Millennium Construction Company

Published on Nov 14, 2020


Catfish Retires 5 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

F.Y.I You might look for Catfish Looks for Loot for some background on this story.

We went to lunch and I met some of the other guests. I knew Marcus and Andrew. Professor Williams was a musicologist. He was with Thomas, a graduate assistant and Howard, who I thought was Thomas's special friend. The Rev. Mr. Ashton Jones-Deveau and Rev. James Doolittle had something to do with church finances and Toby Daniels ran St. Thomas's Home, a nursing home. Toby looked like a 1970's hippy in a suit.

I am not 100% clear about the difference between being a great lover and insatiable cock hound. I assume politeness has something to do with it. I may depend on how your partner reacts to it. My cock does end up in some tight places, but I never force it to fit. I figure if it fits, things are good. If it doesn't fit, it just wasn't meant to be.

I have also discovered that people sometimes change personalities when they are nude. Some become timid, and other become more aggressive. Ralph, one of the men who were to help me, and Toby liked my cock, but Lugg turned him on a lot.

The guests at Jerome's weekend party were all gay. They also had a run in with the late choir director. They all had little tidbits that provided useful information.

Professor Williams told me that the choir director could be charming and pleasant if you could do something for him. Professor Williams traveled with his harem of graduate assistants, Howard, and Thomas. I had a feeling they were to provide general entertainment. William's was looking for higher ranking cocks than mine.

The Rev. Mr. Ashton Jones-Deveau and Rev. James Doolittle were plain old cock hounds. Ralph and Hal, the two men who worked on the estate just liked man sex. Ashton Jones-Deveau and Thomas came over to me. I had the feeling that Ashton expected to be the biggest man in the pool and was checking the competition. Thomas was in his mid-twenties. He was my size, but as smooth and delicate as I am hairy and hardy.

Thomas was apparently a believer in the make friends quickly by sucking cocks. He was sincere and skilled. I was not his first cock. Ashton asked me if I had any inside info on the late, but not lamented, Choir Director.

"I'm not officially involved in the affair," I said, "Other than catching the perp. I heard the library guard was his cousin."

"The Choir Director was a difficult man," Ashton said. "That was a shame. He was talented and gifted. He was not a people person. People were just stepping-stones on his path to St. Paul's Cathedral."

"I had the misfortune to be one of the steppingstones," Thomas said. "He said he wanted to guide me to success. It took me a while to realize the path involved his cock up my behind. He got tired of me and he found another young man who had wealthier parents. He never reciprocated, of even said thank you after he popped. Is that what is considered a bad sign?" he asked.

"Has your ass recovered?" I asked. "Learning experiences can be a bitch. Did he have other playmates."

Thomas nodded. "He did and that embarrassed me. It doesn't reflect well on me."

"Being young and unaware is not listed as a sin on the ten Commandments. It happens to all of us," Ashton remarked.

"Did it happen to you?" Thomas asked.

Ashton nodded. "Yes, but it requires a lot of gin before I tell that tale."

"Well, I was sort of rented to the Choir Director's friends. Some were nice, one was really bad. I thought he was nobleman. The Count Antonio was nasty," Thomas said.

My ears are tuned to the most delicate innuendos. This was a loud thunderclap. My poker-face survived the thunder, and we continued the conversation. The Count was a sadist, who stopped just short of physical bruises and marks. He was not a please and thank you man. He never reciprocated, or even said good-bye after he popped. "Is that what is considered a bad sign?" he asked. I nodded.

"I thought the Count and the Choir Director were business partners," Thomas continued. "I was wrong about that. It was some sort of a shady deal. The Choir Director had things to sell, and the Count was the buyer," Thomas said. "I'm not sure that was actually what was going on. The Wells burglary has made reconsider. I was at the Count's house for a weekend. It was more of an art gallery than a house."

Thomas spent the night in my bedroom, with Ashton, Toby, Lugg, and Ralph. Toby was an upper class, well-educated man who was sexually excited by working class men. Lugg and Ralph fit the bill, and Toby was a bottom. That suited Lugg and Ralph well.

Ashton and Thomas tended to be talkative while sexually engaged. They did not fully realize the significance of what they knew. We had two hours of continuous sex. I was exhausting for me, but I bravely stayed hard as they alternated sucking and fucking.

Ashton was mostly a top, but most of the time my cock was up his ass. Thomas was a bottom, but I sat in his cock and sent him to the moon and back. Ashton had not encountered a cock as big as mine and decided to take it. Since this was a clerical group much prone to deep thought, Ashton was shocked when my cock induced some deep thoughts as it slipped deep into his ass. My cock is thick and was in continuous contact with his prostate.

The prostate connection was new to him, as was the massive orgasm he had as I was deep in his hole. I think the theme of the interaction was "Nearer my God to Thee." He seemed to understand pagan sex cults after our connection.

Ashton had fucked the Choir Director. The Director wanted a letter for support from him. Ashton wrote the letter, but nothing came of it. Ashton dozed off and I turned my attention to Thomas.

Jerome had house party-orgies every few months. Thomas invited but was not involved in the orgy part unless an extra bottom was needs. "You must think I'm a slut," he said.

"My cock has its own mind. I tend to follow its guidance." I said.

Thomas laughed. When I sat on his cock, I wasn't sure Thomas's cock had spent much in a friendly ass before. I was sat on his tool, so I could use my anus and sphincter to work his cock. He referred to it as caressing his cock, and he liked it a lot. I thought we had a good, cockhead- prostate relationship. He had never climaxed hands free or in an ass before. I think I felt is joy as he released his sperm deep in my ass. We had the entire night, so later Ashton fucked me, and I fucked Thomas.

A little after dawn, Ralph and I had a little fun. He was a big guy. He told me he liked to top, but he didn't want to hurt me. I told him to take his time and I would let him know if there was a problem. His cock was big, but not too big. I amassed big points with him. I was a good sport and that was important to him, and both he and I enjoyed it.

He knew about the dwarf with one leg and the flying crutch. I gave him the details that amused him greatly. He had also had a poor encounter with the Music Director. The director was not a please and thank you sort of guy. He had seen the Director with a guy named Florian De Monte. Florian was a potential donor to the Cathedral restoration fund. Florian was a Catholic, but his wife had been Anglican before she died of cancer.

Florian was not Ralph's type, but the Director told him Ralph was available for recreational use. Florian was a big guy, but he had a pencil dick. It wasn't pleasant, but it was painless. Florian didn't ask permission, but he was good about thanking Ralph with a 100-pound tip.

That morning, Lugg, Dunstan, and I went on a walk around the ruined castle. I called Bath and got George. He was interested in Thomas's connection with the Count. He was much more excited at the connection with Florian De Monte. De Monte was "known to police." He was believed to be primarily a smuggler, but he dabbled in drugs, prostitution mixed in with a little slavery. George was interested and would investigate.

I gave a quick call to Templeton. I gave him Florian De Monte's name. He didn't know it, but he would ask around. I returned to the main house for lunch.

The lunch was good and the atmosphere almost festive. A couple joined us, Peter, and Pippa Goff. Peter was a beefy interior designer and Pippa was his assistant. Peter was my type. It took me almost ten minutes to realize Pippa was a young man. I guessed I would not be Peter's type.

Adding strangers to a well-established group of friends is uncomfortable. That these friends enjoyed group sex made it more difficult. While we were different in most ways, we seemed to share the same approach to sex. They had established sexual relationships and while they liked some variety, they didn't want to screw up of friendships.

Dunstan, Lugg, and I were after fun, but not hunting for life partners. My idea of fun tended to end in mind-bending good orgasms. Jerome's friends were into orgasms too.

Peter was the design man in the business. Pippa was the hard-headed businessman. Peter had redone the interior of Castle Stone Ford. It was a beautiful interior, but I wouldn't have guessed an interior designer was involved. It seemed natural and perfect for a man like Jerome.

Peter and Pippa were interested in the Wells' attempted robbery and Peter thought there was something wrong with the story about the explosion.

"Why would some try a smash and grab for well known manuscript? How did a common street thug know about the manuscript? It's famous but to a limited and specialized clientele." Peter said. He then he turned to the bombing, "I know most of the contractors and builders for years. They are not sloppy or casual. I can't believe they were that sloppy," Peter said.

"Getting down to brass tacks," Pippa said. "Are you the guy who found the Hirsch collection?"

"I had a role in it," I said.

"You are not in Ye Olde England by accident, are you? Pippa asked.

"Pippa, I think you've said enough," Peter said. "It would be rude to make a man lie to you."

Pippa smiled. "I'm sorry to be rude. Peter thinks I make a bull in the china shop look like a ballerina," she said. Pippa turned into a pleasant, interesting woman in seconds.

I explained the discovery of the Hirsh collection giving credit to all who were involved. Peter and Pippa had a problem with a painting they bought for from a suspect dealer.

"I told Peter there was something wrong with it. It came from some phony Count," Pippa said.

"Count Antonio Grasse?" I asked.

Pippa's mouth dropped open.

Peter looked at me and said, "I'm not sure I've ever seen Pippa speechless before." The entire group bust out laughing. Pippa was well known for having opinions on everything. I let it drop and the conversation shifted to the sweltering heat of the day. It was 26 degrees. It took me a few seconds to realize it was Celsius. That was about 80 degrees, a cool summer day in Richmond. We all went to the pool. Pippa was the first one naked. She had an unexpected seven-inch, uncut cock.

I had met a transvestite in Miami who had a cock. She said she had decided to keep all the good parts. Pippa was a gay man who like women's clothes. Dustan and Lugg were off with Ralph to meet with some of Ralph's friends. Toby helped me undress and get in the water. I hadn't been able to tell if Toby was just a sloppy dresser or if his clothes were a statement about kinship with the working class. Naked, up close, and personal, Toby looked good. He was lean like a jogger and was muscular.

We had not been physically close before. Toby noticed my cock, and it worked its magic. He was shy and uncomfortable. We talked for a while. He seemed to be the only one in the group who has no connection with the Choir Director or the Count. Jerome called over to him and he went to see him.

Peter and Pippa swam over to me. "I need to apologize. Pete says I was born with my foot on my mouth. If he were not with me most of the time, I would be dead now, killed by a justifiably irate person I insulted," Pippa said.

"Luckily, I am insensitive and don't take offence often," I said. "I also am careful about what I say. I assume not many of your clients are armed?" she laughed and went off. Peter and Toby stayed.

"She is off to see Jerome. She is his ex," Peter said.

"You seem to be relaxed," I said.

"Pippa was excited by the Count Antonio. She thought he led a life of an international playboy and art dealer," Peter explained. "Behind the mask, he's an ordinary thief with delusions of grandeur." He paused adding, "He is an art thief or a fence He's a sadist too. Watch out for him."

"Does he do the day to day work, or does he have people to do that?" I asked.

"I think he subs out the nitty-gritty," Peter said. "Pippa heard whispers that there was a bad screwup and the Count is in reduced circumstances. In case you didn't know this, nothing about Count Antonio can be proved to be true."

I was sitting on the edge of the pool. Toby had been listening, but he had also begun to lick my cock. The licking turned into sucking and my cock responded.

Toby looked up at me. "It's a mouthful."

"Is it too much?" I asked.

"I'll tell you later," he replied as he returned to sucking my cock. As he sucked, I noticed Pippa and Jerome had left the pool. Somehow, I let myself get into hot threesome with Peter and Toby. I later found out that Toby was a sucker and bottom. I sat on his cock and Toby loved that. Peter was sperm adverse, but he sucked me as I sat on Toby's cock. I figured that Peter was experienced enough to know when I was close. I told him I was close, but he kept on sucking.

I felt Toby's sperm tickling my ass, I lost control and Peter took my entire load. He didn't just take it; he took it with gusto. He wanted it all including the post orgasmic drool. As he sucked up the drool, I squeezed my ass to milk any cum remaining in Toby's ass into my ass. I had a pleasant surprise when Toby had a second orgasm. We broke apart and Peter licked the cum dribbling from my ass.

Later that afternoon, Peter told me he had never felt anything like that before. We talked some and nature took its course. He told me Pippa had fucked him that morning. I asked if he would like to have Pippa's cum pushed deeper. He nodded. My cock was the largest he had ever taken, but Pippa's sperm lubricated the way, so it was challenging, but not painful. Peter liked pretty boys, but he loved it. I could tell when he was close, so I pulled out and took Peter's load.

I pivoted and fucked Toby next. He wiggled and squirmed until he had my cock in exactly the right place. The right place for him turned out to be the right place for me. It was wonderful. After ten minutes or so I asked if he would promise not to have my babies.

"I'm close but not quite there," he said. "Can you pound for a minute longer?" I could and did. It was a double orgasm, I ejaculated between his spurts. Two guys sharing a joint orgasm sounds like something from gay wedding vows.

I was chatting and I saw Pippa returning. Peter came to me and whispered in my ear, "Check out Florian De Monte." He left. I knew what that meant. A clue is good, confirmation of a clue is better.

When I returned to Bath the next day. I went to see John Miller and George. The two names, Count Antonio and Florian De Monte opened new paths for the investigation. Miller was in touch with Interpol and Scotland Yard. Both organizations knew of the men and had suspicions.

The next morning, I called Templeton who was informative. Count Antonio was known, but as a low-level fence. As a fence had numerous associations with suspect persons. In his case, both his suppliers and his customers were suspect. I mentioned his sexual preferences.

Miller was interested in that information. "While he has been investigated, most of his clientele didn't back up the evidence against him, even though they had bought forged or stolen items. I wonder if his sexual life has something to do with that?" Miller asked.

"Homosexuality isn't a crime anymore, but it could be an embarrassment to some," George said. "Especially if they are socially conservative, or happily married to an heiress. There is a potential for pictures or videos."

"I was told the Count has sadistic tendencies. That would be exceptionally damaging," I said. Once the police had the names of suspects, they went on automatic investigation mode. For both Florian and Antonio, there was an oversupply of information.

Next: Chapter 240: Catfish Retires 6

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