Millennium Construction Company

Published on Mar 19, 2002


Chesapeake Construction Company 1

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments send them to or

You can read Millennium Costruction Company and Catfish & Company to get to know the characters better

I felt like a bear who had just fallen into a bucket of honey. Overnight everything changed. One week I was bankrupt and all but unemployed. Six months later I owned my own firm. It must have been my turn. I had fallen into a bucket of shit enough times over the last few years to deserve some pay back.

Some of my problems were of my own making. I admit I shouldn't have married Julie and using booze as a marriage counselor was a bad idea too. I got derailed when she took off with my best friend and the kids. I also had a real fondness for cock. I liked men and I didn't like that at all. It is hard to be an anti-gay, gay man. It messes you up real bad.

When Julie left and I had a drunk driving conviction everything fell apart. I didn't take things well and didn't deal with them well either. Fortunately I ran into Captain Burt. The Captain ran a small boat for a millionaire from Richmond. Burt was a real man and also gay and I was so attracted to him I forgot I didn't like gay men. He introduced me to a guy named Stephan, who was also gay and attractive.

Stephan was 100% bottom and was good at it. We could fuck for hours. He knew exactly how close I was to shooting and how to make it last. He also knew where I was coming from. We talked as I fucked and I began to feel better.

Stephan was a counselor as it turned out. He and Burt took me on as a project. I stopped drinking and decided I was gay after all and that wasn't so bad. Things began to turn around for me, but after you've fucked up big time, turning things around takes time.

The Captain's boss, a millionaire named Magnus, needed a contractor to work on a project in the bay. He hired a firm in Richmond to do the work, The Millennium Construction Co. They hired me to run the job. They had a small crew ready to go and I had a job, a good job, for the first time in a year or so.

Millennium hired another crew to do the landscape clearing. Jack Aldanian had a crew and a houseboat. The houseboat is important because the project was on an island. New Samoa Island was little known. It had been a resort for many years and was abandoned after the lodge burned. I was excited about the island from the start, but the project turned out to be far better than I had dreamed.

Millennium Construction was a top of the line operation. They treated their men well; they did great work and were nice guys to boot. They also were gay. My crew was gay. Everyone in Jack's crew was gay too. It was the first time I had been in an all gay situation. No one was ashamed, or embarrassed and no one had to hide his sexual interests. On the island we were safe and could be ourselves.

I noticed since I admitted I was gay, I seemed to be horny most of the time. It was as if I was trying to make up for all those years I had denied it. I also discovered, I wasn't too different from all the other men on the island. The sex was both great and regular. My carpenters, Wayne and Jerry were always ready to help a guy out.

Jack had a harem of younger guys. Jack liked to play too, but he always had a few extra boys to contribute to the general welfare. Their asses were for him and him alone. Their cocks and mouths were available for everyone. It was a happy crew.

All went along well until a terrorist bombing in Richmond. Millennium was involved in the emergency repairs and we were pulled off the island and went to Richmond to help out. It was exciting work, dangerous and about as far away from the stuff we did as country builders as could be. I knew Millennium was a good operation, but I soon realized just how good.

They knew what we could do and had us doing just the sort of work we were good at. There was no wasted effort, no unnecessary risk taking. It was incredibly hard, dirty, nasty work, but it was satisfying.

Everyone I knew from the New Samoa project was involved, including the construction company and the millionaire. He became the Chairman of the rebuilding effort and the Architect for the island was heading up the restoration efforts.

I am no fool. I guessed that New Samoa would be put on a back burner. Richmond wasn't my kind of town. I loved the Chesapeake bay, so did my men. The emergency work was exciting and we all wanted to help as much as we could, but restoration of old buildings in the cramped confines of central Richmond wasn't what I wanted to do.

After a month, John, the President of Millennium called Jack and me to his office. Magnus was there. I knew what was coming. I was sure the New Samoa project was postponed or canceled. I guessed I would either be moving to Richmond, or need to look for new work on my own. John started by saying how much they appreciated our help.

He went on to say, the Richmond work was going to occupy 100% of his time for the next few years. Magnus chimed in and said, he too had to work on the bomb damaged area, he had no possibility of continuing with New Samoa.

"I've sold the island to Jonathan Baldur, the theatrical producer from New York." Magus said. I had met Jonathan on the island. He had really hit it off with Wayne, one of my carpenters. "Mr. Baldur wants to continue with the project.

"Jonathan wants to continue on with the project with the original schedule and design. He wants Millennium to do the work." John said. "This is impossible. I was hoping you two would be willing to take the project. We are confident of your abilities and are willing to financially back you."

That is when I fell in the bucket of honey. Jack and I were more than willing to do it. The Chesapeake Construction Company was born that day. We had our own firm. John would provide additional labor, if we needed it.

He said the island was a good stress reducer for his crew.

A week later, we were back on the island living on the houseboat. Millennium continued our salaries until they could arrange cash transfers to capitalized the new firm. That weekend I flew up to New York to meet Mr. Baldur and arrange contracts. He asked me to bring Wayne along. Wayne hadn't been to New York City before and it was an eye opener for him.

Shit, it was a eye opener for me. I had been to the city before, but not the Upper East Side and not in a luxury penthouse over looking Central Park and the Metropolitan Museum. We stayed at Baldur's and I was about as uneasy as I could be. I felt like a hillbilly. A limo picked us up at Newark and dropped us off at his apartment. The Doorman was expecting us and showed us to the penthouse. Baldur wasn't home, but left a message with the servant to make us comfortable. He would be back in time for dinner.

The penthouse had a view you would see in a 1930's movie. We went out to Central Park and went into the Met. Wayne didn't understand their free admission with a required donation, but we got in. I had never been there and it was overwhelming. Wayne was suspicious about the place, until we found the Egyptian Temple. You never know if a guy you've worked with has any vision of life beyond what he has done and seen.

Wayne, a carpenter from the Eastern Shore, loved the Egyptian stuff. He didn't know anything about it, but he liked it and from that point on he liked the Museum. We spent the afternoon getting lost in the place and got back to the apartment by five. Mr. Baldur arrived at the door as we did.

He was glad to see us and cordial as could be. We discussed business details for an hour or so in the library and he said, he had some guests coming for dinner, his accountant, Mitch and two former actors, Raleigh Donovan and Gil Stevens. Raleigh had been one of the great cowboy stars of the 1960's and his series had been enormously successful for years. He disappeared from view as the show faded. Gil Stevens was another television star. His first show, `Star Troop' had been a huge hit. None of his later shows equaled it. I was old enough to remember them.

"I haven't heard of them for years." I said. "I assumed they were in Hollywood."

"They both had a real problem. Their shows were so popular, they couldn't break away from the image and their careers vanished." Jonathan said. "I got them cameo roles in some television series and they turned out to be good character actors on stage. That, combined with the residuals of their television programs and the work I gave them, has made them into wealthy men."

"They are both typical closeted stars who have been married enough times to be respectable." Jonathan explained. "Randy had a close call with a blackmailer years ago. He is uptight, but you'll like both men. They are both excited about the possibilities of the island."

I was uneasy about meeting the stars. I had my best clothes with me, but began to feel even more like a hick hillbilly. Raleigh came in the library. I felt like a twelve year old meeting his hero. As the Apache Kid, Raleigh's specialty was nude to the waist shots, which gave him a chance to show off his muscular physique and hairy chest. Today, he wore jeans and a plaid shirt unbuttoned to his navel. The hairy chest and some of the physique was still intact and he looked good for a man in his early sixties. He was as friendly as I could have wished.

Gil Stevens arrived five minutes later. He was much beefier and heavier than in his Star Trooper' days. He was a true, blond bear. I looked at his crotch. Gil didn't have the usual bear compact cock and balls. He had a bear body and a donkey dong. Shots of his genital bulge could be seen through fabric of his costume on the Star Troop' series and the bulge made it onto the television screen. As kids we had speculated about its size. He still wore tight pants and left nothing to your imagination. He laughed.

"It's real." Gil said, stroking his cock through the fabric.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude." I said. "It's that it's so . . ." Gil laughed again.

"It isn't an accident that you see it. If you're an average actor, you need something distinctive to set you apart from the hoard of pretty boys." he said. "I think of it as the door opener. It has served me well. Actually, at age 58, I'm glad the bulge still works!" A third guest entered.

"Trent, Wayne, this is Mitch, my accountant." Jonathan said. Mitch was bald, thin and muscular. He obviously worked out. He too was in jeans and a plaid shirt. It was unbuttoned enough to show curly, black chest hair. We all shook hands. We had a cocktail and went to the dining room for dinner. Gil took me aside.

"Jonathan said you had a drinking problem." he asked. I nodded.

"Me too." he said. "Three's my limit. If you watch me, I'll watch you. Okay?" I nodded again. Dinner was steaks, baked potatoes and a big tossed salad. The meat was unbelievable. I don't think they sold that kind of meat in the WalMart I shopped at. It was a good time. Much to my surprise, the actors were interested in construction, so we had an odd conversation of reminiscences of television programs and construction details. They had both worked construction before fame struck.

Mitch was the odd man out. He seemed to be a nice guy, but he let me know what information he needed and let me know he was watching the dollars. The actors were going to invest in the island, but Mitch was watching the nuts and bolts.

"Let me bring you up to date and give you all the full story on my purchase of the island. I think I've told some of you parts of the story, but I think it would be helpful if I tell the whole story. " Jonathan explained.

"I was visiting my old friend Magnus, trying to get backers for a new play. He wasn't interested in the play, but he took me on a trip to a small island in Chesapeake Bay. The Island had been someone's summer home, or a club at one time, but was little more than ruins and briars now. Magnus had just bought it and was planning to turn it into a club. At first I thought New Samoa Island was to be a typical posh resort. I discovered, he planned to build something very different. Magnus was going to develop the island as a gay sex club. He didn't say it exactly that way, but that was the gist of his plan. I had no interest in the project at first, but I went along to visit the island to keep him happy."

"I think Wayne and Trent can confirm, my visit to the island was a success. I hadn't been anywhere in years where there were just plain men, willing to help you out if you would help them. They weren't after anything but your sperm and they were willing to trade you drop for drop. No one was after a part in a play, or was trying to fuck their way to the top. They were plain, old fashioned, nice guys. I was in heaven. I decided to invest in the project with Magus and was looking forward to the next visit."

"A week later there were news bulletin of an explosion in Richmond. The news came slowly, but it was a terrorist bombing in the middle of the city. I called Magnus but had a hard time getting through. I had little knowledge of the Richmond area, so I didn't know if it involved the part of the city he was in. When I heard a temple was damaged, I was shocked, but relieved in a minor way. Magus was uncut. He wouldn't have been on his way to services."

"When I finally got a call through, Magnus was shaken. He lived well away from the bombing, but he was on the Board of the nearby Women's Clinic. Some of his friends also lived near and several had lost their houses. He was frantically calling and trying to get information about the safety of his friends. I called him back a week later. He was in control again. He was raising money for relief and emergency aid. He asked me to see what I could do for the Temple."

"I did some calling and produced a couple of million dollars in aid. Bombing Synagogues is bad business and there was generous response. He had said, he had some friends doing a private investigation since there were suspicious of the City Administration. I sent him $200,000.00 to bankroll that effort for a while.

"A week later, I visited Magnus and went to the site of the explosion. It was awful and wonderful. The bombing was cowardly and vile, but the rescue workers and the neighbors were inspirational. Much to my surprise, all my friends from the island and all of the men in the construction and landscaping crew were working on the repairs. John, the contractor from the island, was coordinating construction and stabilization efforts."

"I had dinner at Magnus' house and he told me he was postponing the project at New Samoa Island. He was the Chairman of the Richmond Reborn Committee and that would dominate his activities for the next few years."

"That's a shame." I told him. "It's a great project. I was really looking forward to the club."

"I was too." Magnus said. "I have the money lined up, the crews and the desire. If only days were 32 hours long. I just don't have the time."

"We are in the opposite situation here." I said. "Last week I sold Jonathan Baldur Productions and I am free for the first time in thirty years."

"Magnus asked, if there was a part time, consulting deal lined up and I told him "no". The President will be the son-in-law of a man who has more money than sense. I was out of the business and can't produce a play or movie for five years."

"I did do well on the sale. $150,000,000.00 plus or minus a few million." Jonathan continued.

"Holy shit!" Wayne said.

"Believe it or not, those were exactly the words I said when I heard the offer. As I said, more money than sense."

"You need to buy an island!" Magnus said laughing. "I have just the place for you. Brambles, ruins and cocks. It's a dirty old man's dream come true." Magus was joking, but the idea caught my fancy. A week later I was the owner of one complete island in the Chesapeake Bay." The Richmond Reborn Committee received an anonymous gift of $1,500,000.00 the day after the sale. Magnus is a very generous man.

"The plan is to turn New Samoa Island into a private resort. The only requirement for membership is to be gay and I guess the best way to express it is, sexually active."

"Absolutely private?" Raleigh asked.

"Absolutely. The members are to be all anonymous once they are on the island." Jonathan reiterated.

"All cocks are created equal?" I asked. Everyone laughed.

"Some cocks are more equal than others!" Gil added. He was feeling me out under the table. "At least I hope they are. I'd hate to never get another job again." There was more laughter.

"Thank God no one chooses their accountant for his cock size." Mitch chimed in.

"Don't worry Mitch." Jonathan said. "Willingness to please is always admired. In all the years I've known you, you've been ready to play at a moments notice."

"I'm afraid the willingness to please you is more willingness to please myself. I like it as much as you do." Mitch said. "It's just as good for me to suck cock as to be sucked. I can pitch and I can catch. As long as a cock is involved, I'm happy."

"That's a philosophy to live by!" Raleigh proclaimed.

"Before we get too deep in philosophy, I was going to show Trent and Wayne my exercise suite. It is one thing I want to incorporate in the New Samoa project." Jonathan said. "I think they'll like it." We all got up from the table and trooped into another part of the apartment. We went though his bedroom which was surprisingly modest, then into a vast closet.

Turning left at the shoes we entered another room. This was marble with exercise bikes and a universal gym. One wall was a large television screen. Jonathan pressed a button and it filled with a video of Jeff Striker fucking a lucky guy. On one side a glass cabinet displayed a collection of sex toys, dildos and butt plugs.

"Hot damn!" Wayne exclaimed.

"The exercise bike seat is equipped with a dildo, so you can fuck yourself while exercising." Jonathan said. "I hate to admit it, but it sure has helped me stick to my exercise regimen."

" I can see why with no trouble at all." Wayne said. "Let's get naked and give it a try!"

"I thought you would never ask!" Jonathan exclaimed. Mitch, Gil and Raleigh were already stripping as Wayne made the suggestion. They knew the routine. This must have been a regular feature of Jonathan's parties.

Getting naked with the Apache Kid' and Captain Lukas' of the Star Troop', realized every fantasy I had as a thirteen year old. I had dreamed of catching a glimpse of them nude in a shower. In my wildest dreams, I never thought I would be get to suck and fuck with them. At thirteen, I don't think I could imagine sucking cock, much less fucking.

And sucking and fucking there was. Everyone was ready, willing and able. Next to the exercise room was a shower, whirlpool and steam room. Mitch and Wayne tried out the exercise equipment with Jonathan. Mitch had a rather ordinary face, bald with a goatee, but a beautiful body. His well-defined musculature was outlined in short curly black hair.

Mitch got on the bike after coating the dildo in lubricant. It was a big one. He straddled it, then slowly sat back on the monster dong. He winced once or twice, but he never sloped. As he impaled himself, his cock grew. His cock was average in size as it flopped on his low hangers. He had a rock hard seven inches by the time of full insertion. His mushroom head crowned the curved shaft and almost touched his navel. His big balls hung free in their hairy ball sack.

Mitch sat still for a moment and then began to peddle the bike. Wayne was on his back on an exercise bench with Jonathan inserting a but plug.

"I like to play with real cocks." Raleigh whispered in my ear.

"Me too!" I said. He motioned to go to a door on the side. We went into the next room. It was a marble shower with a hot tub in the middle.

"Jump in and relax." Raleigh said. Gil appeared and joined us. My teenage fantasy was coming to life.

Next: Chapter 24: Catfish and Company 7

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