Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jan 17, 2020


Catfish Finds a Friend 7

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Finding General Blue, Ascot 's murderer, was out of my league and out of state. My computer guys thought his home base was in Ohio. After a few weeks, things appeared to cool off. General Blue was in hiding and the authorities were after him. He was definatly on the Ohio police 's radar. He had not been indicted, but he was known as a shady character.

Smitty was now the owner of a great amount of property in the Bristol area. That was the good news. The property was used for bomb and armament storage and thus was useless. It turned out it was not quite as useless as it seemed. The Police were interested in a training area for bomb crews. They bought the property for that purpose, and once it was cleared it would be added to a nearby wilderness park. Smitty donated half of the property and the state bought the other half. That was a lot of money for Smitty.

I was back in Richmond. Sparky moved away to Florida, and Roddy got his own apartment, so I was now the sole occupant.

Two months later I had a call from one of my contacts in the Richmond Police. The jungle drums were beating again. It was distant rumbling, but it was worrisome. The attack in Richmond had been a total disaster for the attackers. They were dead, in jail or in witness protection.

It seemed that while Hitler was the leadership model for most of the groups, the Lost Cause and the Confederacy was a slightly more acceptable object of veneration. I don 't think restoring slavery was a realistic goal for the extremist groups. Keeping people in their place was a good goal. Richmond was a symbol, and the failure of the earlier attacks stung.

One of my connections with the Police asked if I would meet with a friend. That was an unusual term for the police to use, and I agreed. An hour later Paul Dewing arrived at my door. He had trouble getting into the building, the Santos family had standards and Paul didn 't meet them.

Paul worked for a private anti-terrorist group and was in deep undercover in right wing militias and hate groups. He had recently moved to Virginia following the trail of an offshoot of an Ohio based group. He wanted to know the lay of the land in Richmond.

Next to Paul, I looked like a teen aged heartthrob. He was scrawny and ugly. I can look dapper if you don 't look too closely. Paul was in depth ugly. We got along well. He approved of the Santos families ' harsh treatment of him. He knew the type of people we were dealing with.

The Ohio group didn 't have a conventional organization. They were a cluster of people and families. The Ohio group was the police name applied to the cluster. Violence was an entertainment for them.

"Sadism? " I asked.

"Sadism, masochism, misogyny; if it 's bad and involves pain and violence they like it. The goal such as making an all-White America are just the window dressings, " he said. We talked about the locals and the recent massacres. He was doing what I had been doing when I was younger. We didn 't fit the profile for a policeman. No one suspected he was an investigator.

His job was to uncover enough evidence to get police to open official investigations. He also had a sideline of uncovering terrorist moles in the police force. "Most of those guys are presentable and don 't have the telltale signs of mental illness of the hardcore domestic terrorists, " he explained. "Some groups are killing for Christ or see themselves as god 's enforcers. "

"Good church going folks? " I asked.

Paul laughed. "Would it surprise you if I told that few of them had good attendance awards from a church? " he asked. "Some founded their own churches. One of these churches had only one member, Johnny Smith, God 's avenger. "

"I would have thought that at least his wife would join up? " I said.

"Most of these guys have woman problems, " Paul said. "You would think that more women would be attracted to gun toting, sadistic, egotists. Personal hygiene tends to be obsessive or non-existent with many of the men. Just looking at you, I would guess you don 't attract the fair sex. The local cops said you sport a natural wonder between your legs. "

"I 'm lucky you don 't need to attract women to have a sex life, " I said. "You look like a babe magnet too. "

"They should use me in women 's track races. I could stand behind the starting line, and you would be amazed at the speed a woman can reach running away from me, " he said with a smile.

We soon knew that we shared my sexual tastes too. He was checking out my crotch. I took a glance at him. He hadn 't impressed me when I first saw him, but I think his cock was growing.

"You may have guessed, I like them big, " Paul said.

"In the mouth or in the ass? " I asked.

"I like to learn by doing. I 'm not much into long conversations, " he said.

"Let 's go to my bedroom and do some exploring, " I replied.

We were naked five minutes later and in my shower. Paul 's ugliness was in depth not just skin deep. he had two attractive features, he was furry like a monkey, and was hung like a horse. Somehow, I guessed that his sperm would be pure and snow white.

"Any chance we had the same mothers? " he asked. "Did she ever visit Indiana? "

"Nope, could your Daddy shoot sperm across three state lines? " I replied.

"Did you hear people muttering about what your mother did to deserve you? " he asked.

"Nope, but there were a lot of, "What a trooper, she is so brave comments, " I said. We laughed. "Mom liked me. I was lucky that she was the best nurse in town and loved by all. I also had Uncle Jake who wasn 't tolerant about slights to the family honor. He was open minded on the subject of cocks and their recreational potential. "

"I had an Uncle Eustace who liked me, " Paul replied. "When I was twenty, he showed me the ropes of gay sex. I discovered what you could do and feel with a friendly cock. "

Paul knew about my missing leg but liked my cock so much he didn 't care. Paul was as sensitive as a rock except for his cock and ass. I guess if you are sensitive somewhere, a cock and ass is a good choice. My cock brought back fond memories of his Uncle.

"It seems having a cock in your ass drooling precum doesn 't bother you? " I asked.

"It feels like an old friend, " Paul replied. "Can you hold back the cum until later? I like long rides. "

"I will try but sometimes my cock has a mind of its own, " I replied. I gave him a deep thrust and we stopped chatting for the next 15 minutes. During that fifteen minutes, I discovered that my cock perfectly fit Paul 's ass. More importantly, Paul felt the same way about my cock; it belonged in him. He told me I found some places in his well-used ass that had never been touched before.

Paul was muscular, but that was hard to see under his coat of body hair. He was also smarter than he looked, had a college degree and could speak two languages, English and Redneck. He had no problem understanding me.

We switched places and he worked his cock into my behind. He was careful but was just aggressive enough. When he was all in me, I felt an unusual and strange sensation. It took me a little while to figure out what it was.

It was nostalgia. His cock and fucking technique reminded me of my late Uncle Jake. It was comfortable, friendly and exciting. Jake walked the line between being an advisor, teacher and sex partner. Maybe I was getting old, but Paul seemed to be a mellow, laidback sex maniac.

Being fucked is a balancing act between the top and the bottom. The pleasure balances out, but only rarely the bottom thinks he is enjoying it as much as the top, or vice versa. Paul 's cock and my ass were perfectly in harmony.

We traded places and I had the same sensation. He shivered and I twitched. We shot off together.

"Damn, this is worth doing again, " he said.

"Do you have a place to stay for the night? " I asked. He said no. "Maybe you could spend the night and we could do it again. " I added.

"Have you ever been so tired you can 't shoot off anymore? " he asked.

"I don 't think so, but I like to explore my limits, " I replied. He spent the night. We didn 't find our limits, but we also lost count.

Between sexual interludes I found out he knew of General Blue, but he thought he was one of the big money men in operation. He hired people to do the dirty work. He was shocked that Blue was involved in Ascot 's murder. "The General isn 't a hands-on type, " he explained. "He has always let his peons do that sort of thing. What was Ascot like? "

"I only met him once. He was an asshole 's asshole, pompous and irritating. He also had to be the top dog. He would crush any rivals, " I said.

"Well, that pretty well describes General Blue, " Paul said. "His money was inherited, but when you talked to him you would think he had invented the wheel. He was obsessed with the Civil War and the Confederacy. We almost got him for involuntary servitude with some Asian maids, but he paid them off.

"By the way, he seems to have thought the killings in Richmond were a stain on the Confederacy, " Paul added. "They defiled a sacred place. "

"I assume he has never been to Richmond. I think it is 150 years late for rethinking the Civil War, " I said.

"I was told he had been planning to attend the meeting in Richmond, but he sprained his ankle and couldn 't get there. The world might be a better place if he had been shot in the bar. " Paul said. "The plan had been to proclaim the reestablishment of the Confederacy. He realized he might have been killed. That bothered him. "

At one time, Richmond 's claim to fame was being the capital of the Confederacy and the city is dotted with monuments to the men who lost the war. Nostalgia for the disastrous past has dimmed if not quite extinguished in the city.

The next morning Paul went to meet a contact in south Richmond. I gave him my secret number. If he dialed it, it would say number not in service, but if he pressed 3 it would get to me or my office.

Catfish and company had gained three more cultural institutions and museums as clients. The fees were paid privately by board members. They didn 't want anyone to know there were potential problems and they didn 't want extremist groups to know we were on the look-out for them.

My computer guys were looking for the "link. " Extremist groups had to have some connection to the city. Ellen, the head guy, told me they had most of the locals identified, but she thought there must be new groups after the killings. "The last group who shot up the bar are all in jail or dead, " she remarked. "If you are a Neo Nazi, total failure and defeat is a mark of honor. Some of the neo Confederates are the same and think that way. Killing a lot of people and being killed yourself is a mark of Honor. "

Paul called me that night and asked me to check on a man named Luther Avenger. I called Ellen and a half hour later she returned the with information. He was on a list, but he was just an enlisted man, not an officer in a militia-reinactor organization.

He real name was Luther Avenel. He was a 64-year-old janitor in a State Police office in Southside Virginia. He periodically got his picture in the local press as a reinactor. His claim to fame was as a dying soldier. He seemed to have found a synthetic blood that was particularly believable and photogenic. Dying was his thing.

I called my State Police contacts and they were very interested, very interested indeed. I called another contact and he told me the police had several big firearms and drug raids that had failed. They suspected a leak. I had played a janitor on several cases and knew that was an easy way to snoop around offices with no one watching. Janitors tend to be regarded as fixtures rather than potential spies.

Paul had called me two days later, and he had been busy. He had found five men who formed the Avenger Group. Luther was in contact with a guy named Calvin. Calvin was a pal of Major Mosby, one of General Blue 's associates. Calvin was a fund raiser for Christian America, a thinly disguised hate group.

By claiming a religious association, they avoided supervision but the local authorities. Christian America had no association with an organized church. It was simply a fund-raising front. The staff consisted of Calvin and a cousin. Paul said they were "Christian " gun runners. They seemed to like Christian explosives too. Things were moving fast.

I have a friend, Teddy, who will be in Richmond. He 's undercover too and I would like for you to meet him. He 's a good man but needs some help. I said that was fine.

That evening Teddy came by. Teddy was in his later 20s and was dressed in full Redneck style, camo shirt over a Shit Happens wife beater, construction boots and a baseball cap. He smelled the part too and he asked if he could take a shower. I laughed and said that was fine. Sometimes men could get carried away playing the role.

"I guess you can 't jump me with only one leg, " he said. Paul must had told him about my sexual interests.

"I 'm afraid my jumping days are over. Being one leg short doesn 't affect my fucking skills, " I replied. He went into the bedroom and showered. Ten minutes later he returned to the living room, stark naked.

"I wouldn 't mind messing around with a guy who isn 't a homicidal manic, " he replied.

"I take it your pals aren 't the delicate types? "

"The big problem is personal hygiene, " he replied.

We went to my bedroom. Teddy switched from being a straight redneck into 100% gay as we went through the door. He had a genuine affection for cock and began to suck me. I am a heavy leaker; he loved that. I told him to move into the 69 position. It took me about two minutes to get his fluids flowing. I liked that.

"I 'm a little uneasy about eating the creamy stuff. Can you give me some warning? " he asked.

"Sure, but sometimes I have a stealth orgasm, " I said. A second or two later he filled my mouth with the creamy stuff. I sucked him until he was soft.

"Sorry about that. I got carried away, " he said. "I haven 't fed anyone my high test in a while. "

"You 're a good-looking guy. What portion of your militia pals are interested? " I asked.

"Some are interested. Some are testing me; others want to show me who is boss, " he said.

"I assume the boss men want your ass? " I asked.

Paul nodded. "Luckily, power and big cocks rarely coincide, " he observed. "A surprising number of them shoot before the get in. It 's messy, but I pretend not to notice. "

"You close your eyes and think of England? "

"I don 't want you to think I 'm a conniving man but knowing a guy 's sexual preferences is a useful bit of information. They figure we 're in the same fraternity, " he explained.

"My sexual preferences aren 't exactly a secret, " I said.

"Your cock is all but listed as a notable site on the places to see and things to do in Richmond, " he said, laughing. "The police told me you are all but impossible to insult. Are you laughing on the outside and crying on the inside? "

"Usually when I 'm inside I 'm shooting off, " I said.

"I 've only taken a few big ones. That is usually what the physiologist 's call a dominance ritual, " he said.

"I tried a revenge fuck when I was younger. It wasn 't worth the effort. "Thank you " fucks are better. Using my spurting cock to fuel your trip to the moon is best. " I said.

"Well, you are the romantic one, " Teddy said. "Let 's play it by ear and see what ends up where? " he leaned over and sucked me. Things moved quickly after that. I soon had a feeling that man sex was a big part of his life. He was a good sucker and when I impaled myself on his cock he was in heaven. It was a good fit and his knob hit all the right places. When he shot off, he asked if I could just sit still. He liked the feeling in my ass. I like to feel a cock getting soft in my ass.

I squeezed it a few times, and he got hard again. I bounced and he shot off a second time. He must have been loaded. He left after his second orgasm. it had been an interesting interlude.

He later told me what he knew about Luther the Avenger. The Avenger was a major find. My computer people had found an Avenger Clan on in Southside. It was just a name. Maybe it was just a coincidence. Teddy knew Luther the Avenger and that information opened an unattractive can of slimy worms.

Teddy found that Luther was connected to other janitors, aids and IT people all working in state and local police departments. By monitoring Luther 's pals ' computers and phones, the police discovered the reason for their weak performance against extremist groups.

Teddy had made a major discovery, but he was in the State Police. They were glad to have the information, but Teddy had made them look bad. he was not on the path to success in the police force. He would be fine working for Catfish & Company.

Next: Chapter 227: Catfish Has a New Friend 8

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