Millennium Construction Company

Published on Mar 18, 2020


Catfish Finds a Friend 8: The Diamond in the Rough

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Teddy played an important role in solving two mass murder cases. He was in the state police and was gay. He knew his time there was probably limited and promotion was unlikely. Teddy joined Catfish & Company as an undercover agent. His first case was to investigate a series of robberies of upscale jewelry stores. That was typically a mainstream police case, but there was something else wrong. Several of the stores had recently changed janitorial services and their accountants.

That was a top-of-the-line red flag. The son of the owner of the largest of the stores Watts Jewelers, Allen Watts, was involved in the accounting firm. He a clean record, but he was friendly with several questionable persons. Some were upper class, country-club types, and he also had some loans from distinctly non-country club types. They were prosperous rednecks with no visible source of income.

That could have been easily checked, but the social standing owner made it a problem. An up-scale store with red neck connections would ruin reputations. We could cover the country club front with another new operative, Rodney Milburn. He was from a good family, went to good schools and once had a drug problem. We had caught him and saved his life. Rodney had not checked the late payment clauses in his drug purchases and had a near death experience as a result. Rodney was not suited for executive type work. The drugs were related to boredom. He craved excitement. Our work could provide the excitement.

Rodney's aunt had died and left her estate to him. She was one of those, "I know there is some good in him," women. The estate was a house and its contents along with a few million in stocks and bonds. There was a lot of jewelry. He took some of the jewels for appraisals. That connected him with all the victims. Rodney still handsome, very personable and gave the impression of being a brainless fop of the sort you find in English mysteries.

Teddy went hunting for the red neck portion of the scheme. While he was good looking, somehow, he could exude a shady aura. You sensed he would do just about anything for cold, hard cash. He was a character and fit in with marginal types.

Crooks and con men share one characteristic. They are in it for themselves and no one else. Once they have robbed pillaged and stolen from their victims, they turn on their accomplices. Crooks all know that they deserve all the loot and their accomplices made only insignificant contributions. Being a treacherous schemer is not the same as being bright. I suspected this scheme involved many people, a good portion of whom were unhappy or soon would be unhappy.

Rodney wasn't a he-man. He was 35 and unmarried and had no strong relationships with women. He was selling the jewelry because he had no need for it. There was no prospect for a Mrs. Rodney Millburn in the future. He was expecting the appraiser to low ball the appraisal, get the jewel and sell it for a profit.

Rodney was surprised that the appraisal was dirt cheap. The appraiser said the jewel was paste, a glass encrusted forgery. Rodney knew that wasn't true. His stepmother was gold-digger with a heart as soft as tempered steel. "She can recognize a real diamond on a woman's finger from a jet two miles up in the dark," he explained. "She says it is real. She wasn't interested in my Aunt's jewels because they are antique with old fashioned cuts. She likes he diamonds modern and flashy."

We discussed if this was a scam related to the robberies of a freelance crime. Maybe it was a coincidence, but I suspected otherwise. Rodney was working on connecting to Allen Watts. He didn't know Allen, but he knew men who knew him. "Apparently Allen tends to like brainless younger men, but one of my friends is over fifty and hung like Trigger and he connected with Allen," Rodney explained. "I have an inch or two more than my contact, so I think we would get along. I have joined his health club. I am signed up for private swimming lessons and Allen will be the instructor."

"How in hell did you manage that?" I asked.

"Let's just say the manager of the club, Marty, owes me," Rodney said.

"Would he tell Allen?"

"I sort of introduced him to the joys of shooting you load into a willing ass," Rodney replied. "That transformed his sex life. We get along well. Allen isn't exactly a Prince among men. He told Marty the was well beyond his sell by date."

"What would Allen say about me," I said laughing.

"I would guess he would think you are a Zombie," Rodney said. "Marty is a size queen. He would think he died and went to heaven."

Teddy came by the next morning. He had spent the night visiting low life dives and sort of suggested that he was in the market for jewels. There was nothing overt, but anyone who was fencing stolen jewelry would have noticed. He said he was looking for something special for his client's third wife. "He likes things that are over-the-top splashy. His bitch ain't the refined type. There will be a fourth or fifth wife, so he doesn't want the jewels to be too expensive," Teddy explained. He would go back this evening and see if he had any nibbles.

We talked for a while and I had a call from Rodney. He had mentioned me to Marty, and he wanted to meet. I asked when.

"We are kind of parked outside your building. I told them to come up. I told Teddy about it and he asked if he might stay. That was okay with me, but I asked him to play it by ear.

Marty was a gorilla but seemed nice. He seemed to have near perfect Gaydar. I guess at a men's health club, that is all but a requirement of the job. Marty looked Teddy over and liked what he saw. When he saw my missing leg, he remembered the shooting at the restaurant.

I took the sophisticated approach and asked, "Is there any chance you guys want to get naked and fuck like rabbits?"

"Shit, I'm in fucking love," Marty said as he stripped off his shirt. In theory it's probably best to get to know a man before you fuck him, but as soon as Marty saw my cock it was true love. Rodney was immediately attracted to Teddy. I knew Rodney had a problematic attraction to low-life characters. Teddy looked the part and that was enough for Rodney.

Marty had buns of steel. It took me a while opening the gates to his ass. Somehow, I know he loved it. Once I was eight inches into his ass, he gave up the fight and enjoyed the sensations. Rodney was squirming on Teddy's tool. Rodney loved cock, but bad-boy cock was an extra treat.

While we were a mismatched group, each cock seemed to be perfectly compatible with every ass. We traded partners, and Rodney open his ass wide and was happy. Teddy slid into Marty's ass easily. We took a break and I said it was getting late and I asked if any of them wanted my load in his ass. Marty volunteered and as I shot off in him, Teddy rear loaded Rodney.

Marty was a find. He didn't like Allen and he knew all of Allen's friends. Allen and his pals came to the gym in the middle of the afternoon when the gym was almost empty. They briefly exercised and went to the steam room. They often spent a while in there. When I heard that I realize the steam room was an ideal meeting place. There wwere no official meetings.

Rodney was in the steam room when Allen and his pals, Franky, Buster and Lewis, huddled at the back of the room. Rodney had a key chain that had a small voice recorder built into it. Rodney was at the other end, relaxing and playing with his cock. Rodney had perfected a way to play without being obvious. If you casually glanced at him, nothing was going on. If you were gay, you knew what he was doing.

Allen and Buster noticed and were interested. A half hour later the meeting broke up. Allen's pals left. Allen stayed a little longer. When he left, Rodney let his towel slip and Allen got a good view of Rodney's cock. Rodney told me he wasn't erect, but he wasn't soft either. Allen checked him out and then left.

Two or three minutes later, Buster returned. Buster was beefy and muscular. Rodney though he was the muscle for the group. By that time Rodney's cock was fully exposed.

"Opps, my towel slipped," Rodney said, "Sorry about that."

"We're all boys here," Buster said. "A little ventilation on the balls is nice sometimes." Buster's towel fell off.

"It's nice to see a big boy with big balls. Some muscle men are shortchanged in the ball department," Rodney observed. "You look good in the cock department too." Buster sat next to Rodney.

"I'm more into cocks," he whispered.

"I like cocks too, but ball cum is the perfect icing on the cake," Rodney replied.

"You like the juice?" Buster asked. Rodney told me that he didn't know if Buster was interested himself, of if he was Allen's wing man.

"I love man cream went it's still warm from the balls," Rodney said.

"Some of my pals are into sucking, but they spit it out," Buster said. "That would be okay, but they liked rear loading me in the ass."

"Do you fuck them?" Rodney asked. Buster said no.

Rodney said he would love to take the load of a handsome muscleman like him. I don't know if Rodney is a calculating man, or if he has the knack of knowing what his potential playmates want. Another man entered the steam room, but I assumed Rodney and Buster would get together soon.

Rodney was good about taking notes and filing them with the office. These left out the sexual aspects of the encounters. He gave me full details a day later. Rodney thought Buster was a nice guy with terrible judgement in selecting friends. He was under educated and over muscled.

His connection with Allen was as a bodyguard. Allen paid well, and since Buster had been a bouncer at a club, that was good him. Buster eventually noticed he was the low man on the totem pole, but the money was so good, he stayed. Allen and his associates thought he was a stupid, muscle bound gopher. Allen used him as a sex partner if he couldn't find someone better. It was not a 50/50 relationship, but it developed into a 90/10 situation. Buster liked man sex a lot, but it had become a chore.

Rodney like sex too, but he didn't like the master/slave fantasy. He claimed that friends' asses are more accommodating. I suspected he was brought up right. Rodney thought Buster could be useful. The sex was a bonus.

Teddy was at the bar at one of his dives. Franky, one of Allen's pals, sat next to him. Teddy told me that he guessed Franky had been good looking when he was younger. He looked a lot better in the dim lighting the Rebel Yell Bar and Grill off Jefferson Davis Avenue. It was still a bar, but the grill consisted of store-bought barbeque and chili. The waitresses and bar tenders had seen better days.

After a few beers, Franky said he had heard that Teddy was looking for some merchandise. Both men were cagy, and it took a while to resolve suspicions. Teddy had the routine down and knew the magic turns of the phrases expected of a fence and his mark.

Teddy insisted that he see the merchandise. Franky didn't want to do that. They agreed to meet again. Franky wanted to meet the next day. Teddy told him he had another meeting set up and would have to be the day after tomorrow. He had a pal who had to see the goods.

I did some checking and found out Franky, Lewis and Buster weren't local, they were Tennessee guys. Franky and Lewis had records back home. Buster didn't. Allen had a local reputation of not always paying his men. He couldn't get locals to work for him.

Teddy had taken a room in a motel behind the Rebel Yell. I had dropped in to get a report from him. My driver had left me to go to Petersburg to pick up a report and see his folks who lived there. We were taking when someone knocked on the door. It was Buster. I knew why Buster was there as did Teddy.

"Buster come on in, this is an old pal of mine Noland," Teddy said. "We were just talking about old times."

"Sorry to bother you," Buster said.

"We were just talking, before we got down to some heavy-duty relaxation," I said.

"What kind of relaxation?" Buster asked.

"You're pal ain't a cop, is he?" I asked.

"Shit no," Teddy replied. "I don't know if he's in the sort of relaxation we are into though." Teddy rearranged his cock and balls just in case Buster didn't get the message.

"I wouldn't mind some fun," Buster said rearranging his equipment.

"Have you done a threesome before?" Teddy asked. "You might think this would be a two and a half some, but Noland is big where it counts."

"Is your pal game?" Buster asked.

"I hate to say it, but I am always fucking game!" I said. I hoped that my creative use of dirty words would confirm my good but horny guy status. It worked like a charm.

As we stripped Buster hardly noticed my missing leg when he saw my cock. I wondered if Buster knew he was a size queen. I knew Teddy was gay, but we had never been naked together before. I'm not shy and I soon realized Teddy was not a shrinking violet.

Teddy was moderately hairy. Buster was a gorilla and I am usually classified as a chimpanzee. Buster went for my cock and I motioned for Teddy to get closer. While we had a purely professional relationship, his cock was less professional, and his precum was flowing almost immediately.

When we rearranged ourselves, Buster tasted the precum and obviously liked it. I took Buster's cock and got his juices flowing.

Buster had a good cock and I took a seat on it. He loved that. Teddy straddled him so I could suck him. To add a realistic touch, Teddy shot off in my mouth. I took his load. Some dripped from my mouth. Buster saw that and shot off in my ass. He had to go, but we were all good friends by then. I made Buster promise to not tell anyone he had fucked a one-legged guy. "If the old-ball-and-chain finds out about it, there will be hell to play," I said. Buster laughed and said he wouldn't say a word.

"I'm sorry about that," Tony said after Buster left.

"If I told you I've never complained about a guy shooting off in my mouth, would you be surprised?" I asked.

"Maybe I should mention I had never seen anything so hot as your drooling cock as you bounced on Buster's cock," Tony said.

"Sometimes the undercover part of this work is hard. I think Queen Victoria told her daughter to "close her eyes and think of England," when she married a German Prince," I remarked.

"I would be afraid I might catch some stupid from taking Buster's cum," Tony said.

"He shot a lot I'm well lubricated now," I said. "You look like you are all dressed up but have nowhere to go." Tony was still hard.

Five minutes later Tony had unloaded in my ass. "Is fucking your boss a problem?" he asked.

"Well, you don't get a bonus, but I can assure you that you didn't get any demerits," I said. We laughed, showered and I was dressed when my driver arrived.

The next morning Teddy had a "date" with Franky at the Japanese Gardens at a local park. There was a little island accessed only by stepping-stones there. I arranged for other operatives to be there to follow Franky home.

Catfish and Company had several non-standard operatives. I picked Tonya and Drew who were married. Duddy who was painter and Lenny who was a retired gentleman. They would keep an eye on Franky, in the park but would trade off to other operatives to follow his car when he left.

Tonya and Drew had a new baby. Tonya would stay with the baby, if Drew had to follow Franky. They had a used diaper as a prop. If Franky went off, Drew would follow, supposedly looking for a sanitary place to dispose of it.

The more technically advanced part of my firm had created the Catfish Air Force. It was three drones that we could use for surveillance. They were ready to launch and would follow Franky's car. We assumed he would go to Allen's home.

The scheme worked perfectly. Tonya's baby was a perfect cover. Franky and Teddy met at noon. Franky had a picnic basket with a few sandwiches, cokes and jewels. It was a good cover. Teddy ate a sandwich and left after some haggling. Franky tried to sell them at half price, but Teddy knew the stolen goods discount was usually 70 to 72 percent. Teddy told he had to call his client for approval, but he would be at the Rebel Yell at 10:00 that evening. Franky left as did Drew. Drew and Tonya had a loud fight because Drew was going to put the used diaper into a nearby receptacle.

"Public Trash cans aren't made for diapers!" Tonya yelled. It was a convincing fight and Franky didn't pay any attention to Drew as he followed him while looking for a place to dump the diaper. The park had heavy tree cover, but when they got near the parking lot, a drone took over.

Franky drove about ten miles to the west and drove into a large estate on the river. It was the home of a wealthy lawyer, Max Dunning. That was a total surprise. I knew of Max Dunning. He was on the television defending celebrity clients, mobsters and disgraced politicians. He won just enough of the cases to remain a star lawyer. He always managed to collect all the fees owed to him.

I called Templeton who was my guide to anyone elite. Max Dunning was in the top tier of trial lawyers, especially if you were guilty. He was periodically able to get an acquittal for an open and shut case. Freeing guilty persons is not the objective for most lawyers. Max's wife was an heiress and a popular woman. She was a good Catholic and wouldn't consider divorce. Templeton said he would make some calls.

He called me back and hour later. "Max Dunning Esq. has hit a dry patch. He went a little too far a year ago and lost two big cases. There is a new prosecutor who can take him to the cleaners. There is talk of disbarment," Templeton explained. "Several very special sources suggest that he has been raiding his wife's trust accounts. This involves considerable skullduggery."

"Very special means I can not use this information?" I asked.

"You could uncover it on your own," Templeton said. I told him I understood.

Next: Chapter 228: Catfish Has a New Friend 9

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