Millennium Construction Company

Published on May 10, 2019


Catfish Has a Death in the Family 2

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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The next day Templeton called with a little information. Gilbert Grove barely existed. It seemed he first appeared when he got his realtor's license. There was a Brandy Grove who had been associated with Golden Dominion Reality in Northern Virginia. That organization had gone out of business just before the IRS and the Fraud division of the State Police appeared. The president of that organization was a Gilbert Catterall. He had vanished.

The out of town bidder was Rural Vistas Developers. They were a new corporation owned by three other corporations. They shared a lawyer in Norfolk as registered agent. That seemed to be a company in a company, in a company all owned by unknowns. While that wasn't so unusual these days, a farm in rural Virginia didn't seem to justify the secrecy.

At the Motel my neighbor was a long-term resident, Juan DeJesu. He tended to wear work clothes like most of the field hands. I caught a glance in his room, and he had an expensive computer set up and his own, private internet arrangement. I am always suspicious, so I called my office. Juan was an investigator for a labor union. His specialty was industrial slavery.

It took me a few minutes to realize it was modern commercial slavery. Big, industrialized farms in an isolated locale with large number of undocumented people were ideal for abuse.

I had plans to go back to Richmond for the weekend, but the guy who was going to take me had a family emergency, so I stayed in the motel. An entire weekend of doing nothing wasn't the worst thing that could happen to me. Randy was away for the weekend going to a wedding in Blacksburg.

Buddy dropped by. "I was thinking about the good times we had back after the bombing in Richmond. My wife was involved, and I thought my life was over. You were the only ray of light in the darkness," he said.

I smiled. "I never thought of myself as a ray of light," I said.

"Maybe I should have said a big dicked ray of light," Buddy added. We laughed.

"Since Randy's away for the weekend, I was having a few friends over. Would you like to join us?" he asked. He didn't exactly say it was going to be an orgy, but he didn't need to. I knew. Oddly, I am always a little shocked when I accept an invitation like that. I can't remember ever saying no, but I guessed I might say no someday.

It was late Friday afternoon and he drove me to his house. His old field hand, Jimmy was there, setting out drinks, sandwiches and some snacks. It was a warm day, but not hot. Jimmy was naked. We went to Buddy's bedroom to strip. "I had forgotten what a turn on you are," Bubba said. "Has anyone told you that when you are naked you hardly notice then missing leg?"

I laughed, "When I'm dressed most people think I'm an odd-looking guy. When I'm naked guys discover I have a face ten or twenty minutes later. Looking on the bright side, no one has asked me to put a bag over my head yet."

"Did you know you have your father's cock?" Buddy asked. "My Daddy went skinny dipping with him when they were teenagers. That was pretty-standard for county boys back then. Dad told me your dad was huge." I knew Uncle Jake was a big boy, but no one had ever mentioned Dad.

Someone knocked on the door. Jimmy opened it and we went out to meet them. Sometimes, I fall for the media version of gay life. Some people think of life as black and white. You are a good person or a bad person, straight or gay.

Some bad people have virtues, and some good people have bad flaws. Few people are 100% good or bad. I know gay men who are deeply in love with their wives, and straight men who fall in love with a single man. Gay men often get along with women, and there are slews of straight men who like sex with women, but don't treat them well. Sexual tastes are not always related to affection.

I know guys who like male sexual organs, but not the men attached to those organs. Effeminate men are not always gay and macho men aren't dependably straight.

Buddy's pals were varied. Cliff was a Trooper; Don was an accountant and Chester was nurse at the local hospital. Jimmy invited two pals, Franklin and Harry. They were laborers at local farms. Franklin was one of the blackest, Black men I had ever met. Harry was the reddest Redneck had encountered. I felt like an urban sophisticate compared to him.

It was a mixed bag of ordinary men united by common sexual interests. I think it's fair to say that men who like group sex are usually more sexual driven than average and they may have a touch of exhibitionist in their mental make-up. Cliff and Franklin were body builders. Harry and Don had swimmer or jogger body types. Chester was a ginger bear. He was a younger version of Buddy.

Harry took one look at me and came over to suck. I'm not 100% sure he looked at anything other than my cock. Franklin was right behind him. He waved his cock in my face and I sucked his tool as Harry tried to deep throat me.

"You like Black meat?" he asked. He was uncut and I worked my tongue into the space between his skin and the knob. "I warn you when I get close,' he said.

"Black cum has a nice tang to it. Don't worry about me," I said.

Franklin laughed and the first drop of precum emerged from his slit. "Harry, this ain't this boy's first time around the block. It's going to be a good evening!" he said. A little later Harry and Franklin traded places. I think Franklin had an advanced degree in cock sucking.

I was well occupied, but during a lull, I looked around the room. Julien, Juan and Thompson had joined the group. I was surprised, but not as much as they were. While we had met, they had no idea I was related to Buddy and had no idea I had been a private detective.

While I was surprised, I did take time to notice Julien was well hung, uncut and semi-erect. His foreskin had barely parted and the was a slight glimmer of precum visible. Juan was average as suits an undercover investigator. Thompson was in good shape considering his borderline, lazy-bum lifestyle.

Julien came over to me. "Are you shocked to see me here?" he asked.

I smiled. "I've been around for a while. While there is a great variety in the way men think, it seems to me that some parts of every man's body work the same. Try as you might, you can't fool mother nature," I replied.

"You are a philosopher," Julien remarked.

"There is an outside chance I am a philosopher. I could also be a horny man who likes man sex," I replied. "If I had to guess, on the priest to horny man scale you are tipping towards the horny man side tonight?"

"That is a problem for me," he said.

"You are with a group of like-minded men. All are willing, ready and able. Just think of it as sharing our resources," I suggested. Julien seemed to respond to that, but I also deep throated him and that may have played a role.

"Could you do that for me?" Juan asked. He was watching.

"I sure can, and I can do a lot more if you are into it," I replied.

"I should warn you, I have a hair trigger," Juan said.

I took his cock head into my mouth and pushed the foreskin back. His knob was on my tongue when he began to spurt. The first squirts shot to the back of my mouth. The remainder drooled on my tongue. I then deep throated him and swallowed his cum.

Father Julien put his arm around Juan. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"It was beautiful," Juan replied. Julien was fully erect. They left and the ginger bear Chester sat next to me on the sofa.

"Buddy told me you were different," Chester said. "Buddy told me not to judge me until I saw you naked. I know what he was talking about now."

"You like them big?" I asked.

He nodded. "I like them big. Do you think I'm trashy?"

"That depends on the diameter and capabilities of your ass," I replied.

"Damn, would you believe I just had a hankering to explore that very subject?" he replied. I was a bit too big for him, but he wanted my cock in him so badly he was willing to ignore the tight spots. Buddy came over to give Chester advice. Once I was in him all was well.

After that the party wound down, Franklin took me back to the motel. It had been a good night. I was in my room for a few minutes when someone knocked on the door. It was Juan.

"When I told you that I had a hair trigger, I understated the case. I hope I didn't offend you?" he said. "Would you like a night cap?" He had a six pack.

"I don't offend easily, and I've never been offended by a man shooting off," I said.

"It seemed like I was imposing on you. We had just met and ten minutes later you were taking my cum. It was so intimate and personal," he said.

I smiled. "Did you enjoy it?"

Juan nodded, "It was embarrassing, and it felt wonderful. It was confusing," he said.

"At least, confusing and embarrassing are better when combined with an orgasm," I said. "Did it bother you to do it with Julien watching. Are you close?"

"We are but he has never taken my cum. I've never taken his," he said.

"You would like more?"

"Yes, but he feels guilty. He thinks sperm is for making babies, not giving a guy's tonsils a bath," Juan said. "I don't want to force him to do something he is not comfortable doing. Changing the subject, you are a famous detective?"

"I go to great lengths to not be famous," I replied. "The fewer people who know what I do the better."

"You were involved the big bombing in Richmond years ago?" he asked. "How was it that the bombers were in this area?"

"I think that if the phrase "middle of nowhere" applies to any place, this is it," I said. "It so out of the mainstream, it seems ideal for shady activities."

"Do you know anything about Hill Top Farm?" he asked. Juan's interest in Hill Top was due to the suspicion that the farm housed immigrants in something that resembled a 19th Century company town. The workers were trapped on a secluded farm and were overcharged for rent and food. Some were working 12-18-hour days. The overtime was converted into "rent" paid to the owner.

Juan had found a holding company that seemed to own similar farms in similar places across the nation. The holding company also had a real estate division. They tended to include second string operations that specialized in getting modest prices on large properties. Juan was trying to find evidence of fraud and involuntary servitude.

Juan and I knew our stuff and we had a good conversation. He apologized again and got up to leave. He was sincere but was also fully erect. Erections are contagious, and somehow, we were in the sixty-nine position on the bed a little later. We traded our special sauces and he took my entire load with enthusiasm, and then returned to his room. I slept well.

Thompson came by a 7:30 the next morning. He was a bit early. I was having a meeting with the realtors at 9:30. "We didn't get to play at the party last night. Were you uneasy about doing it with a guy that works for you?" he asked.

"My dance card was full," I said. "What floats your boat?"

"I'm not exactly new to the scene. I haven't found much I don't like. One guy wanted to tie me up. That wasn't good. Coach Miller wasn't a gentle fucker, but I got use to that," he said. "When I saw you fully erect, I wondered what it would be like in my ass."

"Did Miller surprise you?" I asked. I wasn't that surprised that Coach Miller had a harem. He nodded.

"Coach Miller was big, not like yours but big. He was the coach and it was sort of an honor I thought," he said. "I discovered he was fucking all the second-string guys. I was young then. When I saw yours last night, I wanted it."

"You like them big?"

"I guess I do, but I watched you do Chester. I want to feel what he was feeling," he said. "I'm not a complete fool. I know what I am getting into," Thompson said.

"It may be like your experience with Coach Miller," I remarked.

"It wasn't all bad. I liked having his cock in my ass. It was just okay at first, but later when he shot off in me was more that okay. I felt his cock twitching and his cum spurting in my ass. Coach was a fake in many ways but that was real. I had no intention of fucking Thompson, but since we were naked in bed and I was hard, Thompson made a quick movement and a second later he skewered himself on my cock.

I was about to get mad at him, when he began doing a fancy pole dance on my cock. I realized he wasn't at all new to the scene. He was a generous bottom and his ass and sphincter massaged my cock. He was downright crazed. He shot off ten minutes later and we were just in time to make it to the realtors.

Johnston had all my mother's properties listed with assessments, and recent sale prices. The properties inherited from Uncle Jake had all appreciated greatly since his death. She had been a wealthy woman, although she had no interest in wealth. Johnson had his ears to the ground and knew of people who wanted to buy her house. It was comparatively small and in good shape. One of the interested parties was the local Catholic Church. They were looking for a smaller house for Father Julien so they could use the oversized Catholic Rectory as classrooms.

Thompson attended the meeting and later told me that his realtor had done nothing similar with his family properties. Luckily, Realtors liked to gossip. Johnson told me that a man in Richmond had done a study of properties that sold for below their assessed value. That typically occurred in small rural counties and most of the low-price sales were done by a small number of firms.

Some were sales to relatives, so that was treated as a bequest, rather than a sale. Out of state buyers were the responsible for the remainder of the sales. I got the man's name, Lloyd De La Pierre, and his number. I called him and the man was exited to talk about his discoveries, and he invited me to meet. The next morning Thompson drove me to meet with Lloyd at his house in Richmond.

Lloyd was about my age. He was the former PR man for the Realtor's association. Lloyd was from Southside Virginia; escaped to Richmond and became the special friend of an older, wealthy man. Lloyd made Oscar Wilde look macho. Lloyd found some irregularities in a maiden aunt's estate. He began checking into the irregularities and found a treasure trove of suspect transactions.

Under a stunning collection of affectations and pretentions, Lloyd was an intelligent man. He was pissed off that his discoveries were ignored. I got points for being interested. Thompson got points of being young, handsome enough and gay. I thought I had good gaydar. If I had gaydar version 1.1; Lloyd had the 8.9 iteration. Lloyd was distinguished looking and wealthy. Thompson was lazy and needy.

Lloyd went over his research. It was in depth and detailed, complete with names, dates and prices. I told him about Juan's investigation. Lloyd immediately saw the possible connection and he recognized the name of the firm that had handled Thompson's parent's estate. They had been involved is several similar situations. Lloyd had not been aware of the immigrant labor aspect, but he said he could check it out with his contacts.

Lloyd had been the heir of his friend and had nursed him through several illnesses, his friend had lost a leg due to diabetes, and he was interested in my lost leg. He knew all about the shooting. The newspaper said a Mr. Noland had been shot. Nobody in Richmond knew me by that name. He had friends who had mentioned Catfish and he knew about my reputation. He asked if I used a whirlpool for therapy. I said not recently. The three of us were soon in his whirlpool. I thought it might be good for Thompson to get closer to Lloyd.

Lloyd was in his sixties and the 35-year-old Thompson looked good to him. I think Lloyd was a bit of a size queen and he didn't ignore me. Thompson got things off to a good start when he was semi-erect as he entered the whirlpool.

"Thompson and I aren't the shyest men in the world. I hope that doesn't offend you," I said.

"Not at all, quite to the contrary," Lloyd replied. "I like the scenery." He paused and added, "I'm not only interested in the scenery."

"I'm not rough and tumble, but I can be a bit vigorous," Thompson said. "Catfish likes it all."

"Be still my heart!" Lloyd replied.

Thompson and I discovered that Lloyd had been through a prolonged period of sexual abstinence. This was caused by his partner's death and a poor relationship that immediately followed. I was on the edge of the whirlpool and Lloyd came over to suck my cock. His asshole was exposed, and Thompson assumed that was not by accident. I would never have made that assumption, but Thompson was 100% right.

His long, thin cock slipped in like a hot knife through butter. Lloyd didn't react when the cock touched his hole, nor when it popped through his sphincter. He moaned as it penetrated deep into his body. Afterwards I discovered that Thompson's cock could have been the stunt double Lloyd's late partner's tool, but slightly thicker and longer. Thompson was a gentle fucker, exploring and massaging Lloyd's little used hole.

As Thompson took his time, my cock began oozing precum. Lloyd looked at me and said, "The food of the gods," and returned to sucking. He was almost in a trance, shivering when Thompson rubbed a good spot, or I oozed a particularly rich glob of precum. I was more excited tht I suspected and when Thompson transferred the contents of his balls into Lloyd's ass, I filled his mouth with my man seed. We stayed for dinner and had a second session before we left.

Lloyd was a helpful man. He had been deeply offended when his aunt had been cheated. He was the sort of man who was open minded sexually but was entirely intolerant of a man who might cheat at cards or golf. Off brand sex was fine, cheating was not. He was retired and had all the time in the world, and he knew every major realtor in the state.

The next morning, I realized I was in a good position to talk to realtors. I was now a major landowner in several southside counties. I could go shopping for real estate agents. It might be interesting to talk with Gilbert Grove.

Next: Chapter 216: Catfish Has a Death in the Family 3

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