Millennium Construction Company

Published on Mar 12, 2002


Catfish & Company 6

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments send them to or

After Mark and my experiments with bottoming, Billy and Freddy were a nice return to our normal patterns. Billy tended to like the bottom anyway and he had been watching more than doing the night before. He was a short, stocky guy with a tight ass. It took a while, but I got in and he got off.

I will say he was a sensible and appreciative bottom. He knew my cock was near the upper limit of his ass's ability to stretch. He was willing and knew it might not be easy. I don't like fucking guys who are whiners. After my time with Vince I knew what he was feeling as I worked my cock in the hole. I took it slow and easy and I hit pay dirt on my third try.

Billy was sitting back on my love pole when he began to quiver. He turned into a rag doll on a stick as he relaxed. My cock must have been close to touching his heart, it went so deep. I wasn't sure there was room for my cock and his prostate, it was so tight. I think I squeezed his prostate really hard. When he popped, I could feel his ass contracting well before the cum sprayed me.

I've felt prostates just before the orgasm. They fill and turn rock hard. I think my cock kept the prostate from filling easily, Billy's orgasm was in slow motion. He had been twitching for almost a minute before any of the white stuff spurted from his piss slit.

He was a wet dishrag after he popped. I rolled him over and screwed him doggy style for a while. He wasn't too enthusiastic about that at first. He had just shot and had lost interest. Much to my surprise, I found the groove, the spot in an ass when the cock and chute are perfectly matched. He was moaning after a few thrusts and damn if he didn't shoot again.

I guess Freddy and Mark were doing something. By the time I paid any attention, they were both sleeping. I know a good idea when I see it, so I took a nap. Billy woke me easing his cock into my ass. His cock is nice and thin, so it was pleasant stimulation without the drama of Vince's meat. Mark and Freddy got up, saw Billy humping me and asked if they could join in. Where there's a will there's a way.

Somehow the anatomy was right and we had a nice four man fuck. I was in Billy while Freddy was in me with Mark poking Fred.

Late Tuesday, Sheriff Earl Evans called me. He was tracing the gasoline containers and was hot on the trail of the `Born Agains'. He also thought it might be good time for me to drop by and check things out in person. Apparently, we were the only ones following the trail. Neither the Richmond Police, nor the State Troopers had been by to see Earl. I remembered my momma had a birthday on Thursday, so if I visited I would get points for being a good son, as well as check out the scene in Victoriaville.

I drove home on Wednesday, taking a detour through Victoriaville. Victoriaville was a crossroads, with a church and an abandoned gas station and the thicket which had grown around the ruins of the feed store. The wooden buildings had all fallen down, the concrete block buildings were walls only, with collapsed roofs. There were several farms nearby, but most were no longer actively farmed and scrub growth was replacing the fields.

Victoriaville had been a small community at its height, but it was only a few houses when I was a kid. The railroad siding that justified the community had been discontinued in the early 50s. The church alone remained in use. It was a large wooden building, now covered in brick-like asphalt shingles. There were several trailers to the rear. One was labeled Office", the other `Youth Center'. There were several beaten up pick-ups in the parking area, one Dodge Dart that had seen better days and a shiny new Lincoln Town Car.

I assumed the Reverend owned the Town Car. I had a good many preconceptions about the man, and the Town Car confirmed most of them.

Cousin Buddy's farm was about six miles down the road, so I dropped in to see how he was doing. He was on a tractor mowing a field of hay. He couldn't hear me drive up over the noise of the tractor, so I watched him work for a while before he saw me. When he did, he drove over. We went to the house and he gave me a beer. This was a shock, he never had a beer in the house before. He had been a classic Baptist drinker, behind the barn, or at a hunting club.

"How goes things with your wife?" I asked.

"Not good." he said. Buddy was real nervous, glad to see me but uncomfortable. "She doesn't let me see the kids anymore. I'm a bad influence."

"Have you been to court?"

"Sure. I've got visitation, but she says it's God's Law." Buddy said with disgust in his voice. "Ronnie sneaks out to see me, but the others are too young." Ronnie was his oldest kid, eleven I think. "Your Momma brings them over when she can."

"Its' rough," I said. "It will work out somehow."

"Catfish. Do you think I'm a bad father?" Buddy asked. "I seem to be turning gay. I never did anything like that the other day with Earl before."

"You didn't like it?" I asked.

"That's the problem. I liked it a lot."

"Then what's the problem?"

"You've always been a cock hound, Catfish." Buddy said. "I never fucked anyone, except my wife. I kept myself pure for her. She's left me and I slip my dick into Earl's ass and I love it."

"Shit Buddy! You didn't get Earl pregnant did you?" I asked. Buddy burst out laughing. "You know he wasn't a virgin. You saw me poke him and open him up for you." I said. "He liked it, you liked it, we're all adults, what's the problem?"

"I never minded playing with you boys, but Earl is different. I don't think I'm ready to be gay." Buddy said. "If Sally finds out, I'm dead meat."

"Buddy, you can't make yourself like, what you don't like. You can pretend, but believe me it won't work. I tried it." I said. "You and Earl are friends and unless I'm real mistaken, you both like sex together. Earl's not going to marry you and put your picture on the social page of the paper as his wife. You'd look like shit in a white dress and veil. You're friends, you might as well enjoy it."

"It isn't just Earl." Buddy said. A car drove up. It was Buck Williams. He had been one of our childhood playmates. We also had messed around some when we were teenagers. I realized Buddy was nervous because I had walked in on a date. I looked at Buddy and he had a sheepish look on his face.

At fifteen Buck was a skinny kid, a basketball star. At 45 he was strapping. He had filled out, and looked muscular now. The truck said, Williams & Daughter, Construction. He had the brown, tanned look of a man who spent most of his life outside. His brown hair and close cropped beard were almost the color of his skin. Buck waved and got out of the car.

"Catfish! Good to see you." Buck said. "Has it been 30 years?"

"I must be. You're looking good." I said.

"You're looking the same." he said, then he laughed. He had been the class dream boat, I was the class freak. "I saw you in the papers. That was an awful thing that happened." We talked about the bombing.

"Your daughter is working with you?" I said. "That's unusual in construction."

"It's not 100% on purpose. She went to college, came home and married her High School sweetheart and farm boy. They had two kids and he goes and gets religion. He gets it bad and left her to follow the master. I get my daughter back and the grand kids."

"You don't look old enough to be a granddaddy." I said.

"When you start at 17, you get a lot of living done young." Buck said. "Ellen's a good girl and she has been great for the business. Did you know that Sue Ellen died four years ago? Cancer."

"No I didn't. Momma must be losing her touch." I said. "I'm real sorry, she was a pretty woman. Did your daughter's hubby find God in the same place as Buddy's wife did?"

"Damn right. And I don't think God had anything to do with it." Buck said. "Carlton was a nice boy, had been in the army and done well. He just was born to follow. He has no fucking common sense either."

"What did he do in the army?" I asked. Where that question came from, I don't know. It seemed to shoot into my head from outer space.

"Ordinance, demolition, that sort of stuff." Buck said. "He was a big shot there. Something went wrong. He was going to be a career man, but left. The army may say it trains you for civilian life, but nothing he learned was helpful for running a dairy farm." He paused. "Are you still a cock hound? I always figured you left town because you had screwed every willing ass here and wanted to find more men."

"I sure am. Getting better at it too." I said.

"You know, fifteen years ago, I felt real superior to you." Buck said. "I though I had it all figured out. Everything was going my way."

"And now?" I asked.

"I feel nothing, but pure unadulterated envy!" Buck said. "Things aren't black and white, hetro or homo. It's all confused. I've been screwed over by the God fearing fakers and helped by my closet case friends."

"I always guessed you had a small warm spot for cock." I said. I had picked him up late one night after a big game, when he had a few too many beers and had run his car into a ditch. I got it out, him home, and sucked him to boot. He pretended it was the beer.

"I have more than a small warm spot, as it turns out." Buck continued. "I came close to doing something real stupid after Sue Ellen died. Earl got me in time, took he home and got me straight."

"Did he get you in bed too?" I asked.

"That he did!" Buck admitted. "I was lonely and a bit drunk and was in bed and one thing led to another. Damn if I didn't have the best sex I ever had. I didn't know it could be that good. Sue Ellen was nice, but never really enjoyed it. Earl did. I realized I liked it and had missed out on a lot."

"I've missed damn little!" I said. I didn't want to horn in on their fun. "I've got to be heading off to see Mom."

"Are you staying with her?" Buck asked.

"Nope. I'm bunking at the Colonial Motel. All my Aunts have arrived for the birthday. They've filled up the house." We said goodbye and I went into town to see Mom. I was wondering what chance there was that Buck would drop in to see me sometime during my stay. My guess was it was more than a fifty-fifty chance.

Mom's house was filled with my three aunts. Aunts Ellen and Becky were fine. Aunt Edith was as sour a woman who ever lived. When I was little, I though she just plain hated me and wanted to make my life as miserable as possible. When I was a teenager I thought she guessed I was gay and hated me because of that. Momma told me Edith treated everyone like trash and scum. She had never been nice to anyone in her life. The world just wasn't good enough for her, she deserved a better place.

I talked for a while, then went to the motel to check in. I wandered by the Police Station and saw Earl on the street getting in his cruiser. He told me we needed to talk, privately. I said, I was at the motel in room 104 and would be back at my room by nine. He told me he was busy and asked if I was an early riser. I said, I got up around 5:30 and he suggested we could have breakfast together. He wasn't due at work until 8:30. I went back to Mom's.

Mom tended to give into Aunt Edith. She hated a scene, but Becky and Ellen never considered that possibility. They would do battle with her at every opportunity. My picture leading the kids to safety carrying the Torah caused quite a stir. It had hit the national media and Becky had laminated the newspaper picture in plastic, so she could show her friends.

"Were there any Christian children in that part of town?" Edith asked. She clearly seemed to think I had saved unworthy children. I wanted to say something nasty, but Ellen beat me to the punch.

"What are you thinking? Have you gone crazy, Edith? I heard you say some awful things, but that takes the cake!" Ellen exploded.

"You call yourself a Christian, but I don't see any Christian love, or charity or . . ." Becky said, sputtering as she tried to find words. "You should be ashamed!" Edith tried a counterattack.

"That whole city is filled with Gays and abortionists and Jew . . .," Edith realized she was treading on thin ice and pulled back. "Just the same, there is a lot of sin in the city!"

"There sure is and there's none here. Remember Cousin Lonnie? Reverend Dennis?" Ellen asked. Lonnie set fires and Dennis raped a fifteen year old girl. Ellen was merciful. Edith's husband was town florist and gay as a goose. He was a nice man with a heart of gold and loved by everyone, but as macho as the orchids he grew. They never had children and my Aunts felt he wasn't capable of intercourse. No one ever mentioned that.

"If I recall, Dennis was your favorite preacher. You were on the selection committee." Ellen said. "You like that charlatan preacher at Victoriaville. Given your track record, I'd keep my eye on that fool."

"Dr. Paul is a true Christian!" Edith retorted. "Doing battle against sin and the devil! Trying to save all those unborn children."

"Edith! What in hell are you worried about unborn children for?"Becky cried. Aunt Becky never said words like hell, so she must have been mighty exercised. "You have four nephews and six nieces and you never said a pleasant word to them. You want more children in the world, so you can be nasty to them?"

"Catfish saves a hundred kids from being blown to bits and you complain, then you talk about unborn children! What are you thinking, Edith?" Ellen asked. "You worry about the unborn and salvation after death. Why don't you worry about the living?" Usually this sort of fight occurred on the third or forth day of a visit. To have it on the first day was a record of sorts. The doorbell rang and two of Mom's friends appeared bearing gifts. None of my Aunts ever fought in public, so everything calmed down. The rest of the afternoon was pleasantly spent in reminiscing.

We went out to dinner that night to Elmer's Steak House. It had been the only restaurant in town when I was a kid and had a loyal, but elderly clientele. Elmer was dead, but Young Elmer was running the place. They had actually changed the menu and the food was simple, but better than I remembered.

I dropped off my Aunts at home after dinner and went to my room at the Colonial. The motel was the same age as Elmer's, but had been renovated recently and the room looked new. I called and left a message at the office saying I had a possible explosive expert associated with the Victory Temple. I had just finished when, there was a knock at the door. It was Buck.

"Come on in. I was expecting you." I said, opening the door.

"Is it that obvious?" Buck asked looking embarrassed.

"Not really. I just asked myself what I would do if I were in your situation. I figured I drop by and renew old acquaintances."

"Like to talk?" he said.

"Sure, but I'm horny as hell. Let's get naked and talk." I suggested. That was fine with him and I was surprised how fast he stripped and went after my cock. Buck may have been new to the gay scene, but he knew his way around a cock.

We got on the bed when he came up for air.

"I've been thinking about your cock for thirty years." he said.

"I thought you were drunk and didn't know what you were doing?"

"You didn't believe that, did you?" "Not for a minute." I said. "I don't mind a guy pretending, if I get some cock."

"The jokes on me." Buck said. "It turns out I'm a size queen. I was afraid to suck it then, but it's been in my dreams ever since."

"You dream about me?"

"No. I dream about your cock!" he said laughing. I pivoted on the bed and began sucking him as he returned to my cock. Buck was a handsome man and he got better looking as he aged. He had a nice cock. I deep throated him and much to my surprise, he did the same to me. Not many guys can do that. I was getting real close, so I asked him if he wanted to take my load.

"I don't usually. I only eat my own." he said. "Tell me when you are ready and I will make up my mind then."

"Fair enough." I replied. I know some guys who like to shoot without warning, but I think if a guy is nice enough to suck your cock, you should be polite. Cock sucking is so in your face anyway, there is no need to drain you balls in a guys mouth if he doesn't want it. A minute or two later I told him I was on the edge.

Buck pulled off, then deep throated me again. My cock almost exploded. It was great. A few seconds later my mouth was filled with his seed. We ate each other's cum and then lay there, licking up what ever dripped and oozed from our cocks. I pivoted again. Buck looked at me. I opened my mouth. I hadn't swallowed, so he saw his cock cream. He kissed me and ate his own sperm.

"I don't need to go home tonight." he said.

"That's fine with me. The Sheriff will be coming by tomorrow morning."

"I know. He said he would be by." Buck said. "He thought you wouldn't mind a threesome."

"He was absolutely right about that." I said.

Next: Chapter 23: Chesapeake Construction Company 1

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