Millennium Construction Company

Published on Nov 23, 2018


Catfish Meets Henry 5 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Larry reported back to Wilson. Wilson knew the significance immediately. The task force on the serial murders were looking for locals, not for a visitor from the Bronx. There was some logic to the local angle since the girls were from the same general area. The area was middle class, but not elite. The only large manufacturing employer in the area was a pharmaceutical plant. It was one of Frankie Smithson's recent purchases.

With Hillyard's help I did a sketch time line. We had the dates of the Smithson's arrival and the date that Richie joined his retainers. We had the date of the purchase of the Drug company and the dates of the girls' deaths. Bull had made many photographs of the castle over an almost year-long period. He had focused on cloud formations, but Bull thought the house was in stunning bad taste and took the photos to show to Henry. Henry had down loaded some of them, but others were still on SD cards. All the images on the card were dated.

I had them transfer the images to my office as Larry sent them to the police lab. The program that provided the probability estimates on the license numbers was by my chief computer guy Helen. She had a doctorate in mathematics with emphasis on probability. Larry said his people talked with her and she scared them. "My guy said she was a chess Grand Master and they were playing Tiddlywinks," he reported.

Everything was circumstantial, but it was building up quickly. We weren't ready for a search warrant, but Henry added some workers to Bull's house project. They were undercover police men. He also brought in a Latino floor crew. They were famous for working long and odd hours. They provided the justification for night time surveillance.

I was still in Logan's house. His opera set had been a great success, and he was talking to a film producer and an Opera Company to do more work for them. I visited Don's Gym with Larry and Hillyard and encountered Sam and Bud. Marco was driving Bambi to Pinehurst. Richie and Jeb were off with Freddie on a job in the Bronx. I told Sam and Bud that I was house sitting and if they wanted a more private place to relax, they might come by. I whispered to them that my pals really wanted to go at it and they would be there.

Sam asked if I would be with them. I said I would be with them part of the time, but that I enjoyed sending guys to places they had never been before. "I had the impression you boys had a good time the last time we met," I said.

"That's a fucking understatement," Bud replied.

We left the gym at 9:30 and were at Logan's house ten minutes later. That gave me a chance to explain my plans to Larry and Hillyard. "I want Bud and Sam to relax and let their guard down. I am hoping to get more information on Richie. Your role is to play the role of sex crazed lovers, naked and erect."

"Well, that a hard job, but I'm sure I can fake it," Larry said.

"I can do it, and I don't need to fake it!" Hillyard said.

"What should I do?" Don asked.

"Think of this as a non-speaking role," I explained. "Let your cock do the talking."

Don smiled. "That I can do."

I guessed that Sam and Bud more than liked each other. Technically I was involved with them, but more correctly Sam liked my cock. It was a warm dildo leaking sperm. Larry and Hillyard were acquaintances with benefits. I was thinking that some serious sucking and fucking time would make them friends.

At the house, the sex driven men turned on the automatic pilot and went at it. Hillyard and Larry were poetry in motion. Neither man was that experienced, but Hillyard wanted Larry. I think he had been dreaming about Larry and he had a plan. After a few minutes the sexual connection had turned into something deeper. Don joined in and discovered Hillyard's many virtues.

Bud liked Sam, but Sam played his cards close to his chest. I slipped into Sam's ass and as soon as my cock head was in the dark side of his sphincter he became totally involved and lost his inhibitions. My cock was a marital aid. They sixty nined as I pushed deeper. Bud could watch my cock thrust and taste Sam's cock drool as he reacted to my thrust. They shot off simultaneously as they deep throated their cocks. We broke apart and I went to fuck Hillard as he sucked Larry. Don was in Larry's ass.

After the first round of orgasms, we talked casually on or around the king-sized bed in my room. Sam was complaining that he could not get any respect because Richie treated him like an idiot. "Richie must have done something really bad in New York to be sent here. Frankie ain't no where close to being like the big shots who run the mob."

"What did Richie do to get exiled to Charlotte?" Bud asked.

"Guys say that Richie likes the ladies and he likes them young," Sam replied. "Shit, he's a hit man. what would be too bad for a hit man?"

"Maybe he was freelancing," Hillyard suggested. "I assume killing people without approval from your boss would be a problem."

"Did he find one of the big shots' daughters too attractive?" I asked.

"That might be," Sam replied. "At least Bambi has nothing to worry about. Her sell by date was a decade ago."

"Does she have playmates other than her hubby?" Larry asked.

"I don't know. Marco may know but he's not telling," Bud said. "I know she doesn't fuck with the help. You need a seven-figure income before she would say hello." He looked at Larry and Hillyard. "Are you guys pals or more than that?"

"I think it's all recreational," Hillyard replied. "Sex with a stranger is okay; with an acquaintance is better and with a pal is even better. My cock gets an extra tingle."

"I don't know if I feel that," Sam said.

"Not even when are one legged pal gets his third leg up your ass? Hillyard asked. Sam blushed.

"I don't think you can pick and choose what gets you going," I said. "Life is a lot easier of you can admit you like what you like. Even if you're a straight man having sex with a guy, if you pretend your gay while you are sucking, the cock tastes better."

"I discovered that. I enjoy having my best bud unloading his ball juice in my ass more if I admit I like him," Hillyard said. "Did you have a best friend Sam?"

"Not like your friend. The guy next door when I was growing up was nice," Sam said. "My Dad was away a lot, either on a job or in jail. My neighbor, Mr. Rogers, that's his real name, not the TV guy, was nice. I did chores for him and he taught me stuff like how to fish and how to make furniture. He made beautiful furniture."

"He had a shower in his workshop. He was always covered in saw dust, and his house was spic and span clean. I walked in on him and saw him naked. He was hairy, like Uncle Salvatore, but he had a monster cock. After that I seemed to catch him drying off quite a bit. A week after my 18th birthday. He asked if I wanted to shower with him. I did, and I got to suck him off," he continued.

"I took his load. I didn't like the taste much, but it was his cum. I loved it," Sam added. "I'm 24 now and Mr. Rogers is unhappy with what I'm doing now. He said I had the makings of a good cabinet maker. I want to get rich."

"I hate to tell you this, but making money isn't as good as a regular cum supply from a man you like," I said.

"Shit, I had no idea you were a romantic," Larry said. We all burst into laughter.

It was getting late, but we rotated playmates as a night cap. Don fucked Sam; Hillyard did Bud. Larry fucked me. Sam liked being screwed by the muscle man. Bud was surprised by Hillyard's fucking skills and Larry was unexpectedly enthusiastic. Luckily, Hillyard had a long fuse and near total control over his orgasms. Hillyard liked to be in control and an orgasm made him lose control.

The next day, Larry called Manny, his Bronx connection, and told him what he learned. Even with the language problem, Larry had a Southern Drawl and Manny spoke a pure Bronx dialect. Manny knew Larry had hit pay dirt. Larry's laid-back mannerisms hid his aggressive approach to cases. Manny was not laid back at all. Oddly, they weren't possessive; both men were willing to share information.

Solving the serial murders on Long Island had been the objective of the New York and the Nassau County police for years. The first murder had been in the Bronx followed by three deaths on Long Island, then nothing. It was possible that the Charlotte murders were a continuation of the New York crimes.

Hillyard was friendly with the local real estate and banking community. He was known as "the smart one," and if you needed answers or an opinion on dealing with deeds or real estate problems, he had the answer. He let it be known that he was curious about Bambi and Frankie's financial situation. Fortunately, the Smithson's were difficult, devious and rarely kept their word. Almost everyone had a story to tell.

They had inherited millions from Bambi's Daddy, but there had been other large payments from suspect companies. Two were in the West Indies and untraceable. Since Frankie's companies did not have a staff, their role was unclear. The bank had reported this to the IRS, but no action had been taken. That was puzzling.

Richie's name opened many doors. He liked credit cards, and his cell phone. His car had an electronic pass for tolls, so there were oodles of ways to trace him. All cash would have avoided that problem, but he liked plastic. He was a traditional thug, hit man.

It was hard to get a grip on Bambi and Frankie. Were they essentially a mail drop, or major figures in the operation? I hadn't met either of them, so I couldn't tell.

Meanwhile I had another visit at Don's gym. Bud was there with a local pal, Robbie. Robbie was mesmerized by Don, so I spent some time with Bud. Bud was a normal guy. He liked Sam. I asked him if I was trespassing. He said no, he liked watching. "I didn't expect he would lose it, but I did him later that night and I was great," he explained. "He thinks he's a big time hit man, but he isn't that way at all. I'm afraid for him."

"I thought he was the perfect fall guy. He will end up in jail while the big guys get away scot free," I said. Bud was hard, so I sat on it. He had been the low man on the totem pole. He was used to a quick poke and an orgasm. I took my time, slowly bouncing on his tool. I was working his cock more than he was fucking me. I could tell when he was close to shooting, so I slowed and edged him. When he finally shot off it was beautiful.

"Marco never lets me top," Bud said. "Do you want to do me?"

I told him I'd take a raincheck on that. "My cock feels better when your balls are fully loaded. It's not as good when they are drained," I said.

"You're not exactly a virgin, are you?" he remarked.

"Well, I've been around the block a few times," I replied.

Things were moving fast. With a possible suspect, credit card and EZ pass records Richie's location coincided with the murders. Helen said the probability that Richie was the killer was sky high, but some physical evidence was needed.

I had a feeling it was connected to Bull and his photographs. Since they were digital, they were all time and date stamped.

Larry noticed the was one anomaly in the victims. The fourth Charlotte death was of a 35-year-old woman, Lana. The others were of blond, younger girls. The media and police had focused on the younger girls. Larry was thorough. He did a detailed search on the older woman. Her finger prints were identical to another woman who had been arrested as a pimp who also was charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

The girls were from average middle-class families, except for one, Britanee, who came from a problematic family. Her mother was on her fourth husband and was living in a semi-abandoned trailer park. It was the skid row of trailer parks.

Apparently the 35-year-old recruited girls who need cash and had few prospects or skills. Britanee was the third death. She also had a part-time job at a convenience store a block from Lana's home. The store was the closest one to Frankie's plant and was used by plant employees. Larry thought that Britanee was working for Lana, and Lana might have seen Richie and Britanee together.

The coroners report on Lana recorded defensive wounds. She put up a fight and there were skin particles under her fingernails. That had the stranglers DNA. We just needed a suspect to match it to. Bull's photos came into play. Richie had no photographs on record other than his High School yearbook. Bull had taken pictures. Through the magic of computer enhancement, Bull's photos were good enough to make a match.

Most of the stuff was high tech and checking records. I can't do that, so I was sidelined and just advising. While there was a lull in actual work, my sex life thrived. Logan was a busy man both professionally and sexually. He was away, but some of his pals dropped by. This was not accidental. I had met Adam, Gus and Emmett when I first stayed with him. They regarded my cock as a natural wonder and the word was out.

Chet, the man in the morgue who did Bull's autopsy also dropped came by. Chet was a short, heavy, bearish man. He was smart and preceptive, but dumpy. He had put two and two together when he realized that Hillyard and I were close. If I was more attractive, he wouldn't have tried to connect, but he thought he had a chance.

I figured what the hell, sex is sex. He was better looking naked than dressed; baggy clothes don't flatter a beefy man, His cock was more than respectable, and he was more than willing. He had big, productive balls, a responsive cock and a great ass. His ass was both tight and open. It firmly gripped my tool but didn't resist until I was deep in him. He was enthusiastic.

We were at it in the shower when Adam, the handsome and elegant otter, came in. He had a key to the house. Adam joined us, and Chet was in heaven. I was in Chet's ass, so Adam fed Chet is cock. A minute or two later they were in the sixty-nine position. Five minutes later Chet and I were in the sixty-nine position, and Adam was fucking.

Using my high-powered detective skills, I noted that Chet's cock was drooling precum like a mountain stream every time Adam made a thrust. Chet loved it. Adam suddenly stopped and filled Chet's ass with sperm. I could see his cock pumping for each ejaculation.

Seconds later, Chet released his load into my mouth. It was warm and thick. By then Adam had pulled out. He saw my cum filled mouth and we kissed. Somehow, I knew he wanted Chet's cum.

Massive orgasms usually mean the sex is over. Neither Chet or Adam lost their erections. They were still excited. I was torn between sitting on one of their cocks or fucking one of them. Adam was too fast for me. He straddled Chet and sat on his cock.

My cock is either an achievement or an ordeal. It looked as if Chet's cock in Adam's ass was pure joy for both men. I suspected that Chet's cock was the almost legendary perfect fit for Adam. Chet shot off a second time. This cooled things down enough and they left. I heard Chet giving Adam is address, and a assumed they had a restful night of sleep and orgasms planned.

Fifteen minutes later Larry called. Manny from the Bronx was in town and he wanted us to meet. I told them to come over. When they arrived, they were excited. No one said it, but I assumed there would be arrests the next morning. Manny was a buffed man of thirty-five or so, very Italian and friendly. I had a feeling he was here in Charlotte as a professional courtesy.

Manny made a few, quick glances at my crotch. I suspected that Larry had described me. I had an urge to scratch my balls. Manny had the same urge. I showed them the house and the group shower. I asked if they would like to join me showering. Manny was loud and aggressive in most situations, but he was a bit timid in the shower. He was partially erect, which is usually a good indicator of interest. He certainly liked looking at my cock.

"What do you do with that thing?" he finally asked.

I smiled. "You may have noticed I am short one leg. It's not what I want to do. It's what you want." I said. "Did Larry tell you that I am very open minded? I'm not very shy either." He came closer to me and I sucked his uncut cock. That broke the ice. He was rock hard thirty seconds later and a minute or so later I was sucking his ball's contents out though his cock.

He was done for the night, but I had made a good impression. We all stayed in the shower a little longer. Manny and Larry left. Manny muttered he owed me one before he left.

Before dawn the next morning the city police, state troopers and the FBI made a raid on Bambi and Frankie's house. The got Richie and Jeb as well as Sam. Sam was arrested for appearances sake. The mob might think he was the snitch if he had been spared. They were separated after the arrest, so no one knew of Sam's release. Sam just vanished into North Carolina's mountains with Marco and Bud.

Larry was a good detective, but he was also good about the nitty-gritty of the case. He crossed every "T" and dotted every "i." Nothing was left out. It was an open and shut case for both the drugs and the murders. Manny was equally skilled in New York. To avoid the death penalty, Richie confessed to the strangling and to Bull's murder. He had notice Bull photographing and thought he might be a policeman.

Frankie went to jail, but Bambi was so clueless she was not charged. She was free, but the fines diminished her fortune considerably. She moved to Florida to find a wealthy husband. I returned to Richmond. The trip had been more successful than I expected.

Next: Chapter 203: Catfish Meets Santa 1

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