

After ten minutes, I was sweating like a pig and took off my shirt. Several people honked their horns in greeting, but it was so hot, few were out walking. There were a few kids on bicycles going off to the pool. One kid came by several times. I would guess he was a senior in high school. On his third trip by the house, he was going slower and looking me over good. I knew he was interested.

A few minutes later, I saw him walking towards the house down the sidewalk. I was ready for a break so I got back to take a look at the overall view. He was slightly taller than me and thin, but he had a wrestling team look to him. He hadn't shaved and was a bit older than I had thought, nearer twenty than 18.

"It's a hot day." he said as he walked by.

"I got started and bit off more than I can chew." I said. "It's looking better though."

"It looks good to me." the kid said. "Are you a gardener?"

"It's my Mom's house. Just visiting for a few days. She's out of town for a day or so and I decided to trim up the yard." He was pretending to look at the house, but was trying to look at me. I was sweating like a pig and my body hair was matted down with sweat. Sweaty, dirty and hairy, short men aren't just everybody's cup of tea, but once in a while, I look good to someone. This kid was almost drooling. I pretended not to notice. "Do you live nearby?" I asked.

"Three blocks away. I'm on summer break from college. My name is Jim."

"Pleased to meet you. They call me Catfish, that's short for Wildrige." He shook hands. There was a pause in the conversation. I realized he wasn't experienced in picking up men.

"I'm going in for some water, would you care to join me?" I said. The boy looked as if a Genie had granted his first wish. He said, `sure'. "Let's go in the back door. I'm too dirty to cross the rugs." The kid looked around and saw that all the drapes and blinds of the neighbors' houses were pulled to keep out the sun. He looked relieved and then followed me to the rear.

When I was younger, I was one of those kids who played hard and got dirty. My Mom built an outdoor shower next to the utility room. It was open above, but screened from view. I told Jim I was going to clean up some and let him in the kitchen door. I went in and dropped my pants and hosed the worst of the dirt off. The clothes' washer was right under the utility room window, so I dropped the dirty clothes in and grabbed a towel.

Jim was inside and watching.

"Jim, would you like to shower? You look hot too." I said. He said `no'. I got us some water and, as my eyes adjusted to the comparative darkness of the kitchen, I could see he had a hard on. He was trying to hide his erection and stare at my nearly naked body. I have never seen anyone as embarrassed. I didn't know what to do, but my cock solved the problem. It began to grow.

"Damn, you're a hairy guy." he said.

"Hairy and hung." I said. I pointedly looked at his crotch. "It looks as if you like that combination." I slipped my hand into his pants and stroked his cock. His cock head was already coated in pre cum. "Let's get naked and play some." I said as I slipped his shorts off. Jim was ready.

Jim was willing and able, but not well educated in the mysteries of man sex. We stood there naked and erect.

"What am I supposed to do?" he asked. I said, sucking cock was a good start. Jim looked afraid, excited and afraid. I decided to help him out and dropped to my knees and sucked his cock. It was as if he got an electric shock. After thirty seconds or so, he was a convert. I knew he was close to shooting, so I stopped and got up.

"Do you think you could do that to me?" I asked, he nodded and dropped to the floor. He looked at my cock good and hard. I could almost see him screwing up his courage.

"Take your time."I said. "If you don't want to do it, I understand. There are different strokes, for different folks." I could remember my first time. I wasn't sure what to do, or if I would like it. Horny and scared. Thinking back, I also remember how good it was, how relieved I was I had finally done it. I pulled the skin back exposing my head.

His lips finally touched my cock head and he relaxed after a few seconds of sucking. He was a natural and didn't have any problem with my dong. He stopped after a while and got up.

"I wasn't sure I could do it." he said. "I wanted to, but I wasn't sure."

"Did you like it?"

"It was better than I dreamed." Jim said. I suggested that we go to a bedroom and do it right. He didn't know what right meant, but he was game. He was tanned and muscular, with a patch of black hair in the middle of the chest and at his tits and a trail leading to his pubic bush. He had a nice cut cock and low hanging balls.

He liked sucking, but he loved the 69 position. We went at it hot and heavy. We had to slow down regularly, since he was so close to shooting. I told him I was getting revved up and I would tell him if I was close to shooting.

"What should I do?" Jim asked.

"Well, you either watch it shoot, or drink it up." I said. "It's up to you."

"You really eat it?" he said incredulously.

"I do, when I want to. It ain't piss, it's man seed, cock caviar. Some guys love it." I said. "Frankly, I don't think it tastes as good as precum. Yours is damn good. I love a guy who leaks nice and steady like you."

"You like it?"

"I surely do. You've tasted your own, haven't you?" He looked as if he were going to deny it, then admitted he had. "You liked it too, didn't you?" Jim nodded. I could tell he was real uneasy. He liked what he was doing, but was shocked he liked it.

"Jim, the biggest problem I had growing up was admitting I liked what I liked. I grew up here too. I was sure I was the only gay guy in the history of the town. The only guy in school who like cock, not pussy. As I got older, I finally admitted I was gay and that was fine. You don't have to screw pussy to be a good guy. Nothing in the Bible says, you have to fuck women to get to heaven. Who you sleep with has nothing to do with being a good man or woman."

"I don't know about it." Jim said.

"Let me tell you one thing that's for certain. I promise not to get you pregnant!" I said. He laughed, then tried to swallow my cock whole. I tried to warn him I was ready to shoot, but was a bit late. He would have eaten every drop if he hadn't climaxed too. I'm not sure I had ever sucked a virgin shooting for the first time in real sex before. I will swear there was twenty years of backed up cum in that boy's balls. I had to swallow twice.

I guessed he would be done for a month after his orgasm, but Jim was still ready to go. It takes me 20 to 30 minutes to regroup after shooting. Jim may have been drained, but he wanted more. We talked for a while. I told him I was a former Policeman and had been a prison guard. He was a computer major at Tech, his Dad was a insurance agent. They had moved here a few years before and he had few friends.

Jim had been a geek in High School. He was on the track team and had done well, but only football and basketball counted. He had spent most of his time at the computer surfing. He had a summer job at the local internet provider covering the modems at night.

"What is the name of the local company?" I asked.

"" he said. "It small, but they know their stuff."

"Have you heard of"

"How did you ever hear about that rinky dink operation?" he asked. "They tried to use our server. Don, the owner, wouldn't do it. They offered him good money for it too."

"What was wrong with them?"

"The original name of the website was Empire of! They wanted to capitalize the E' and G' and told Don he would go to hell if he didn't capitalize God." Jim explained. "Don told them to go to hell and take Empire of God with them. They didn't seem to understand you can't redo the entire domain naming system for some religious freaks in Southern Virginia."

"Do you know who was associated with it and where they are?" I asked.

"I think they have their own server out towards Thomaston." Tim said. "It's in a trailer. Dr. Paul was there, he's a real nut case. A guy named Virgil and two computer nerds, Bert and Fred. I know the nerds. Don said, Bert was the biggest porn fancier in the county until he found God and became holier than the Pope. Fred's never been quite right. He was into guns and women. He was ugly as shit, dirty and pushing 400 pounds. He never got close to a woman, but he talks about the sanctity of the woman and the purity of Southern Womanhood."

"I bet if he's substituted guns for a sex life." I said.

"Bert told me he has enough weapons to start World War III."

"You are friends with Bert?"

"Not really, . . . er sort of." Jim answered. "In a pinch, we borrow spare equipment from each other. They know their stuff technically. We help out in a pinch. Computer operations breakdown all the time and you need help pronto. Don wouldn't go near them, but he let me. Bert was actually helpful several times. Oh, that guy's name was Ovid, not Virgil. I took Latin and I got my poets mixed up."

Jim was getting hard again. I asked him what else he knew about the operation. I began to suck him while he talked. I played with his balls and began to sneak a finger back to his ass hole. He pretended his didn't notice, but he shifted his legs and ass so the path was clear.

"Bert says Fred's got a lot of weapons. He apparently started with World War II surplus. He was convinced the Russians were coming and he would hold them off single-handedly from his trailer. He's real trailer trash, but he actually bought a farm with a big house to hold his collection." Jim explained. "Once when Bert was a bit drunk, he told me, Fred had some big stuff. I assume big stuff was a bazooka, but he said it was still bigger. He didn't tell me what it is was."

Jim said, he wanted to suck me, so he stopped talking. I squeezed out a good sized bead of precum just before he started to suck. Jim stuck out his tongue and licked it as it quivered in the piss slit, right before he tried to swallow my entire cock. I'd never done a virgin before and was afraid it was too much for a first experience. Jim was okay with it. By the time the afternoon was over, he was a confirmed cock hound.

Next: Chapter 26: Chesapeake Construction Company 2

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