Millennium Construction Company

Published on Oct 11, 2019


Catfish Has a New Friend 4

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Things were busy on the professional and personal fronts. A week later Sparky was out of the hospital, but since he had no viable family, he had no place to go. He had a few friends, but they worked every day and there was no way he could get into their houses or apartments.

My high-rise apartment was barrier free. I had an extra bedroom and a handicapped bath. I was also near the hospital and could get him there for therapy. Since I had been through the same thing several years earlier, I knew what he was going through. Sparky came to stay with Roddy and me. I wasn 't wildly enthusiastic about it, but I had to do it.

I called my former physical therapist to work with him. He was too busy, but he recommended a friend, Anderson Miller. He was a mellow, fifty-year-old who turned out to be perfect for sparky.

Knowing a guy and having him live with you are not the same thing. I lucked out. Sparky was not a complainer and was self-reliant. He wanted to get back to work. He was good about the therapy and worked hard at it.

While Sparky liked me, he loved my cock. He loved sucking it, but the sucking turned into marathon sessions. When he could move some, he joined me in bed and sucked me to an orgasm. He would take my load and then continue to suck my soft cock and suck until I shot off again. He said my sperm was better than the pain killers.

Anderson, the physical therapist said this was psychosomatic, but if it worked it was a good painkiller. Roddy didn 't mind, nor did my friend Templeton. Templeton told me Sparky should have been a dream come true.

Roddy was much more flexible than I am, and he could join us sucking Sparky 's cock. His groin injury was essentially a shot through his butt cheeks. It healed quickly. We also discovered Sparky could fall asleep while sucking me or Roddy. Sleep was hard for him, but sperm was a good sleeping pill.

I thought this was strange. Anderson had worked with many accident and crime victims. He said that man who suffers extreme violence and trauma can react in strange ways. I understood that but I wasn 't that excited about the marathon sessions. Roddy helped when he could, and Templeton helped saying he would close his eyes and think of England. I went to Norfolk for two days which provided a break.

I think I know myself well. I know my likes and dislikes and am fixed in my ways. When I got back from Norfolk, I had realized that being sucked to sleep wasn 't exactly an ordeal. I had wondered if there was a limit to my tolerance of sexual activity. There may be a limit, but Sparky 's obsession with my cock wasn 't too much.

Part of that was Sparky. He did all the work. I only provided the cock and sperm from time to time. He couldn 't be pushy or demanding, since his range of movement was limited. Both Templeton and Roddy enjoyed him, but I was the gold standard for Sparky. He was most comfortable with me. I think represented safety to him.

My office was working on the mole. I knew that Policemen and women often tend to be conservative and traditional. They are always law and order types. That comes with the mindset of a police officer. When a policeman has his own version of the law, the situation is different. Some know the law better than lawyers of courts. Some have different laws for different folks. Somehow that usually applies to non-white races, other religions and other sexual preferences.

My staff was checking phone numbers against phone calls to extremist groups. That was time consuming and tedious. That was not a problem for my guys. They eventually found sixteen calls from the Richmond area to these extremist groups. Ten were burner phones, but they had been traced the cell towers that transmitted the calls. These calls were in the morning, and the time was just after the morning briefing.

While Sparky 's attacker was in jail with most of his confederates, the police were still worried about his safety. The apartment house added a retired ex-policeman as security. They had been using men who had lifestyle problems. They had been well meaning but useless.

The ex-policeman was John Delano. I had met John Delano on some of my security jobs. We shared the same dislike for muggers. Like me was wounded when interrupting a mugging-rape. The mugger had a knife and cut John 's right arm. He was righthanded and no longer could fire a gun. John was always gung-ho, and he preferred to be protecting someone to doing a desk job.

When Anderson, the physical therapist met John he was clearly interested. John had been told that his arm was permanently damaged. Anderson had different thoughts. Anderson thought that partial use of the arm was possible, and he could also work on the left arm. Since Anderson was already working with Sparky, John could work with both men.

John also got along well with the apartment 's doormen. The apartment house was all but a fiefdom of the Santos family. They were New Yorkers from Puerto Rico. The doormen were Julio, the patriarch and his brothers. He wife ran the janitorial duties and provided maid service for the residents who wanted it. His sons did the gardening. Julio had been feuding with the security staff since he and his brothers could that service. Technically, there were other owners, but the Santos family ran the place.

John was a hero and had been wounded performing his duties. The Santos family recognized John as a real man. Julio made sure that one of his more muscular sons or nephews were near enough to John to provide muscle. They were helpful in other ways too. They knew the faces of every resident and most of the visitors to the apartment. They also seemed to have an instinctive ability to sort out potential bad actors. They were protective of older residents who "sometimes get confused. "

John and Sparky got along well. I was sort of the elder stateman for them since my amputation was several years earlier. I knew the ropes.

John had been married but was divorced. He was obsessive about work and he recognized that was a problem. He knew Sparky, Roddy and I were gay. I think he was uneasy about that at first, but he soon relaxed. I had a feeling he wasn 't as straight as he thought he was.

John felt diminished by his wounds. The bad arm effected his self-image. He was not the sort of man who could talk about that sort of thing.

He was on patrol around the apartment house when his phone vibrated. Julio Jr. had seen some suspicious men near the parking deck entrance. The deck was private with admission only by-pass card. John went to investigate. John spotted the automatic weapon before Julio Jr. did. The suspicious man lifted his weapon and John, who was behind the suspect, tackled him.

Within seconds, the male portion of the Santos clan was in the scene, half piling on the shooter and the rest chasing two other men. The city Police were on the scene seconds later. It was not clear if they captured the suspects or saved them from the Santos family. The suspect said something about fucking Spics. It was an unwise choice of words.

The police officer in charge, Mark Timmons, asked the suspect if they were any more attackers. The suspect spit in his face. Julio said he could get the man to talk. The Police Officer nodded and Julio 's brother, Uncle Alberto, pulled out a machete. The suspect sang like a canary. Timmons asked a lot of questions all of which the suspect answered. Alberto was ten feet away but tended to raise the machete every time the suspect hesitated answering.

Timmons was a smart man. He asked where they got the weapons, where they came for a who were their associates.

One man tried to enter the lobby on the other side of the building as the others fled. Julio Senior 's wife, Maria, was manning the desk. She looked like an easy target, but the man was clubbed by two of her daughters and subjugated. By the time the police got there, the man was tied up and Maria was mopping the man 's blood from the floor. She was enraged that such a person would dare to bleed on her floor.

The attackers were from a new extremist group and the group barely existed after the attempted attack. One -arm John had tackled a man with an automatic weapon. He was all but adopted by the Santos family who greatly admired crazed bravery. John just said that with an automatic weapon, every second counted.

The attack was a total failure, but the police were clever about it. The attackers vanished into jail. There was no publicity. Their confederates had no idea what had happened or where they were. With no publicity, the gun dealers in Tennessee had no worries until the raid by the ATF agents.

I had been on the apartment 's balcony looking for additional gang members. Thye were all arrested before I was able to report anyone. The attack was almost over before it started. Five days later the Police and FBI had a big announcement and press conference. They emphasized concerned citizens and split-second response by the police. John Delano and Julio Santos were the Guests of Honor. John was modest and Julio was fierce.

John came to my apartment after for therapy. He was happy and relaxed. I think the attack banished his worries about his bad arm. Anderson had made strides in rehabilitating the arm and strengthening the left arm. Sparky 's session had preceded John 's, so we talked in the bedroom. Sparky told me John had asked if my cock was as big as guys said it was. Sparky told him it was big enough for him. He also told him I was a nice guy very open minded.

"Catfish doesn 't mind showing it off and isn 't opposed to giving free samples, " Sparky had added. He said John smiled. John wasn 't that good about smiling, so that meant something.

John stayed for dinner that night, it was his day off. We had a beer-lubricated good dinner. John asked me when I first took a step on the wild side.

"As far as I can tell I was born on the wild side. Mom and Dad liked me but I 'm afraid I missed the cute stage most kids go through, " I said. "By the time I was 13 I tended to scare girls. I seemed to have better luck in the team shower rooms. "

"You were on a team? " John asked.

"I was the equipment manager or water boy. Skinny short boys aren 't destined for athletic fame. " I said. "I didn 't impress anyone in the shower room, but guys came to watch me get dressed when no one was looking. Dad died when I was a teenager, so I had other things to worry about. I had some strange ideas and almost got in trouble a few times, but my Uncle Jake set me straight. "

"You were straight? " Sparky asked.

"I never considered that possibility. I didn 't occur to me, " I said. "I was never attractive, but a big cock is a big cock and it has an allure. "

"It 's sort of a running joke on the police force, " John said. "Maybe I should say it legendary. I thought it and you were just a tall tale. "

I laughed. "I 'm a short, tall tale with an oversized cock. "

"If I told you I 'd like to see it, would I insult you? " John asked.

"No one has told you that it takes a whole lot to insult me? " I asked. "I don 't mind a little show and tell, but I like when everyone shows and tells. "

John looked unsure. "What the hell. No one here is a minor, are they? "

"My youthful bloom has worn off, " I said. I can take my shirt off, but I could use some help with my pants. "

"Shit John, I have trouble taking off my pants too. We are three men with four working legs and five functioning arms, " Sparky said. "We can help you unbutton your shirt. " Stripping looked like an old comedy routine. We were all laughing.

When we were naked all was well. Sparky was on the floor; I was on the couch and John was standing.

"Unless you tell me not to, I 'm going to suck your cock, " Sparky said to John.

John reached over to play with my cock as his cock vanished into Sparky 's mouth.

"I 've never done this before, " John said.

"Just relax your brain and let your cock be your guide. Your cock knows what to do, " I said.

"I 'm not really . . . "

"Don 't say it! " I said. "Just let your cock enjoy Sparky 's mouth. Everything is okay. "

Sparky wasn 't your run of the mill cock suckers. He is the Rembrandt, or more correctly the Michelangelo of cock suckers. He was gentle, massaging the tender and delicate organ in his mouth. Even an aggressive and strong man like John possessed a delicate, responsive and sensitive cock.

My cock was disobedient as usual. That was its nature. It gets hard when it encounters a sexual situation. As my foreskin retracted, John said, "Damn it 's big " as he bent over and licked my knob. A few seconds later he wrapped his lips around my cock head.

I think John came as close to relaxing as was possible, given his personality traits. The three of us relocated on my bed.

"Are you okay? I asked.

John nodded. "It 's not what I expected. " He paused. "What happens next? "

"The plan is to do more of the same until we shoot off, " I said. "I was hoping you would have the best orgasm of your life. "

"That seems so personal, " John muttered.

"If you can trust me on this you will discover sharing sex with friends is may be 100 times better than jerking off, " I said. "Sparky and I know that from personal experience. " John laughed and returned to my cock as Sparky worked on John.

About ten minutes later John began shooting into Sparky 's mouth. He tried to pull away, I told him to let Sparky get the rewards of his hard work. He let Sparky keep sucking and he returned to sucking my cock.

"Do I have to take your cum? " John asked.

"No, you do what you are comfortable with, " I said.

"Maybe I should go home, " he said.

"I 'm pretty sure you have another load or two in your balls, " Sparky told him. "You will feel better if you go home completely drained. "

John looks surprised, the he smiled. "That is hard to argue with. "

Sparky and I traded places. After a few minutes of sucking I tasted John 's precum again. Sparky was right, there was another load in his balls. That took a while to coax from him. As he shot off, Sparky lost control and shot off. Sparky had warned him that he was close, but John kept on sucking. Lightening didn 't strike, and John was good with it. He went home and I went to bed. Sparky sucked Roddy to sleep.

John was back at work with the Santos family in the background. The publicity hadn 't mentioned Sparky, but all the participants were in solitary at the jail. Since they had confessed, there was no trial ahead. One of the men had tried to say he was intimidated by Uncle Alberto. Uncle Alberto had been the runt of the litter and was small. He stood behind his oversized brothers. He did not appear in the photographs of the crime.

The group that attacked the apartment was called the Dixie Marauders. They were in jail and the police had their cell phones. My people had the phone numbers and that was the missing clue. The Marauders were purely a hate group without the pretended patriotic dressings. They were the typical group of losers who worked at menial jobs. Big guns made the seem like big men.

The police had done a good job keeping Sparky and Gill 's names secret. We knew which police officers knew the names and knew Sparky 's location. Apparently, this information was so important, the mole used a personal telephone to get the information to the Dixie Marauders. The mole was a 56-year-old receptionist in the police chief 's office, Barb Holiday.

John told me she was a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde type. She was a sweet grandmother in public and ultra- radical at home. Barb was also an accessory to murder so she could do hard time in the pen. She decided that if she gave up all her contacts, she would reduce her sentence. Ten years in jail was much better than twenty.

"I 'm embarrassed about the stuff I did the other day, " John said. "That 's not me. "

"There is no reason to be embarrassed. You were with friends, " I said. "I enjoyed it. I thought you enjoyed it too? "

"That 's my problem, " John muttered.

"Let me guess. You enjoyed it too much? " I asked. He nodded.

"John, that 's not unusual. It 's difficult for a lot of men. It is difficult to admit you liked it? " I asked. He nodded again.

"There are two approaches to that, " I explained. "I took the "practice makes perfect, " approach. If you do it enough it gets to be second nature to you. You can also be gay for an hour and turn back to being straight after you shoot off. "

"Can I just forget it happened? " he asked.

"Nope, you can pretend it didn 't happen, but forgetting exciting sex is harder than you might think, " I said. "It also tends to make you mean and unhappy. You know how exciting and pleasurable it was. If you want it but don 't get it, you may be permanently disappointed. "

"I would sort of like to fuck. Do you think Sparky would like it? ' he asked.

"I know he would like it, " I said. "You have a nice cock. I wouldn 't mind trying it on for size. "

"Really? " John asked. I said yes and I didn 't need to convince John of my willingness. He was hot to trot. Sometimes I think I am the only man to think with his cock. I 'm not sure John was thinking with his cock, but he sure was taking its advice. We went to my bedroom.

Being fucked by a new guy is always a crap shoot. You can never tell in advance how it will turn out. I got on my back so he would be in control. I guessed he would like that. John was careful but determined. His well lubricated cock slipped into me easily. I immediately knew fucking was for him. It was a good fit, and he seemed to instinctively know what to do. He shot off quickly, but it was a success for him and for me.

Just before he went home, I had a phone call from my office. My computer guys uncovered some radical groups talking of making a statement. My guys did not like that turn of phrase. The police had moved on a slew of extremist groups, but a few had escaped. There was a possibility that the escaped groups were just cyber fantasies, but one or two men with high powered weapons were enough to cause mass casualties. We were back on the hunt.

Next: Chapter 224: Catfish Has a New Friend 5

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