Millennium Construction Company

Published on Feb 9, 2019


Catfish Sort of Retires 3

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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My Computer guy, Edward, discovered that one of the men who accessed the treasure site and the Blackbeard treasure was named Nathan West. He was the president of the TerraSeach Corporation. Edward loved names like TerraSearch. It said nothing about the business. Were they surveyors; did they do soil tests, deed searches or were they archaeologists?

The firm had a professional looking web site, but it was an off-the-shelf, fill-in-the-blank template. The text said they provided for all your needs. The Board of Directors were just place holder's names. There was a President, Nathan West. It had biography, including a degree from M.I.T. Edward checked and West had attended M.I.T., but he had not graduated.

He had a criminal record of minor crimes, included trespassing, interference with a grave, and selling artifacts. He was clearly a treasure hunting looter of historic sites. West's crimes did not involve violence. I called a pal from the National Park Service. He told me to talk to Samuel Jefferson, who specialized in illegal artifacts.

Sam was helpful. For him the biggest problem was damaging archaeological sites. A Civil War bullet or an arrowhead had little value alone, but the site could be ripped up searching for the object. This was a bigger problem for Indian sites than for Civil War sites. West was banned from National Parks by court order. The park service also noted he had mental problems.

Linwood called and we arranged a meeting with him and his friend Doug. The path to lust was not straight. I expected my pals at 3:00. At 1:00 there was a fire at Juan, Raoul and Andy's house near the entrance to my driveway. Mid-afternoon was the heart of the usual working day, but Ralph's early start and his mid-day siesta meant the house was occupied. Gustavo got a good look at the man who tossed a Molotov Cocktail at the house. A few minutes later everyone at the farm was either on the chase or protecting the families.

The perpetrator escaped, but there were traces of his path. The trail vanished at the paved road, but there were tire imprints on the shoulders. Things settled down just before my friends arrived. The search was moving away from the farms, so it was quiet. It had become was a hot and muggy lazy day on the Bay.

The visit by Linwood and Doug was good. I was even better when Ralph and Rod came by. I guessed that Linwood's interest in anal sex was sincere since he had shot off while we were discussing it. Rod had told me he was interested in being fucked. Ralph and I were very experienced, Doug knew the ropes. Linwood and Rod were new to the scene but interested.

I'm not interested in fucking new guys. I've always said my cock doesn't come with training wheels. It like climbing Mt. Everest when your only experience was climbing Beacon Hill in Boston. It worked a few times with obsessed Size-Queens, but that was rare. I figured that with five men, someone's cock would fit.

Sometimes things just fall into place. The men were good-looking average guys, but they weren't so good looking that you were uneasy. Everyone was in the mood. Doug, Ralph and I all lacked the shyness gene, so the action started almost immediately. Everyone seemed to like their manly playmates. Linwood's pelt was the focus of admiring looks. Once the men were aroused, their cocks knew what to do. Doug remarked it looked like a convention of missing links. He was fully erect, so I knew that was a compliment, not a complaint.

Ralph loved Linwood's hairy balls and sucked them as I fucked Ralph. I pulled out so Linwood could enter Ralph. That was totally successful for both of them. I was pretty sure Ralph would open Linwood's ass before they went home. Andy dropped in and soon discovered Rod's ass. For years, Rod had been frightened of making a pass at younger men. He was perfectly fine with a younger man making a pass at him. Andy's tool hit the good spots on the first poke and discovered Rod's prostate.

I sucked Rod as Andy fucked him. When Andy filled Rod's ass with man seed, I took Rod's impressive load. Rod was winded but happy. I was pretty happy too. By then Ralph was entering Linwood's hole. I went over and told Linwood to spread his legs to make it easier for Ralph.

"You're already fucked. You can't be a half virgin. Let him in all the way," I suggested. Linwood moved his legs. That little movement shifted his prostate into position for a direct attack by Ralph's cock. Linwood moaned in pleasure.

I felt rather virtuous. Two middle-aged men had just discovered intense sex. We all relaxed and played in the water before Ralph had to be back to work. The group broke up.

I had a call from Templeton about the attack. I said all was well. He suggested that I call the Sheriff and get more overt protection. I thought that was good idea. One police car could keep all the drive ways in view. I called the Sheriff and suggested a retired officer would do the trick, and I would pay for his services.

Retired county Deputy Max Dennison showed up that evening. Max was about sixty. He was in good shape but had a non-functioning arm due to a bullet wound. That forced his retirement, but he was eager to be of use and liked to be where the action was. Max seemed to be related to half the residents of the county and knew everyone. He knew his stuff.

He knew the Totten clan and others who were partial to get rich quick schemes. He told me they had circulated a photograph of Nathan West and he had spent some time in the area recently. Max knew the desk clerk in a motel that tended to rent its rooms by the hour. The clerk usually wouldn't give out names, but Max was helpful to him when there were problems, so the clerk gave information to him.

West's visits did not coincide with the arson incidents. He came with another man, Frank Dumont, who took the next room. The desk clerk remembered they had a large van filled with equipment. They wanted a room where he could see the van. The desk clerk also had the license plate number.

I called Edward, the guy at my office who was interested in the treasure hunting scam. Names, arrest records and license plates were all he needed for a few nights of entertainment. I have special, dark spot in my heart for muggers. Edward felt the same way about con men. He hated deceit. He seemed to have some online pals who felt the same way. When he asked for information about a name, there might soon be between 40 and 50 people looking for the same name.

Max knew everybody in the county and knew where they lived. He noticed that Red Dog Smith was passing by the farms with unusual regularity. Max had been the first cop to put Red Dog in jail years earlier. Red Dog was just shy of being crazy enough to be committed to a prison for the criminally insane.

Red Dog was lucky to confine his violent out breaks to trailer parks and isolated shanties. He was a bottom feeder. Those who dwelt in the low, flood prone parts of the county tended to be tolerant of violence. Red Dog did not get close to the cottages and mansions on the Bay. Max was puzzled. This was his sort of crime, but in the wrong neighborhood.

"If someone was looking for local muscle, would Red Dog be your man?" I asked.

Max thought a little. "I guess that could be. Red Dog can fly off the handle easily. I think he would be hard to control," he replied. "He tends to strike out at the nearest guy. He's not too picky." It was a useful conversation.

Max dropped by regularly, since I was nearest to his stake out, and essentially lived alone during the week. He knew who was visiting me and he noticed they seemed to share a common characteristic. Max had great gaydar.

"For a new guy to the neighborhood, you have lots of local pals," he mentioned.

"I get along with people well," I said.

"Do you share common interests? he asked.

"That's one way to say it," I replied. "You seem to know everyone in the county. Do we have some friends that overlap?"

"Only one I know for sure. Charley the Crab Man told me you met," Max said. "He liked you a lot. He likes big men."

"You like big men?" I asked.

"I sort of do. I get turned on by the big part more than man part," he explained. "That sounds sort of tacky."

"Like the men who like big breasts, but don't like women?" I asked.

"I was married to a wonderful woman for 35 years. She died two years ago," he continued. "My old interest came back when I connected with Charley. I was feeling low and we drank too much. I couldn't believe it was as good as it was."

We talked a little more and then went to the pool. We stripped. Since he had a non-functional arm and I was short a leg, we made a fine pair. Max was bald and muscular with a hairy chest and a treasure trail to a beautiful cock. It was the sort of cock you see in old paintings of ancient gods. I am scrawny and shaggy. My cock turned out to be all he wanted. Max was heterosexual until confronted with a horse-hung man.

I am not particularly affectionate, but I am friendly and even handed. He just wanted my cock, but I paid attention to his organ anyway. I am not sure he expected this. I think he was a quick blow job in a dark place kind of man. We moved into the sixty-nine position when he began to tense-up and then shot off. I took it as my cock immediately responded and I flooded his mouth.

I think Max was the strong, silent type. He would be a great poker player. His cock, however, was responsive and sensitive. I'm not sure a cock can be emotional, but his cock seemed uninhibited and expressive. I could sense his enthusiasm in his twitches and cock drool. Max had an average sized cock, but he must have had months of sperm stored somewhere in his body. He took every drop of my load. I continued to suck as his cock deflated and took all the post orgasmic juices.

"Shit," he said, "I've never done that before."

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm a lot better than okay," Max replied. "It's new to me."

"Taking a mouthful of cum, or simultaneously shooting off?"

"Both!" he answered. "I didn't know I could do what I did. I think I should be embarrassed, but it felt so good. I felt that I was in love."

"I wouldn't make any generalizations about that until the buzz from the orgasm fades and you cock stops dribbling sperm," I said. "I'm in love with every man I'm shooting off with. I'm afraid the feelings fade!"

"It was good," Max said. He was smiling as he looked at my cock. "Damn it's a beauty." He stuck out his tongue and licked a dribble of my sperm. We talked a little longer and they he got dressed and went home. The next day he came to see me.

"You told me yesterday that the feeling fade," he said. "They didn't, but they are odd."

"What do you mean about odd?" I asked.

"I seem to love your cock, but I'm not too sure about the rest of you," he replied. "You are okay, but I really want your cock. I was afraid you would think that's insulting."

"It is attached, so if you like it, I'm on for the ride!" I said, "I am afraid I like sex and your motive for blowing me is incidental. I'm fine with friends with benefits. I'm not sure about assholes with benefits, but I can assure you I know what to do with an asshole!"

Max laughed, "I am afraid my asshole may be off limits." He was on his way to watch the drive and went off to his duties. He asked if he might drop by later. I said that was fine, but Templeton might be there. "Templeton is a member of the fraternity, and he won't mind."

It was a long, hot day. I sat on the shore under an umbrella watching the birds and boats. I knew most of the neighbors' boats and made a mental note of any unusual activity. There was nothing unusual. It was a lazy afternoon that had been rare when I was working. I went back to the house at 3:00, showered and went treasure hunting on my computer. I am stunned at the gullibility of some people. Some of the web sites were semi-credible, but many didn't make any effort at credibility. One claimed that Cleopatra hadn't died, that an asp was an Egyptian ship and she sailed to the new world, married an Aztec God-King and buried her gold and jewels near El Paso.

Edward had described this sort of thinking as an, "If this, and this and this were true and it was a full moon during a planetary alignment, this also could be true." I was afraid there was probably some jerk with a metal detector investigating a used car lot somewhere in El Paso.

Templeton arrived with groceries for the next week. He said some friends were coming on Saturday for the weekend. I mentioned that Max might drop in. Templeton had seen Max patrolling the highway. He didn't know Max, but he knew of him. He was a fixture of county life. Templeton put the groceries away and went to his room to change for a swim. Max called and asked if it was okay to drop by. I told him Templeton was home and would like to talk with him. I asked if he would like to take a dip in the pool. He said he didn't have any trunks. I told him it was an all-male pool. He was fine with that.

Max arrived and we went to the pool. We were in the pool when Templeton joined us. Templeton is handsome and hung. I saw a look for admiration on Max's face when he saw Templeton naked. A few minutes later Ralph came by and jumped in the pool. Ralph, Max and Templeton were all local boys and got along well. They were soon were exchanging stories.

Above the water line they were reminiscing, below the water's surface they were fondling each other's genitals. It started with an accidental bump, and then a glancing contact of a hand. If the hand touched an erect cock, all was well. Things were really good in the pool. Even Max was comfortable and excited. Under water explorations are both exciting and discrete.

Ralph and Templeton could suck cock under water. Max and I were beneficiaries of that skill. Max was interested in Templeton and Ralph took care of me. Soon Templeton was sitting on the edge of the pool as Max sucked him. I noticed again the Max lost all of his shyness confronted by a big cock. Templeton was comfortable with playmates into cock worship.

Ralph and I weren't shy and gave a demonstration of advanced sexual techniques. We took a break after about fifteen minutes and talked. Max apologized for being new to the scene. He told us he had a few quick blow jobs in the gym in High School. He had liked it, but he was scared and didn't reciprocate. "A big older boy did me, but I didn't even thank him," he said. "It was after a football game in an equipment room."

"When was that?" Ralph asked.

"I'm not exactly sure, the early Eighties I would guess," Max said.

"I remember that. You can thank me now, if you want to," Ralph said. "You fed me my first load then you ran off. I was sort of relieved. I wasn't sure if I should thank you or spit it out. I thought spitting might be rude! God, we were young."

"The only thing I remember was the guy had red hair," Max said.

"Taking the load and swallowing is always in the best of taste!" I said.

"I still remember the taste," Max said.

"For your information, Catfish and Templeton serve the Chateau Lafitte of man sperm," Ralph said. "Or so I've been told." Templeton rolled his eyes.

"I don't have vintage sperm; I make it fresh every day," I said. Everyone laughed.

"I still like it. Are you into it, Max?" Ralph asked.

"It's a bit public here," he replied.

"Catfish and Templeton are old friends. I think of them as family. There is room at the table," Ralph said. "If your erection means anything, you are already dressed and ready!" Max went over to Ralph and began sucking.

"Do you think we should wait? Has Max taken multiple loads before?" Templeton asked in a whisper.

"He loved mine. I think he would go crazy with yours," I said. Ralph was moaning as he shot off. Max took it and moved on to Templeton.

Ralph came over to me. "I've got an inch in a hard to reach place," he whispered to me. "Cold you scratch it?"

"I've got some salve to rub on it, if you don't mind an oversized applicator," I replied.

Ralph smiled. "If you take your time, I think I'll be okay," he said. "My partner Rob took his time. He was tender and affectionate."

I took my time and Ralph's ass was a full participant. I was in him for twenty minutes or so. I just provided the cock. Ralph's sphincter did the work. He moaned as I lost the battle to hold off my orgasm. He shot off at the same time. You feel close to a man as you feel him forcing the cum through his cock as you fill him with your home brew. Max watched us with great interest.

After playtime he told us that the police made substantial progress. The connection to the Cape Cod case exposed other cases on East Coast, including in New Bern, North Carolina; Savanna, Georgia and near St. Augustine in Florida. All of these cities had credible or semi-credible connections with Blackbeard.

Edward checked these connections. They were all on the Atlantic Coast, but some of the legends dated from romantic, late 19th Century novels. As he checked out these sites, he found that Barbe Noir had comments on any website that mentioned Black Beard. Looking for the name was a dead end, but Edward decided to check each e-mail comment in case someone messed up.

Our investigation was moving quickly. The Sherriff and Max had strong leads on the local suspects, and we had identified some of the possible out of state actors. The FBI wanted the locals to hold off on the small fry. They thought there were more important actors, related to the trade in stolen antiquities and art objects.

This seemed silly to me. I thought treasure hunters were mostly small-time men with big dreams and little chance of success. I talked to Samuel Jackson for the Park Service. He said that was 95% of the action, but that even billionaires sometimes retain fantasy dreams from their youth. "Some financially support legitimate expeditions and excavations, but a few don't want to find King Tut's tomb; they want to own it. They want to have the treasure in a basement vault where they alone can see it," Jackson explained.

"There are art collectors who want to be the only one to see a great painting. If it's stolen, that is fine. They just want to possess it," he added.

"Is this a mental problem?" I asked.

"If you are wealthy enough, you are not crazy, you have an interesting eccentricity," Samuel replied. I understood. Delaying the arrests left us in limbo and Max continued to watch the driveways. Gustavo and Bronco found a recently dug pit in the woods of the edge of the property. They would keep an eye on that if there were return visitors. Amy had been doing a history of the property for a school project and thought it was near the site of the quarters, the settlement housing the plantation's slaves.

Next: Chapter 209: Catfish Sort of Retires 4

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