Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jun 4, 2021


Catfish Goes Home. 2 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

I returned to Richmond the next day. There wasn't much I could do. The computer guys were at work as were my operatives. Sally was happy with her new companions. Sally knew every rock, bush, and tree in the area and the "Girls," Judy and Charlene, liked that. They were appreciative and were alert to the potential problems.

The State Police were working with their Italian counter parts, even sending a senior officer to Rome. The state wasn't interested in becoming a Mafia playground.

Jones was a local as a man could be. He knew everyone and all their secrets. They could talk with him safely. The local residents were not too partial to "Strangers in these parts." The attack on the Della Porta farm was of little concern. The attack on Sally was another matter. She was one of them and her family were related to half the county. While she had a few quirks, she was a lady. It just wasn't right to shoot a lady.

The Sherriff liked publicity and gave the impression he was deeply involved. He served as a decoy for the people actually working on the investigation. I checked in with my office. They were hard at work. They found a bug on my phone. Since they had checked my phone before I was involved with the Della Porta family, they knew it was related to the case. My fake calls with the office became a major source of incorrect information for whoever was bugging me.

I got a call from Willoughby inviting me a birthday party for Jones. He told me he had talked with Buddy, and it would be the sort of party I liked. I said I would attend. I like naked parties with horny men. In addition to sex, naked men can't hide much. Gay naked men can also take care of the body cavity examinations too.

Buddy picked me up at 9:00 in the morning. He was with this neighbor's oldest son, Bruce. Bruce was thirty or so and I had the feeling he and Buddy were more than just neighbors. We were going to the home of Dumpster Dan. Dumpster Dan was a second-generation trash man. His father was a successful trash man and Dan inherited the business. The father had an all-cash business. Dumpster used the cash to buy failing trash collectors and eventually recycling businesses.

Dumpster Dan saw into the future, and he developed a large corporation focusing on recycling. He had recently sold it for millions. He lived in a restored historic house with a large modern addition. Dumpster must have seen us coming. He met us outside and told us to go to the side entrance which had no stairs. He knew I was on crutches.

The modern addition provided informal living and recreational rooms. Willoughby was there with three other men, Rev. Oscar Thomas, Dave Smith, the Fire Chief, and Dennis Williams, a judge. A few minutes later Howard arrived. He was a State Trooper.

Dan came over to me. "Will described you well," he said.

"Oh shit!" I exclaimed.

Dan burst into laughter. "When I started on the trash business, the word was that I wasn't quite as ugly as my dad," he said.

I smiled and said, "We were both lucky to have ultra-sensitive friends."

"I hope Buddy told you about the party. It is Jones' birthday," he explained. "Buddy told me you wouldn't be bothered by a naked, play party."

"An orgy?" I asked.

Dan nodded. "The other men have been to parties like this before. I hope you can adapt to the situation."

"I think I can make the necessary adjustments," I said.

"Will should be here soon, we were going to be naked when he gets here," Dan said. "Is that a problem?"

"Not for me," I replied. He took me to a locker-shower-whirlpool room where we undressed. For some reason, I usually become more attractive as I undress.

"Damn, it's a beauty," Dan said as he dropped to his knees and began to suck.

"I thought that was for the birthday boy?" Howard complained.

"I was just warming him up," Dan said.

The men reminded me of parties I had gone to fifty years earlier. I was comparatively new to the gay scene then. Sex with a bunch of naked men I barely knew was new to me. It was exciting. I had just discovered there were men who shared my sexual interests. I was with men who were comfortable naked and openly enjoyed sex.

While I was never particularly shy, I discovered my cock was not shy at all. There was a strong possibility my cock was a slut. I soon discovered my cock knew how to make friends. Here I was in the same situation at Dumpster's house, older, somewhat damaged, and still willing.

Sexually excited men aren't known for their truthfulness. Dumpster Dan was not just warming me up. He was aiming for orgasms and trading sex juices. I could tell Dan retained some of his muscles. He was a big, hairy, clunky guy. These characteristics just made him more masculine and attractive to me.

Howard came over to us. I had a sense he was close to Dan. "Dan, everyone here would like some playtime with your pal," Howard said. "Some are afraid we might break him."

"Look closely," Dan said. "He's been pretty well broken before."

"My mouth, cock and ass are still working," I said.

Both men laughed. "I guess good attitude counts for something," Howard said. A little later, I realized they served as my informal bodyguards.

That should have bothered me, but they had ulterior motives. Both men liked to cleanup leftover cum. They solved the problem of sperm leaking from my ass by using their cocks to push it deeper. Howard was an uptight cop, and I thought he was all business. When he used his own forceful ejaculations to force other men's sperm deeper into me, I realized he was open minded.

Somehow, I felt young again. I remembered being with Uncle Jake and his pals' years earlier. It wasn't exactly a gang bang, but all the men eventually fucked me. I fucked most of them. At the time, I thought of it as exploring the wonderful world of cocks and asses. I enjoyed the variety of cocks and the different approaches to fucking.

Jake told me I should treat it as an educational experience. He hadn't intended it to be a gang bang and was embarrassed. I told him his pals' orgasms enhanced learning technique got the point across effectively. He was rolling on the floor with laughter after that comment.

I was surprised that Rev. Thomas was the next man to come to me. "I'm Oscar. Welcome to the group," he said. "If I said big things come in small packages, would I offend you?"

I smiled, and said, "If I was insulted, you could apologize by sucking my cock."

Oscar laughed. "I thought you would never ask," he said just before he wrapped his lips around my cock head. I wasn't the first man he had sucked. His tongue went for my slit. He wanted to taste my cock drool. He deep throated my cock so he could suction juices from my balls. A few minutes later, Oscar pulled off.

"I think we're supposed to make sure you are fully loaded when the birthday boy samples your cum," Oscar explained.

"You want my load?" I asked.

Oscar smiled. "Everyone wants your load."

"In their mouth, or in the ass?"

"I would like it in my mouth. I'm uneasy about taking it deep in my ass," he replied.

The Fire Chief, Dave, joined us. He was a heavy-set man who looked as if he was once been muscular. He had salt and pepper hair, that was tending towards white. He had an uncut Polish sausage hanging between his legs.

"Damn, you are a surprise!" Dave exclaimed. "A damn nice surprise. I hope you are flexible and open minded."

"I'm not particularly open minded, but my cock and ass are ready, willing and able," I said.

"Catfish's cock is a beauty, but I was uneasy about taking it. It is a few sizes beyond standard issue," Oscar said. Dave had a tube of lubricant with him. He coated his cock, stepped forward and positioned his cock at my hole.

With one thrust, his entire cock was my ass. I have been fucked a few times, but Dave's cock seemed different. It seemed to belong in my ass. It was an old friend who came to visit.

"Well, I planned to just take a quick poke. I feel like spending some time. Some guys named my cock the Fire Hose. That's because of the way it feels when I shoot," he said. A few seconds later I felt the firehose fill my ass with his special sauce. He pulled out slowly.

I was surprised to have the judge, Dennis's tongue at my ass licking Dave's cock drool from my ass. I figured the men must have known each other very well to do that.

Jones was the next man at my ass. "Have they worn you out yet?" he asked.

"One of your pals was nice enough to provide natural lubricant for my ass. It's in deep," I said. Jones's cock slid into me effortlessly. His cock was good, but Dave's load made it better.

Oscar's cock was near my mouth. I stuck my tongue out and seconds later his knob was resting on my tongue. He was uncut and a little later I peeled back the skin and realized he had been oozing precum for a while.

"Is it possible to have too much cum in your ass?" Jones asked.

I stopped sucking Oscar and said, "I don't think so, but I know there is no way you can get tired of sucking precum." The men laughed as I returned to Oscar's cock. His cock twitched as he shot a single glob of sperm into my mouth. That didn't turn into a full-scale orgasm. It became a slow-motion orgasm. He shot a second spurt a few minutes later.

Oscar had a ball draining orgasm only when Jones began to rear load me. Jones was vocal as he ejaculated. Everyone knew he was shooting. I could feel Jones's ejaculations tickle my ass as I took Oscar's cum shooting into my mouth. When Jones pulled out, Dennis's tongue returned to coax used sperm from my hole.

I gave my ass a rest period and I filled the gap by sucking Dennis's cock. Dennis was 150 pounds heavier than me, but he was careful about that. I think he was afraid he might crush me. He did manage to sit on my cock and not crush me.

For me it was a "Okay, but no Cigar," situation. For Dennis it brought back memories of his youth. For that last ten years cocks weren't big enough to get deep in his fat ass. My cock opened him, touched, and seeded abandoned places in his ass. He had forgotten what it felt like and was a happy man.

I mentioned to him that the Sherriff seemed to be dim bulb. Dennis told me that if I had any problems with Sherriff, he could handle it. I suspected that as a judge, Dennis handled a lot of problems.

I also discovered that my recharge time had not increased as I aged. Fifteen minutes later I was ready to go again. Buddy came over to me and told me that Bruce was sort of interested. "He's young and you're big so it might not work out," Buddy said. "He may not know it, but he's a size queen. It was a long time before I had the nerve to take your cock. I wasted years of good sex trying to get my nerve up." I smiled and Buddy waved at Bruce to come over.

When Bruce came over, Buddy left. I had seen him his normal clothes when they picked me up. He was much better looking naked. "If I told you that I like sex with men, and I would like to play with you, would you think I'm a jerk?" I asked.

"Actually, I would think you are a mind reader," he replied. "I never fucked a man or been fucked. I've played with Uncle Buddy, but he's not very adventurous. He's eaten my load, but I've never taken his. I'd like to trade sperm with a guy."

"Well, some guys think I'm overly adventurous. You know that adventurous can be sticky and messy? You have to open up some very intimate places," I said adding, "I'm not much into love, but I sure like sex. I do get affectionate when I'm hard. It fades after my last ejaculation."

"You and Buddy are pals?" Bruce asked.

"We're old friends with beautiful sexual interludes," I said.

A few minutes later, Bruce's cock slipped into my ass. His cock was well above average, so my sphincter was able to play with it. He was afraid he might hurt me. I smiled to myself. I was pretty much beaten up looking, but that did not apply to my ass. It was in peak operating condition.

He was fucking me as he played with my cock. "Damn, I want your cock in me," he whispered. We rearranged ourselves and he carefully impaled himself on my tool. Bruce looked as if he were in a trance. I noticed his cock was rock hard.

Buddy came over and encouraged Bruce. "Just take your time. Catfish can stay hard," Buddy said. "Nobody regrets taking it."

Fortunately, my cock was a snug fit. His ass was just tight enough. He twitched and undulated to massage my cock.

"I'm getting close," I moaned. He didn't stop and a minute later I began to ejaculate. Bruce moaned with each volley. When he got off my cock, Buddy sucked his cock. Bruce was in the edge and Buddy took his load.

The party broke up, Buddy, Bruce and I went to Buddy's house. We had a sandwich. Somehow, I felt that there was unfinished business. Later, Buddy was sitting on my cock and Bruce took the opportunity to suck Buddy's cock. A few minutes later, he shot off and Bruce licked up every drop of the orgasm lollypop style. It was hard to tell who enjoyed it more.

I was planning to go back to Richmond the next day. The next morning, Howard, the state trooper, tried to pull over a speeding van, but encountered automatic gunfire. He would had been killed if Rawley County's lackluster approach to road maintenance hadn't intervened.

The driver was shooting and took his eye off the road. He hit a pothole at high speed and the bounce threw off the shooter's aim. He had trouble regaining control of the van, and eventually continued to race away.

Howard was a macho, aggressive man, but he knew his was out gunned. He was shot in the arm but called in the incident and the State Police Helicopters were in the air minutes later. Howard was also observant, and he had the make, year, and description of the van. The license plates had been obscured with mud.

The county was approximately equidistant from Richmond and Norfolk. It was close to the North Carolina border. It seemed to me that if the shooter wanted to alert the most police, this was the place to do it, other than shooting someone in Northern Virginia.

The event puzzled me. Rural Virginia is well known for speed traps, and there are those who think some counties use traffic tickets as their main source of income. Why would an international group of assassins' risk getting a ticket? I wondered if local help might be involved.

A day later the van had not been found. The van had vanished or was hidden. I was suspicious. If the gang was too dumb to avoid a traffic ticket, how were they smart enough to hide the van? We had considered locals hunting for Confederate gold at one time. We then focused on organized crime. Perhaps we were looking at organize crime hiring locals to help.

It turned out that Howard's wounds included a broken arm. Howard wanted to continue working, but the doctors wouldn't allow that. I was regarded as an expert in wounds. I recommended he take some time off and let the arm heal. If it healed wrong, he would be out of the state police.

He came to stay at Cousin Buddy's house. Buddy was semi-retired, and few knew the relationship between Buddy and Howard, so he would disappear. I was there too, and Bruce was helping Buddy.

I called my office and asked about the local low life population. Of course, Howard had local knowledge too. The first night I discussed my thoughts about the case. He said there were two local families that flirted with crime, the Royalls and the Shifters.

The Shifters were poor and prone to make bad choices. The problem was stupidity and an aversion to work. When one of them got a job, they tended to do things their way which was vastly superior to the official way demanded by the boss. They also had a fascination with fire. Their work experience included a few fires and accidents, but no one died.

The Royall's believed there were easier ways to amass great wealth than work. One of their favorite scams was telling suckers they knew the location of the mythical Confederate Treasury gold. Arrests and a few trips to jail were due to bad luck, not due to their own stupidity. They were stupid and mean. The Shifters were just stupid. Howard wondered if the Mafia types were used to urban types and had no experience with Southern rednecks. Italians had no history with the Confederate gold scam.

"That seems like a strange combination," Howard said. "I can see that Italian Mafia men are out of their comfort zone here. We have some moonshiners, but they tend to produce for the local market."

"I think the Mafia is not much into the production side of criminal operations," I said. "Protection rackets are more their line."

Howard laughed. "They don't produce their kidnapping victims, do they? Our local guys are small producers." We talked for a while and went to bed.

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