Millennium Construction Company

Published on Apr 19, 2019


Catfish Sort of Retires 8

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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I don't know if it was Thor in London, or the Deputy Chief who called the report then yacht to higher authorities, but the next morning there was a copter surveying the Bay. That afternoon they found the Moonglow. A Coast Guard Cutter was on the way and would board and search it the next day. I had thought it would have taken several days to get a search warrant, but I think Thor's organization had credibility. I called Templeton and told him of the discovery. I think he was in his car on the way before the phone call was over. The coming days would be interesting.

Much to my surprise, the copter was circling above my house the next morning. With binoculars I could see the Moonglow was in a cove opposite my house. I didn't know if the ship had just co-incidentally berthed there, of it I was still looking for treasure. I called the police and Ralph. All our security people were alert. I didn't think the Moonglow would cross the Bay, but it might launch a boat in our direction.

The Strauss' had security people. I had thought they weren't-a-cops. I didn't realize they were heavily armed ex special forces and women. I remember thinking that this was overkill until I counted the number of dead men associated with the treasure hunt.

It didn't take long for State Police to show, complete with tactical units. When the morning mist lifted, the number of copters increased. A convoy of cars and police vehicles took the Strauss and Schmitt children away.

I had a front row seat with Templeton and Ralph. The Moonglow set sail and pulled into the middle of the bay when the cutter appeared. When it saw the Moonglow it accelerated to full speed to intercept the ship.

I learned something new during the next few minutes. When a Coast Guard ship tells you to stop for a boarding party, shooting a rocket grenade at the ship is a poor response. Missing the ship, the grenade exploded in the water, causing minimal damage and maximum ill feeling. It was hard to guess what the crew of the Moonglow was thinking when they shot at the Coast Guard. It was a small cutter, but they had to know that one of the largest Naval Bases in the world was 40 miles away.

The Cutter pulled away which puzzled me. Ten minutes later a US Navy destroyer appeared with a French destroyer right behind. The French ship was on a Franco-American friendship cruise visiting for a celebration related to the Battle of Yorktown. I tried to read the name of the American ship but couldn't due to a light mist. Ralph suggested it was the USS Eat Shit and Die. That wasn't the name, but it captured the spirit of the ship. A dozen State Police cruisers, five county police cars and two rescue squads raced down our drive way and across the lawn to the edge of the bluff.

The French ship raced past the Moonglow and blocked the yacht's possible retreat. Both ships launched copters to observe. The men on the Moonglow tried to launch two small boats. They were apparently tying to abandon ship. Two big explosions that ended that effort. One inflatable tried to get away, but they almost collided with the French ship and were captured by the French sailors. The Moonglow turned toward the western shore and grounded itself in my front yard as the Coast Guard boarded the Moonglow and took control. The capture was a total success.

My house became a focus of FBI, State Police and Naval activity. They soon discovered the Moonglow was not just yacht, it was a sea going art gallery filled with stolen and looted works of art. The commander of the French ship had been involved in stopping smuggling activities in the Mid-East. One of the Coast Guard Officers leading the boarding party was an Art Historian. When they boarded the ship, they knew what they were looking at and immediately made sure nothing was damaged.

The yard of my house was a fortified camp by noon. Capturing drugs were a regular occurrence for the Coast Guard. When you lose a shipment of drugs you just buy more. The art works don't grow in a field. Each painting or artifact was a potential master piece.

Templeton was a born host. He kept extra supplies in the house for any impromptu party. Officially we were not involved, but we soon were providing coffee, drinks and food for the men. We let them use our toilet and bath rooms. The lawn in front of our house was open and didn't have trees or shrubs to provide sheltered places.

Ralph had cold storage for meat that he distributed to local restaurants. So, we barbequed burgers for the men and women. We soon had a clear idea what was going on.

Wilton and West had been shot by the "security" men on the Moonglow. They were alive and were air lifted to Richmond. An FBI agent told us that was simply getting rid of the unreliable men might tell all in a plea deal. The Wilton and West scam had been a screw-up and a failure, but the men behind the looting thought that more professional thugs could salvage the operation.

Whoever handled personnel for the billionaires at the top, fucked up big-time. They hired Central European hit men, not sophisticated art thieves. The hit men did what they did best; they killed people. The experience with the Totten family had convinced them they were dealing with a bunch of hillbilly jerks.

I was shocked that there was no television or media coverage. The police hoped to get the artworks to safety in secret. They decided to send the art to the museums in Norfolk and Richmond. This would cause less stir than sending them to Washington. I knew the Richmond people since I had been providing security for the museum for years.

Museum people aren't casual about their work. Dr. Theodor McMaster arrived that afternoon. He was a senior curator and was an obsessive perfectionist and one of the worst know-it-alls I had ever met. Unfortunately, he did know it all and was consistently correct in his judgements. He has a difficult personality and was weak on people skills. The people who worked with him were all first rate and even his movers were perfectionists.

While Thor would officially identify the stolen works, Theo knew what they were and the date, artist and provenance of most of the works. He also identified several forgeries. People who deal with stolen works are a forger's dream.

Theo was enraged that the art works were on a ship without proper climate and humidity control. He identified four particularly fragile works that would need special treatment to be moved safely. He sent a load of works back to the museum and told his staff to return the next day with special equipment and packing.

Theo was gay and happily married to a lesbian set designer. He liked effete young men, preferably brainless and decorative. I had met him years earlier at a party and somehow my cock made a welcome visit to his ass. Theo had a taste for rough trade but was too uptight to indulge it.

He thought I was the creature from a god forsaken trailer park, ugly, crude and rural. I solved a major problem for him, and he was grateful. Since he had a secret fantasy of sex with a barbarian, I seemed close enough to his fantasy to turned him on. He grabbed me by the balls and asked if we could have sex. My inability to say no over-ruled my total lack of interest in him. I looked the part and I discovered his inner size queen. Since that first meeting, I ran into him once or twice a year.

Theo was excited and talked non-stop about the stolen paintings. Normally he would drive you crazy, but in this situation it was interesting. He was famous for his one-track mind. Late in the afternoon he calmed down and noticed I was missing a leg. I think he may have noticed I was using crutches, but he hadn't paid attention to why.

The four remaining paintings were worth maybe one hundred million, so someone might try to get them. The state police set up a tent and porto-potties next to the Moonglow. They also had divers on patrol in the water. They had men on the ship

That evening, we were having a beer on the porch and Theo immediately became hard. My missing leg turned him on. Years earlier he told me that he normally lived in a rarified world of scholars, artists and big-time donors. He periodically found 25-year-old playmates but that happened every three or four years. I was his only rough trade.

We turned the second floor into a crash pad for the security people. Templeton was going to stay with Ralph. I retained my bedroom, since I needed the handicapped bath. Theo and I went to bed. He was normally prim and proper, but as soon as my cock touched his ass it felt as if there was a vacuum sucking me into him. He turned to jelly except for his sphincter's tight grip on my cock.

He had told me before sex with me was humiliating and degrading for him, but the sexual satisfaction was so total he craved it. The pretty young things he liked didn't do it for him.

At some time during the night Andy joined me in the bed. He sometimes felt uneasy in the dark and came to see me or Ralph. Andy didn't see Theo who was on the other side of me. In the morning, Andy discovered Theo, instincts he fed Theo his cock as I fucked the curator when we woke. When I shot off, Theo popped, and Andy took the load. He then injected his man seed into Theo's mouth.

I pulled out but Andy played with Theo's cum filled ass. "Damn, Dr. Theo, Catfish must like you. He shot one of his super loads into you," he said as he licked Theo's ass pucker. I glanced at Theo. He was in love.

He was all business when the trucks from the museum returned with the packing equipment. The museum director had kept the bigger movers at the museum to rearrange the storage rooms for the rescued paintings. Andy helped with the big lifting on the Moonglow rescue. Andy was a hard worker and did exactly what he was told. Theo loved that. The art was out of the yacht later that day.

A crew from Norfolk came to pull the ship off the bank. The salvage crew was made up of big, beefy men who looked like the crew of a tramp steamer from a1940 era movie. There was more to them than met the eye. They were specialists in saving expensive ships without damaging them. They were careful and almost delicate in their approach to the Moonglow. It was a $35,000,000.00 ship that would probably become the property of the United States Government and would be auctioned.

Captain Jeff ran the operation. He was big, brawny and looked a like a Hippie who turned pirate. He knew his stuff and did an underwater check on the hull and found a sharp hunk of an old concrete dock lodged next to the hull. If they moved the Moonglow the wrong way it could pierce the hull. Templeton remembered demolishing the dock and said it was large. They had a conference and decided they would remove the dock. That required some additional equipment brought in from Norfolk. After a few calls, the equipment would be sent that evening.

They had to tie down the yacht to make sure it didn't drift into the remains of the dock. That took quite a while, since the tide was going out. The crew went back to Norfolk, Captain Jeff and his first mate Billy stayed with the ship. They were going to keep an eye on the boat.

Templeton always surprises me. He and Captain Jeff had already exchanged the secret handshake and found that Jeff and Billy were special friends. Templeton was making dinner. I was watching the bay when Jeff came up to me. "You're the guy they call Catfish?" he asked.

"That's me," I replied.

"I heard you weren't really big. No one mentioned you were short one leg," he said. "What is the story?"

I told him about the shooting.

"By the way, they mentioned one part of you in particular," he said. "I'm not that much into big ones, but Billy is."

"Your relationship with Billy isn't exclusive?" I asked.

"I guess we are friends with benefits, but not exclusive. We both have roving eyes and I figure it's better to acknowledge that than pretend otherwise," he said. Captain Jeff was nearing fifty; I guessed Billy was about 25. Templeton and Billy came from the house with everything needed for a barbeque. Billy had showered and was wearing a white Speedo that left nothing to the imagination.

Captain Jeff went to the house to shower. Templeton and I talked with Billy. Billy was a smart guy with little or no formal education. On the ship he wore heavy-duty work clothes that made him look like Bigfoot. In his Speedo he looked like a well-hung Greek God. Apparently some one in his family taught him manners. He was polite and helpful.

We talked about the Moonglow and the situation. All the paintings and art works were safe in Norfolk and Richmond art museums. Billy asked if they were valuable. He heard they might be worth thousands. Templeton had seen them.

"The old masters are each in the ten to twenty million range. One or two might be 50 to 100 million. They were all stolen, so some will be returned to their owners. Some of the antiques were in the twenty to thirty-thousand-dollar range," he said.

"Where in hell would you sell things like that?" Billy asked.

"Well, Billy, you have put your finger on the problem. You can't sell the to anyone but other crooks," Templeton explained.

"You mean that if I walked into a gallery with one of those paintings to sell, the police would be there before I had a chance to turn around and get out?" Billy asked. Templeton nodded.

"The guys on the boat have killed several people. Some of the paintings were taken from museums, but others were from secret private collections. The men who owned them are not known for being forgiving," I added. Jeff came back from his shower. He was wearing a Speedo with the words. "the boss" printed on the crotch.

"Sorry about the Speedo. It was a joke birthday gift last year," Jeff said. Billy and Templeton cooked dinner on the grill as we talked. Dinner was good and we all got along well. After dinner we went to the pool and swam, or more correctly cooled off after the hot day. A storm came up. Templeton and Jeff went to the boat to make sure it didn't break lose. They would be on watch until midnight. Billy would take the watch between midnight and six.

Billy and I went to the house. Billy said he needed to sleep some. I told him that I knew a good way to relax and get some rest. Billy knew what I was talking about. When he saw my cock for the first time, I knew he was a genuine size queen. His look combined admiration and lust.

"Jeff's is big, yours is huge," he said as he started to suck it. Billy wasn't the first size queen I had known, and I had a good idea what he wanted. I didn't know if he wanted it now, of if his relationship with Jeff would get in the way. I knew that Jeff would be okay with a guest cock visiting Billy's ass, but Jeff needed to tell Billy directly.

About ten minutes later my knob was massaging Billy's sphincter. When he relaxed, I slid in deep. I didn't ram it in. I eased it in, and I could sense Billy's reaction. It was good for me, better for Billy. Midnight came quickly, and Billy went to the Moonglow to take the watch and relieve Jeff. Templeton said he would stay for a little longer. He wasn't tired.

I was in the kitchen when Jeff came in. "Is all well at the ship?" I asked.

He smiled. "The yacht is fine, I am better. Templeton is the prefect host," he said, "Did you and Billy hit it off?"

"He is fine. I satisfied all of his natural curiosity," I said.

"I have some curiosity too. Do you mind sloppy seconds? Templeton and I got carried away," Jeff said.

"If I said I like Templeton's sperm in my mouth, ass and in someone else's ass, would you be surprised?" I asked. I spent about fifteen minutes in him before I shot off. He and I fell asleep. I woke at 5:30 with his cock testing my sphincter. I let him in, and he was shooting off as his cock slid into me.

"Sorry about that, I was carried away," he whispered.

"Been there, done that, life goes on," I replied.

The rest of his crew was back by 7:00 with the new equipment. They took care of the old dock in two hours and had the Moonglow back in the Bay by four.

Most of the guards left a few days later. There had been major raids in Europe, South America and Europe and a huge ring of art thieves, looters and fences were in jail. The raids did not include the Mid-east or Russia, but the business was destroyed.

When the story that hit the national news emphasized the Franco-American co-operation on the capture of the Moonglow as well as the work of the Sheriff in a rural backwater. There was no mention of Thor, DeWitt or their organizations.

About 60% of the paintings were stolen, but some of them were taken from Collectors who bought stolen goods. Some works could be returned to their owners. The rest was auctioned. The auction brought in millions.

In late Spring a year later I had a call from DeWitt. He updated me on the international repercussions of the capture of the Moonglow. We had all but destroyed a huge network of thieves, looters, fences and dodgy art collectors. The murders in our case scared the hell out of the men. Life in jail or execution in Virginia terrified them. They told all.

Thor was visiting the United States and wanted to get together with us in June. This was sort of a thank you visit, but I had the feeling a massive exchange of body fluids was also anticipated. Thor, DeWitt, Oliver and Dead End. The neighbors had gone north, except for Ralph and Andy. The Spanish speaking part of the staff was still working.

The weekend wasn't exactly an orgy. I don't know what a weekend of slow-motion sexual activity is called. We were all relaxed and feeling mellow. Since everyone was sexually active and interested there was no anxiety or stress. Templeton liked Dead End. My cock spent so much time up Thor's ass Oliver joked that Thor had adopted it.

Next: Chapter 214: Catfish Has a Death in the Family 1

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