Millennium Construction Company

Published on Nov 7, 2018


Catfish Meets Henry 3 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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The next morning, I had a call from Ralph, Thaxton's associate. He had checked the by-laws of Bull's family-owned corporation. It had a rule setting 10,000 shares as the minimum required to vote. That was a rule intended to keep minor shareholders from dominating the corporation. That eliminated the families' potential motive for Bull's death.

My office called next. Several of the license numbers Bull photographed were related to mob figures. They were visiting the Smithson house. The numbers were not suitable for a search warrant. They were computer generated best guesses and had never been court tested. The numbers were a good start.

My people had also noticed vans making deliveries. Most commercial vans are identifiable with the company names or are Fed X or UPS. They did not go to the main house but went to a barn known as the Stable. Here was no farming at the property and there were no horses or livestock. The mistress of the house had a toy poodle, but it seemed to live in an oversized pocket book, and its feet were never seen to touched ground. Several vans had plates from Florida, New Jersey and New York.

I went to see Henry. It was Saturday and he was home, going through Bull's correspondence. The family estrangement from Bull was due to Ellen's first husband who was aggressively homophobic. He was sometimes a violent man, so the family acquiesced to him. Apparently, the family estrangement was a polite fiction to placate Ellen's husband.

A pretty, young thing named Carlton dropped in the see Henry. Carlton was not pleased to see me there. He obviously had other plans for Henry. He did manage to be polite. He was a hairdresser for the elite and was almost a celebrity in Charlotte. He was returning from Avalon Gardens where he had done a bride's hair.

"I hated doing that. If the ladies of Avalon discover I do house calls it will be hell for me; they will all want it. Luckily Bambi Smithson was out of town. She could win a blue ribbon for being the bitchiest woman at the state fair. Her hubby is scary," Carlton explained. "I've seen her house. It's almost fortified."

"Does she pay well?" Henry asked.

"If there are other women in the salon she does. She likes to toss it around if there is an audience," Carlton said.

"I assume there always is an audience?" Henry said.

Carlton smiled. "Oh yes," he replied. "I make sure of that. Well I should get on, I see you have company."

"Catfish here is helping me with some problems, but we are finished," Henry said. "He a very old friend. There is a lot more to him than meets the eye."

"I see the old part," Carlton said. Henry looked at him disapprovingly.

"Oh shit! Did I say that aloud?" Carlton exclaimed. "I'm a catty old queen who goes overboard sometimes."

"You go overboard every time!" Henry said. Carlton apologized in his real voice not his fag queen voice. Henry was annoyed, and Carlton didn't want that. After years of decorating houses, Henry knew how to get what he wanted. I couldn't tell exactly what he was up to, but I had a feeling he wanted to take Carlton down a peg.

"Have you ever been fucked by a guy who looks like Catfish?" Henry asked. Carlton shook his head. A few minutes later we were naked in Henry's hot tub. Carlton was borderline surly until he saw my cock.

Carlton was thin, sleek and well-groomed. Every hair was in place or shaved. Well equipped, he wasn't quite impressive enough to win a ribbon at the county fair. He was pretty, not handsome. Henry was handsome, but aging. He was sensible enough to look his age, almost 60. He didn't have the desperate look of an older man trying to look young. I had a feeling Carlton would not be so lucky.

I didn't attract him at all except for my cock, which did attract him. Size has its allure and Carlton felt my cock's almost magnetic attraction. Henry was looking at us with a smile of satisfaction.

"Do you get to use that thing often? Carlton asked as he sized up my cock.

"Not as often as I like. It's hard to find guys who have the capacity to take it," I said. Henry was standing behind Carlton and rolled his eyes. My cock had been in regular use for the last few days. "I thought you Carolina guys might be into the challenge," I added.

Carlton's phone rang. He got out of the tub and answered it. Carlton said he had a hairdressing emergency and had to leave.

When he left, Henry was all but rolling on the floor in laughter. "Hairdressing emergency! The next time I need to make a quick exit, I think I'll say it's a wallpaper disaster. Save the women and children first!" he said.

We were still in the tub, when another friend, Don, came in. Don had a key to the house. I was sitting on the edge of the tub. Apparently, Henry had described me to him and he knew who I was.

"Can I join you?" he asked. Henry said that was fine. Don was a five-foot-five muscle builder. He was tanned, buffed and shaved except for a thick bush. I soon discovered that Don was ultra-masculine gay man. I wasn't his type, but because I lost a leg and used crutches, my upper body and arms were in good shape. He went for my hairy pecs before he fondled my genitals. Soon his tongue was exploring my foreskin as he stoked my chest.

We switched positions a few times. Every switch was pleasurable. I knew that Henry and I were versatile. Don was slightly reserved, but when I was sucking him, Henry rimmed his ass and them nudged his cock into the lubricated hole.

"It's okay Henry, you can cum in me," Don said. He and Henry got into it, heavy duty. I could taste Don's reaction to Henry's cock as it eased into his behind. I felt like a guest at a wedding night consummation, but Don clearly enjoyed it.

Afterwards, Henry told Don about Carlton and his comments about Bambi Smithson. Don said Bambi was a well-known character and everyone had stories about her.

"She seems to be a diamond in the rough without the diamond. Her chauffeur and his pal come to my gym. They seem to nice enough guys, but they are way on the bottom of the totem pole for Bambi and her hubby. They are only nice to men who count," Don said. We talked for a while and I got an invitation to Don's gym.

After Don left, Henry and I chatted. I'm a professional investigator; Henry was a professional gossip. He told me that Don wanted to get together with me, and that the chauffer visited on Tuesday nights. If I went to the gym near closing time at 9:30, there was some after-hours exercise followed by some stress relief in the showers. "That is by invitation only, and you have already been invited," Henry told me.

"Are you invited?" I asked.

"Nope, Don doesn't mind casual sex with me and a pal, but if he wants something more intense, he doesn't want me there," Henry told me. Don called the next day and asked if I could visit his gym on Tuesday evening. I said that was fine. Logan could drop me off and pick me up to go home. Don said he would be glad to take me home.

I got there at 8:30. The place wasn't fancy or elaborate except for the exercise equipment. I changed in the locker room. My exercise shorts don't leave much to the imagination. Nothing hangs out, but the fabric is thin, and sweat makes it cling. I can't do the leg exercises, but the rest was fine. The men were more than willing to help me move from machine to machine.

I met Marco, the Smithson's chauffeur and his pal Bud around nine. Bud was an automobile mechanic. Big time mob types hire body guards, but usually drivers or mechanics are hired for their skill, not their muscle. It's best of they concentrate on what they are good at. I was new to the gym; Marco and Bud were interested. The missing leg and big cock were a novelty.

We talked, and I told them I was a retired private dick who specialized in divorces. Marco said he worked for the most likely to be divorced couple in the country. "They go at it cats and dogs for hours. He cheats on her three or four times a week. He gives her cash or a big gift once a month. She's a greedy bitch and that even things up until the next fight," he explained.

"She knows stuff about his business that he wants to keep quiet," Bud said. "Her hubby has some associates that are a bit rough. Most of them a packing heat, not just pistols, but major firepower."

"What does he do?" I asked.

"He is an investor," Marco explained. "Some of this, some of that." As we chatted, I realized they didn't know much, but they knew they needed to keep quiet about it. They mentioned a man named Richie who, with his sidekick Jeb, seemed to be notably nasty. Marco and Bud weren't the brightest lightbulbs in the hardware store, but they weren't idiots either. Marco was ten or fifteen years older than Bud, and a felt a little daddy-son play acting in their relationship.

The Gym closed at 9:30. The straight men left. A few went to the Gym shower, but most went home to shower. The gay and gay friendly men lingered. The shower room was small but clean and with six or seven men they were intimate.

By 9:45 the gym was empty except for Don, Marco, Bud and me. We went to the showers and found a quartet of body builders engaged in sexual exploration. They must have known Don and his sexual preferences, because our arrival didn't bother them at all. Eight men in the small room was cozy.

The room didn't have any grab bars or benches, but Don held me with his arms around my chest and his cock in my ass. I don't think that was the official, medically approved way of supporting a handicapped man, but it worked for me. I thought Don has average issue equipment, but it must have been beefier than I thought. It filled and supported me easily. I was hard as a rock. Bud dropped to his knees to suck Marco, but he kept an eye on my cock too.

One of the men in the quartet saw my erection and told his playmates about it. They all enjoyed the view and they joined us. These men were all bears, either big and hairy or really big and hairy. The room was barely able to hold us, one of the bears impaled himself on my cock. You can save a lot of space when you are connected cock to ass.

The bears were cheerful and adaptable. We soon formed a daisy chain of eight, fornicating men. We did a little musical chairs action switching partners. I had Bud in my ass and Marco skewered on my cock, and then the biggest bear in my ass as I fucked Don. The bear shot off in me and that set off a chain reaction that relocated sperm from man to man. As each man shot off, you felt as if you shared the orgasms. The eight-man chain broke up, but the men returned to their partners, licking the cum that drooled from their cock or ass.

It was a loving and affectional daisy chain. Most of the men were partners and it gave them a chance to play with another men without cheating[BW1] on their partners. All was open and above board. I knew that both Bud and the Bear enjoyed themselves greatly, but the extent of their enjoyment was concealed in my ass.

Don drove me to Logan's house. It was a warm night. Don told me he was still hard. We went to the back yard and sixty-nined. We had a lovely exchange of cum and he went home. Logan had watched us in the garden. When I got in bed he asked if Don had shot off in me. I said he had, as had the bear.

He lifted my leg and rimmed my hole. He asked me to relax and let it flow. I almost fell asleep as his tongue probed deep. At some time, his cock entered my ass and he shot off.

He had to catch a plane early that morning, so I fixed myself breakfast and went to my computer to check in with my office. Henry called me and said that Carlton was coming to see me. "He's sorry about his comment, but I think he has an itch in a hard to reach spot," he said as someone knocked on the door. It was Carlton. I asked him in. "I talked with Henry and he said you were here and alone," he said. "I want to apologize again for what I said. I like to be over-the-top. if you knew me better you would have been used to me. I'm sorry."

"I don't exactly wear my heart on my sleeve, it not a problem," I said. "I looked like I was 30 when I was 20. My Mom was the only one who thought I was cute. My aunts were polite. They liked my mother but thought I was her cross to bear."

Carlton was quiet for a moment. "Is there any chance you like early morning fucks?" he asked.

"My balls are over filled. I can make a deposit in your ass or mouth depending on your preferences," I said.

"I'd like it in the ass, but you are so big," he replied.

"Carlton, if I don't get past your sphincter, would that be the first time it happened?" I asked.

Carlton giggled. "The captain of the wrestling team was the first guy to fuck me. He shot off on my sphincter and then used his cum as lube to get in. It's been clear sailing since then. I am always hoping to feel something new!"

Let's just say, I had Carlton's number. I knew what he expected, and I knew how to give him more. He was tight, and his sphincter resisted some. I went in from the rear and when he resisted, I pinched his tits. That surprised him, and he forgot to clench his ass. I went way deep in a hard thrust. He tried to close the door that was already open, but he gripped my cock. that was good for me.

"Tell me about your captain of the wrestling team? Did you feel him cum in you?" I asked as I made little jiggling movements that massaged his prostate.

"He shot off in me. He was big, but not as big as you," he moaned.

"Did he share you with the other guys on the team?" I asked. "Did the coach sample your ass?"

"Only the captain did me, but the coach was watching. A few days later the coach and several other coaches did me," he whispered.

"Were you shocked, or did you discover the meaning of life?" I continued.

"I didn't know I could please a bunch of macho old guys," he said. "It was shocking and beautiful. Your cock is a trip!" I had been resting my erect cock in his ass. I began to thrust, and Carlton turned into jelly; moaning, quivering jelly.

I slowed my thrusting and he got a grip. I didn't want him to the get too comfortable; he might revert to his normal asshole self so I all but pulled out and then rammed him. I'm not too partial to be making use of a sex slave, but I thought it might be good for him and improve his personality. I kept him off balance for ten minutes, and when he recovered he was almost a normal man.

"Did you cum in me?" he asked.

"Not yet, I was saving that for later," I said.

"If I said I didn't want that, would it make a difference?"

"Yes. I don't leave a parting gift if you don't want it," I said. We talked a little while. Bambi had heard about the house call and wanted him to come to her. He had been there the night before and said the house was creepy. While she wanted the hairdresser, her husband did not. He was mad and rude, muttering something about messing up a delivery. He said there were never strangers in the house during a delivery. There were assorted thugs looking in and telling him to hurry up.

There was also a big bang, that Carlton thought was a car backfiring. "Cars don't backfire much anymore, do they?" he mused. "I got out of there as fast as I could. After last night, you are a pussy cat!" I slid into his ass and we have a nice gentle fuck. I had a forceful orgasm and he loved it when my sperm tickled him as it squirted. He went off to work as did I.

I called Hillyard and told him what I had learned. The family was out of the running, but the Smithson's on the other side of the lake were still in the running. We talked for a while, and Hillyard said he would talk to a friend in the police.

Two hours later I was talking with Detective Wilson at Logan's house. He was interested in mob activity in the city, and Smithson was on the edge of his radar. Smithson's activities had been focused in an office-warehouse in the city. The castle was a new home and it was outside the city limits. Wilson said that Smithson was barely on the radar, but Bambi was the daughter of a suspected mob boss. He had died a year later.

It was assumed the family business was being run by Bambi's brother. Bambi was believed not to be involved, but her husband might be managing her part of the inheritance. The castle was built with her money. I showed him the photographs and the list of license numbers. Wilson was interested. he left and took my information to the station.

After he left, Don, my body builder friend dropped by. It took us five entire minutes to get through the preliminaries and get naked. Don told me he wanted something more intimate.

Don was a lover and liked a slower, more gentle sexual connection. He told me he had been so excited as I fucked him before, he didn't know exactly what he felt. We took our time, and all was well. His ass was tight, warm and receptive.

Wilson called me back at four in the afternoon. "Your stuff is fucking gold," he said, "I called Richmond and they gave you a four-star review. Can you tell me more? What is your interest?"

I told him about my old friend Henry and Bull. Henry thought the police weren't serious about Bull's death.

"You are right about that. If you could keep quiet about that, I'd appreciate it. We know there is a problem, if a guy is gay and murdered it's classified as a lover's quarrel gone wrong. The Chief knows there is a problem and some early retirements and reassignments are in the works," he said, "We can't do that until the strangler is caught. You know, the headline, "Police Department Fires Veteran Homicide Detectives as Strangler Rampages," would not be good." I said that I understood that.

"How did you find Hillyard?" he asked.

"I have friends who have friends," I said.

"He's low profile, but he's been a secret weapon for us for years," Wilson said.


Next: Chapter 201: Catfish Meets Henry 4

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