Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jun 5, 2020


Catfish Crash Lands 2

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

Two days later Julian was killed in a drive by shooting.

I tend to be naturally suspicious. In my mind there was nothing suspicious in Julian's death. It clearly was a political assassination. It wasn't something I had anticipated or suspected. I thought it was nasty real estate scam. I was embarrassed that I had misjudged the situation.

It was clearly more than that. Killing a cop is not a scam. It is related to a major plot involving top level people. I assumed some were from organized crime, but there must have been big men such as the mayor, congressmen, and senators. A dead cop was a cheep price to pay for these men. I wondered if the upper brass of the police were involved.

I called some of my contacts in Richmond to see if they knew anyone in the Miami Police. As in all organizations, there were official chain-of-command contacts and there the people who knew what was going on. They told me to talk to Alice who worked in Miami's community outreach. I would have guessed that was a bullshit position. Alice had a specialty of knowing what was going on.

She said Julio's death caught everyone off guard. He was not working on a case that was expected to be dangerous. The top brass also didn't realize that Julio was well liked and popular. He tended to be helpful and often substituted for officers who had emergencies. His friends wanted to know why and who killed him. There had been a sense that the Administration had not been that concerned about the rank and file's welfare.

Of course, that sort of feeling would eventually make headlines in the local papers. A dead policeman was one thing, a public investigation of the situation was another. Alice said the man to talk to was Walton Gerome, a retired detective who came back to investigate Julian's death.

I don't meet the physical requirements of policemen and most cops are unimpressed by me. Walton and I immediately connected. Walton lost a leg in an accident during a chase. The perp tried to ram him. The perp and his confederates were killed, and the loot recovered. Walton was a hero, but a hero with one leg.

He looked at me and said, "To paraphrase Lady Bracknell, to lose one leg is a tragedy, to lose both suggests carelessness." I had done security for a theater doing, The Importance of Being Earnest. I knew the quote and burst out laughing. We compared notes and got along well. My cultural knowledge tended to be related to security gigs, but his tastes and my gigs tended to be the same.

Julian's notes were intended to remind him of leads and consisted of single words or short phrases. I filled him in. When we were over, he said, "Damn, this is worse that I thought. It's big. No wonder they brought me back from retirement. I'm afraid they are planning to blame me for it."

"Do you have some guys who you trust working for you?" I asked.

Walton nodded. "I picked the men; they are all solid. Would you be willing to help?"

"Sure, but is there any chance you have an up and coming nobody who can drop by?" I asked. "People know you. Someone who is smart, but unknown would be a better contact. One-on-one meetings here are better than the phone. I assume your phone will be bugged," I said.

He nodded. "If a guy named Gerald contacts you, he's my man," Walton said as he left.

Gerald came by the next day looking for work. Ali brought him to me. Gerald was a big, but by no means impressive man. His dumpy body shouted out, "I'm a plumber just putting in time for retirement." He had a heavy Georgia accent and when we spoke, we almost needed a translator.

He had connections with the police in Richmond and had checked me out. He told me they described me as ugly, smart, and easy to underestimate. I was also regarded as a sex maniac if you were into that. There were rumors about the size of my cock, but no one admitted how they found out about that. They admitted Catfish & Company was highly regarded and was useful in difficult situations. Gerald asked me if all that is true.

I told him most of it was true, but some knew more about my cock than they admitted. I then gave him a run down about my suspicions. "Julio was a smart guy and he knew the locals well," I said. "I have a feeling that he connected some of the dots and someone found out about it. Do you have any suspicions about the police?" I asked. "Did someone leak something?"

"Julio was a good guy," Gerald explained. "I'm not sure that some of the higher ups knew his death would cause such a stir."

"Maybe they should have transferred him perhaps?" I asked.

Gerald nodded. "Whatever he knew was too big and important to be solved by a promotion or a transfer," he said. We understood each other. Gerald was into wrestling big time, so the visits to the Atlas Arms was a trip down memory lane for him. He actually knew of Bruno who had briefly been a rising star with the name Bruno the Body. If you were into the body and ignored his damaged face and Bruno was still a star. I liked Bruno. I suspected Gerald felt much more than like. That turned out to be good for all of us.

I didn't exactly know how Gerald got his information, but I had some suspicions. While he was a big man, he seemed to be forgettable and innocuous. He could be a plumber, painter, gardener, or work in a kitchen. You could look in his eyes and know that no one was home. He faded away and you hardly noticed he was in the room.

I soon noticed he saw everything and was a sponge, absorbing anything of interest. He came to see me regularly because of Bruno. Bruno was usually near me to help me move. He liked me but Ali and Mandy were his heroes. They were used to that, but they were kind to him. His speech skills were limited, so he wasn't a pest making demands. I think he liked the atmosphere. I noticed that Ali and Mandy had an aura. They were so big and energetic.

I was talking to Gerald when a coffee pot tipped over covering us. It wasn't hot, but our clothes were covered. Bruno helped me strip and took me to the shower and Gerald came along. Gerald now knew the real size of my cock. Bruno took our clothes to the washing machine returned naked to help me shower. I had a chance to see Gerald up close and personal.

Gerald looked dumpy, but that was due to his baggy and ill-fitting clothes choices. He was big, muscular, and toned. He possessed a thick six-inch cock, and big balls that seemed to hang to his knees. Hid face was usually expressionless, but being with naked me, seemed to give it some life.

I could tell he was uneasy, but Bruno dropped the soap and somehow, he both retrieved the soap and sucked Gerald's cock. I think Gerald was so shocked he was unable to complain since he was obviously erect.

"This is embarrassing," Gerald muttered.

"We are all friends here. There is no problem having a little fun," I said. We didn't have a little fun; we had a lot of fun. Bruno had a spectacular body, and Gerald was soon giving his cock a complete exam with his tongue. When Gerald his tongue licked Bruno's slit, he shivered a little when he tasted precum. He realized Bruno was interested in him. Gerald sighed in contentment.

"Are you guy's a couple?" Gerald asked a little later when Bruno returned to sucking his cock.

"Let's just say we are friends who have fun and sometimes share our home brew," I said.

"You like to take it?" he asked.

"I sure do," I replied. "Bruno is a neat freak. He would have to clean up what ever drips, so it's only polite to take his load."

"Are you serious about that?" he asked.

I laughed and told him I wasn't serious. "I like the creamy stuff. It's the icing on the cake. I know what it feels like and I get turned on tasting a guy lose it and let go."

"I guess I'm not in Kansas anymore," Gerald said. "I'm not sure I could do that."

"We're all men and we can't pretend we don't know what it feels like. You know what you feel and what Bruno is feeling, why not share it?"

Ali looked in the shower and said, "Shit, you started without me!" He stripped and joined us. To shower with a wrestling star was a wrestling fan's dream. It was literally a wet dream. It was maybe as much as four of five seconds before Gerald was sucking Ali and I was sucking Bruno. A little later Bruno took Gerald's load. The group broke up after that. Gerald went home.

Walton was officially in charge of the investigation. He dropped by two days later. Gerald was supposed to be our contact person, but he wanted to discuss the case. He wanted the name of an independent forensic accountant from out of town. I called Templeton for his recommendations. I knew most of the names. I called them explained the situation and them turned it over to Walton.

Since he used my phone, there were no tell-tale phone records or conversations to alert the suspects. Walton also needed a clean computer connection. Ali and Mandy could provide that. Mandy was a bit of a computer nerd, and he was good about security. There was no link between the Atlas Arms and the investigation. Because there was some worry about a possible mole in the police department, we had to be careful. Walton was happy.

The forensic accounting firm, the Temple Company, decided to set up a small office in Miami. Ali had a little apartment associated with their apartment for his mother. It was empty during the summer. The Temple Company was owned by my pal Templeton and he staffed it with an accountant I didn't know, Raleigh James.

Raleigh was about fifty-years-old but didn't look like an accountant. He was smart, imaginative and had a devious mind. His father had been ruined by a treacherous accountant, and Raleigh had a nose for irregularities. He had no problem at all fitting in with the men at the Atlas Arms.

Templeton had a knack for putting the right men in the right place. Raleigh told me that in Richmond he felt he needed a wing-tipped jock to fit in. He could let it all hang out in Miami. He was well-hung, tanned, toned and manscaped and he liked to show it off. He said he wasn't looking for love, but he didn't mind giving free samples.

Raleigh bought a trial membership at a local health club. A handsome man who like to be naked, take long showers and visit the sauna soon gets a following. He was handsome, but he got along with the older guys and trolls. He told me you can't catch a case of ugly by sucking a guy off, but you can make a friend that way. I was beginning to use a walker and the cast was gone, I had a strap-on bumper this that protected my leg, but I could walk again, but getting up and down from a seated position was a problem.

For a man who liked to be nude most of the time, Raleigh had an eye for clothes, especially expensive clothes. We had pictures of Charley Bishop, the zoning chairman and his sister, Delores. Charley had an income of $75,000.00, owned a $750,000 house and wore $2,000 suits. Delores wore high-end couture.

Raleigh knew the sticker price on everything. There were many reasons a person with modest income might indulge in luxury items, an inheritance, a wealthy wife or husband, or a lottery jackpot. These items were just warnings that something might be wrong.

The Templeton Company had access to masses of financial information, but they also had contacts who were in the know, i.e. gossips. These were men and women who heard things. Most gossips are useless, but Templeton had a knack for finding persons knew a lot. There were like the person at the golf club who mentions that you might keep an eye a man's scoring. That often meant the man shaved strokes. Templeton collected the rumors and transmitted them to Raleigh.

The Atlas Arms was unexpectedly good about high quality gossip. The men had been around, and underworld connections were not unknown in the wrestling circuit. Some of the men had heard things. Of course, some of it was decades old, but often sons inherited the family business. For some of the guys, just sitting with a good- looking man was a treat. Raleigh was interested in them and liked their stories. He liked to work at night and let the computers work their magic during the daylight hours.

Raleigh had another attractive characteristic. He was an exhibitionist. He was not an expose himself on a public sidewalk exhibitionist. He liked nude beaches and sex with an audience excited him. The courtyard-swimming pool area of the Atlas Arms was a dream come true for him. Normally, Raleigh was in control and calculating. In business situations everything related to work was planned and calculated.

Bruno liked to show off his body too. Raleigh, Bruno, and Gerald hit it off. They looked like a mismatched group, but one of Raleigh's assets was his willingness to open his ass to anything erect. Gerald was ugly. Bruno had a damaged face. Raleigh was drop dead handsome and both had impressive sexual stamina.

I was semi-mobile now, so I joined in their play. I took me no time at all to see Gerald's cock was a perfect fit for Raleigh's ass. Perfect genital compatibility is rare. I have it with Templeton. We are friends who share the same interests, but we are not lovers.

Over the years I realized I had one unique skill. I can collect information from a guy while screwing him. with the possible exception of a minute before or after an orgasm, I can remember what a guy says. Somehow, my cock takes care of the sex, and my mind stays focused on the job.

Raleigh had the same skill. He was a talkative, gregarious man. He told me that some men aren't discrete when his cock his playing prostate tag. His other skill was producing a hand's free orgasm in his playmate through rectal massage.

Raleigh told me in great detail about a success at his gym. After exercise, he showered and went to the Steam Room with four other men. He told them he was thinking about moving to Miami and said he had heard about a real estate firm, New Neighborhood, and was told a woman named Delores was good.

Two of the men had never heard of it, but two guys knew Delores. They were not flattering.

"Delores Bishop has a new firm every three or four years," a man name Rudy told him. "She gets most of her clients by letting them fuck her." Rudy was playing with Raleigh's cock.

Raleigh laughed. "I guess you can tell that isn't the way to my heart." The men laughed. "I hope that doesn't bother you."

"We're kind of open minded," a man named Cal said. "We are not that way, but we like a little fun."

Raleigh was fully erect by then. "Damn, I don't think there is any way to make it little," he said as he looked at it.

The men all laughed.

"Is a good fuck the only way she gets business?" Raleigh asked.

"Shit, the bitch is connected. Her daddy is big in the city planning department. She only sells difficult properties with the cost of the bribes to renovate it included in her fee," Rudy explained. The other men didn't seem to notice Rudy sucking. Raleigh decided what they called a little bit of fun, was quite a bit more than a casual interest. They all talked, and a Cal said he was fixing lunch for Rudy at his apartment nearby and asked if Raleigh would like to join them. He said yes.

Raleigh told me the food was modest, but the sex was good. "New Neighborhood is a scam and Delores is the scam artist. She seems to be in charge, but Rudy's daughter had gone to school with her, and he doubted she was smart enough to organize anything complex. Cal mentions he had seen her with George Toccata, who was the lawyer for a crime syndicate.

Raleigh also found out both men were size queens and Cal was a bottom. "Catfish, if you like guys who lose all their inhibitions when there is eight inches up his ass, Cal is the guy for you," he explained. "He turned into jelly. Rudy liked to watch and was a cheer leader."

Raleigh gave the information on New Neighborhood, Delores, and George Toccata to Gerald. When Gerald heard George's name his face lit up like a five-year-old Christmas Morning. With a smile, Gerald was almost attractive.

Raleigh arranged for me to go to the gym for therapy. I was going there for the conversation and maybe get some cock in the Sauna. The gym employees were eager to help. I think they knew they were eye candy for the members, but they genuinely wanted to help me. They had all seen the crash landing on the television and I was a challenge.

The head guy, Marco wanted to strengthen my leg muscles which were weakened by inaction due to the cast. He also wanted to strengthen the stump. He thought it might result in back problems due to the asymmetry. They had four guys there and each took ten minutes to work different muscles.

The guys all discovered the general character of my cock, and the youngest of the guys, Samuel, took me to the stream room. There were two guys in the room, and they all knew and liked Samuel. They barely noticed me until my towel slipped. Samuel had to get back to work and he told the guys to make sure I didn't overheat, and that I might need help standing.

A man sat next to me. "If I asked you how you lost the leg, would that open old wounds?" he asked.

"My God Johnny! Do you ever think before you talk?" another man asked. "Johnny is a good guy, but how he got to be sixty without being shot for the stupid things he says, I don't know. I'm Billy, by the way."

"Don't worry. I had an Uncle who told me a long time ago that I was ugly as shit, and I might as well get used to it," I replied. "Someone shot my leg during an attempted rape. It couldn't be saved," I explained. "By the way, I was trying to stop it. I wasn't the rapist. The walker is due to the crash landing a month ago."

"Damn, if you didn't have bad luck you, would have no luck at all," Johnny volunteered.

"Shit Johnny, you did it again! Why don't you write your comments on paper, slip it to me, and if it's not stupid I'll let you say it," Billy suggested. "Sorry mister. My friend is a nice guy, but he gets his tongue wagging before his brain has a chance."

"Damn Billy. Look at his cock. It's a fucking worlds fair exhibit," Johnny remarked. Looking at me he asked, "Is it still in working order?"

"I think so. I've been sort of looking for a guy with an ass that can take it," I said.

"Christmas has come early!" Johnny exclaimed.

Next: Chapter 231: Catfish Crash Lands 3

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