Millennium Construction Company

Published on Dec 17, 2018


Catfish Meets Santa 3 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to

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On Christmas Eve we made the bicycle, tricycle and scooter distribution. We also brought sweaters and coats. That was a busy and enjoyable day. There were many happy parents who would have presents under the tree. Mrs. Berkley had worked her magic and clothing stores had donated overstocks and some items that would be out of style next year. Their staffs had wrapped them with beautiful ribbons and bows and they looked spectacular. I overheard one mother saying she had never given a present that still had the store tags on them.

Denny drove me home. "Catfish, did you think I was a complete asshole when you first met me?" he asked.

I laughed. "I never thought you were an asshole. I did think you were young and might have a hard time when you got older," I said. "I also saw how much you enjoyed being an elf. It wasn't just a job to you was it?"

"It was fun. I hope that you enjoyed my cock. It wasn't a chore was it?" he asked. "I didn't do much in return. I'm sort of afraid of your cock. It is impressive, and I think of it a lot, but I can't see it in my ass."

"Denny, there are many worse things for me than being fucked by a good-looking young guy. I had a fantasy that I was taking every drop of sperm from your balls, and I was surprised your balls didn't shrink!" I said. He was still laughing when dropped me off at my office. There, I had a complete report from the Richmond Police on the scam on my desk. That made for interesting reading on Christmas day.

On the day after Christmas, Gus had a little party. He had asked me who had been involved in the investigation and who might enjoy a party. He told me this was a party to let off steam after the Christmas rush. Gus was not always refined. He said there wasn't going to be an exchange of gifts, but you could trade anything you had stored in your balls. He also mentioned that it would be clothing optional as long as you selected the naked option.

Templeton came with Thomas and Billy Boy. I brought Red Dog, Dewey and the Kid. Gus had made friends with Jimmy and his partner Lewis. Roger and Denny were there. Gus invited Maxey, a former chef who worked for him and Mini, a sou-chef who worked with him. Mini was a joke nickname.

I gave everyone an update on the investigation. It had all been kept quiet until the investigations were finished. The Richmond operation had been closed with multiple arrests. Bambi had been helpful to the police because she knew who had been involved as a leader and who had been worker bees. That made it possible to clean the mess up quickly. The Police did not charge the lower level workers.

I was not particularly detailed about the other operations. The main scam was cleaned up, but in Europe they were on the trail of a Hit-Men-R-Us company. They had been renting out hit men. Scotland Yard and the French police were involved.

The party was in Gus's rec room which had its own kitchen and a grand fireplace. The room was next to his bedroom and bath. It was cold that day, but the fire took care of that. Everyone dressed warmly, and the heat soon encouraged everyone to take off layers. Gus set the tone wearing only a jock strap with Holley leaves embroidered on it. Mini was a scrawny, hyperactive man wore a matching jock, but he had a hole for his cock to protrude. Mini thought his cock was his best feature and he wanted to show it off. Mini was a perceptive man.

Red Dog complained his underwear wasn't formal wear. Thomas told him that his foreskin was dress up enough for him. Thomas was flying high. He had met Billy-Boy who was both a gay Red Neck and a gifted artist. Billy combined his interests in art and a fetish for sex with Red Neck men in one package. Both men had difficult childhoods. Thomas had been isolated and overly protected, Billy Boy had been isolated and under protected. They got along well. I knew Tommy was a generous and skilled bottom. His ass became Billy-Boy's Disneyland.

Maxey and Mini had been trained by Gus and they provided the food, which was superb. It was clever, and just right for a post-Christmas celebration-orgy. There was a lot of beer and wine, but the food was so good we ate more than we drank and did not get drunk.

Gus's injuries had made heavy duty sex difficult, but he was nearly back to normal. The combination of artists, bankers, rednecks and cooks was odd, but everyone was in a good mood and shared common sexual interests. I didn't know Lewis or Maxey and had never been with Dewey or the Kid, but I figured lust would find a way.

I talked with Lewis. He was part-time professor of art and a collector. The word dilettante jumped to mind when I met him. He was the second son of a wealthy man who worked just enough to be respectable and not embarrass his parents.

"This isn't your standard Christmas party is it?" he whispered. "It seems to be more like the Roman Saturnalia to me."

"It is the Saturnalia with a decorated tree," I replied.

Lewis laughed. "Johnny told me I could be as wild as I wanted to be as long as I didn't have more sex than he did!" he said. "Some of the men are a bit more . . . roughhewn than I am used to."

"I'm not sure you can tell a guy is a Red Neck when he's fucking you. Just get on your hands and knees and don't look back. Think of this as a men's club with unusual admission policies," I said.

He laughed again, adding, "I love initiations!"

The Kid came over to us. "Cousin Red Dog said I needed to come over to you to get some fucking lessons," he said.

"You don't know how to fuck?" I asked. As I had guesses, the Kid was more impressive naked than dressed. He was muscular and would be a Bear when his fur grew longer.

"I know how to fuck, but Red Dog tells me I lack finesse," the Kid replied. "He says that you can get it in and the guy you're fucking is still smiling!"

"I don't know if I can help you with the finesse," Lewis said, "But I do have an itch in my ass that needs scratching."

"I can't scratch it, but I could stretch it some, then massage it maybe give it a sperm bath," the Kid said.

"That sounds great," Lewis said.

"I need to warn you Lewis. You look like the kind of guy who likes every hair in place. You may be hot and bothered when we're finished," I warned him. he smiled

As we talked Thomas was bouncing on Billy Boy's cock. Thomas was playing a Bronco Buster complete with a few "ride him cowboy" hoots. Johnny had straddled Billy Boy's face, so he could suck him.

When I looked back the Kid was in Lewis's ass and Lewis was giving him some advice. The Kid liked to pull all the way out between thrusts. Lewis's ass was quivering and almost kissed the Kid's cock as it slid in. The hole stayed open when he pulled out and the Kid waited for it to close before he re-entered. The fucking became more delicate as the Kid adjusted to the delicate caresses of Lewis's ass lips.

Maxey came over to me as I watched them. "Do you want to play?" he asked. "I'm pretty much willing to do anything you want." Maxey was tall, stocky and hairy. He was built like a fur covered brick. He almost always had a smile on his bearded face, but was never going to be a male model in a fashion catalog. He wasn't fat yet, but I guessed, he would be a butter ball by the time he was sixty.

"I'm an openminded guy. You tell me what floats your boat?" I replied. Since I was sitting, I leaned over and licked his cock head which was peeking out from his foreskin. His balls were huge and precum oozed from his slit. He shivered, so I licked more. The slit almost bisected his knob and I could get the tip of my tongue into the cum tunnel.

"I'm afraid I'm going to shoot off," he moaned.

I looked up at him and asked, "That's why we are here, isn't it?" He had two ejaculations, and then he calmed down.

"Is there more where that came from?" I asked.

"You like it?" he asked. "Most guys think it gross."

"It's the food of the gods, still warmed by your body and 100% home made," I replied.

"Gus told me you like to fuck. I have an itch in my ass. Could you take your time?" he asked. I said that wasn't a problem. Maxey had lubricated his ass, so I tentatively gave him a poke. He had a bottle of poppers in his hand and he took a snort. I gave him a harder poke and a second later, I had cleared his sphincter was deep in him. He wiggled his ass and I made little thrusts to let him adjust so I fit better.

"If you took some poppers, could you do me battering ram style? If I ask you to stop, don't do it. I want it bad," he said. I took a hit gave him the bottle back and went at it. Maxey turned into a mass of sexually charged flesh. When I built up some speed, he shot off. I pulled out. Gus had recruited Red Dog and Templeton fuck and seed him. Gus knew what Maxey wanted. Templeton went first. I happened to know that he enjoyed using cum as a lubricant and he had a special affection for mine. He took his time, savoring the sensation of my cock cream Maxey's tight hole.

I went to the large six-by-six-foot shower and met Lewis, Roger, Denny and the Kid there. There was marble bench on one side for me. Roger had just rear loaded Lewis and the sperm dripping from Lewis's ass glistened in the light. Roger and Lewis were happy. The party was well beyond the getting to know you phase.

"Your dripping," Denny said to Lewis. "It looks like my pal's." Everyone was either erect of half hard. Lewis bent over exposing his hole. Denny licked it. He went from semi-erect to hard, to being deeply embedded in Lewis's ass in what seemed like seconds.

"Denny is my cum good lube?" Roger asked.

"It's smooth as silk," Denny replied. Denny had obviously loosened up and was having no problem with Lewis who was in his fifties. Roger left the shower and Billy Boy entered. He replaced Denny in Lewis's ass.

I was fully erect, and Denny came over to me. He turned his back to me and slowly impaled himself on my cock. He was well lubricated and while it took some time, he was in control and took it all. After resting a little he began to bounce. I think my cock connected with his prostate on the third bounce, and all was well.

Several more guests arrived. They were Gus's brother and nephew. The nephew came with his pal. They stripped immediately so they knew what they were getting into. Ari, Gus's brother, was a smaller, shaggier version of his brother. Michael, his nephew was in his mid-twenties, and was as tall as Gus but thinner. The pal, Conrad, was a smaller, handsome man.

Gus was the perfect host and he introduced them. Ari and he were both outgoing. Ari owned a restaurant too and he wasn't at all shy. Michael was their sister's son and he was more reserved, as was his partner. They were relieved to see some younger guys at the party.

Ari came over to me. "Gus told me about his one-legged friend. He thinks highly of you," he said. "He told me you were memorable." He leaned closer to me and asked, "Are any of these guys out of bounds?"

"Not that I can tell. We are all open minded. There are no jealous lovers here," I explained. "I assume you are open minded too?"

"That's an understatement. The boys are a bit shy," he replied.

"You might tell them this isn't a dating club. No one is looking for lifetime connections. Their balls might be drained, or they may have taken a few loads, but no one is looking for true love," I said. "The guys seem to be mostly versatile, but they aren't pushy. By the way, no one needs to worry about being rejected."

"Does that go for you too?" Ari asked. I nodded.

The party never became wild or rowdy. Ari had no problem making friends. He was friendly and outgoing. He did not seem to have a shy bone in his body and had the gift of gab. Michael and Conrad were quieter, but Denny and Roger caught their eyes immediately. I think Red Dog and the Kid interested them too.

Ari seemed to have a double dose of male characteristics. He had a deep bass voice, a brawny body, was hairy like a Gorilla and had a thick, stubby, uncut tool. Thomas and Lewis were attracted to him, as were Templeton and Dewey.

I have been to a few gay sex parties before, and I noticed that the arrival of new meat well after the party was underway tended to revive the party. Everyone seemed to get a second breath. Michael and Conrad were good looking. They seemed a little shy at first, but naked, erect men tend to solve the shyness problem.

Ari wasn't technically handsome, but he was attractive to men who like manly men. He was also sexually generous. His mouth, ass and cock were all available for entertainment. Gus told me that Ari had no trouble entertaining three men simultaneously.

Ari told me I was more cock than man. I wasn't sure what the meant, but it turned out to be a compliment. I sat on his cock to let him know I was friendly. He had a short, thick, bulbous cock and huge balls. His cock was like a sex toy that worked the prostate. He also seemed to know when I was nearing an orgasm, and he pulled out.

"The night's young," he whispered in my ear." I was thinking you like to save the fire works for later."

Billy Boy had been watching us. "That an oddly shaped cock. What does it feel like inside you, Catfish?" he asked.

"He gives your prostate and sphincter a real workout. I can recommend it," I replied.

"Are your pals here diamonds in the rough or just rough," Ari asked with a twinkle in his eye.

Before we could continue with the banter, Dewey came by. "I've never been screwed by a fucking gorilla before," Dewey stated. "Would you mind fucking a red neck ass?" Before Ari could answer, Dewey skewered himself on Ari's tool. Both men moaned in obvious satisfaction.

A little later the party calmed down. the men were talking quietly and licking whatever cock was nearest.

Ari stood up. "Boys, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and thank you for your very warm reception. I feel close to you, so close that some of us have overlapped!" Ari said. There was some laughter. "It's hard to meet all of you."

"Now, you may have guessed that I have led a sheltered life, mostly bird watching and collecting stamps. I have noticed that we are naked and share one or two common interests," he continued. "By my quick calculation there is between twelve and thirteen feet of erect cock in the room. While I am so pure and innocent that I am almost a virgin, I have heard of things that I think are called daisy chains and fuck trains that might be possible if we felt the urge. This strikes me as a rare opportunity."

"Given the season, daisies are out of season, but perhaps we could form a wreath of happy men. This is a rare opportunity," he added. "As an alternative or in addition to that we might link to form a train, or if you prefer, we might imitate a ring of fornicating Reindeer connecting our private parts in an intimate and joyful way."

"That sounds complicated," Thomas said. "Actually, it sounds complicated and fun."

"I've had a bit too much to drink so it sounds fine to me," Templeton said.

"There is one technical question I have," Jimmy asked. "if we get over excited, do we have to take the cum?

"Well since the room is carpeted you should take it, but you could spit it out later," Ari suggested.

"Shit, I like the stuff. Come over to me and I will take it," Gus said.

"I can help you with that too, Uncle Gus." Michael said.

"I had no idea that sort of thing could be genetic," Ari remarked.

The wreath was successful, I was between Ari and Billy Boy. Gus called out and asked us to suck the other way, so I sucked both Ari and Billy Boy. It was soon evident that fuck train was going to be the main attraction.

Ari seemed to be experienced in staging fuck trains. As a man shot off, he would leave the train and the ring of fornicating men would get smaller. At first, I was fucking Thomas and being fucked by Mini. Mini shot like a fire hose and lubricated my entire fuck tunnel. He left, and the Kid entered my hole. Thomas shot, left the ring and I entered Red Dog's behind.

Each of the men who remained had two loads in their behinds, so it was easier for the fucker behind him. both Red Dog and the Kid were a pleasure. When Red Dog popped, I ended Denny. Denny was tight, but after taking three loads, he was open and loved me and my cock.

At the end it was only four me, Templeton fucked Ari, Ari fucked me, and I fucked Gus. Ari popped. Templeton slid into me. We were old friends and Templeton hit the groove. I rear loaded Gus. I was out of the running and Templeton and Gus were the grand prize winners. There was generous applause.

Michael was at my ass making a meal out of the sperm dripping from my ass. Gus took care of Templeton's ass. The party was over. Ari, Michael and Conrad stayed with Gus.

Roger and Denny took me home. Somehow when I woke the next morning, they were in bed with me. Roger had fallen asleep with his cock in Denny. The sperm collection in Denny's ass didn't seem to be a problem.

Next: Chapter 206: Catfish Sort of Retires 1

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