Millennium Construction Company

Published on Nov 11, 2019


Catfish finds a New Friend 5

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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The potential for a new attack by a radical group spurred my cyber guys to dig deeper into the threat and the men making the threat. It was difficult, but that just added to the thrill of the hunt. Tommy Anderson, a seventy-six-year old geek squad member, made the discovery. His wife had recently died, and he no longer had work, so his cyber adventures gave him a reason to live. Finding a terrorist group near Bristol was the most exciting thing he had ever done.

Bristol is a small city, half in Virginia and half in Tennessee. It is 25 miles from North Carolina, and 50 miles from West Virginia and Kentucky as the crow flies. That is if the crows fly in a straight line, which they do not. It is over 300 miles from Richmond. The state border runs down the center of State Street.

Bristol is closer to Knoxville TN and Ashville NC than major Virginia cities. From a criminal 's viewpoint it was a good location, since he could flee to three states with in 50 miles. That complicated law enforcement. The old Dukes of Hazzard television program seem to influence their understanding of borders.

My Geek Tommy had a nom-de-internet, Pat Riot, and he was supposed to be an older man who had a severe heart problem. Tommy found group called AmericaFurst. The misspelling was to avoid getting mistaken for other organizations. Tommy mailed the group $1,000.00 in cash for "supplies ". The bills were marked so the police could trace it.

The internet was good, but you can 't tell the difference between cyber bullshit and the real world. Some undercover work was required. Karl Master, the West Virginia cop was to go undercover. Karl Master contacted the group using the name Ned Carl. Ned Carl had a manufactured identity of an ex-con with an attitude problem. He said he was an ex-Marine discharged for racist comments. The FBI provided all the back up for his identity. He wanted to join AmericaFurst and go after the man.

I joined Karl as Jack Carl, his older brother who had problems. I was supposed to be suffering from PTSD or early onset Alzheimer 's disease. Being slightly crazy was not that much of a stretch for me. Ned 's non-existent Dad had made him promise to take care of his problem brother and keep him out of the crazy bin. Karl would join the group, and I was visit bars for general information and be Ned 's link to the police. Once we were in Bristol, we were Ned and Jack. Karl grew a beard and shaved his head, so it was easy to remember he was Ned, not Karl. We never used our real names even in private.

The cover story was red-neck improbable, but most of the guys in these groups had improbable lives. It worked like a charm. Ned met with the head of the group, Ascot Miller. Ned let it be known he like to kill people. He said he preferred "furriners and fags. " Ascot soon noticed that the killing part excited Ned more than who he killed. Ned was not too picky about that. He told Ascot about his brother who was afflicted. That didn 't surprise Ascot at all. Problem relatives were typical in the mountains.

I had a computer at the motel we stayed in that had a secure link to the police. My geeks had designed the computer to be a gaming machine, with some of the more popular games loaded when you turned on the machine. A concealed button and a password turned it into a communication device. The button turned on an error message that the program had crashed and to restart. If you typed in the password, it became a high-powered computer.

There was one fly in the ointment. Ascot had a brother named Smitty who was assigned to watch Ned and me. Ned spent most of his time with Ascot and Smitty took care of me. Smitty was six-four and 250 pounds, so he was a big fly. He was about 30 years old and had a mental age of seven or eight. I soon realized he was just a kid in many ways and not at all involved in the terrorist plots. He could do day to day tasks, but he wasn 't capable of plotting. I had been worried about being watched, but I eventually felt Ascot just wanted to get Smitty out of his hair.

Ned took his time uncovering Ascot 's plans. He didn 't want to spook him. The plan was to blow up buildings in Richmond, but the buildings had not been selected. He was hoping for a convention or big meeting. Ned found a list of members. The group claimed to have 220 militia members. A second list had 35 names annotated with members ' skills. These include 15 men who were shooters, and 8 who were bombers. The other men were leaders. Ned had a near photographic memory, and that was helpful.

I told Smitty a shark had eaten my leg. He liked the story, but I couldn 't tell if he believed it. He liked cartoons on the TV and going out to eat. He could drive the car. Smitty was good about mechanical things. Apparently, Ascot told him how to drive and Smitty did exactly what he was told.

He was also told not to roughhouse with smaller guys. There had been problems in school, and he didn 't want to get in trouble. I went wandering around town chatting with the locals. Everyone knew Smitty and liked him. People were cagy when Ascot 's name was mentioned. They knew stuff about him, but that wasn 't mentioned. There were some references that he was a hard man to like.

We visited a sporting goods store named The Trophy. The goods were hunting clothes and paraphernalia, but I had a sense the guns were the main attractions. The clothes were dusty and the south facing windows had faded the colors.

The guns were all recently cleaned and oiled. There was a section of Historical Weapons. I expected Civil War or World War II memorabilia. A few items were like that, but there was more Afghan and Gulf War stuff. I am not sure ten-year-old guns are antiques. There were many automatic rifles. These were theoretically altered to disable the automatic features. Some of these alterations were minimal.

Buster, the salesman, asked if I was interested in them. I said no. I told him that with one leg, there was no way I could stand the recoil. That made sense to Buster. He didn 't mention the automatic features were disabled. Buster asked about my leg. I told him the shark story I fed to Smitty.

Buster laughed at that. "Smitty is not exactly saving up his pennies for Brain Surgery School, " he said.

Two men came in and Buster went over to them immediately. He went in the back room with them, and young guy came out to watch the store. When I thought about the two men, I regretted I didn 't have access to mug shots. I was wearing a "Shit Happens " button that had a camera, so I took their pictures.

Smitty and I ate at the Dixie Diner. It served good burgers according to Smitty. As far as I could tell the burgers was mostly cholesterol and salt with a beef garnish. Most of the patrons were 250 to 350 pounds and loved the food. The French Fries were crisp and good. The Dixie didn 't serve beer, so the clientele was just oversized and harmless. When I paid up, I noticed a Scotch taped note listing Ascot as Accept NO Checks.

It was a hot day, and I said it was too bad there was no motel pool. "There is a swimming hole, " Smitty said. "It 's for guys who like to skinny dip only. It 's fun! "

I told him I would like to see it. He wanted to know if I could swim with one leg. I told him I was difficult, but I was a good floater. He thought that was funny, and we drove into the countryside. We turned onto a dirt road and were soon at an old mill pond. No one was there.

We stripped and Smitty helped me get in the water. It was cool and refreshing. After a half hour we dried out in the sun, got dressed and went to the motel.

Back there, I went for a shower. Smitty helped me get under the water. I can do that by myself, but it is a lot easier with someone helping. He was staring at my cock as he helped.

"You sure have a big one, " he said.

"Do you like it? " I asked. "You have a nice one too. "

He nodded. "It 's not as big as yours. Do you ever let other guys play with it? "

"I do. I like to play with cocks too. " I said.

Smitty smiled. "My brother has some friends who like to play, but they aren 't very nice. They make me eat their cum. They never take mine, " he said.

"I like the stuff, " I said. We finished the shower after Smitty made sure our cocks and asses were very clean. On the bed we sixty-nined. That seemed to be new to Smitty. I thought his cock was average, it was in proportion to his oversized body. His balls were huge and productive. Smitty oozed an increasing flow of pre cum, and when he shot off, I was not surprised. I had to swallow mid-orgasm to keep from choking. He continued to suck me, and I gave him my load.

"That was good, " Smitty said.

"It was good for me, " I said. "We have a few hours before dinner. How many times can you shoot off in an afternoon? " I returned to sucking and his cock was beginning to get firm. He was moaning in pleasure after five minutes, but it took another fifteen minutes for him to shoot off a second time.

We talked. Smitty told me he thought I was odd looking. He didn 't realize I had such a beautiful cock. "Is it wrong to like a guy for his cock? " he asked.

I laughed. "Don 't worry, you aren 't the first guy to feel that way about me. You 're in good company " I said. "Has anyone told you that your cum tastes great? "

"You 're the first, " he said. "You are the first guy to taste it. "

"You liked being sucked dry? " I asked.

"I liked it a lot. "

We got dressed and had dinner at a bar with Ascot and Ned. Ascot got drunk and insulting toward Smitty, who he called a dumb fool. Ned brought Ascot back to his plans. Even by the standards of a drunk, Ascot 's plans and his view of himself were grandiose. His connection to reality was minimal.

No one in the bar seemed to notice. I assumed they were used to it. I had one beer. I told Ascot that I could hardly navigate with one leg. Two beers would be too much for me. Ned had a knack for appearing to drink, while only taking a sip once and a while. Ascot was self-centered and didn 't seem to notice what anyone else was doing.

We poured Ascot into his car and Smitty drove him home. Ned told me he still couldn 't tell the ratio of threat to bullshit. There was to be a gathering in two days. Ned wanted to see who showed up and how many men attended. He had some names which we sent to my office. I also asked them to investigate The Trophy. I was sure it was an illegal gun distributer.

I fell asleep and Ned was nice enough to wake me with a pre-dawn blow job. We had some information coming in the morning e-mails. The Trophy was being observed by the ATF. They were tracking down the names. I reminded them to look for nick names and aliases. They gave me the name of a good little restaurant that might save me from a cholesterol induced heart attack.

Smitty arrived and told Ned that Ascot should be up in an hour or so. Ned went off to breakfast and then to see Scotty. We had the motel breakfast, which was slightly better than I expected. Smitty loved it. Smitty took a nap for the rest of the morning on my bed. Ascot had a restless night. Smitty had some bruises. When he woke, he told me he had a friend who would like to meet me. He assured me his friend, Toby, was nice and fun to be with.

We drove out of town to a hunting lodge sitting on the side of a steep hill. It was well maintained and had a beautiful garden. Toby looked like a slimmed down Santa. The look was not accidental, he was the Santa in the local Christmas Parade. He seemed familiar. I thought it was just the familiar image of Santa. After fifteen minutes, I realized he reminded me of my Uncle Jake.

Toby was a retired Shop teacher at the local school. Smitty was stuck in his class and Toby took an interest in him and helped him get through High School. Eight years later they met at the swimming hole and discovered they shared the same sexual interests. Toby was retired by then so they could play.

Inside the lodge was impressive, if you like hand craftsmanship and imaginative design, Toby was a fine craftsman. He offered us coffee and coffee cake.

"Toby, Jack here and I went to the swimming hole and had a lot of fun. " Smitty said. "Later we had a lot more fun in the shower in Jack 's hotel room. I told him you like the same sort of play. He 's a big boy. "

"I 'm embarrassed, " Toby said. "Smitty and my play is personal and private. "

"I don 't mean to butt into your personal lives. I like some man play once and a while, " I said. "Smitty is a nice guy and we got a bit playful, " I said. "I hope I wasn 't trespassing. "

"Some men take advantage of him, " Toby explained.

"Jack sucked me off and ate my cum, " Smitty said, "It was good. " I noticed Toby 's reaction to cum eating. I 'm not exactly a virgin and I knew what that meant. He was excited.

"I hope his special sauce wasn 't your personal reserve, " I said. Ten minutes later we were naked and having a good time. Toby and I got along well. He told me Ascot used Smitty as a party favor for his friends. Ascot was a nasty man and his friends seem to be the same. They used Smitty.

"Ascot is the sort of man who can get other men into trouble, but get away free when they do hard time, " Toby explained. "I worry about Smitty. "

"Is it drugs, " I asked.

"He seems to be into gun running, or at least that is the word on the street, " Toby said. "He seems to like the phrase "final solution " about people he doesn 't like. Toby 's a failure by normal standards. He thinks he 's god 's gift to Bristol. Since it can 't be his fault, it is a plot to keep him down. "

"I assume the people keeping him down are the usual suspects? " I suggested.

"Yep, but he has some unique additions to the usual one. He thinks colleges and college educated people are after him. He was too smart to go to college. He didn 't make it out of high school. He thought studying was for suckers. Smitty graduated, and that is a problem for Smitty in Ascot 's eyes. "

We talked a little longer. Toby and Smitty were friends and playmates, but their sex life made vanilla seem like a sexy, Mexican herb. I 'm not into rough sex, and I can take things nice and slow. I also knew that usually when I let a man fuck me, he would eventually open his ass for me. I never pushed it, but most men think they owe me a fuck. At that point it 's up to me to make sure it is a good experience. Most of them think taking my cock is an achievement, but they are also surprised they enjoyed it.

Neither Toby or Smitty had fucked a man, and only Smitty had been screwed. When I sat on Smitty ' s cock, he thought he had won the lottery. I briefly bounced on his cock and he shot off. I asked Toby if I could take a ride on his tool. He said that would be okay.

When I got his cock in me, all was well. His cock was a natural prostate rammer. As his cock rammed my prostate, my prostate was massaging his cock head. We were on the same wavelength and it was good. He had considerable stamina and I worked his cock for a while before he gave my prostate a sperm bath.

"You 've done that before? " Toby asked. I nodded. "You like it? "

I nodded again. "We 're all guys. We know what a cock does and what it can do. It is mind blowing. It 's good when you jerk off. It 's better when a guy sucks you off. With the right guy and the right cock, it can be spectacular when a rock-hard buddy is in your ass. He 's pumping his cock but he 's also working your cock from the inside. When I felt your cock letting lose, squirting your cum into me it set me off too. "

"It was good. Toby admitted. "Really smooth too. "

"You need to thank Smitty for that. He shot a huge load in me. That lubricated your cock 's visit to my love canal, " I explained. "Your cock is coated with his and your cum. " Toby and Smitty were relaxed in the post orgasmic glow.

"Ascot 's friends aren 't very nice, " Smitty said. "Actually, one of them was okay. Rod fucked me hard the first time, but that night he fucked me nice. He was the only one who was nice. " He paused. "Do you fuck nice? "

"I try too, but I 'm big. My cock doesn 't fit every guy, " I said.

"Do some guys like it? Smitty asked.

"Some guys like it a lot, " I said.

It was dinner time and I went with Toby to help with making it. Smitty fell asleep again. The night before had been bad. More bruises began to appear.

"Ascot is a menace to society, " Toby said. "He treats Smitty like shit. "

"Does Smitty know that or does he think that is just the way things are? " I asked.

"That could be. Their daddy was shit too. Many think he killed their mother, " Toby said. "Officially it was an accident. I try to help Smitty when I can, but Ascot scares me. I can 't deal with a paranoid-schizophrenic gun freak. "

We talked for a while, as dinner cooked. I was glad that Ned was dealing with Ascot.

"Are you really carful when you fuck a guy the first time? " Toby asked out of the blue.

"I am, but a lot depends if the guy wants my cock really bad, " I said.

"I 'm thinking I want it big time, " Toby admitted. Smitty woke up and we had good dinner. It was the sort of meal my mother or Uncle Jake cooked, simple and satisfying.

Smitty called Ascot and was told not to come home that evening. Ascot was busy with "important " stuff. That happened quite a bit, and Smitty usually slept in his car. He took me home and stayed with me in the motel.

"Are you a nice fucker? " he asked me. "I 've been fucked but don 't like it. Rod was the only on to do me nice. "

"I 'm always nice, but my cock is big, and it can be a problem, " I said.

"I don 't think it would be a problem for me, " Smitty said. I was easing my way into his ass ten minutes later. He had poppers so he took a snort as my cock popped past his sphincter. It was all good after that. I massaged his prostate gently and he eventually had a hands-free orgasm. We were asleep when Ned came back from Ascot 's meeting.

Someone called Ned early the next morning. Ascot and his associates were dead. As had happened in Richmond, another radical group disposed of a potential rival.

Next: Chapter 225: Catfish Has a New Friend 6

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