Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jan 24, 2019


Catfish Sort of Retires 1 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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I knew my usefulness to the firm was diminishing and I has smart, driven employees who had showed their stuff and it was time for them to take the limelight. Catfish & Company was well established and had good clients. I thought it would be best if I retired and we had an official transfer of ownership. I wanted my older clients to get used to my new people. We became an employee owned corporation. That rewarded my best people, the field guys, the geeks and the administrators.

I decided to move out of the upstairs and live on one level. We needed a bigger office, so I sold the building. My building was in a marginal area when I bought it. The district had turned stylish and it was worth a bundle. I worked hard and never paid much attention to financial matters. My business manager took care of that. Betty was a middle-aged lady who remembered every dollar I spent. I had an IRA and she invested my money with Templeton. Officially I looked at my balance sheet once a year, but that always occurred during a big case, I barely noticed what she said.

It turned out that I was a wealthy man. I had never spent much, and my investments grew over 30 years. I bought an apartment in Richmond overlooking the James and part of a river house with Templeton on the Chesapeake Bay. It was his family's river house, so I bought Templeton's sister's part of the cottage. I tended to go there during the week and he was there on weekends.

This house was between two properties. To the north was Carlton Hill, a large, 19th century plantation house owned by someone named Strauss from New York who visited the house twice a year. To the south was Good Luck Farm. It was a working farm, with some cattle and a garden that produced produce for Washington and Baltimore. The owners were an elderly couple in a Retirement Community; their son, Thaddeus Schmitt ran the 1,500-acre farm.

Thaddeus was married with four sons. His wife was frazzled, his sons were what my mother would call a handful. Thaddeus was a gentleman farmer.

The Strauss family had a live-in caretaker, Juan. The place was on 500 acres so there was always work to be done. Juan had a staff of Mexicans, most of whom came from Juan's home town.

My river house was built on a small 150-acre lot in the early 1920s so there was always work to be done too. Templeton's mother had a formal garden that was over grown. I have a warm spot for pruning, so after a year, it was looking much better. The house had a secluded pool with a beautiful view of the bay. I liked sitting by the pool and watching boats go by. After a short while I recognized the regular Bay traffic of motor and sailboats. The house had a caretaker's cottage near the road. I rented it to some of Juan's workers. They kept the place in good repair.

My life was restful. I had thought I would miss the excitement of my job, but I think I underestimated how tired I was. I also had pretended that missing a leg was not a problem. It wasn't exactly a problem, but everyday tasks took quite a bit of effort.

There were problems at Good Luck Farm. The oldest son was kicked out of college his second year. The kids were wild, but it was a lot easier to be wild on a 1,500-acre farm in the middle no nowhere, than in the close quarters of a college. I met Thad Jr. several times and he was an impressively self-confident, ignorant kid. He had lots of attitude, unrelated to any achievements or skills.

His mother, Julia, came to see me and asked if I needed any chores to be done. Her son wouldn't do anything for her or for his father. I had gone as far as I could with the garden, so I said I would hire him to do the heavy work. I felt sorry for her.

Thad Jr. had been on his private school's football team and was big guy. I heard that he tended to be a bully, but bullies are one of my specialties. I had a few lucky breaks with Thad. He was relieved to be away for home for part of the day, and relieved from his father's constant nagging. I was better than his father. I think he had planned to hide behind bushes after I gave him his daily tasks. I am hands on guy, so I was working with him, so he didn't have the chance to do nothing.

He came with a back pack with a supply of pills and weed. When he turned his back, I threw them out. He said he was missing some things. I told him they were gone, and I thought the local Sheriff might be interested if he found them. I recognized some of the marks on the pills. I told him I was surprised there were available in this area and wondered if the state police might be interested. Thad wasn't the brightest bulb in the hardware store, but he got the message.

I was also willing to listen to him. Thad talked non-stop, mostly complaining about how unfair life was to him. He liked to drive fast cars and felt the police were unfair to him by fining him for speeding. When he cheated on a test, the professor was unfair by catching him. Thad was unaware that his view of life was warped. He helped me out for a few months and then went to Ohio to live with his Uncle. When he left, at least he had a sense of what physical work was like.

I can sort of drive, but my car isn't fitted for a one-legged driver. I have a lot of friends who like to drive me to the river as well as Templeton who usually comes every weekend in the summer. My pals usually stay a day or two enjoying the Bay and sex. I tend to be sexually generous.

Sometimes I just stay the weekend, but I like longer stays. Templeton left me well provisioned and I putter around. The garden requires constant effort, and I discovered an interest in birds. The Bay is rich in birds and they are fun to watch. When there are no cars at the house, the locals assume the house is empty, and I sometimes couples making out on the long driveway, out of sight from the main road.

During a hot spell, I saw two men skinny dipping in my pool. It is secluded and surrounded by a hedge. It took me a little time to see they were the men who were living in the tenant house, Julio and Raoul. They were good tenants, obsessively neat and quiet. I didn't want to bother them, but somehow, I tend to be attracted to naked men. I went out to say hello. They looked embarrassed, but I dropped my shorts and got in the pool with them.

The atmosphere changed dramatically. I realized they liked what they saw. The younger man, Raoul, got hard. Julio was semi-erect. While I was used to being undercover and hiding my feelings, hiding sexual excitement when I am naked is hard. My cock had no future as an undercover operative.

I also know that my erect cock does not diminish my sexual appeal. Several guys have told me my cock is my only sexual appeal. I stroked my cock, pulling back my foreskin to expose my cock head. Raoul politely licked my cock head before he tried to deep throat me.

I had noticed that using the word Latino to describe a person about the same as saying he or she is a New Yorker. Latinos from Mexico can be mostly Spanish, mostly Indian, or mostly something else. Julio was a hairy combination of Spanish and Italian. Raoul was smooth and mostly Indian. Both men were muscular and bigger than me.

I was sitting on the edge of the pool as Raoul sucked me. Julio was next to me, so I leaned over and sucked him. That was a good move on my part. They were lovers and Julio felt left out. If his creamy flow of precum was any indicator, Julio was now included and happy. We had a good time by the pool. I took Julio's cum and then kissed Raoul. That pleased both men. I told them to come by again when I was there.

I later found out that as gay Mexican men, their sexual experience with American men had been sucking them off. When I sucked Julio and took his load it was new and exciting. It takes two to have sex and I feel pleasure when the man I am with feels pleasure.

I noticed that Julio and Raoul came by when the temperature was in the upper eighties or higher. The cottage wasn't air conditioned, so I understood. Raoul bottomed for Julio. Eventually, I took Raoul's cock. He was a top-of-the-line fucker, vigorous but not wild. Apparently, the choice of top or bottom was status and age related, not a personal choice. The older man fucked the younger man. My sex life on the Bay was quieter than in Richmond. I told myself that I was just keeping my sexual equipment in good working condition with periodic use when I played with them.

On our trips to and from the Bay, Templeton told me about the Schmitt family. He grew up with the three Schmitt boys as his summer playmates. Thaddeus was old oldest, serious and responsible. John was the smart one. He had one son Andy who had problems according to Templeton. The third son was Ralph who was the nicest of the boys and Templeton's best friend. They discovered sex together. "We thought we invented it. We were clever and figured out most of it on our own," he explained. "Ralph left when his father found out about his sexual preferences."

Thad wanted bigger things than a good view of the Bay and he went off to his Uncle. When he left, Thaddeus got his other nephew, Andy, in return. Andy was in his mid-20s, brawny and affable. Julia, his aunt, told me he had a difficult birth. He could read and do simple arithmetic, but that was the extent of his academic achievement. They hoped he would like farm work. That didn't happen. A large mechanized industrial farm was not his thing. He was unhappy.

Julia liked Andy and discovered that he liked flowers. Their farm gardens were strictly utilitarian, so she came to me to see if he could help me with my garden. I said yes, but I had some misgiving after my experience with her son. It took me a good ten or fifteen minutes to realize Andy was affable and willing to learn. Everything I know about gardening I learned for my Mother and my Aunts. It was spring, and Julia drove me to a nursery and we bought plants and seeds. Andy was strong and had no problem loading the plants into her truck. He also helped several other ladies.

I saw the owner of the nursery looking at him. Their own employee was massively tattooed and provided service with a snarl. Julia and I both noticed that and saw a potential employment opportunity. Soon Andy worked for me from Monday to Wednesday and the nursery on the weekends.

We planted and started the seeds. Plants are the ultimate cheap thrill. Even inexpensive plants can produce spectacular blooms for months. Andy was careful and patient. He loved the results. Templeton loved them too. The garden was returning to the way it looked when his grandmother was alive. He also mentioned that Virginia was noted for fine gardens, and there were scores of wealthy persons who were looking for skilled gardeners.

Andy came by one late summer afternoon and found me in the pool with Julio and Raoul. We were nude; he stripped and joined us. Andy was good looking and he had a seven-inch friend maker dangling between his legs. He also knew what it was for. Andy later told me he had been at a boarding school and had some fun friends there and they played some secret games. I had a feeling that one or two of his friends were experienced. One of his friends he called referred to as daddy; I wondered if he was a teacher, or a staff member.

Andy was big, gentle and playful. He knew all about lubricant, and all the ways to get a cock down your throat or in your ass. He also thought a load of cum down your throat or up your ass was the grand prize. His cock tended to divert attention from his oversized and productive balls. Multiple orgasms were no problem for him.

When Andy was fucking me, Julio took a trip up Andy's ass. I was worried that was too much, but Andy was delighted. He said being fucked while he fucked was a good new trick. He eventually got Julio to take Raoul's cock. Julio was uneasy about getting fucked, but Raoul was a perfect fit. A month later, Andy moved in with Julio and Raoul. Andy called Julio Daddy and Julio called him son. Raoul was getting older, but Andy wouldn't get mentally older. I could tell that Julio loved being the dad and he was protective and affectionate. That was a step towards independence for Andy and was good for him.

All was well on the Bay, until there were a series of fires starting in January. All were arson. At first, they involved abandoned buildings such as barns and sheds. They progressed to houses that were empty for the season. In March, an occupied house was burned. The progression was obvious, and all the signs of a serial arsonist were present.

There were some oddities. Arsonists often tend to increase the scale of the burned buildings over time. Two months is a very short time to progress from an abandoned barn to an inhabited house. Fires excite arsonist, not burning bodies. Some of these fires were at properties that were for sale. However, these had not been advertised. Someone had a connection to realtors or real estate was involved.

I suggested to Templeton that it might be good if I spent more time at the house on the bay. The fires were all near our house. When I looked at a map, I saw that Carlton Hill and Good Luck Farm occupied over 2,000 acres of undeveloped Bayfront land. Small lots on the bay went for $100,000.00 plus and the plus could be substantial.

The tenant house was on the entrance drive to my house, but my neighbors were the only houses on properties. Our side of the bay was on low bluffs. This slightly complicated getting to the Bay but gave houses superb views and safety from big storms. That would add to the value of the property.

The situation deteriorated when Juan was mugged. One of my specialties in Richmond was catching muggers. Cities have a lot of pedestrian traffic and are a mugger's paradise. Mugging the only full-time resident of a 500-acre property was unlikely to be a chance encounter. Poachers were a possibility, but they were more likely to run away than attack a man.

I met with the West Bay County Sheriff. Sheriff Tucker wasn't FBI material or going to give Sherlock Holmes a run for his money, but he was no fool. The county's crimes were usually committed by long term, resident trailer-trash, or a drunken youths who had the keys to the family house on the beach.

The situation deteriorated when Thaddeus was killed in a hit-and-run accident. The accident was on the long drive to his house. Tucker didn't believe it was an accident for a minute. "How could a man go fast enough on a gravel driveway and kill a man by accident?" he asked.

Templeton's family had owned the house for a century and was considered to be a local. He called the realtors and asked if anyone had been looking for large properties in the area. There had been only one, the Action Development Group. That group did not exist. They gave a name, phone number and e-mail address to the realtors. The name, phone number and e-mail address existed for only a month.

I called my old office and asked for a favor. Secret numbers and addresses were a special interest of the computer guys. It might take a while, but they would find something.

Thaddeus's death was bad for Good Luck Farm. He wasn't a business genius, but he had been competent. Julia and Thad had no business abilities. The black sheep brother in the group, Ralph, came to the funeral. He had left the area after a fight and hadn't been back. Templeton told me Ralph was gay, and that did not suit his father. Ralph bought a farm in the mid-west with trust fund money from his grand-parents. He had just sold a farm in the Midwest for a bundle. Julia and her sons liked Ralph and he offered to help.

My other neighbor, Belmont Strauss came to the funeral from New York with his daughter Alex. Alex was in the middle of a bad divorce and was going to move into the mansion with her children.

Several days after the funeral, Ralph came by my place to introduce himself and I gave him the full story off recent events. He appreciated my work with Andy, and the low down about the arson attacks as well as the mugging. Ralph wasn't intimidated. Thaddeus had corresponded with him regularly, so they were still friends. Ralph told me he had talked to Templeton. "He mentioned you in flattering terms. He said we share some common interests." Ralph scratched his balls just I case I didn't get his meaning.

"Did he mention my dapper good looks and man-of-the-world approach to life?" I asked.

"He might have mentioned that obliquely," Ralph said. "He also mentioned that sometimes you help a man in need."

"Let me guess. You're afraid that you might explode if you don't get naked with another man and go at it?" I suggested. Ralph laughed.

We went to my room and stripped. Ralph was a ginger bear, bald, bearded and covered with curly red hair. His cock head was lavender and contrasted with the rest of his copper and pink body. I sat on a chair and sucked him until he was fully erect. He must have been oozing as we talked. I tasted precum on his cock when I sucked him. New precum flowed as soon as my tongue touched the lavender organ.

"Andy told me he had some new friends. I assume you are one of them?" he asked.

"I would be pleased if the thinks I am a friend," I said.

"Damn, I want your cock in my ass," he said. "Andy said you are a good top."

Ralph was a man who plans ahead; his ass was already lubricated. He asked me to go slow, but I hit the right place on the dark side of his sphincter. It was tight, but the rest of his fuck tunnel was warm, juicy and welcoming. He told me his partner of 20 years had died six months earlier. I was in him for a good half hour and was begging me to breed him for five minutes before he and I shot off.

We had a nice post-orgasmic talk. He had discovered Andy's sexual interest several years before. Andy had discovered sex at his school. "His technique needed some polishing, so I gave him some lessons. He was a bit too overt about his interests. I didn't want him to get in trouble."

"Your lessons paid off. He is the perfect gentleman," I told him

He also told me about his niece, Alex's problems. "Her soon to be ex seems to lack any fatherly instincts. She is moving here to have a better explanation to tell the girls why he doesn't visit the girls. She's forty. Her ex is dating a 21-year-old chorus girl."

"I'll be running her place too. Juan was badly hurt. It will take him some time to recover," he explained. "Most of the staff are his family. They are very loyal. Julio is Juan's cousin. His brother was a wrestler in Mexico. He's joining the staff with a son and a cousin. They will provide some muscle. Juan wouldn't let Alex and her three girls live alone in that secluded house. If the mugger tries again, he will be taken care of."

"The Sheriff has patrols checking the place," I said.

"I think Juan mentioned something like, "Don't worry, if someone tries something, no one will ever find the body. Oddly, I felt reassured," Ralph said.

Alex moved in a week later. The girls were in a local prep school. Julio's brother, Gustavo and his friends were in a newly placed double-wide near the entrance drive.

I went over with Templeton to introduce myself. Alex knew I was a detective and asked me about the situation. I explained what had happened and what precautions I had taken. She warmed up when she asked me some questions and I knew the answers.

As I left her oldest daughter, Amy, ran up to me. "Mr. Catfish, I think I found a clue," she said. "Look here. I was looking up this area on the web, and I found this." She had a laptop and showed me a treasure hunting web site. It had a list of the least well-known sites for buried treasure. Number fifteen was a site for Blackbeard's Chesapeake Treasure. It suggested that Blackbeard had buried his treasure on the mainland, not on an island. There were some stock photos of Bluebeard, and a Google Earth photograph of our farms.

"I think that is a clue," I said.

"It's possibly a coincidence, but it is our farm," she said.

"It could be a coincidence, but it would be a big one if it is," I observed. "I have some computer people who might be able to trace the owner of the web site. Can I get copy of it?"

"I can search the web myself," she replied.

"I don't think I would like you to do something that can be traced back to you," I said. "Whoever is involved is violent. Violence is usually the last resort. Here someone mugged Julio and may have killed a man," I explained.

"If you give me your e-mail, I can send it directly to you. Could they trace your office?" she asked.

"It hasn't happened yet. My computer geeks are way into security," I said. I gave her the address. I also gave her my e-mail. I stopped by to see Gustavo. I asked about Juan's recovery. Juan had a fractured skull, so it would take time. Gustavo's right hand man was a nephew, Bronco. He loved hunting and trapping. He liked to sleep all day and prowl all night. Bronco's sister had been attacked by a gang member in Mexico. That sort of thing would never happen again to a girl if Bronco was near.

My crew back at the office found some names and I gave them to the Sheriff. He transmitted them to the State Police. Unexpectedly the treasure web site was quite useful. It appeared to be a hobbyist site, but it was associated persons who were vandals and grave robbers. If you payed a rather steep fee, you could get more detailed information. That included the addresses of Carlton Hill and Good Luck Farm. Carlton Hill was listed as a vacant property. It also included speculations as to possible treasure sites and described the nature and possible value of the treasure.

My crew found a number of comments on website articles by the Barbe-Noir Group. My head geek said that anyone with only one year of French knew that was Blackbeard. She was trying to trace it.

Next: Chapter 207: Catfish Sort of Retires 2

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