Millennium Construction Company

Published on Feb 26, 2002


Catfish & Company 5

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments send them to or

The play period with Vince and Ram was quite a bit more than I expected. I was use to being the biggest boy in the room. My experience with Mark was pretty easy. His cock and my ass fit perfectly. Vince and Ram were no easy meat. Oddly it was less comfortable and enjoyable, but much more sexual. I'd been fucking guys for years and they've been complaining. I noticed while they might complain, most came back for more.

I had always attributed this to insincerity. After Vince spent some time in my ass, I realized what they felt. I didn't really like it the first time, but I knew I would get him back in my ass. He touched something in my hole that hadn't been touched before. The physical contact between cock and ass did things to my brain that hadn't been done before. These feelings were so different from what I usually experienced I didn't know what to think about them.

Vince was straight up about his fucking technique. He would be slow and careful for a while, but he tended to get carried away as his balls filled. I understood that myself, since I tended to be single minded as an orgasm approached. You can't stop a train at full speed.

Billy lubed us up good. He must have used a complete tube of K-Y. Vince slowly pumped his cock in. The head was as big as Mark's. Mark popped his cock head through my ass and it was clear sailing as the rest of the shaft entered. Every inch was a battle for Vince. His shaft was just as big as the head. I asked him to go slow and he did.

"I can't believe that cock can fit." Billy said as he watched and encouraged us. "That cock is the size of your arm!"

Vince was thrusting rhythmically, going a bit deeper on each thrust. It was really uncomfortable. I wasn't like being split in half, but I sure knew why some guys might think that. Mark was hooting and hollering as Ram did him. I am more of a grit your teeth guy.

Vince must have been seven or eight inches in when I lost it. I couldn't fight Vince's relentless thrusts. I felt as if his cock occupied me. I belonged to his cock. I relaxed and the monster went deep. It winded me. Vince was administering CPR through my ass. I couldn't think and Vince did all the thinking anyone needed to do at the time.

He stopped and pulled out. It was quiet except for heavy breathing.

"Damn!" Mark said. "That was a trip!" I looked over and saw Ram's cock freed from Mark's ass. "Did you shoot?"

"No." Ram said. "It takes a long session for me to pop. I just though you could use a breather."

"I was getting to the point of no return here." Vince said. "I figured Catfish wouldn't mind a rest period. I've never fucked a guy as small. I don't want to break him." Vince looked at me and smiled. "You're a trooper. We don't have to finish up, if you don't want to." I didn't want him back in my ass until the second he said that. My balls must have shot a load of hormones into my brain at just that second. I was horny as hell and Vince's cock was the only thing that would hit the spot.

"I'm not a sex therapist," said Billy, "but let me suggest a change. You tops lie back and let Catfish and Mark sit on your cocks. Let them do the work for a while. That's the way I like it when I'm taking big meat. It's a good `getting acquainted' position." That seemed like a good idea to me.

"Do you like big meat?" Mark asked. Billy was two inches shorter and 60 pounds heavier than me. His cock was half erect and had a filament of precum dripping from his slit. Mark reached over, intercepted a bead of precum and tasted it. "Not bad." he said with the air of a wine connoisseur tasting a new vintage. Everyone laughed.

"It sounds to me like you've been making a study of taking big cocks in small holes, Billy." Ram said. "Is it ready for publication yet?"

"There is still some field work to do." Billy said. I decided to try Bill's approach, so I straddled Vince and lowered my ass hole onto his cock. Billy had been watching and he re coated the monster with lube. It was still big, but since I was in control, it was much easier. I could stop and try again anytime I had a problem.

I had been half erect until he got five inched in, then I had a raging hard-on. Mark saw this and decided to followed suit. He knew a good thing when he saw it. Vince looked really happy as he cock went in deeper and deeper. Mark and I were face to face, so when Mark began his descent on Rams cock I could see him.

It was nice to have someone take the ride with me. I knew he was feeling the same sensations as the cocks began to occupy our asses. Billy was right. I was a lot more comfortable with the monster in my ass. I even was doing the fancy dance on the love pole when it was fully embedded.

We broke apart again and regrouped. Mark and I sixty-nined while Vince fucked me speed eagle style and Ram took Mark doggy style. Ram popped first and that set off a chain reaction of orgasms. It turned out to be fun for everyone. Vince and Ram had a meeting early the next morning, so they had to leave. Billy left too.

Mark was usually always ready for a night cap, but he fell asleep. When I woke the next morning, it was nine already. I smelled bacon. Mark had made breakfast.

"It really takes it out of you, doesn't it?" Mark said. "I haven't slept past seven in years. Are you okay?"

"Sure. I have to admit feeling a bit stretched." I said. "You may not have noticed this, but I'm not a virgin, but I felt like a virgin last night."

"Me too, trusting myself to the kindness of gentlemen is a problem when the gentleman has the Dick of Death." Mark said. "It's strange. I felt naked. I was brought up a good southern Baptist and I felt that way in Junior High when I first showered with other guys. No kid was ever more embarrassed. I was already hairy and funny looking, thank God, my cock was big." he continued, then he paused.

"Did it bother you seeing the cock in my ass?" he asked. "I've never been fucked while another guy was sucking me. It kind of makes it difficult to have any secrets. Everything is either hard or oozing."

"It didn't bother me. Actually I think it turned me on." I said. "I looked up and saw your balls hanging there and then Ram's right next to them. I knew he was as deep as he could go. Ram moaned as he shot off and you began to shoot. It seemed his cock was forcing the cum from your balls. Every time he rammed you, you squirted."

"I just couldn't believe you could take it all." Mark said. "You are so small and it was so big. It seemed like a physical impossibility."

"Shit, it seemed that way to me a few times last night!" I said. The phone rang. It was John. One of the laborers on the job had found a five-gallon gas container. It was one of the containers that blew from the truck. It had a metal tag soldered to the underside of the tank. It said "Property of Victoriaville Farm and Seed." Victoriaville was eight miles from my hometown and the site of the Holy Roller Church Buddy's wife went to. A fucking clue at last, I thought.

I told John about my trip to the funeral and what I had suspected there.

"A fucking clue at last!" he said.

"You took the words out of my mouth! I think we need to have a meeting on this." I said. John told me everyone was out of town or busy. Sunday afternoon would be the first time we could get together. I said, I'd call Vince and let him in on it. John hung up.

I called Vince and woke him up. He said he'd get on it right away. Mark and I finished breakfast and went back to bed. We didn't sleep much. I was too excited and Mark was too horny. He seemed to think a good fucking would relax me. That made no sense to me at all, but it's what we did.

It turned out to be a good plan after all. After Vince, Mark was easy and he slid in and I went floating off to horny homosexual heaven. I couldn't believe how good it felt. Vince hadn't rearranged anything inside me and Mark's cock head felt like an old friend. We traded positions after a while and my cock seemed to fit his ass better and it seemed he enjoyed it more.

Over the next few hours we traded positions several times. I fucked him four times and he got me six. I have to admit I was getting to be partial to having Mark's meat probing my insides. It's hard to believe, but our adventure the night before with our horse hung friends must have opened us up. I was getting to be truly versatile. You can teach old dogs new tricks, if the tricks are fun. I knew things were changed when I fell asleep with Marks cock in my ass. He fell asleep too. His cock was long enough to stay in, even when he was soft. I woke when he began to firm up again.

I twitched a few times and Mark did more that firm up. It was strange to have something growing in my ass. It was nice, but strange. The phone rang. It was Freddy Williams. He was downstairs and needed to talk. I broke off from Mark, showered and when down to the office.

Freddy and Billy were there. Freddy was our accountant-type partner. He had been running what we called the Nerd Patrol'. The Nerd Patrol' was cruising the internet looking for clues. Most of the nerds were retired cops and firemen who had a lot of spare time. Several were on disability and the Patrol provided a welcome source of additional income.

They went hunting for web sites and chat rooms that were equivocal in their condemnation of the bombing. If you are on line for ten or twelve hours a day, you can do a lot of looking. There are thousands of sites, so you could only dent the potential. I thought it was a needle in the haystack. That isn't the way the Nerds saw it.

They entered each site into a common data base and Freddy compiled it. They searched it for repetitive entries. They also had separated anti-Semitic, anti-gay and anti-abortion sites. There was considerable overlap. The Anti-Gay-Anti-Abortion link was odd. The link between gays and abortion eluded me. I assumed that Jews were included as part of the great tradition of hate. They had summarized their searches the night before and Freddy wanted to go over the findings.

They too were beginning to focus on the Anti-Abortion angle. Virginia was a center for religious freaks. Richmond was surrounded by whackos in Tidewater and in the foothills of the Blue Ridge. Hate Christianity is a growth industry in Virginia. They pussyfooted around sponsorship of actual hate crimes. "Wink, wink, nod, nod," was their rule. Hatred is a much better tool for fund raising than love, peace and brotherhood. It's more fun to fight the devil than help the poor, or minister to the sick.

They needed enemies; our little section of Richmond's real estate was filled with enemies real and imagined. The preachers pretended they wanted them to be vanquished by lightening strikes, fire and brimstone, but they would settle for explosives in a pinch.

Freddy had done a thorough job. Computer types aren't prone to be sloppy and the Nerd Patrol was no exception. They had found 5,320 sites and had 370 major ones. Many of the lesser sites were take-offs of the bigger ones, with no new materials. They copied or plagiarized the big boys. I asked how many were in Virginia. Most didn't indicate where they were, but 271 identified Virginia as their home.

Several of the Nerds had joined in hate chat rooms and became regulars. They posed as potential converts. Freddy was deep into three or four local chat rooms and had a good feel for what was going on.

"The phrase which pops up is "doing God's work" I've been finding that in several Bible Thumper rooms." Freddy said. "Carl and Lou have been encountering it elsewhere in Virginia. The Tidewater groups seem to be comparatively quiet, but the Piedmont areas are awash in it."

"Do you think it's an accidental recurrence?" Billy asked.

"I thought it might be but Carl thinks it's an official line. Someone has been proposing it as a justification for the bombing." Freddy said. "Carl's really into chat rooms and knows their dynamics. He says you usually don't find repetitive comments, unless it appears in the mass media or on what I call fruit and nut call in program. Carl listens to them too."

"Who is Carl?" I asked.

"He's a 74 year old, retired fireman." Freddy answered. "I think he was way to the right, until this happened. Killing firemen was too much for him."

"No chance he's giving information to the other side, is there?"

"His Grandson was the fireman, burned alive in his truck next to the temple." Freddy said.

"I'm sorry." I said. "I didn't know."

"You're right to ask, we don't need spies." Freddy replied. "Carl's bedridden now, he's got diabetes bad, so couldn't get to the funeral. He doesn't sleep, he just searches the net, looking for clues."

"Does he have a theory?" I asked.

"He seems to be focusing on a group in South-West Virginia between Lynchburg and the North Carolina border.." Freddy said.

"That's my stomping grounds." I exclaimed. "Damn! I was there last week."

"Did you notice any strange religious groups springing up there?"

"As a matter of fact I did." I said with the flair of a magician. "There is an odd group there and I have the local cops looking into it already." I explained my cousin Buddy's situation and the group his wife had taken up with.

I was on the phone to Buddy and got the particulars. The Church was called the Victory Temple and the preacher was Dr. Lucas Paul. It was the sole remaining building in what had been Victoriaville, Virginia. It had been the Victoriaville Methodist Church and they were able to reuse part of the sign. "Cheep-ass Bastards" was the way Buddy described them. I told him to keep this call close to his chest. He said, the sheriff was coming over that night and he would have him call me.

Freddy called Carl and told him the names. He said Carl would look into it immediately.

Mark came down from my apartment and said, hello. Freddy hadn't met him before. Billy had been there the night before. I had a feeling Billy had let Freddy know the details of last nights festivities.

Freddy had an odd approach to sex. He looked like a middle-aged accountant who would only have sex with his laptop. He was a horny guy and seemed to be genuinely bisexual. He had a girl friend he had met at a swinger's group. He also liked men. He didn't mix the two interests. The woman didn't know of his interest in men. I could sense Freddy was ready for some relaxation time. I was a good two hours since the last time I shoot off. It seemed to me some relaxation was in order.

Next: Chapter 22: Catfish and Company 6

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