Millennium Construction Company

Published on Nov 16, 2018


Catfish Meets Henry 4 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Wilson was a senior officer and the Mayor had pledged that all senior officers would be working on the serial killer case. He assigned a younger man to work on Bull's case, Larry Golden. "He is smart, eager and on his way up. He's a workaholic but he has a lifestyle problem according to the top brass," he explained. I knew what a lifestyle problem meant. "Any way you can help him will be welcome. Another girl's body was found last night."

Henry, Hillyard and I met Larry that evening at Henry's house. Larry was a 35-year-old country boy, with an "Ah Shucks," accent from rural North Carolina. Ten minutes later I realized he was perceptive and smart. He had already checked on Frankie and Bambi Smithson. Bambi was the child of a New Jersey mob boss. Frankie had been a hired gun until he married Bambi. When Bambi's father died, she inherited half his estate.

Bambi had not been uninvolved in her father's criminal activities and it was assumed she would take the money and go shopping. It was possible that Frankie, her husband, was taking control of the criminal activities. He had purchased controlling interest in a pharmaceutical company. It produced drugs known as hillbilly heroin. That company's produce was sold across the country, as were some of their supplements. Bambi's dad imported drugs from Asia. The new company had been family owned as was little known. It used South American sources.

Larry gave us a good summery of his suspicions. It was clear and direct. Our license plate information connected the Smithson couple with second tier drug companies. Larry knew all about the suspect aspects of their companies. He thought that it would be easy to secretly produce illegal drugs within the manufacturing operations.

We didn't know what was being delivered to the house. It might have been, drugs, fire arms or stolen goods.

Larry gave Hillyard and me a ride home after the meeting. We stopped at Hillyard's house for a drink. Hillyard thought Larry and I were almost identical in some ways. Larry's eyes could easily glaze over and look like he was the village idiot. He was over six feet tall and almost attractive, but he passed a redneck bubba until you got to know him. He would be good undercover and was easy to underestimate.

He had thinning, dirty blond fair. Larry wore a flannel shirt, vest and aged jeans, which were slightly too small. I knew he had lifestyle problems, but I didn't know Hillyard was a match maker. He told me Larry wasn't gay. He just like sex with men. He had messed with guys and gone skinny dipping in a pond with his pals. He was nothing like the gay men you see on TV or in the movies.

Somehow Hillyard had connected with him sexually and he was worried. He could tell Larry loved sex with men, but he couldn't admit it to himself. Hillyard thought that would lead to problems. He thought I was the solution. I gave a damn good imitation of a red-neck bubba from the country. I was also smart, successful and gay. Some might say my sex life was on the high side of average. Once and a while I admitted to myself it was on the high side of high.

Larry was shy in sexual matters. He had pals back home, but none in Charlotte except for Hillyard. Hillyard wasn't his type, but he was willing. Hillyard thought I was his type, or at least a part of me was. Larry had worked construction before he joined the police. He often mentioned his construction foreman, Big Bob. Big Bob was a giant and a leader of men. Cock size is unrelated to a man's size, but Big Bob apparently was big everywhere. Hillyard realized Big Bob excited Larry. Larry had never let Big Bob know about his interest.

After a beer, Hillyard spilled a refill on Larry and me. Since smelling like a brewery when driving was a bad career move for an up and coming Police officer, we went to the shower as Hillyard washed our clothes. I needed help getting in the shower. One glance at me and Larry was entranced. He was almost hypnotized by my cock.

I know it is better to love the entire man and not just one part of a man, but I figure you need to start somewhere. "We're kind of up close and personal here," I mentioned to him. "I'm not the shy type. Relax and don't worry." He was semi-erect, so I told him that he had a nice one.

"I'm embarrassed," he said.

"Don't worry about that. Cocks seem to have a mind of their own. The pop up at inopportune times," I said.

He was staring at my tool, which was growing. "Is that thing real?" he whispered.

"It is. It's in working order and I give free samples," I said. It was a built-in shower and had a bench on one side. Larry helped me sit on it and then felt my cock.

"Guys tell me that if you like my cock, use your tongue to get a feel for it," I said. Larry lips closed around my cock head seconds later. The first there were delicate, exploratory licks. He soon tried to deep throat it and he got further than I expected. He was downright enthusiastic.

"Are you going to shoot off in my mouth?" he asked during a brief lull.

"I'll warn you when I'm close," I said. "You know it can be a surprise. There can be accidents. I'm getting close, do you want to change places?"

"You would do that?" he asked.

"Of course, I would," I said as we switched places. Hillyard had joined us. When I began to suck Larry, Hillyard straddled me and fed Larry his cock. Hillyard was tall and I am short, so it worked out well. Larry was a joy to suck. His cock was responsive to my every movement. It shivered, spasmed, dripped and drooled. Larry was able to moan even with Hillyard's cock in his mouth.

His cock was easy to suck, and his balls were huge. I held on to them to steady myself. I could taste his excitement build, so I was ready for his orgasm. It was a beauty; his oversized balls produced a flood of sperm. I had a hard time taking it all. His cock head became over sensitive as he shot. I was careful, but not too careful. When he calmed down a quick flick of my tongue could get him started again.

Hillyard shot off in Larry's mouth, as my tongue was still caressing Larry's knob. I was surprised that Larry took it. Hillyard helped me up and we flanked Larry. Larry was mellow by then. I kissed him and tasted Hillyard's load. Hillyard joined in and tasted Larry's cum.

"Damn, we've missed Catfish's load," Larry said.

"Maybe we can get together again and do a more complete exchange of our special sauces?" I asked. they were in full agreement.

Larry was as advertised, a fire ball. He was in the second tier of police officers, the men and women who did the work while the upper tier administered. He knew people in Drug Enforcement, Mob and Gang related activities and in Fraud. They had been sidelined because of the serial murder investigation. The information on Frankie and Bambi's potential mob and drug connections opened new avenues of investigation. Hillyard knew the County Clerks who knew the nitty gritty of local financial transactions.

This was the boring part if the investigation. Every lead had to be checked, every suspicion verified. While there was field work and under cover surveillance, a good portion of the work was done on computers. Names and license numbers made it clear that something big was in the works. A major crime organization was being born.

Larry had contacts in the smaller counties' police. The pharmaceutical companies liked factories in smaller town and counties. They could influence local boards to be supportive. Once you knew what to look for, new leads and discoveries occurred every day. I wasn't involved in most of this. I concentrated on Bull's murder. It had been a quick and efficient death. That pointed to a professional hit man or enforcer. An amateur would had made a bigger mess.

Logan went out of town for two weeks to supervise the installation of a set in Los Angles. I thought I would be back in Richmond, but Logan had a cat and I stayed in his house to give his cat company. The cat was elderly and had only two activities, eating and sleeping. The maid came in every two days, but I am neat, and she was appreciative. She had just become a grandmother and she was helping her daughter.

Larry and I had meetings at Logan's house to co-ordinate information and activities. Larry came with a friend, Rex, a Sherriff of a county to the south. Rex was 45, in great shape and in control. He had been suspicious of a new pharmaceutical factory in his county. He had his ear to the ground and heard whispers of secret production labs.

I also suspected Larry and Rex's relationship included sexual attraction, and probably sexual activity. Logan's house was secluded and away from prying eyes. Co-ordination meetings can drag on, but Larry was concise and to the point. Hillyard made notes as Rex and I added some bits of information, but Larry was ahead up us in some ways.

By nine the business part of the meeting was over, but no one hurried to leave. Hillyard was talking with Rex and I was with Larry getting beers in the kitchen. Larry told me that he had mentioned our earlier get together to Rex, who was interested in meeting me.

"Did you mention that our last meeting included a sexual event?" I asked.

Larry nodded and said, "Rex is more adventurous than I am. He's interested in you."

"Is he interested in me or in it?" I asked.

Larry laughed. "I think they are connected!"

We took the beers back and I offered to show them the house. I showed them my bedroom and the attached shower-gay rec room.

"I was in a threesome once," Hillyard said.

"Damn, I live in a small town. The gay rec room is in a barn with fresh hay!" Rex said. "How many guys can it hold?"

"Since I've been here five or six playmates seems to be normal. How about the barn?" I asked.

"Never more than a foursome," Rex said. "I was only there twice. I loved it." Then he added, "Three would be nice too. Do you like groups?"

"Are you guys talking about orgies?" Larry asked.

"Only if we get lucky!" Rex and I said simultaneously. We all laughed, and I suggested we give it a try. A few minutes later we were naked. Rex was a bit more experienced that Larry and it was clear that Larry liked Rex a lot. The both liked me, but they were more attracted to my cock than the rest of me. No strings attached has been my motto, so this was fine with me.

Rex was on the bed with his head on the edge sucking Larry. Rex had a pretty cock that could have been used as a model for an anatomical illustration. It was perfect and when I sat on it, it was good, not too big and not too small. Rex loved it and Larry liked watching. We took a break and went to the shower to cool down. I sat on a bench sucking Larry was Rex's tool worked its way into Larry's ass. Larry's cock softened up as little, but once Rex popped through the sphincter, Larry began to ooze precum. as Rex worked his was deeper, the flow increased.

We got out of the shower and returned to the bedroom. Rex had to leave, he had a long drive ahead. I chatted with Larry.

"I liked what we were doing, but I feel odd, sort of embarrassed and uneasy," Larry said.

"I would guess all your sex had been in a dark room," I said. "I like it all, top, bottom, sucker and suckee. I like to watch guy enjoy themselves, react to another man's cock or ass. I could tell you liked Rex in your behind. He enjoyed it too. We all have personalities and ways we want to be seen. You always see the real man when he's shooting off."

"What was Rex like?" Larry asked.

"As far as I could tell, the man you know is the man who rear loaded you," I said.

"He came in me?"

"He sure did. I don't think he intended to do that. It's easy to get carried away," I said as I reached over and played with his hole. "If you relax a little it may leak some and I can show you the evidence. You are tight, but you opened wide for Rex. Rex knew that." Larry was hard, so I got on top of him and sat on his tool.

"It's too much," he moaned. Thirty seconds later I felt him squirt.

"You aren't uneasy now. Are you?" I asked. He was fine.

I spent the next morning thinking about the case. Bull had been taking incidental pictures of the castle. That didn't seem to be enough to justify killing him. There had to be something else. I had only one connection in the house, Marco and Bud. I decided a trip to the gym was in order. I called my pal, Don, and asked if I could visit again. He said it would be a pleasure.

I arrived at 8:30. Marco and Bud were there with a third guy Sam. Sam was a 25-year-old body builder who worked security for the Smithson's. They were out of town in for a wedding on Long Island. Sam was Bronx born and raised and had an accent so thick I could barely understand him. His dad was mob connected and this was in training for bigger things. Working for the mob was a normal career choice for him.

When the gym closed, the trio stayed and showered with Don and me. Sam was as tall as I am, but had a great body, respectably equipped.

He looked at my cock and said, "Damn! That's pretty."

Marco and Bud laughed. "I thought you would like it," Marco said.

"What in hell did you do the get a cock like that?" Sam asked.

"The general opinion is that I got it to make up for the rest of me," I replied. Sam laughed.

Marco and Don connected. It was clear that Marco was old enough to see Don as a catch. Don was popular and usually moved with an entourage of admirers. Marco was older showed signs of wear and tear. Marco had a chance to play with Don and he took it. Don took the top role and Marco willingly accepted the bottom.

Sam and Bud played with me. They were both attractive younger men. This was the first time Sam had been to the gym and the shower was their first time naked together. I was the old guy with a big cock. Bud noticed Sam's obvious interest in my cock. That opened the door to the sexual potential. There was no need for the slow discovery of Sam's sexual tastes. When a man compliments another man on his cock, there is no ambiguity as to sexual interests. Both were erect, and my superb detective mind knew what that meant.

I hoped to get them to slip up and give me a lead as to the residents of the castle. Once and a while, my cock serves as a truth serum. Once I occupy an ass, the intense sexual feelings make it hard to be discrete or circumspect. His was true of both Bud and Sam. Neither liked Richie and Jeb, but Sam knew a lot about Richie. He was an enforcer and hit man. While he used a gun when necessary, he preferred strangulation. His specialty was quiet murders. The victim would disappear until the body was discovered months or years later.

I have a few peculiar abilities. When you are pumping your cock into a quivering ass, most men concentrate of the emotions and sensation. If necessary, my mind can be in full working order until the orgasm. My cock seemed to be on automatic pilot, pumping to the warmth and tightness of Sam's ass while my mind focused on his words.

Sam was young, punk kid who thought he deserved to be treated as a man. Bud and I double teamed him. Sam was discovering his ass was a sex organ. He had played with some guys on his schools wrestling team, but Bud and I were the first to find the bull's eye. Bud's cock tickled it when he found it. I rammed it. Sam didn't know anything other than the other than the overwhelming sensations created by the cock collisions with his prostate.

Richie had to leave New York because he did something extracurricular. He was violently anti-gay. He like the ladies, but he liked them young, very young. Sam heard rumors about a run in with the daughter of someone important. Somehow a day later he was in Charlotte. Richie was bitter about that but returning to New York wasn't an option. Sam didn't know if Jeb was Richie's pal, or a man to keep him in line.

Bud and I shared Sam. Bud would fuck him for ten or twelve minutes until he got too close. Then Bud would pull out and turn Sam over to me. The third time we did that Sam was desperate for release. Bugd had shot off in him, and my cock felt the man-made lubricant in Sam's ass. I suddenly discovered I was desperate for release.

"Is there room in your ass for a big load," I asked. I didn't wait for an answer. Sam moaned and he shot off after my third ejaculation. He was almost asleep when I pulled out. unexpectedly, Marco gave Sam's well used hole a tender and rather sweet tongue massage. Don sucked my sperm coated cock and licked the post orgasmic drool.

I noticed that Don's cum was leaking from Marco's hole. I licked it and Marco had an impressive orgasm. I took the load. Marco and Sam went home to the Castle. Don took me home to Logan's house. He spent the night. We fell asleep[BW1][BW2] immediately, but when we woke in the morning we had an exchange of sperm.

I gave Richie's name to my guys in Richmond, Larry and Hillyard. They could search different records and databases. There was one lucky find. Richie was not a nick name. Richard would have been a nightmare to find, Richie was rare.

Somehow Larry found a Police contact on the Bronx and they had a Richie on their radar. He was a mob enforcer who had vanished a year and a half earlier. His contact knew about the serial murders. Larry had my information that our Richie preferred strangulation. Manny, the Bronx police man told Larry to wait for a return call. He wanted to check something out. He called back an hour later. There had been four murders of young women on Long Island. They suddenly stopped at about the time Richie arrived in Charlotte.

Next: Chapter 202: Catfish Meets Henry 5

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