Millennium Construction Company

Published on Dec 13, 2019


This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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The new attack and murders changed the situation. Jack thought that our assumptions were wrong. The murderous group in Richmond, perhaps wasn't the top of the extremist pyramid. They might have been the agents of another group, a group that was trying to achieve total control of the extremist underground. Perhaps someone was trying to unite the groups into a national organization.

The Richmond attack was a disaster for the members of the group most of whom were now in jail or dead. It seemed to me that unless it had been planned as a suicide mission, it was a failure. Was there someone who had better organizational skills and real military training who wanted to do it right?

It was also possible that it was simply an ego driven maniac on an ego trip. That kind of a person tends to purge his underlings after he achieves his goal. The people who help you achieve your goal are not often useful when you are in power. Some might believe your bullshit. They didn't know this was an ego trip, not a manifesto driven rise to power. If that was the case, the leader was purging prematurely. Whoever this man was, he was not in power yet.

This also could have been just a warning shot, letting his followers know they needed to toe the line. That did not make much sense to me but making sense it not a high priority in fringe groups. Ascot had been living in another world.

I figured this would be hard on Smitty. His brother was abusive and nasty, but he was his brother. I didn't know if Smitty realized what his brother was. Bristol is not a huge place and the police knew Smitty and knew the possibility that he was involved in his brother's death was minimal. He had been with Toby and me. We could give him an alibi.

Toby was highly respected. Officially he was the shop teacher. Unofficially he was the salvation of boys with problems. He could redirect them to more productive paths and was genuinely interested in their success. He was the father many boys lacked. Toby was helpful, supportive and kind. Smitty was regarded as one of his most unlikely successes.

Years earlier I had been involved with a major bombing in Richmond. It was directed at a Women's clinic and a Right to Life group. It hit a synagogue and housing for the elderly. Apparently, Jewish and old people do not have the Right to Life. It struck me that the bombers were more into bombing than they were in good aim. If you like violence, the violence is more important than the cause.

My computer geeks were offended by the second massacre. They had missed something, and they were on the trial of whomever killed Ascot and his pathetic followers. Smitty knew stuff, but he didn't know what was important and what was useless. He remembered names of his brother's visitors. I sent them to my office to see if any were known.

I stayed in Bristol with Toby and Smitty. Smitty needed protection in case the killers liked to take care of loose ends. The police were overstrained with the mass killings. There was a funeral to plan and Smitty needed a new place to live. He stayed in my room at the motel.

Smitty had two friends who came by to see him. They were nice guys, Tommy and Davey worked on the town crew.

My gayar was fully functioning and I knew these relationships were not entirely platonic. Smitty liked me, but he loved my cock and he seemed to think it was a trophy. He said he had told Tommy and Davey about it and asked if I would show it to them. I am a good sport and usually either horny or going to be horny. I said yes, if they would show me their cocks.

That was agreeable and we all stripped. Since Tommy and Davey did heavy labor, they were muscular and in good shape. I asked if they were playful. The whispered together, and said they liked to play, but they thought I might be too big.

I gave them my usual line that I never shoved into places it wasn't welcome. Tommy and Davey shared my cock. There was room for two. Smitty looked happy. He had been a successful matchmaker. We traded positions and I sucked them. That improved the atmosphere in the room greatly. I think they were used to being taken advantage of. Usually they sucked a guy off and he left after the orgasm.

I took Davey's load. He was fully loaded, and he was happy. I asked him how many times he could shoot off. "Tommy and I can do it three or four times a night," he said.

"Well, we are going to have a good time," I said with a smile. Tommy was with Smitty and they were fucking.

"We sometimes do it train style," Smitty said. "Would you like to join in?"

"Am I at the front of the train?" I asked.

"I think I can take it," Smitty said. "You can be in the middle."

I lubricated his ass and worked the lube into him. He was in Davey and Tommy popped into my ass. I took my time entering Smitty. I gave his prostate a workout before I went deep and then did slow, deep strokes. I told him to let me know if it was a problem.

Smitty emulated my pace as he fucked Davey. Tommy's cock wasn't that long, but it reached my prostate with no problem. After a little while we broke apart, and Davey visited my ass. He took his time.

"Ascot's friends used to fuck me, but it wasn't nice like you," Smitty said. "Is that what it's supposed to be?"

"Well it's definitely supposed to be good for both of you. Sex isn't a one-way street," I said.

"Am I doing okay?" Davey asked.

"You're doing just fine," I said.

"Are you going to shoot off?" he asked.

"I will eventually, but sometimes it is nice to take your time and just enjoy another man's ass," I said. "I like sex play with men, I bet you guessed that."

Davey laughed. "Smitty had a big problem with a guy the called General Blue. He was a real jerk," he said.

"I had almost forgotten about him. He talked a lot, but he got mad at Ascot big time," Smitty said. "Ascot said he thought he was a new Jesus come back to life. I don't think Jesus hurt people. He hurt me when he fucked me."

I assumed General Blue was an alias, but that would give my nerds a new lead. Davey shot off and pulled out. "I'm sorry, I lost control," he said.

"That happens to all of us sometimes," I said.

"Would you let me cum in you?" Smitty asked. "Ascot said no one would take my cum. They might catch being stupid."

"Do you think you would like to use Davey's cum as lube?" I asked. "Guys tell me a friend's cum is the best lubricant. You could churn it up and add your own." Smitty liked that and he slipped into my ass effortlessly. He glowed with pleasure.

"What did this General Blue look like?" I asked.

"He wasn't that big but had big sideburns and a huge mustache that touched the sideburns. He looked like a guy you see in westerns. He wore a shirt that had those swastca things on them," he said as he continued to thrust into my ass.

"Swastika?" I asked.

"Yes, that's it. He had a motto, New World, New Order, on his shirt," he said. "Am it doing this right?"

"You are doing this just right. It feels great," I said. I was doing well, but I realized that finding a clue while being fucked was a turn on for me. I wondered if I had been a detective too long.

Smitty began to shoot off I my ass. I began to shoot. Tommy and Davey flanked me and licked my cum as I shot off. I figured I had been a detective for just about the right time. Life was good. We sat and talked, mixing conversation with licking up post orgasmic drool. They weren't used to mutually pleasurable sex and liked it when I took their drool. Davey and Tommy took Smitty to have dinner at Tommy's house. His mother was a good cook.

I stayed at the motel and called my office with the General Blue information. I told them that he seemed to like rough gay sex, so there might be a record. I then called Karl who was back in West Virginia and gave him the same information.

Around eight I had a visitor. Charles was an insurance salesman who had gone to school with Smitty and offered to help him with probate and financial things. He had some documents for Smitty to sign. I said I would give them to him and have him call if he had any questions.

"Smitty doesn't have questions. He just accepts what he is given," Charles said.

"His life is going to change greatly without his brother," I observed.

"People here like him. He was dealt a poor hand with his folks and especially his brother. Some people here are protective of him. I think it will be okay," Charles said. "Ascot spent his life telling Smitty he was retarded. Smitty has an IQ in the average range. It is on the lower part of the average range, but not even close to being serious. His brother was the problem."

"What was his brother like?" I asked. "I only met him once and he didn't impress."

"If he wanted something from you, he was the nicest man you had ever met. If you were of no use, you were a single cell organism living at the bottom of the pond," Charles explained. "His attitude towards you could turn on a dime. I guess you can tell we weren't close?"

"He seems to have had some extreme political views," I remarked.

"He had no political views at all. It was all about him. He was the superman, everyone else was vastly inferior except for the select few who idolized him," Charles said. "He was a great man on the model of Hitler, Stalin, Atilla the Hun or any delusional psychopath."

"Apparently he associated with a rough crowd," I remarked.

"He had visitors. Most of them were strange. They seemed to like semi-military gear or leather accessories. They seemed to sport odd facial hair and hairdos. There was on Buffalo Bill type with flowing locks and a goatee," Charles said. "Ascot used Smitty as a sexual party favor for these guys. Smitty told me he didn't like that, but he did what he was told to do. Ascot told him that he was the only one who could protect him. It was sick."

Smitty came back from dinner and was pleased to see Charles. Charles went over the documents in detail. Smitty asked sensible questions, so he clearly understood complicated legal documents. After he signed them, we chatted.

"I told Charley about you, and your cock," Smitty said. "Charley said he was a size queen."

"Smitty, I think that was private information meant only for you," Charles said.

Smitty apologized, "I thought you might like a look. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry, I'm not much into lookers," I said and then smiled. "I do like willing size queens."

"I don't think of myself as a size queen," Charles said. "I do like them big. Is that the same as being a size queen?"

"Well, it sure is a start!" I said. Charles laughed.

Charles, Smitty and I had a good time. I was longer and thicker than anyone who had fucked Charles before. Charles said I rang a few chimes he hadn't realized existed. He liked being double teamed with me fucking him as Smitty sucked him. I was the new boy on the block, but he didn't ignore Smitty. Eventually, Smitty fucked me as I continued to fuck Charles. That did the trick for the three of us.

Charles was a smart man and he had gone over Ascot's financial records for the local police. It seems that Ascot's killers would have been wise to take the records and skip killing Ascot. The bills and purchase orders exposed thirty to forty dealers in illegal firearms. He also found numbered offshore accounts for Ascot and some of his associates in other states. Remarkably, Ascot had annotated the numbers with the names of the account owners. Charles turned these over to the ATF and FBI.

While many of his pals had fake names, they had real phone numbers and addresses. Most of the extremist groups were on the East Coast and in the mountain areas of West Virginia and Tennessee. There were some on the west Coast. He was nice enough to give me a copy that I e-mailed to my office. I asked them to send it onto my banking friend Templeton. Numbered accounts interested him.

My usefulness in Bristol was limited so Smitty drove me back to Richmond the next day. He was going to stay at my apartment for a few days until the funeral and the dust settled in Bristol. When I say dust, I was hoping for arrests. Sparky and Roddy were already living at my place, so they could keep Smitty company. They were much closer to him in age.

Since we all shared the same sexual interests, I thought they might connect and give Smitty a lesson in normal gay sex. Smitty hit it off immediately with Sparky and Roddy. They were accommodating men.

Smitty was experienced sexually, but it had been rough and borderline S & M. He discovered friendly sex with me and my friends. Both Sparky and Roddy opened their asses for him. He stayed in Sparky's bedroom and he liked Sparky's all-night sucking sessions.

Templeton came over Friday night and told me of his discoveries in the world of suspect banking. The big surprise was that General Blue's accounts had multiple deposits from Russia by way of banks in Cyprus. That was entirely unexpected and set alarms in the CIA and the FBI. The ultra-patriotic General Blue was financed by foreigners.

That may have explained the attacks on right-wing groups. I assumed it was a turf battle between groups. I assumed the two targeted groups were "All-American," afflicting the usual groups, Blacks, Jews, Immigrants and Gays. They may not have been involved with Russian efforts at world domination. Russians were not known for subtlety. The killings were a direct approach to control.

Templeton tended to share my sexual interests. He met Smitty and already knew Sparky and Roddy. He stayed for dinner and there was mutual admiration. The boys had never met anyone like him. Templeton was handsome, well dressed and well educated. He also was outgoing and interested in them. He knew that if they were in my apartment, they were gay. He had a good time talking with them.

Smitty asked Templeton if he liked sex with guys. He said he did, but he liked the recreational interludes of sex. He was into sex as fun. "I'm not looking for love. I love getting aroused and as hard as I can get for a long as I can before I pop," he explained. "I admit when my cum leaves my balls and races up my cock, I can get a bit affectionate. I love it when my playmate sucks up my load, or feels it spurting into his ass."

"Do you take it in the ass?" Smitty asked.

"I sure do," Templeton replied. "To be strictly truthful, taking a new cock for the first time is always a thrill. Sometimes, it the same old, same old, but other times it a new adventure."

"I hated my brother's pals when they fucked me. I have buddies I'm known for years who are nice. Catfish is the first stranger who did me good. I fucked him first. That was good too," Smitty asked. "Do you have a big one?" Templeton nodded.

When Templeton wasn't working, he was usually ready for sex. Smitty, Sparky, Roddy and I were always ready for, so we connected. Templeton connected with Smitty first. Since he knew Smitty had been abused by his brother's friends, Templeton bottomed. Templeton preferred the top. I knew he came close to having a prehensile ass and knew how to get the top's cock into just the right place.

He later said that Smitty didn't fuck, he gave you a rectal massage with regular lubrications. Smitty' s balls seemed to produce unlimited homemade lube. This attractive feature combined with Templeton's ass's firm response to penetration was a success. Smitty was soon mellow, yet excited and soon shot off. About a half hour later Smitty opened his ass for Templeton. Templeton had a post graduate degree in the anal arts.

I was with Sparky and Roddy. I was tenderizing Roddy's sphincter as Sparky used my prostate as a punching bag. Double teaming can be confusing, but Sparky's thrusts seemed to ease me past Roddy's sphincter. Roddy popped as Sparky gave me a hard thrust. We broke apart.

Smitty was still erect even after his orgasm and he took Sparky's place in my ass. Sparky got on his back, put his legs on my shoulder and invited me into his ass. He was tight but receptive. The three of us seemed to have good stamina so we went at it for fifteen or twenty minutes. Roddy was sucking Templeton. I was a good night.

The next day I had a call from Bristol's Chief of Police. He was known as Big Ben, and was half man, half Bulldozer. He wanted to talk to me before he talked with Smitty. "We are thinking that the funeral is a bad idea. Something private a lot later would be good. The FBI says the group that killed Ascot has a taste for bombs, and that could cause a mass casualty event," he explained. "You know about bombs, and I think you could explain it to him better than I can." I told him that made sense to me.

"There is another problem. Ascot like hiding things. That included information, guns, grenades and explosives. A trooper discovered this and to make a long story short, they had all but destroyed his house. he will get full restitution for the damage, but they are still afraid some bombs have been missed. He shouldn't live in the place. It's too dangerous. Things are hidden all over the property."

Next: Chapter 226: Catfish Has a New Friend 7

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