Millennium Construction Company

Published on Oct 13, 2020


Catfish Retires By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

I'm no fool. I was getting older and I had a sense I was being slowly disassembled. I had lost a leg and had come close to losing a second leg trying to vacation in Miami. I had good friends in Richmond, and it was time to relax. Templeton was my best friend, and since I was an only child and my mother had died, I sort of became a part of his circle of friends.

Templeton was a thinker and was actively engaged with security for large financial organizations. It was strictly white-collar work. I consulted for him informally. I was at my house I share with Templeton on the Bay when he came with three men. Nigel Best-Wooster was the curator for a new museum in Bath. With him was Anthony Deal a billionaire art collector. The new museum, The Bath Art Gallery, held Deal's art collection. The third man was Angus MacDuff, his director of security.

Deal was an abrasive man who combined a brilliant mind for computer design with financial prowess. He also had a knack for finding little known art collections and buying them. He amassed a superb collection. He also had a skill at attracting enemies. Nigel was an overweight man who dressed in tweeds. Deal was a slight, perfectly dressed, elegant man. MacDuff looked like the missing link. In some ways he looked like me if I were six-feet-five and 250 pounds of muscle. That is the same as saying he didn't look at all like me.

The art gallery was to be fully equipped with the alarms and gizmos of modern high-tech security. The new gallery's problem was with an outbreak of harassing crimes such as muggings and vandalism. Catfish & Company had specialized in that sort of crime. I explained my approach to "minor" crimes. Deal understood that. He planning to hire MacDuff to handle those problems. He wanted me to advise.

I suggested that any relationship be secret and there be no traceable connection to the security organization. I had worked with Museum Security and the Police secretly, so no one realized there was another level of security involved. I hired artists and student types to be around totally undercover.

MacDuff understood. "You sure don't look like a security man," he said,

"Catfish makes up for his size by being tricky and mean," Templeton explained.

"I tend to hire people who hate muggers. They look innocuous and weak," I explain. "I prefer to capture and disable muggers."

"Permanently?" McDuff asked.

"Only when we get lucky," I said. "In pain for a good while is more my objective. I like things to be memorable. I have a question for you. I know Bath is a major historic city. Is there something bigger than a problem with petty crime going on?"

Deal seemed taken a back. "It seems we have experienced unrelated incidents. I never thought of it in terms other than that," he said. "It's possible, I guess. I have some unhappy rivals. But it seems to me that building a major art gallery is an unusual inspiration for criminal activity."

"I understand you are a relatively new collector. Do you have rival collectors?" I asked.

"Of course, I guess you know I'm loaded. I have billions," Deal explained. "I have several major competitor art collectors. I know some of them, but others are anonymous. They phone their bids in. I don't know if they are a Russian Oligarch, Mafia Don, or Middle Eastern Sheik. I get what a want."

"Any museum competitors?" I asked.

"Nope. I work with them. If they are after something that fits their collections and there is unknown bidder after the work, I buy it and give it to them," he explained. "I can always use the right-off somewhere."

Deal, Nigel, and Templeton went off the next day to Washington to see the National Gallery. I remained at the house with Angus McDuff. We went to Richmond my former office. Angus was impressed. Deal, Nigel, and Templeton stayed for dinner in D.C. with some of the senior curators there.

I didn't suspect MacDuff was gay. Somehow, we ended up naked in the pool. While I guessed MacDuff wasn't gay his cock was open minded on the subject. He seemed to stare at my cock.

"Do you like what you are seeing?" I asked.

"It's so big," he replied. "I'm sorry."

"Lots of guys look. That's not a problem," I said. "You may have guessed that I'm not quite as virginal than I could be."

"You aren't much like Oscar Wilde. You are so," he paused, "unusual looking."

"The phrase you are looking for in the rural Virginia dialect is `ugly coot'!" I explained. "Templeton says I'm not conventionally attractive."

MacDuff laughed. "He is a diplomat." He was hard by then. There was a bead of precum on his cockhead.

I leaned over and licked it. He spurted a single ejaculation. Seconds later we were in the 69 position. MacDuff may have been new to this situation, but he wasn't shy. Because of the difference in height between us, I spent more time sucking him that he did sucking me. I enjoyed sucking him. His cock was an exciting turn on, and I had thought new cocks didn't excite me anymore.

I gave him the deluxe treatment. He expressed his enthusiasm for my effort with a spectacular orgasm. I felt like I was a teenager sucking his first cock. It was wonderful.

"I'm sorry I shot off. I didn't mean to shoot off in your mouth," he said.

"I enjoyed sucking you and taking your sperm. You shoot a huge load, by the way," I said. "You may have guessed, but I am not exactly new to this. Your orgasm was a prize winner."

"I am embarrassed. I'm not into this," he said.

"Let me tell you as an experienced gay guy. You can be a straight arrow, but your cock may have a different idea," I explained. "Cocks tend to have a good time, and they don't care if they are with a man or a woman. In my own mind I doubt that cocks are that relationship oriented."

MacDuff laughed. "You may have a point! Do I owe you a blowjob?" he asked.

"Hell no. I did the blowing, you provided the sperm. You owe me nothing," I said. While he owed me nothing, I would not have said no if he wanted to do it again.

Deal, Nigel, and Templeton returned from their trip to Washington. They all returned to Bath, so I thought it was just a nice interlude.

I had experience with Museums as a security advisor and I had helped find art looted by the Nazi's. Deal was organized and obsessively thorough. He had checked up on me and on Templeton and was most impressed. My adventures were both successful and unknown by the public. I was effective and low profile. That was exactly what he wanted.

He told MacDuff that he was thinking of me as a consultant. He expected that MacDuff would object. MacDuff surprised him by being enthusiastic, or as enthusiastic as a dour Scot could be. A month later I was on the way to Bath. I knew that ancient cities and buildings were not handicapped accessible, but Deal said that was not a problem.

I was skeptical, but I was wrong. It turns out that multi-billionaires do not have any problems that cannot be solved with money. I flew first class, had a full-time steward assigned to me. The accident in Miami was not to be repeated. McDuff was waiting for me at the gate, there was no customs check. McDuff was with a giant man, Dunstan. He was a nurse, physical therapist and weight-lifter. Another man, Anthony was to serve as my secretary-butler.

We drove to a county villa. It was modern and on one level. Dunstan and Anthony were intelligent, easy to talk to and friendly. Anthony was a delicate, refined man. He was precise and knowledgeable. He was also happily married and had two children.

Dunstan looked like a crude throwback to a caveman. I wondered of MacDuff attracted that type. The first time he helped me take a shower I realized he much taken by my cock and we shared common sexual interests. He told me he knew I was gay, but no one had mentioned my cock.

"I take it you like cocks?" I asked.

"It's a weakness, but I like big cocks," he said. "Is that a problem?"

"I'm not interested in a lover, but I would like a playmate," I said. "Does superficial sex bother you?"

Dunstan smiled. "Not one bit," he replied.

The next day I took a tour of Bath, and then went to MacDuff's base of operations. When I met Deal and MacDuff at my house on the bay, I had wondered if there were more than just minor crimes involved with the gallery.

MacDuff had looked into that and my assistant Anthony had found some evidence. Anthony was a detail man and he had checked the Auction Houses to find the persons who had bid against them. This was secret, but not to a person who had advance computer skills. Anthony wasn't that man, but he knew people. That knowledge and Deal's billions identified the bidders.

Secret bidders are common at high priced art auctions. Most are just collectors. A portion are obsessive and collecting art is a sickness. Some of these persons aren't interested in art. Great works of art are a status symbol. The collectors want to show off their wealth and status. Some have the wealth and status and are simply acquisitive. Some want revenge for a perceived slight. In short, some are not quite right. It is a mental illness.

Deal himself was a problem. He came from a modest background and his wealth and success were simply due to a combination of brilliance and luck. Not only was he successful, he was widely admired. Anthony's list included big time gangsters, Middle Eastern potentates and one or two of Deal's competitors. MacDuff was working the local scene; Templeton was looking for financial clues.

I had dinner with MacDuff and his senior staff. I told them about my career as a successful catcher of muggers, pickpockets, and rapists. I also discussed my work with cultural institutions. Minor crimes directed at their patrons had an oversized impact on the institutions.

I told then I recruited agents who looked like easy marks, potential victims. I liked agents who looked weak and pathetic. I liked agents who were mean and nasty when they were attacked. They could make short work of a rapist or mugger. They were good in court too. Some of the perps claimed they had been brutally attacked. That effort usually resulted in laughter from the courtroom.

It was a good meeting. MacDuff tended to hire former military and retired police. They were too big to be useful in minor crimes. I was to talk with some of his potential new hires the next day. I had the next morning free. I expected a more active schedule, but the second my head touched the pillow that night, I was asleep. I was tired.

I took a shower with Dunstan the next morning. Nude he seemed bigger than he was clothed. He had a fire plug shaped cock and was semi-erect.

"Is a blow job part of your job description?" I asked as I sat on a bench in the huge shower.

"It's not officially part of the job, but I admit to being partial to them," he said. I leaned over and began sucking him. I tasted precum on the first lick. He was ready.

"I didn't expect you would do me, Sir," he mumbled. "I'm real close. I'm fully loaded. It makes a mess when I unload." Dunstan shot off as he said that. I took it all.

"You didn't need to do that, Sir," he said. "I don't usually take cum."

I laughed, "If that was in your job description, I wouldn't have done it," I explained. "Sex isn't part of your job description. I like what I like, and you like what you like. Where it coincides that is good, but not required."

"I have a feeling our interests coincide most of the time," he said.

"Fifty percent of the time?" I asked.

"To be strictly truthful, I was thinking ninety or ninety-five percent of the time," he said. We both laughed.

I had a good breakfast. The cook, Rose, was the wife of the gardener Tom. They were former police and officially they owned the house. I told her I wasn't a formal type guy, and I didn't mind eating with the staff. They were pleasant and were knowledgeable about the area. It was a slightly comic meal, since they saw me as a hillbilly, and I thought they were trying out English accents for the school play.

The museum was under construction, but the collection was housed in a high-tech warehouse. The works were being conserved and a small portion of the collection was on display. I visited the temporary museum that afternoon.

It was located west of the historic core of Bath in area of light industrial and office area near a residential area of mostly duplexes. The parking area was remote, as were the bus stops. The warehouse was windowless. The warehouse itself was a fortress. The district was not. MacDuff had been hired to protect the art works and was focused on the building. That evening I had a long call with Deal, and I told him he needed to include the entire area in his security system. Anthony Deal agreed. He was a decisive man, and he understood the situation. Macduff expanded the defensive perimeter of his company.

The next morning Dunstan and I had an enjoyable interlude in the shower. I suspected that while I wasn't his type, my cock was. I had underestimated his interest in my cock, he liked my precum and my sperm. He discovered an obsession with my sperm, he took it all. When he swallowed the last time. I got on top of him and skewered myself on his fire hydrant cock.

He was still savoring the last remains of my orgasm in his mouth when he lost control of his cock and filled my ass with his load. The fire hydrant turned into a fire hose. After the squirting stopped, I used my sphincter to milk whatever remained in his balls.

Later in the morning I met with some potential operatives. Olive and Jane were possible decoys; Justin and Max were potential watchdogs. An older man named Rowdy was a decoy. Olive, Jane, and Rowdy were positive they could take care of themselves. I told them that was my experience with my operatives in Richmond, but I liked failsafe backups. They were also interested in administering some immediate punishment. I told them absolutely not, but even skilled operatives might accidently slip up.

"Back home I always administered a firm reprimand and gave then a raise several months later," I explained. Rowdy smiled.

Later in the afternoon I met with some art students, and two art historians. They didn't need to wear disguises; they all looked the part. They were all willing and concealed their aggressiveness behind a meek exterior.

After dinner, Dunstan came to see me with a pal, Julius. Julius was a young guy, who clearly was into muscle.

"My pal is local, he knows everyone. He spends a lot of time in the pubs. Is there any chance you would like a local who could identify strangers?" Dunstan asked. We chatted for a while, but I noted that Julius had a hard time avoiding looking at me crotch. I also noted that Dunstan and Julius exchanged knowing glances. I readjusted my balls and both men did the same.

"I take that you guys are close?" I asked.

Dunstan nodded. "Really close. I told him you are a good guy."

"Did you tell him we might all share common interests?" I asked.

"We actually don't share many. Julius is into football. We do share one interest, but he's not as uptight as I am. He swallows." he said. Rose had gone home after preparing dinner to the gate house cottage to her husband Tom. We were alone in the house.

"I guessed we shared some interests," I said. A few minutes later we were in my bedroom. When Julius saw my cock, I knew he was a size queen. It had been a long day and we showered. Julius was poorly dressed. I was used to American bad dress, but English bad dress had struck me as odd. Under his ill- fitting clothes Julius was a handsome, well-built, muscular man.

He dropped the soap and bent over so I could see his bubble butt and the rosebud. That doesn't happen by accident, so I knew what he wanted. It turned out Julius was inexperienced but eager and adventurous. In contrast Dunstan was uneasy about new sexual experiences.

I was on the bench when Julius began to suck me as I sucked Dunstan. I had been briefly captivated by Julian, but Dunstan and his dripping cock refocused my attention. Dunstan and Julian seemed to like the same things. They were sort of sexual twins.

I doubt Julian was captivated by me, but my cock had an allure. True love it hard to find, but adequate lust does the trick for me. Julian, Dunstan, and I had more than enough lust to have a good time. Things were going along fine, but after a few minutes, things took a turn for the better.

I was sucking Dunstan as Julian tried to impale himself on my cock. His sphincter was balanced on my cock when Dunstan said, "Be a man! Open wide!"

Julian's sphincter gave up the fight. Every inch of my thick tool slid into him. Maybe five seconds later Justin found the Holy Grail, only rarely do I find ass that fits my cock perfectly. Justin knew it too. It was liked the perfect wedding dress, beautiful, and slightly too small. When it's that good, you can't last long. I felt Justin tensing up. My first ejaculation was a second or two before Julian lost it. He seems to ejaculate for minutes.

Justin got off my cock. I was still hard, and Dunstan surprised me by taking a seat on my tender cock.

"I didn't know you bottomed, Uncle Dunstan!" Justin exclaimed.

I hadn't expected that comment at all.

Next: Chapter 236: Catfish Retires 2

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