Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jul 27, 2020


Catfish Crash Lands 4 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

A picture of the scam was beginning to emerge, but it was more like an incomplete mosaic than a preliminary sketch. It seemed clear that the Bishop's were in the middle, but it was oddly organized. Instead of any clear leader and organization such as the crime syndicates it seemed ill formed. I wondered if that it was due to meetings at the golf course or a health club.

These were unorthodox, but when I thought about it, they were regular and unremarkable. Visiting a crime lord at a restaurant would be suspicious. A regular trip to a golf club and being part of a foursome was unremarkable. In the same way going to a health club every other day was part of a normal businessman's schedule. A visit to steam room and a shower was unremarkable.

I had an ever so slight suspicion that my ability to be a convincing golfer was limited. Raleigh played golf. Getting into an upscale golf club was difficult. Templeton moved in elite circles. His organization had been helpful to many well-placed bankers and financial types. I also knew he was generous sexually and while there were no gay men in the upper tiers of the financial world, he was known.

Templeton dealt with delicate situations requiring tact and discretion. When he needed a favor, his friends knew enough to not ask why. Not getting in the papers or in an embarrassing court case was Templeton's most attractive non-sexual skill.

Raleigh became the guest of Montague Fullerton, noted financial advisor and member of Bishop's golf club. Raleigh was a good golfer. I suspected he had been brought up in the country club set.

My muscle building skills were suspect, but I could call it therapy and that was acceptable. Ali Baba joined Raleigh's health clubs with me as an old friend. He was a star, and any health club would be overjoyed to have him as a member. He also was out-going and made friends quickly. I made friends too, but that was entirely when I was naked.

We visited the Palm Palace and Ali Baba caused a sensation. I knew that most of the membership was closeted gay men. When they saw Ali, I suspected many of the men would be willing to leave the closet. Ali wore his all-but-naked shorts. Since I was with him, men who wanted to get to the giant wrestler were willing to help me. That included some of the attendants who had ignored me on the previous visit. They were more than willing to help me with my remaining leg.

My shorts stuck to my sweaty body, and they soon had a good idea about my cock. One guy, Rusty, was interested in physical therapy and was helpful. While the paying members of the Palm Palace were hoping to see Ali naked, and maybe a little more, Rusty was willing to settle for me. Ali mentioned he might visit the steam, room so I went to the Sauna. Ali mentioned to Rusty that it would be good for him to keep an eye on me.

Bert and Ernie were there with two friends Juan and Bubba. Juan owned a building supply operation, he looked like a macho, Latin lounge lizard. Bubba was a big guy who looked like a Neanderthal version of a redneck. Rusty didn't know them, but he knew how to make friends quickly. He sat on his towel and was naked as he chatted.

Bubba was an oversized version of me. He was a self-made man who had seen the future in recycling. He specialized in electronics and computer parts and had turned a mom and pop trash collection company into a multimillion operation. High-tech recycling is different from the paper-plastic operations. He supplied major companies with partial processed materials.

He definatly was not into the country club set, but he knew Raleigh and Templeton. Templeton had seen the potential of his operation and had partially funded it. Bubba had some strange problems with the planning and zoning departments of the city.

Bubba was a self-made man. He didn't plan to use his hard-made money to grease the wheels of the approval process. Someone had sent a man to intimidate him. That someone forgot to mention Bubba was a big guy. The hired muscle who tried to intimidate Bubba broke his leg trying to escape. The muscle man said it was an accident, but if intimidation is your business, you don't want for anyone to know you failed.

Bubba came over to me. "Are you that Catfish guy Templeton talks about?" he asked in a whisper.

"I'm trying to keep that quiet," I said. "How could you tell?"

"Templeton said you have half the normal number of legs, but twice the cock of a normal guy," he answered adding "He also told me you aren't even a little bit shy." He sat next to me and fondled my cock. "I've got a few problems you could help me with, if you're interested."

Juan, Bert, and Ernie were at the other end of the Steam room talking with Rusty. Bert and Ernie were talking. Juan was demonstrating his oral skills on Rusty. The other men were standing and Rusty was playing with their cocks.

Bubba and I could have a fairly private conversation. I sucked his cock as he told me the story. Bubba was having a hard time with Bishop and with a guy named Saville. He was trying to get site for a new factory rezoned. It had been properly zoned when he bought it, but somehow the zoning had been changed. Bubba owned a property next to the Simon Bolivar School. He acquired them as part of a larger deal and the estate that owned the properties wanted to get rid of all the properties so they could settle the estate.

If Bubba would sell the properties to an interested group at a discount, the rezoning might be revoked, and he could develop the new factory site.

I told him he had a nice cock and asked if he would like to tickle my prostate with it. He rolled me on my back, lifted my leg and he slid his cock into me. When I go to a health club, I lubricate my ass before. We had a good conversation. Bubba was a smart man; he had guessed the names of some of the other men involved in the deal. The other guys thought we had hit it off.

I felt him get tense and then shoot. "Sorry about that," he said, and he began to pull away.

"Give me the whole load," I said. "It's neater that way." He continued to ejaculate. He pulled out and left. I think he was the sort of man who crashes after an orgasm

By that time Bert and Ernie were double teaming Rusty and Juan came over to me.

"I'm Bubba's friend. I used to be his personal assistant. He seemed to enjoy himself," he said. "I've never taken a cock as big as yours. "Do you think I could take it?"

"Well, I've never split a guy in half before. I don't like hurting a guy, but you would be surprised at how many guys get a lot more into them than they thought," I said. "I need to warn you. I can't control my orgasms as well as I used to. I may leave a sticky souvenir in your behind."

I was on the bench, so he straddled me and sat on it. He too had lubricated his ass. It took a while, but he took most of it. When he stood, he asked if he could visit my ass.

"Are you after my ass or Bubba's cum?" I asked.

He leaned close to me. "I've taken his load a few times, but never felt his cream in another guys ass," he said. "I'm kind of curious."

"Well Juan, if you admit you've taken his cock more that a few times and you are more than a little curious, I am fine with it," I said. A few seconds later he was in me.

It was strange to be fucked by a man who wanted to feel his former employer's warm cum in another guy's ass. I was puzzled by his relationship with Bubba. It was complex. Juan's father was Bubba's oldest friend. When his father and mother died in an accident, Bubba took charge of their son, sending his to school and college. He went to work for Bubba in the summers.

Juan's cock was a good fit for me. It was big, but not too big. Juan took his time and it was a leisurely exploration mother nature took charge and Juan's cock all but exploded in my ass. I could feel him spurting.

We talked as he cooled down. A few years earlier, he connected sexually with Bubba in a dark cruising place. Both were shocked when they discovered their identities. Eventually they concluded that if you are given a lemon you might as well make lemonade. Juan said the sex had been and still was good. They kept their sexual relations separate from their professional lives. They sometimes shared sex partners.

When he left, Burt came over and took a seat on my cock. I had guessed he wasn't a virgin, but I soon realized he was experienced and appreciated a new cock and new experienced in his ass.

"Damn, the last time my ass felt something new in my ass was years ago!" he cried. He spread his legs to get more of my tool into him as he undulated his hips to massage my cock.

"You like it?" I asked.

"I feel like a young guy taking his first big one again. It barely fits!" Burt said.

"You are good at this," I said. "I'm getting close. Do you want the cream?"

"I sure do. Ernie likes to fetch," he said. A minute later I let go and I unloaded. Burt got off my cock and went to another bench to serve my load to Ernie.

Rusty had been watching from the sidelines. "Are you okay? That was quite a workout," he said as he stroked my soft cock. His hand slipped to my asshole and his caressed it.

"You like that," he asked. "It feels so delicate. Does getting fucked tenderize it?"

"It may, but some guys like a well-used hole," I said.

"Does it bother you when it's just sex with no strings?" Rusty asked. "It's so personal, especially when you take their seed."

"As long as I enjoy it and my playmate likes it, I'm fine," I said. "I don't like one sided sex. It doesn't need to be exactly 50/50, but it needs to mutual." Rusty helped me get up and go to the showers. I had a feeling he has things he wanted to tell me, but that would be another day. It had been a good day at the Palm Palace.

When I returned to the Atlas Arms, I told what I found to Raleigh and called Gerald. Bubba was a new name to check for Raleigh, but it was he was much more important for Gerald. Bubba was an important businessman who was definatly on the way up. He was all business and not a member of the social elite. He was married, had three kids but his wife and kids lived fifty miles away with her parents. She was from Columbia; her parents were infirm, and it was her duty to care for them. Bubba understood.

Gerald soon found the name of the thug who "broke his leg." The police had his records and know who he worked for. That opened a direct connection to criminal family. That connections provided names to be checked.

Raleigh's access to Templeton's data base was immediately helpful. The group was called the Cleaners since it was based on a chain of dry cleaners. It specialized in drugs which used the cleaners for easy distribution. The second in command of the operation was Raoul Miller. He was a was a member of the Bishop's country club.

The Cleaners also owned a recycling business that purported to save electronic and computer hardware. That was potentially in competition with Bubba's company. Raleigh did a quick financial check on the firm that had assets of $50,000.00, but it would have access to the Cleaner's drug distribution network. Bubba's operation was in the five hundred million range.

It seemed to me that killing Julian would not have been justified for a suspect real estate deal. Cop killing is a big deal that even generous bribes could cover-up. A large drug distribution system was much larger, and employed Latin American gangsters noted for their brutality. Walton and Gerald saw the significance. They played their cards close to the chest.

Templeton's operation operated at an elevated level. Once a scheme began to solidify, little whispers and hints went to warn the right bankers and brokers that something was amiss. Some F.B. I. agents soon knew there was a problem.

The Palm Palace Spa was a favorite place the Cleaner's executive to meet. The steam room, sauna and showers were the board rooms. It's hard for a naked man to be wired. The rooms had masonry walls and were tiled. There was no way to get a microphone or similar device into the spaces. The nudity and preference for penetrative sex was important. Any device in the mouth or ass would be easily found.

This wasn't a carefully developed scheme. It was a by product of the head men's preferences. Raleigh was a hit in the shower rooms. He was handsome, in shape and a generous bottom. Templeton called Raleigh to tell him they had been checking up on his credentials. Of course, Templeton had the covered. Raleigh was a good accountant with a slight suggestion he could improve the figures to improve a company's bottom line or reduce taxes.

As an ageing, hairball with one leg, I wasn't worth investigating. My years working to keep a low profile payed off. I tended to work from the bottom up. Recording devices were all but impossible to hide in the stream room, so it was used for the upper tier of men. The steam made video identification impossible. You had a hard time seeing who was doing what to whom.

The men in the Sauna were more open about their interests. They were the foot soldiers and were not parties to upper level decision making. They were not interested in me, but my cock was inspirational. I was considered to be recreational. I visited the Palm Palace several times the next week and encountered two of the Cleaner's hired hands Don, and Hector. They were intimating men, beefy and muscular. I couldn't tell if they were dumb or just poorly educated.

They were also classic 100% straight men who had a hard time keeping their eyes off my cock. I knew the type. I was small and with only one leg they didn't see me as a threat. That was a good sign. There weren't natural bullies. They saw me playing with other guys and got hard as they watched, but they didn't participate. I was alone with them later and they asked if I was gay. I told them I sure as hell was. They then asked if the other guys were gay too.

"They might be," I said. "I've been told that men are better cock suckers that women, and a guy's ass is tighter. A guy cock can do a lot more up a man's ass than in a woman's cunt."

"Your pals' seem to like it," Hector said in a thick Spanish accent.

"You may have guessed my cock is not for amateurs," I replied.

"I thought my cock was big," Don said.

"From long experience, I have discovered that some cocks just hit the right place," I said. "You never know what will ring your bells. Are your holes virgin?"

They were silent, then Hector said they had a little bit of fun from time to time.

"You may have noticed I like to have a lot of fun," I said. I have no problem making the first move, but I had a feeling it would be better if they made the move. A man looked in the room. "Hey, Don and Hector, we are leaving." He closed the door.

"Maybe another time?" Don asked. "Tomorrow's our day off."

"I will probably here around ten in the morning," I said. Don and Hector smiled and left.

I was not surprised that Don and Hector were at the Palm Palace by the time I got there. I met them in the locker room, and they said they had booked a massage and they asked if I would like to join them.

"We've booked the room for 90 minutes, so there is time for us all to get a massage," Hector said. I went with them and was surprised to find Rusty was the masseur. The room was decorated in tropical plants and multicolored Spanish tiles. Rusty asked us to get naked and gave us a towel. "The towels are optional. Most men prefer to be nude. We provide standard massages and also do in-depth massages," Rusty said. "Some men think the in-depth massage is overly intimate. It may include exchanges of bodily fluids."

"Do we pay extra for that?" Hector asked. Rusty smiled. "No, it's free. Don got on the table and Rusty started the massage.

I was next to Hector on bench. After a minute or two he leaned over to lick my cock. Soon we were in the sixty-nine position. Hector was uncut, and when my tongue peeled the skin back his cock head was hyper-sensitive. The inside of his skin tasted of precum. He had been anticipating sex. After a few licks he was oozing fresh, rich, creamy precum. He was ready clearly enjoying my cock ooze too. He was more experienced than he let on.

While Don received an anal massage from Rusty's cock, Hector took a seat on my cock. Sometimes my cock is a good fit, but other times it's too much. He paused when my cock encountered his sphincter. I pinched his tits and it was as if the garage door opened. I was in deep. He moaned. It wasn't a I'm in pain moan. It was a "damn that's good" moan.

I tend to be lucky when fucking possible suspects. Hector became talkative and indiscrete while squirming on my cock. He was the new boy on the block in the Cleaner's group, fresh from Ecuador. He was supposed to be a delivery man, but he had been drafted to be muscle for a collection man. He didn't like that, but he was not legal, so his options were limited. He could be helpful.

Rusty's cock had an effect on Don. He mellowed as the cock worked its magic. Don was tight, but Rusty had massaged the sphincter gently until Don lost his concentration and he relaxed enough to let the cock head in far enough to caress his prostate. From Don's reaction I was fairly sure he didn't know he had a prostate.

"Have you ever had a guy masturbate your cock form the inside?" Rusty asked.

"I'm not sure," Don replied.

"In about ten minutes, I want you to tell me the answer to that question," Rusty said.

Next: Chapter 233: Catfish Crash Lands 5

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