Millennium Construction Company

Published on Feb 1, 2019


Catfish Sort of Retires 2 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Since my crew did cyber searches in the gaps between major investigations, they were slower than usual. I discovered one of my retired geeks, Edward, was into treasure hunting, or more correctly into fraudulent treasure hunting. Edward was a retired Sociology and Anthropology professor who specialized in Eastern Woodland Indians. There were a group of "collectors" who liked destroying ancient Indians sites. While a few were genuinely interested in Indian Culture, most just liked the artifacts. More than a century earlier, treasure hunters divided in to two groups, archaeologists and looters.

Edward was interested in treasure hunters as a sociological phenomenon. Men and women who would devote themselves to a one in a million chance to find treasure as opposed to having a job interested him. There was a better chance of winning the lottery than finding treasure. Edward didn't know of Amy's treasure hunting web site, but it excited him. He investigated it for me.

Back on the Bay it was clear that Ralph was a good neighbor and good farmer. Thaddeus was a bit lackluster and casual about farming. He was a gentleman farmer. Ralph was a ball of fire. He discovered that some of the crops were unsuited for the area and climate. He found better and more productive plant varieties. I think Thaddeus did things when he remembered. Ralph had a firm schedule of activities, and he did these at the right time. He also realized that his farmhands could farm Carlton Hill in the slow periods at Good Luck. He didn't need to increase the staff.

Alex was interested in horses, so Ralph began preliminary plans for horse boarding. There was an impressive barn that had been largely abandoned. It was well suited to be a stable. His plans included trails around the property. He wanted to make the farm look active and thriving.

Julia and her sons and Alex with her daughters had their own social lives. Since Ralph and Templeton were old friends, Ralph dropped by regularly. Andy, Julio and Raoul came by periodically, sometimes with Gustavo. Gustavo shared a common interest with us.

Andy was now working for me only two days a week and was doing four days at the nursery. I like to think of myself as being young, but no one else does. An over sexed old guy is a dirty old man. Ralph and I had a talk with Andy about that. I knew he was always polite to his elders, and was worried that Andy was just being polite, and wasn't that interested.

Andy told us that some of his earlier experiments with sex weren't ideal. They weren't bad. They were fast and he got off, but they were lacking something. When he had visited Ralph and his late partner, he discovered what was missing. Ralph's partner treated him as a friend, not just a playmate. He took his time; it wasn't just a race to shoot off. Andy said I was the same. He said I was more fun, and sex lasted longer.

Ralph had a number of friends from his youth in the area. His interest in man sex was not new, and he wasn't shy. He asked me if he might come by and introduce me to his pals once and a while. I asked him if he needed a crash pad for non-platonic friends. He admitted that was what he wanted. He was living in an upscale double wide with in view of the main house and the entrance road. Julia and her sons could see it.

"They know I'm gay and they are okay with that, but they don't know how gay I am," he explained. I understood. Ralph wasn't in the closet, but he was discreet. He didn't flaunt his sexual preferences. I talked with Templeton. He that it was fine with him and I was okay with that. He and Ralph grew-up in the area, but they didn't have the same friends. I think he was interested in meeting new men and having new experiences. I called Ralph and told him it was fine.

"One or two of the guys I talked to might like to meet you too." Ralph said. "I mentioned you to them. One of the men is a bit of a size queen. I mentioned you fit the bill. If that is too much information to tell him, I hope I haven't hurt your feelings."

"If I told you I'm more interested in my cock's feelings in a tight ass, would you be surprised?" I replied.

Ralph laughed. "I had a suspicion that would be your reaction," he said.

I wasn't that surprised when Ralph called me the next day and wanted me to meet Charley the Crab Man. He owned a restaurant on the water two towns away. The food was simple and good. It wasn't fancy, but when you had fresh seafood caught that morning, it's hard to go wrong. His fish of the day was indeed the fish caught that morning.

Charley was beefy and sported a white beard that was Hollywood's idea of a what an old fisherman should look like. He was out going and cheerful, as you would expect of an old fisherman. He came with a pal, Doug. Doug was Charley's special friend. He was a house painter who looked a little like Sam Elliot. We talked some and ended up in my bedroom. "Catfish, I haven't played with a new guy in a few years," Charley said. "I may be out of practice."

"I think it's like riding a bike, once you've figured it out, it comes back really quickly," Doug volunteered.

I was on the bed and Charley went for my cock as I sucked Doug. Doug hadn't talked much but his cock did the talking for him. His cock was into it big time. Charley treated my cock as if it was a rare delicacy, it was to be savored and explored. I apparently began to ooze precum at the same time that Doug's cock began to drool. It was as if he had turned on the precum faucet.

Charley loved my cock juices. After a while the men switched positions. I had a feeling that Doug was a reserved man, the strong silent type. Once he began sucking me, he became enthusiastic. He wanted to deep throat me. Charley's cock was more head than shaft, and he had a wide drooling slit.

"I'm getting close," Charley said, "Where do you want my load?"

"Where do you like to make a deposit?" I asked.

"Given my druthers, I like to leave it deep in an ass," he said. I pulled up my legs exposing my hole. A second later he switched place with Doug and was squirting in my ass. He must have had a month's supply of sperm stored in his balls. If you want to make a new friend quickly, I had found the perfect way.

Since he was Doug's lover, I asked him if he would mind if I stretched his ass and made my own deposit in him. He said that was fine. "Sometimes guys get a bit emotional when I fuck them," I observed. Doug smiled in approval.

I had assumed that Charley had some experience and was right about that. He ran a restaurant and was the perfect host. His hole was already lubricated. His sphincter caressed my cock I eased into him. He shivered and moaned a few times when I hit new spots. It was both relaxing and stimulating. I fucked him until he shot off. Doug was there to take the load.

We talked as we cooled down, and the arson outbreak was the main subject of discussion. Both men were local, but they didn't have any obvious suspects. An interest in arson doesn't just pop-up up out of nowhere. They assumed it was a summer visitor. I knew this might be a standard reaction. Most people don't suspect a neighbor.

Charley thought it might be a part time resident, but everyone who came to his restaurant was a big tipper. He placed big tips high on his list of virtues.

"You have forgotten the Jersey Boys," Doug chimed in. "They ate a lot, drank too much and left after causing a stir, without paying a tip!"

"At least they were just passing through," Charley said.

"They weren't just passing through. I saw them at Digby's Palace," Doug replied. "I was working at Doc Williams' place and I saw them there."

Doug explained Digby's Palace was a single wide trailer owned a local character who wasn't quite right. It didn't meet any local building and zoning standards, but Digby was such a pain to work with, they let it go. Digby was long dead, and the Jersey Boys were the new residents.

Doug told us the Jersey Boys didn't fish, swim or boat. They owned some strange looking equipment, which Doug didn't recognize except for some metal detectors. Metal detectors are standard equipment for relic hunters looking for Civil War memorabilia. I'm not that into the Civil War, but I knew this area was not much involved in any major battles.

Charley had to get back to the Crab Man Restaurant. We showered, and I gave Charley a good by poke in the ass. Charley went to the car, and Doug asked if I would object to a solo session some time. I told him that was fine with me.

"Your cock is a turn on, but I'm not sure my hole is ready for prime time. Can you be careful?" he asked. I told him that was not a problem. Doug was more receptive than I had guessed. I think he was into getting fucked and didn't admit it to himself. When he left, I called the Sherriff and told him about the Jersey Boys. The trailer was in the next county, but the local sheriffs were all pals.

Edward called me with a list of e-mail addresses of people who had commented on Blackbeard's Treasure. He was doing searches on them. I gave those names to the Sherriff too. Sheriff Tucker had done a search for recent tickets and disturbing the peace arrests. He found four tickets for New Jersey residents, three were from one town, Hackensack. That raised a little flag.

Templeton and I took a drive to look at Digby's Palace. Doc Williams was Templeton's friend, social, not sexual. We saw him doing yard work and stopped. Almost everyone is willing to take a break from yard work. He knew nothing about the people renting Digby's Palace.

"Digby was a trial as a neighbor, but I got used to him. I hadn't realized he was upscale compared to the people who have lived there since he died. The current group seems to vary between three and ten men, and they seem to sleep through the day and go out at night. The don't fish, swim or go out on a boat," Doc said. "They seem to have a lot of equipment. I have no idea what it's for, but I guess it's some fancy metal detectors." I took a mental note that all the fires were set at night. We didn't learn much, but I got all the license plate numbers of the parked cars at the house. There was one Virginia license. I gave that information to the Sherriff. Templeton returned to Richmond that night.

The next day was rainy so I spent it indoors. Doug called me and asked if he could come by. He had a friend who he thought would like me. Of course, it was fine with me. He arrived a half hour later with an older man, Rodney. Rodney was about my age and a retired gym teacher.

Rodney had spent his entire teaching career avoiding sex with men. He had friend who had strayed and had lost his job and family due to a misjudgment with a student. Rodney walked the straight and narrow path, but he was free now. Rodney had a limited sexual repertoire. He sucked and let men suck him. He knew there was a lot more but his years in the closet and shyness limited his ability to experiment.

He was nervous and uneasy. Luckily, he had fetish for large cocks. He had seen them, but never intimately. When we got naked, he was entranced. He was in good shape for a man his age, but he wasn't handsome. He was the sort of man who is more appealing to other men that to women. He was comfortable with me since I am not handsome either. I knew the being ugly with a big cock is not the same as being ugly.

Rodney was fully erect. "Sorry about that," he muttered.

I smiled. "I see everything is in full working order. Are you a fucker or a sucker?" I asked.

"I haven't done enough to have a preference," Rodney replied. "Doug is the first man I've gotten completely naked with. We sucked."

"You liked that?"

"I loved it," Rodney replied. "It was wonderful."

"Rod's shy, but once he gets into it, he's fine," Doug said.

"Gay sex isn't pretty, but once you get into it, it gets better," I remarked. Doug was standing next to me. I leaned over and sucked him. Maybe thirty seconds later Rod began to suck me. A few minutes later, Doug surprised me when he filled my mouth with sperm. I knew he lost interest after he shot off, so he dressed and left.

"Catfish, there are a lot of things I would like to do, but I'm not sure I have that much nerve," Rod said. "You took Doug's load. Do you like that? I've never done that."

"I don't do that all of the time, but Doug was oozing precum and I liked that. It's also good when you feel his cock twitching and taste his cum. This may sound odd, if I like guy I know where he made it and where it's been." I said. "I used to take it because I'm hairy and getting dried sperm out of my hair is a pain. There is nothing to clean up and no evidence that anything happened at all. It keeps things neat."

"It that the same when you leave you load in a guy's ass?" he asked. He was on the bed next to me. The conversation was going nowhere so I sat up, pivoted and sat on his erect cock. I think Rod discovered the virtues of fucking a minute or two later. I thought he was going to shoot off immediately, but he held off for about twenty minutes. We talked as he cooled down.

I knew the names of the men who rented Digby's Palace and some of the men who were interests in the Blackbeard treasure site. There was a Virginian named Lou Totten at the Palace, and Fred Totten interested in the treasure site. I asked Rodney he knew anyone named Totten.

"Members of the Totten family are legendary at my school. They are old, mountain type hillbillies. Mostly unemployed and into moonshine and petty crime," Rodney said. "I was a hero to them because I gave their spawn a passing grade. No one ever flunked P.E., but they came close a few times."

"Were they from the mountains?" I asked.

"Shit no. the joke was that the family patriarch saw an old Ma and Pa Kettle movie and liked the look," he continued. "They are very clannish and their taste for marrying cousins caused some problems."

"Do you know of a Lou and Fred?"

"I had both of them in gym class. Fred was older. I would guess he 35 or so now. He was normal by the standards of the family. Lou is maybe 30 now. He was hopeless and pretty nasty. I was bigger than he was, but other teachers had problems," Rodney said. "I think he was developing mental problems just before he dropped out of school. Officially his mother was a cousin, but there was gossip it was his sister."

"Fred could have worked and made a living, but he liked half-baked get rich schemes. Most were either illegal or borderline illegal. He was caught a few times but never went to jail," Rod continued. "Judge Wilson knew him since he gone to school with his son and knew he couldn't think out a complicated scheme. The Judge would have a friendly chat with him and get the names of the ringleaders. Lou is nasty but will never go the jail. His mental condition will save him from that."

Lying next to a naked guy inspired my cock to get hard. Rod lost his interest in talking and started sucking. I surprised him when I shot off. He pulled off after the first spurt but return to lick up my cum and then suck up my post orgasmic drool.

"I sorry I surprised you," I said.

"I was shocked when you popped. It took a little time to realize that I was more turned on than shocked," Rod said. "Do you think Doug would like me to take his?"

"I wouldn't worry too much about that," I said.

"I have to go. Do you think we could do this again?" he asked. I said that would be fine.

As soon as he left, I called the Sherriff and mentioned the Totten name.

"Shit, I sent the names to the State Police without looking at them. I know all the Totten clan," he replied. "A dozen of them could be involved. They could be the arsonist and the mugger. The hit and run is unlikely. Damaging a car would be a big problem for them." He said he would have his men do some checking.

That night I was invited over to Alex Strauss' house for dinner. Her father and mother were there. We ate with the older daughters. Mrs. Strauss was with the younger girls. I gave them an update on the investigation. Amy's discovery was under investigation, and I emphasized that they needed to avoid the web site to make sure no one would suspect they were involved. Belmont Strauss was also worried about the soon to be ex-husband. He was trying to get alimony from Alex, saying he deserved to live in the style he had become accustomed to as her husband. "The man is not right," he complained.

Mr. Strauss had sent his chauffeur, Marty, down to make sure Amy and the girls were safe. He was a retired New York City cop, and a naturally suspicious man. They also had a housekeeper, Mrs. Washington and a cook, Martha Bullard. Both were substantial Church Ladies. Mrs. Washington had raised four daughters and sent them all to college on her modest income. She ran a tight ship.

Martha was a superb cook and had made friends with the Mexican field workers with her lunches. Mrs. Washington was a widow. Martha's husband was a retired Marine Sargent. He was the sort of man who thought it was wrong to have seven women alone in an isolated house. He just watched and made unexpected visitors uncomfortable. As a group, the chauffeur, house keeper, cook and the Mexicans were an impressive group, alert and concerned.

Good Luck Farm had Ralph and the farm hands as protection. Ralph was always busy, and active. He was ready to pitch in when necessary and he liked his employees to be busy too. It was a hot summer, so he adjusted work hours to avoid mid-day heat when possible. He hand delivered water and soft drinks to men working in the fields.

Templeton came with friends almost every weekend. Some came for a day on the Bay, some spent the night. We didn't share the same social circles, but I knew many of them professionally. My bedroom was in the old servants' quarters of the house, and had a little living area attached. I could go there and leave Templeton and his friends alone. During the week the men that Templeton called my harem visited me. The pool was a draw.

A few of Templeton's friends asked me if they might visit during the week. They also did this when we were alone and away from other guests. Most were straight and had a business relationship with Templeton. Mixing business with pleasure was bad for both the business and relationship part of the relationship. That was fine with me.

The first man to visit me was Linwood Thomas. He was a semi-retired stock broker. He was a widower with three grown children and specialize in handling charitable foundations assets. He had a knack for finding safe investments with good dividends. He called and told me he would be in the area for a meeting and would like to drop by after the meeting.

Linwood was in his early sixties, perfectly dressed and groomed. He was a golfer and had won his club championship a few times. We had nothing in common. I don't keep my sexual preferences hidden, so he knew my interests. I assume that was his interest too.

Linwood was diplomatic and direct, an unusual combination. He told me that he knew my office was successful and had helped many of his friends. He was reserved and private, but he said that we shared some common tastes. I asked him if he wanted a trip on the wild side.

"If I said I wanted a trip on the semi-wild side would you understand?" he asked. "I am interested but have been too timid to do any exploring. I am a fastidious man. I have been wondering if being a fastidious and timid man has meant I have missed some human experiences. I understand that you have not missed many."

"You are right about that, but I am surprised that I still find new pleasures," I said. I began unbuttoning my shirt. He did the same. While Linwood was dapper and well-groomed above his collar, he was furry under his expensive clothes. He was thin, and in good shape, but he had a thick coat of hair covering his front and back. His cock was almost hidden in his pubic bush.

"I'm uncomfortable with nudity," he said.

I bent over and licked his uncut cock. I then sucked his foreskin into my mouth and worked my tongue into the pucker. His knob met my tongue a half-inch in. As soon as I touched it, he began to shiver and ooze precum. I had thought his cock was small, but it just needed some inspirational sucking. Linwood was used to the quick suck in a dark place. I like sucking and I took my time.

He finally got enough nerve to suck me. It took him a little while to get into it. "Can guys get it all into their mouths?" he asked.

"A few can, but that's rare," I said. "It's easier to take it in the ass. A lot of guys like that," I said.

"I don't think I could take it," he replied. I returned to his cock and after one quick lick, he shot off. I took his entire load, a first for him apparently. It was a hot summer day and we went to the pool to cool off.

Ralph, Andy and Raoul joined us. Ralph liked Linwood a lot. He was a ginger bear and liked bears. Ralph was in the water talking with Linwood who was sitting on the edge. Ralph had to be careful in the sun with his pale skin and red hair.

"I guess you noticed the summer dress code is a bit informal," Ralph remarked. "Catfish keeps things laid back and informal."

"I've never skinny dipped before," Linwood said. "Actually, I never been naked outside before."

"We're all boys here. I used to like the school showers," Ralph said.

"They called me the chimp, or Sasquatch," Linwood said. "It wasn't the high point of my high school life."

"I liked the fur balls. The more hair the better. They looked like real men! The hairless boys were just jealous," Ralph replied. Andy swam over and swallowed Linwood's cock.

"Boy, it is informal here!" Linwood remarked. "What are the rules?"

"As far as I can tell, you shouldn't shoot off in the pool," Ralph said laughing. "Don't worry, Andy will take care of any orgasmic events."

"I shot off earlier," Linwood said.

"When you are visiting Catfish once is not enough!" Ralph said.

Linwood left after his second orgasm, but he asked me if he could visit again. "I haven't done much for you, but I have loved it here," he said.

"Please do visit me again. It's nice and quiet here, but I like company," I replied.

A week later Linwood called me. He asked if he could visit again. I said that would be fine.

"By the way, when I was there with Templeton, he told me about your arson problem. I mentioned that to my daughter who has a summer house on Cape Cod. They had a similar problem two years ago. It was an outbreak for about three months during the off season. It seemed to just go away, but it sounded like your situation. I thanked him for the information, and we agreed to meet the next day.

I went to my computer and checked the treasure hunting site. There was an article titled, "Blackbeard's Gold on the Cape." That was on hell of a coincidence. I called my office and the Sherriff. The Sherriff didn't believe in coincidences. He was a sensible man. He said he would call the State Police. They could connect to the FBI who could handle interstate crime. Two almost matching crimes could double the possible evidence.

Next: Chapter 208: Catfish Sort of Retires 3

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