Millennium Construction Company

Published on May 16, 2020


Catfish Finds a Friend 9: The Diamond in the Rough

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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With the discoveries about Max, the sleaze ball lawyer, I asked my geeks to do some nosing around. They had secret sources.

William Watts, the owner of Watt's Jewelers came to see me. He was a handsome man of about 70. He wanted to know the status of the investigation. I gave him an up-date.

"Is my son involved?" he asked.

"We have not reached any conclusions yet," I said.

"Should I be cheerful or uneasy about his potential involvement?" he asked.

"I would tend to be uneasy," I said.

"I have a favor to ask," he continued. "My wife has cancer and the prognosis is poor. She deeply loves our son and tends to be an optimist about his failings. I have no illusions. Is there any way you could delay the inevitable?" There was a pause, "A month might be enough," he added. Mr. Watts maintained composure, but it was difficult.

"The problem is a white-collar crime. If there is no violence, I might be able to help," I explained.

"Thank you. Are your fees adequate?" he asked.

"There is no problem with the fees. We do have the major players under surveillance. If we encounter a potential for violence, we can quash it quickly," I added. We shook hands, and he left.

That afternoon I met with Rodney and Teddy to discuss the case. I asked if there was a potential for violence.

"Allen is a wimp. I can't see him as a violent man. He might order someone to do it for him," Rodney said.

"My guys are hired muscle, but I don't think they are paid well enough to get violent. I think they can sit around and look tough," Teddy said.

I agreed with them and asked, "Could they hurt someone by accident or miscalculation?"

"I get along well with Buster. Accidents might happen, but Franky doesn't pay his helpers enough. I think "accidents" are related to low pay sloppiness," Teddy said. Rodney got a call and had to leave. As he left Templeton arrived. Teddy stayed a little longer. I felt something in the air. I think Templeton was Teddy's type and the feeling was reciprocated.

"Am I in the way?" Templeton asked.

"No, not at all. Teddy is working uncover on the Allen Watts problem," I said. "Do you have any information to share?"

"Does Teddy know about our little arrangement about sharing info?" Templeton asked.

"Teddy, Templeton is a person I don't know who whispers tasty bits of information in my ear. He is deep, very deep in the background," I explained.

"He's like a gust of wind that points you in an unexpected direction?" Teddy asked. "I have been known to respond to whispers so slight as to be silent. Silent and unidentifiable."

"Getting down to the whisper level, Allen has gambling debts to Rocky Miller. Max was his lawyer Rocky on a racketeering case. Rocky partially paid Max with Allen's IOU. Max has been taking money from his wife's trust fund. There is an audit planned for next month. Max need to replace the money, or he will be in jail, disbarred and probably divorced," Templeton explained.

"Any chance the wife will forgive the stealing?" I asked.

"There is an outside chance, but the trustees of trust funds are her uncles who have the complete authority over the funds. The Uncles hate Max's guts. He's a stain on the family honor."

"That seems like an odd arrangement," I said.

"Max's wife has use of the income from the fund. The principle will descend to her children," Templeton explained. "Max is shooting blanks. There are no children."

"So Max is scrambling to collect on Allen's debt?" Teddy asked. "Where is Rocky now?"

"Rocky is in the pen for 15 years. Let's just say he's not too happy with Max." Templeton said.

Teddy and Templeton got along well. I had a call from the office and took it in my study. When I returned, I felt that the sexual energy rise. I hate to think that I am a predictable, horny, old codger, but somehow, we ended in my shower, naked and erect. We also all discovered that we are good about sharing. The phone range and I went to answer it.

While I was gone,Teddy told Templeton that he was a size queen and wanted to try my cock on for size. He asked Templeton if I might be willing. Apparently, Templeton told him I had never been unwilling before, and it was unlikely that he would be the first. He also told him I shined in group situations and tended to make everyone happy.

Teddy asked if Templeton and I were close. Templeton told him sometimes we were close, sometimes he was my wingman and sometimes we were co-conspirators. Whatever we were, we were not exclusive. "We both have a wandering eye and rarely say no to temptation," Templeton said. "Rarely isn't he right word, just substitute never for rarely."

Templeton opened Teddy's ass in the shower, and I stretched it wider in my bed. A little later Templeton and Teddy sixty-nined and I fucked Teddy a second time. Teddy's ass had made peace with my cock by then and it was good. I fucked him to an orgasm which Templeton took with considerable gusto. That was a good experience for Teddy. He had never had a man working his knob as he popped before.

Teddy was attracted to Templeton and my combination of ugly and horse hung exerted an almost magnetic attraction on him. Templeton and I kept his ass and mouth filled all but continuously for an hour. Templeton and I were old friends with benefits. That can be time limited as you age and your tastes change. We are on the lifetime plan. I didn't quite shoot off every time he climaxed, but my cock felt a tingle.

Teddy said that was too much for him, but both Templeton and I knew that wasn't the case. The next morning Templeton fucked Teddy to an orgasm, and I took the load. Teddy went off to investigate and Templeton went to work.

I did some checking on Max and Rocky. Max was a flamboyant, loudmouth who sometimes got lucky. I couldn't tell if he had some legal talent that reared its head once and a while, of if it was the case of a stopped watch being right twice a day. I knew Rocky slightly. He was a thug, but he wasn't an idiot. He ran an illegal gambling operation.

While it was illegal, it wasn't crooked. The games weren't rigged, it was just that the house always in the end. I had a friend who said that gamblers should be required to take a course in probability and statistics. Yes, you can win, but it is always more probable they will lose.

Teddy called me at noon. He had run into Buster who said things were happening. Things weren't good. They were on the way to Teddy's motel room. I said I would meet them there in an hour.

My driver Chet dropped me off. Chet was a former policeman who was injured on the job. He could have stayed with the police in a desk job. He became an operative at Catfish & Company instead. He was a diver-body guard for me when he wasn't undercover. When he dropped me off, he was at a diner across the street watching.

Teddy was in the room, and Buster arrived ten minutes later. One of Allen's guys was a named Augustus Blanchard. He was a long-term salesman for the Treasure Chest Jewelers. He was the man who took care of the high-end customers. Treasure Chest wasn't top of the line, but some of their customers hit it big and they liked jewelry. He had worked at a modest commission and was promised part ownership in the business.

As often happens, the owners' daughter married and decided she would take the company. The promises were ignored, and Augustus was out in the cold. Allen recruited him. Tragically for Allen, Augustus wasn't a crook and he backed out.

Allen told Franky he wanted to "teach that asshole" a lesson. Buster had done this before, but his role was to act menacing as Franky scared the man. In this case Allen wanted them to do some real damage to Augustus. Buster was to do the real damage.

Buster had been a bouncer, but he had been effective because of his appearance. Assault and battery were not his thing. Buster was afraid of jail. I told Buster I would find a hiding place for him if he could give his information to the police.

He said he would do that, but he needed to disappear right now. I made a call and sent him to my cousin's Buddy's farm in rural Virginia. I had no official known connection to the case and no one knew of my relatives. I told Teddy to drive him there and hide Buster's car out of sight. Buster needed to completely vanish.

Chet picked me up and I told him I wanted to buy some jewelry at the Treasure Chest. Chet used his phone to find the place.

The Treasure Chest was in an older shopping center in a former branch bank. The front room was cheesy gift-jewelry place with flashy, but inexpensive stuff. The former vault was labeled the Treasure Chest. The woman in the front was my age, wearing an outfit suitable for a 20-year-old bimbo, and makeup applied with a trowel. I told her I needed something for my mom's 90th birthday. I wanted something real nice. She pressed a button and a man emerged from the Treasure Chest. He introduced himself as Augustus Blanchard. I don't have perfect gaydar, but Augustus was clearly only a few years short of being an old Queen.

I told him what I wanted, and he took me into the former vault. I noticed that the massive vault door was bolted open. I felt more comfortable when I saw that. I told him my mother had married a jerk who gave her a fake diamond ring. I wanted to give her a real one. He showed me the rings on display. I told him I wanted a bigger one. He took me back into the former safety deposit box area.

Out of view there I scratched my balls some. He rearranged his equipment. It was 5:00 and the woman at the counter came and said he was off for the day and would lock the door as she left. Augustus told me there was a policy of always have two people on duty. He took me to his private office where the light was better to look at the pieces, I was interested in.

His office was unexpectedly elegant. It had real antiques and I suspected the paintings on the wall were genuine. He explained he had lived there when he first worked for the store. "I was a semi-night watchman. That was fine until the first robbery attempt. I was a hero for foiling the robbery, but they discovered my apartment violated the zoning code. There is a bedroom and bath next to this room," he said. "It's a nice place to nap."

"You didn't turn it into a rec room?" I asked. That was just a comment, not at come on. Augustus took it as a come on.

"Recreational activities are not included in the cost of the ring, but you might think of them as a perk," he said. He cupped his equipment. I knew what he wanted, and lust took control.

"Some guys tell me I don't have an easy piece of meat," I said.

"Be still my heart!" Augustus exclaimed. I didn't suspect he was a fresh face virgin. We went to the bedroom. He saw my cock and I told him I was a top.

"Shit, I feel like I have died and gone to heaven," he said.

He was an old queen and I had guessed he had an overused ass. He confessed he was a size queen, and he only bottomed for "big boys." His ass was like slipping your feet into your favorite old shoes. It was still tight and welcoming. He relaxed his sphincter enough to let me in, but it gently gripped my knob.

He moaned and said, "I feel like a virgin again. It's wonderful."

"How many times have you used that line?" I asked.

Augustus laughed. "I have a feeling your virgin days are but distant memories. I do think that some deep, dark places in my ass are feeling new experiences."

"If it told you I like well-used asses, would you be shocked?" I asked.

"Forty years ago I never guessed when my neighbor told me he wanted to show me some new tricks, that would set the tone for the rest of my life," he replied.

"Were you shocked?" I asked.

"I was shocked I liked it so much," Augustus said. "He was an old guy to me and he thought he won the lottery when he fucked me. His cock was thin and long. It was easy to take. He sucked me off and took my load and swallowed it."

"You like that?" I asked.

"I loved it, but what I really loved is that I didn't need to clean up my spunk to hide it from my mother," he replied. I made a hard thrust and he moaned again. He was responsive and purported that I was a dream come to life. Augustus also has the stamina of a teenager.

When I shot off, he shot too. That is always a nice tribute to my fucking skills.

He suddenly sat up strait in the bed. "Shit!" he exclaimed. "Are you that Catfish fellow? I've heard of you!"

I didn't say anything. Augustus knew what that meant.

"Am I up the creek without a paddle?" he asked.

"Not yet, but I think you are halfway there," I said. "Allen Watt's is unhappy with you. He wants to teach you a lesson."

"Oh shit!"

"The guy he was going to use to get you isn't into it," I said. "It may take him a while to find another hired gun."

"I knew he was bad news. I was so mad at my boss I couldn't see straight," Augustus said. "It was crazy. I don't know what got into me."

"If we can avoid violence, I think things are okay," I explained.

Augustus explained Allen's scheme in detail. It was a penny-ante scheme, a little here and a little there. Alan was not the prince of thieves. He was bookkeeper. He started shaving a little here and a little there. As his gambling debts grew, he began substituting paste for diamonds. No one guessed. There was a problem when a client died and there was an appraisal. Allen wasn't on the appraisal team, but he worked on the report and he hid the problems.

Augustus went off to stay with a friend in another city, and I gave my information to Mr. Watts, Allen's father. He was shocked, but he was a decisive man. He said he would immediately audit the appraisal records. "The only way we can survive as a business is to expose it ourselves," he said. He would dismiss Allen immediately.

Mr. Watts called me back fifteen minutes later. Allen wasn't at work, wasn't home and his wife said his luggage and some of his clothes were gone. Allen was on the run.

I caledl some connections at the police. My connection there said he would investigate it. It was a short investigation. That evening, a car was seen underwater in the Richmond Dock. It was raised with the local TV stations on site. There was a mutilated body in the car. I had a strong sense it was Allen.

Mr. Allen called. "Can you find out who it is?" he asked. He had the same suspicions as I did. He said it was his wife's birthday and she died at her dressing table getting ready for the party. She didn't know Allen hadn't arrived. I gave him my condolences.

It's odd when you are relieved when a person dies. I had a suspicion that Mrs. Watts died just in time to have all her illusions about her son crash and burn. Mr. Watts was very much in control, and I think he was relieved too.

Dental records came into play; the body was Allen and it was murder. I gave all my information on the case to the police. Buster and Augustus gave evidence and were cleared. They were both out of town when the killing occurred. Buster was with my cousin, and August was in an airplane flying too Miami. Airport cams recorded him boarding the plan. He also had an attack of air sickness that the flight attendants recalled in great detail.

The Police took over the embezzlement and murder case. Mr. Watts personally reimbursed any of his customers for any losses they sustained. I had a feeling that Allen's death simplified his life.

A month later Marty and Buster came by. Buster now worked for Marty as bouncer at his club. I had feeling that Buster was more than just a bouncer for Marty. They discovered they both knew me, and the also understood what knowing me meant. Marty wanted to see my cock in his pal's ass.

I don't like putting on a show for spectators. It just happened that I was horny as hell, and I had a suspicion that Marty would have a hard time not joining in. When I said hard, I meant both meanings of the word. Marty wanted to be the filling in a fuck sandwich. He fucked Buster and I fucked him. a little later I fucked Buster as he fucked Marty. As they used to say in the travel short subjects, a good time was had by all.

Next: Chapter 229: Catfish Crash Lands 1

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