Millennium Construction Company

Published on Sep 7, 2020


Catfish Crash Lands 5 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

I don't think of myself as using sex to get information, but some might think that. I do believe the right cock in the right ass can help a man find himself and find a new way forward that does not involve illegal activities. Somehow my cock seems to do the trick. Templeton thinks my cock plays only a minor role.

I am a deceptively unimpressive man. I seem like your ordinary Southside Virginia redneck, but my folks were hardworking, church going people. They were born in a place where education wasn't available or much admired. Mom went to nursing school, and if she had been born fifty years later, she would have become a doctor. That wasn't an option for her.

I knew that Don and Hector were on the edge. They were the perfect men to fall under the control of unscrupulous men. They were under educated and in desperate need of cash. They could only work in menial jobs. While there were better options for them, they didn't know that.

They both liked man sex. Hector took my cock comparatively easily. My cock doesn't come with training wheels, and he loved it. He was more than ready for a man cock. Rusty's cock had a warm welcome in Don's behind and he clearly appreciated an experienced top. Rusty was an artist. It is rare when you see a man with his flair. I could tell Hector loved it.

Two days later I was surprised that Rusty was visiting Raleigh at the Atlas Arms. I assumed they had hit it off at the Palm Palace. I was 100% wrong about that. Rusty worked for Templeton's organization. Apparently, the Palm Palace had popped up on Templeton's radar and Rusty was there to check things out.

Templeton played his cards close to his chest and often his right-hand kept secrets from the left hand. Rusty was on the trail of investment fraud. His real name was John Windsor Wetherlow III. His family had been ruined by a sophisticated fraud, and Rusty was on a seek and destroy mission. Rusty was going to suck and fuck his way to the top of the suspect organization. If it suited his goals he was well equipped to be a trophy special assistant or a pool boy depending on the situation.

Rusty was handsome, just short of being too pretty to be taken seriously. As a spa attendant he was irresistible. In contrast I was totally resistible unless you had a fetish for oversized genitals. It's really hard to take a short, ugly man like me seriously. Guys tend to forget I'm there, or assume I know shit and ignore me.

Luckily, I am not opposed to pretty boys, and Rusty had an interest in oversized cocks. Ali Baba and Mandelbaum also turned him on. I later called Templeton and he told me Rusty was the bluest of the blue bloods. Templeton didn't know if Rusty liked me or my cock or if he was just slumming.

My meeting Rusty was purely accidental, but Templeton was not much into chance meetings. We met because Rusty's financial scam was related to my real estate scam. Usually financial scams were gentlemen screwing other gentlemen and then vanishing on an island with no extradition treaty. Thugs were rarely involved. Templeton said he would look for evidence of threats and physical assault.

I introduced Rusty to Gerald since Gerald has an almost encyclopedic knowledge of Miami's thugs. I wasn't sure they would get along well, but Rusty recognized Gerald's expertise. Gerald was a Miami native, so he knew the current group of thugs as well as their fathers, uncles, and in-laws. I didn't know any of this, but by the way Gerald lit up, I could tell he saw the connections.

Ali Baba joined us as the serious part of the discussion ended. Rusty didn't know Ali Baba or his reputation, but he could tell Ali was an important man. Ali came from the shower and was drying off. He didn't get dressed and that seemed to be fine with Rusty and Gerald.

Ali and Raleigh had been visiting the same health club and had made some connections. Everyone knew of Ali Baba and they quickly got to know Raleigh. Ali fell into a group that included Charlie Bishop and George Toccata as well as several men believed to be an associated with organized crime.

If you were loaded and into professional wrestling you might know that Ali put on special nude bouts for birthdays and anniversaries. If you were very wealthy, Ali might leave a special gift deep in your ass. Ali was asked to make Charlie Bishop's birthday memorable. The host of the party was Dominic Sabine. He was a bigtime local developer. Gerald believe he wasn't directly involved in the bribery, but he made contributions to investment funds that did.

Gerald said the big guys' contributions were usually two or three exchanges apart for the actual payment of bribery money. The top tier of men wasn't overtly gay, but many were patrons of the golf course or the Palm Palace Spa. These clubs were picky about membership and very selective. It was the perfect place for men to visit the wild side in complete privacy. While it was elite, I knew some low-level members people such as Don and Hector who were bodyguards. They were closeted gay and were safe because they dreaded exposure.

Dominic was flamboyantly straight and was usually seen with high fashion models and socialites. His business associates were often staid and dignified. Dominic liked old money. Old money sometimes had a wild side and Dominic provided that for them.

Ali Baba came the birthday party with an entourage. Usually, these were minor wrestlers and followers. If you didn't make the big time, for some men it was good enough to be seen with Ali. Ali was a nice guy and liked the attention. He told me that getting to the top was often more luck than talent. If guys liked to be near him, he was fine with it. He claimed that all fucks were created equal. His sperm was the same in a needy friend's ass as in a millionaire's behind. It wasn't charity.

Ali came with Bruno, Raleigh, and me to provide extra cocks if necessary. Ali always came with an entourage and it was expected. We went to a secluded estate on what was essentially an island in the Everglades. There was a one-lane road through what looked like a jungle. The house sat on stilts and was more Polynesian than like a Florida beach house.

The area under the house was screened in and sheltered a swimming pool. A nude chauffer and a servant greeted us, and we took an elevator to the main level. The chauffer, Tom, told us the dress code was relaxed at the lodge. We went to a bedroom, stripped, and then went to meet Dominic.

I guess the style of the house was Rustic-Polynesian-Palatial. Dominic was a good looking, sixty-year-old man. He had a great tan, unmarred by tan lines and was in good shape. He greeted Ali Baba. Ali introduced Raleigh, Bruno, and me. I was Wildridge Noland, the guy who broke his leg in the plane crash. Dominic noticed my cock and immediately knew why I was there. Bruno and I weren't male model material, but for some men being with a man who is a bit rough around the edges in an asset.

"I am looking forward to the wrestling this afternoon. I assume you have no trouble with the dress code?" Dominic asked.

"None at all. I do need to know if there are any limits. I am open to the possibilities, except no SM and no under aged boys. My guys are open minded too," Ali replied. "We all suck and fuck, top and bottom, shoot and eat the remains."

"That sounds good. One of my friends is a trans sexual. He's game for anything. Both holes are open for use. He could take the Empire State Building up his ass or cunt," Dominic explained. He gave us a tour of the house and then we had lunch. I noticed that the servants were more than a little interested in us. Ali Baba was the focus of attention, but my cock was of interest.

We set up an informal ring in the living room. It was the only room big enough to hold it. The guests would be close the action. The first guests, Rocco DuMont, Bishop, and Donald Saville arrived at two. A little later Don and Hector arrived. They were checking to make sure everything was ready for their boss. They huddled with Saville. Rocco was a butch, muscular, body builder who owned an upscale fashion house. He was hairy and masculine but lacked a cock.

"Is that cock of yours real?" Rocco asked.

"It is and it's in working condition," I said. Rocco licked his lips.

Saville had gone to Raleigh. They knew each other from the golf club. Saville was middle aged, tall, slightly overweight, and had a golfer's tan. I had a feeling Raleigh looked the way Saville would have liked to look. They were chatting when three more men entered the room. Dominic introduced them as Curley, Moe, and Larry. I had no idea who they were, but Raleigh knew them. I would describe them as typical, slightly out of shape businessman. The wrestling bouts had already been planned.

The first match paired Ali Baba with Dominic and Moe; the second featured Ali verses Saville and Curley. The final bout had Ali Baba verses Bishop and Larry. The idea was that two against one evened the odds some. That was silly since Ali Baba would win with six against one. The winner was to screw the loser, and this gave the losers a choice as to who would take Ali's cock.

Bruno sat with Hector, I was with Rocco, and Tom. Don and Raleigh pretended to be referees. Much to my relief there was no effort to simulate an actual wrestling match. I knew that a cock served a role in the urinary system and the reproductive system. I had never thought of cocks as comic accessories. Each match was a slapstick, erotic routine.

Somehow Ali arranged it so cocks were often near an open mouth or a conveniently exposed asshole. Everyone soon knew that Ali was a good sport. While his cock was aggressive, his mouth and ass were receptive. It's difficult to combine the erotic and the comic, and Ali knew how to do that.

By habit I was watching the match, but I was also checking out the room and the spectators. There was a flicker in a mirror. A light turned on in an adjacent room, exposing a video camera behind a one-way mirror. It was only on briefly, but I knew exactly what was going on. These notable businessmen were being filmed to create blackmail material. The other men in the room were too occupied with the match to notice the mirror.

Rocco noticed my cock was getting firm and licked it. A minute later I realized that Rocco was a trans-sexual size queen. He was not a virgin and he knew what to do with my cock. As he sucked me, I looked around the room for additional cameras. Whoever set up the room was competent, but not imaginative. There were two urns with tropical plants that had cams and a light fixture. These had adjustable focusing, do they could get close-ups. The leaves in the plant were fluttering in the breeze caused by the ceiling fans. This movement disguised the small movements of lenses.

By now the wrestling part of the show was over and the room turned into a free for all. I had thought Larry, Moe, and Curley would hold back. Everyone else in the room were experienced and most were more than experienced. The sexual wrestling matches followed by Ali Baba's cock in their asses erased their natural reserve.

Larry, Moe, and Curley were engaged with Ali Baba, Raleigh, Dominic, and Bruno, with Don and Hector near by hoping for sloppy seconds. It seemed that Bishop and Saville were on the sidelines, observing. Most men were trading partners, and Dominic came over to Rocco and me. "Are you boys enjoying yourselves?" Dominic asked.

"We are," I replied. "Your house is beautiful. The naked men add to the beauty. It's lovely."

"I'm just borrowing the house," Dominic said. "Saville got it for a song after the original owner went bankrupt. I think Saville wants me to buy it." Dominic was standing close to me, so I licked his cock. Ten minutes later I was in Rocco's cunt and Dominic was in his ass. When I pushed in deep, Dominic pulled out. He then slid in as I pulled away. I shot off first and Dominic pulled out and then licked my cum as it drooled from Rocco's cunt. Tom had replaced Dominic in Rocco's ass. Later, Rocco wasn't new to the scene, but he told me my cock activated some new sensations.

Ali Baba opened Bishop and royally fucked him. I now knew the party was almost certainly a part of a blackmail scheme, but Bishop had to keep the birthday cover going. I never think of sex as a punishment, but I had a feeling Ali had a different opinion. Raleigh and Bruno went after Saville. Saville's ass seemed to be particularly good for Bruno. He and Raleigh alternated penetrations, and kept Saville occupied for a half hour.

By seven the party was over. It had been continuous sex, and everyone was worn out. We returned back to the Atlas Arms. I told the guys about the filming and gave Templeton a call. In the early hours of the morning there was an electrical short at Saville's Everglades house and the place was burned. The rustic thatched roof and materials all but exploded. The single lane drive could not support fire engines, so the place was a total loss. One man had not been found and was presumed to be dead. The other men had to spend the night in the swamp. Sadly, alligators are afraid of fire, so no one was eaten.

I admit that I was shocked by the speed of the response. Templeton's friends were well placed, but I had no idea they were that well placed or connected. Templeton denied any knowledge of the fire in his most sincere voice. I later discovered that Tom, the chauffeur who had died in the fire, worked for Templeton, and was now working on a scam in Houston.

Dominic and Rocco came to visit Ali Baba in the afternoon. When Dominic woke up, he found a note under the door saying that the party had been filmed and he should think carefully about the proposal. Dominic did not know about the fire, and the man who wrote the note apparently didn't know about it either. Dominic wanted to know if Ali had a similar note.

Ali didn't get a note, but the word on the street was that he was living in an old folks' home for wrestlers. No-one mentioned that he owned it and bought the three-million-dollar property with a half-year' s income on his investments. He told Dominic if there was a blackmail attempt on him, he could handle it.

I had been listening in the next room and came in to tell them the house had burned to the ground and was nothing but ash now. Dominic looked relieved.

"I'm a fucking idiot," Dominic said. "Saville told me he had some great investment opportunities. I knew it was too good. It was all a scam. I hope he didn't get the videos out before the fire."

"The house operated on a generator and did not have internet connections," I said. "Nothing got out."

"How in hell do you know that?" he asked. "I'm still in deep shit, aren't I?"

"Maybe you should come to talk with Raleigh," I said. "He may be able to help you."

"Rocco had nothing to do with it. He was just a potential investor," Dominic said. Rocco stayed with Ali and me. Dominic left to talk with Raleigh.

"I guess I should go," Rocco said.

"You can stay if you wish," Ali said. "I'm sure we can find something to do."

"Dominic is a friend. Maybe I should stay," Rocco said.

"If I told you my intentions are totally dishonorable would you be shocked? I've never has sex with a trans guy before," Ali explained. "If you don't mind, Catfish can fill any hole I'm not using."

Rocco was all man except for the cock part. He had a man's reaction to the potential for sex. Ali was an engaging man. Sex was fun for him and for his partner. He was direct and curious.

"I feel like I'm in the land of the giants." Rocco said. "I tend to take it in the ass most of the time. It was strange when Catfish took me from the front."

"Was it good strange or bad strange?" Ali asked.

"I guess I always been considered a freak or a pervert. In some ways I felt I was a man being fucked like a woman," he said. "I got really excited when I felt him ejaculating."

Ali had lubricated his cock and nudged it into Rocco. Ali's cock was a bit shorter than mine but thicker. Ali was a nice gentle fucker. The drama and excitement came for the size of his organ. Rocco moaned.

A half hour later, Raleigh and Dominic returned. Rocco sucked Dominic off as Ali fucked him. Dominic had not experienced Ali's cock. It was a challenge for Dominic, but like so much gay sex, an orgasm makes all things good.

They stayed for dinner. Dominic was relieved and at ease. His conversation with Raleigh must have been satisfactory. The evening was pleasant, and we sat round the pool. Dominic got in the sling and he had a good time with the retired wrestlers. He was old enough to remember some of them in their hay day. He had adolescent dreams of them naked. Dominic's ass was wide open and the old wrestlers' dream of fucking a hot stud were realized as their old cocks caressed his friendly ass.

Rocco was a hot stud and very desirable to the men. His cunt seemed to strike them as interesting and novel. There was a friendly discussion as to whether his ass or cunt was the most enjoyable. He told me later that he was usually considered to be a freak. These men treated him as man with an interesting variant on the standard equipment. Rocco and Dominic went home happy men. I feel asleep as soon as they left.

My office nerds aren't prone to sleep much when they are on the hunt. Templeton's people were mostly loners and outsiders. Sleep was just an interruption to their computer time. Templeton gave them a chance to show their search skills and make good money. He told me that due to his work, many had abandoned the basement or attic of their parents' houses and move into a classy apartment.

The fire caused great disruption. The group had files of the other blackmail materials. A week after the fire, they relocated these to fireproof storage. Templeton's people followed these movements. Tom, the chauffeur "killed" in the fire knew that Saville ran the blackmail operations, and that Saville had a taste young, handsome, buffed men with an over-active sex drive. When Tom vanished, a blond Nordic god, Bunny replaced him. Bunny worked for Templeton.

Next: Chapter 234: Catfish Crash Lands 6

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