Millennium Construction Company

Published on Feb 19, 2002


Catfish & Company 4

By Bald Hairy Man

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This is an adult story for adults. It is not intended for minors, nor for persons who are offended by alternate life styles. If you are offended, Don't Read the story! There is no effort expended to make this story realistic or depict safe sex practices. This story is a fantasy, not a sex manual.

My romp with Buddy and the Sheriff turned out to be fun. Buddy was a careful sucker. He loved to be sucked and sucked you only to be polite. I'm not sure he thought it really was sex. He had been doing it since he was a kid and it was purely recreational for him. He wasn't emotionally involved.

Don't get me wrong. He was really appreciative and liked it a lot. He enjoyed it, so a good time was had by all. It was like a good massage for him, except his cock was being massaged. The Sheriff, Earl, was completely different.

I had never had sex with him and it took me a good minute and a half to realize he loved cock and sex with men. He liked it and wasn't ashamed to like it. He got on his knees sucking me and Buddy in a split second. He also had a finger searching out my hole too. Buddy was 6-2 and 250 pounds with a dusting of red hair on his chest. He had what Uncle Jake referred to as a good recreational cock. It tasted good and didn't choke you.

Earl was a lot like Butch, but older and a bit heavier. Unlike Butch, Earl wasn't the strong silent type. He liked sex and wasn't afraid if you knew it. His finger poked a real nice spot in my ass.

"You like that, Catfish?" he asked.

"I sure do!" I said. "This ain't your first time in a guy's ass, is it?"

"Shit no." he replied. "I've had some quality time working with a guy's bells and whistles. You know, every guy's ass is different, though. You're an open book. Everything where it should be and in working condition. It took me a long time to find Buddy's `on' button!" With that comment he switched to sucking Buddy. Much to my surprise, he was fingering Buddy. Buddy's hole had been off limits when we were kids. Buddy was rolling his eyes back as Earl's finger hit a good spot. I leaned over and sucked one of Buddy's big pink nipples. Buddy moaned in pleasure.

"He liked that, suck them harder!" Earl said. I did. Buddy moaned again.

"Stop!" Buddy cried. "I going to shoot. Hold up some! I don't want to shoot too soon." Earl stopped sucking.

"You into fucking, Catfish?" the Sheriff asked.

"I sure am! I love it." I said. "But, I'm kind of partial to the top. Not always, mind you. Just a preference."

"This is your lucky day, Catfish." Earl said. "I haven't had a cock like yours in my ass in years. Not since Elmer Williams left town."

"Shit, I'd forgotten about Elmer. You got his whole monster in your ass?" I asked. Elmer was the football coach at the high school.

"I think your meat is just as big." Earl said. "Elmer was great." He paused. "Buddy, do you mind if Catfish and I get a bit up close and personal?"

"No, go right ahead." Buddy said. He was uncomfortable. "I don't want to do it myself." he added a bit uncertainly.

"Great, you wouldn't mind watching would you?" Earl asked.

"Actually, I think I'm kind of interested." Buddy said. "I've never seen guys fuck."

"Do you have some lube?" Earl asked. He stroked my cock. "I'm not going to take that donkey dong dry!" Buddy had some Cornhuskers and that did the trick. I asked Earl how he wanted it, spread eagle or doggie style. He said he liked it spread eagle, if I could take it easy at the start.

"That's no problem for me, as long as you don't mind it a bit more intense near the end." I said. Earl smiled.

"I wouldn't have it any other way, at the end." he said. Earl got on the bed and laid back. I got his legs on my shoulders. The bed was low and my cock was at perfect ass hole height. My cock was coated in Cornhuskers. His pink ass winked at me and had a little rosebud poking out of the opening. I pulled my skin back a little, so the piss slit lined up exactly with the rosebud and rested the head at his hole. I applied a little pressure. I wasn't pushing, just letting him know I was ready.

He had been nice and hard before. As soon as he felt the head at his ass, his cock doubled in size. His cock head was so bloated that it shone. I could see my refection in it. I squirted some Cornhuskers on his cock and stroked it. On the third stroke I pushed my cock forward. He opened up like the Red Sea did for Moses. My cock head slipped in and Earl moaned.

I didn't want to overdo the first thrust. I rested it there and then pulled out. After adding some more lube, I popped in again. Earl was real appreciative.

"Is the whole thing going to fit?" Buddy asked. I looked at my cock. I had noticed Earl was real excited, but my own cock was looking pretty good too. I pushed four or five inches into Earl's ass.

"Believe me, it's all going to fit." I said. Buddy was looking good by now, hard and drooling precum. He was real excited. He was on his knees beside Earl on the bed. Earl had a finger or two in Buddy's ass. I though it was nice of Earl to think of Buddy while he was being fucked. Earl was a real nice guy.

Earl's eyes suddenly glazed. I was fully embedded and Earl was a happy guy. We had a nice slow fuck for a while. He asked me to pull out so he could rest a little before we finished up. I pulled out and cooled down some. It was real nice. I looked over at Buddy and could tell he wanted to fuck too, but was too embarrassed to ask. I looked at Earl and he had noticed the same thing.

"Come on, Buddy." Earl said. "Try it out and see if you like it!" Buddy jumped up and buried his cock in Earl's ass. Earl liked that too. Buddy sure was a fast learner.

"Damn, I'm going to shoot!" Buddy cried.

"Just leave it in and fill me up!" Earl said. "Your cousin, Catfish, won't mind your cum in my ass." Earl was right about that. I held Buddy so he couldn't pull out. Buddy had a four-alarm orgasm. I had seen him shoot many times over the years, but this was a prize winner. He shook and shuddered every time he shot. When he pulled out, I returned. You don't get to fuck a cum filled ass often and this was a real pleasure.

We had all played with Uncle Jake and this seemed like a fitting send off. I had to admit I liked Buddy's cum and the way it coated my cock when I pulled it out. It squeezed out between Earl's ass and my cock. Earl was a great bottom, he enjoyed it and would squeeze my cock with his ass to get me harder.

He began to shoot hands free. I came as his ass convulsed with his orgasm. He wouldn't let me pull out until I was completely soft. He said I had more cock soft than some men did hard. We all showered and got dressed. I had to get back to Richmond. Buddy looked a little lost.

"Are you okay, Buddy?" I asked.

"Yes, it was real good. I don't believe I did it." he said. "I don't believe I liked it so much either. I feel kind of dizzy."

"I was kind of hoping you would like it and give me a ride again." Earl said. He put his arm around Buddy's shoulder. "I don't mind helping out a friend and I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this morning." I knew the Sheriff liked my cock, but I had the feeling he really liked Buddy as a friend, not just a cock.

"I need to get going." I said. "If you guys would like to do some checking on our preacher man, I'd really appreciate it. I'd like to know more about him and his associates."

"I have some thoughts along that line too. Something isn't kosher there." the Sheriff said. "The difference between wacky and criminal is hard to tell sometimes. I've got some contacts in the group. They were thinking about getting out of it, but I asked them to stay an keep an eye open. The Preacher is getting stranger and stranger. You don't know what he might do next."

The Sheriff walked me to my car as Buddy went off to feed the animals.

"Thanks." he said. "You got one hell of a cock. It was everything Buddy said it was."

"Thanks for helping Buddy out. He's kind of lost with Sally and the kids gone." Earl laughed.

"He's a nice guy, you got him to loosen up. I've been trying to get him in my ass for years." Earl said. "We cock suckers need to stick together!" I drove away. I got back in late afternoon and went through the office messages. There was nothing that had to be done immediately. Ram and Billy dropped by. They had been working on a psychological profile of the bomber. They had proposed three scenarios, anti-Semitic, anti-abortion and anti-gay and were developing a profile for each.

The Police Force was looking into the anti-Semitic option, with emphasis on foreign terrorists. This seemed unlikely to me, but Ram said the Police Chief believed it and was doing a thorough job investigating it.

"We don't need to look there." Ram said. "It's covered. There is no work being done on the anti-abortion, or anti gay angle."

"I have the gay angle under control." Billy said. "Half the paranoid gays in town come to me for counseling. They aren't convinced. There weren't enough gays at the newspaper to justify the bomb. The chances that the editor or much of the staff would be there on a Friday afternoon is poor. They think gays were collateral damage. A bonus to the bomber, but not the main attraction."

"The main victims, other than the firemen and police ,were the elderly." I said. "No one thinks they were the intended victim."

"I figure the bomber is either so single minded he doesn't consider other damage, or perhaps someone from the country, who is used to seeing places in isolation." Ram said.

"The other option is a sadist." Billy said. "Someone who enjoys inflicting pain. "

"The timing is so odd. Amateur night. It seems to me professionals wouldn't have had the problem with the timer." I said. "I've been thinking along the lines of a `born again' gone bad. You know, one of those guys who gets so holy, he gets messages from God." I was thinking about Buddy, his wife and her preacher. She was so holy, she had to leave her husband. And I would bet a million dollars she went to heavy duty family values church.

"I've been thinking along the lines of a Holy Roller too. Someone who is so obsessed with abortion, or gays they can't see clearly." Ram said. As the conversation progressed we all were tending to think the same thing. It was someone who didn't see that killing some innocent people was a problem, if they were able to get at the real sinners.

"Well, if they are after gays, we're goners!" Billy said. "I don't think they'd recognize us as gays."

"Shit, they wouldn't recognize their Minister or half the choir as being gay." I said. "They're all confirmed bachelors waiting for the right woman." Billy laughed. "I do think there is something sinful about women who don't get married. Virginity is good until you get married, but if you don't you turn out to be a dried up old spinster."

Someone knocked at the door. It was Mark and Vince.

"How did you guys meet?" I asked.

"We didn't." Vince said. "We just arrived at the door at the same time." I introduced them. They joined in the conversation. Vince said the preliminary lab reports on the explosive indicated all the materials were made in the U.S.A. None were foreign.

"That's the good news." Vince said. "The bad news is there is nothing that couldn't be bought at a Radio shack, Wall-Mart or Southern States. There is nothing exotic at all in the mix."

"Damn, I was hoping for something in Arabic or Chinese." I said. "Maybe a `Property of the KGB' sticker."

"Perhaps a half price sale sticker from the Bombs R Us store in downtown Bagdad." Billy added.

It was getting late and I ordered out for Chinese. It was a good conversation. It focused my mind some. I asked Mark if he was in town with the ambulance. He said no, it was the weekend and he wondered if I was free. I told him I though I could work him into my social calendar.

"Is this a meeting of Horse Hung & Company?" Mark asked.

"Horse Hung & Company?" Vince asked. "What are you talking about?" I filled him in on the joke of the week before.

"There is some big meat here." Billy said. Vince looked at Mark and then at Billy. Billy nodded. Vince had never met Mark before, but Mark was a big boy too. "The only problem is that you all are tops. I'm the only bottom here and I'm not sure I can handle you all."

"I'm a switch hitter in a pinch." Mark said. "Catfish is too, but he doesn't want anyone to know it."

"Thanks for keeping my confidence so well!" I said. I had been a confirmed top for so long, I was a bit embarrassed at guys finding out my interests had changed some.

"I love to top, but my cock's hard to fit." Ram said. "I can't casually fuck a guy. It's a big production.

"Lot's of men like the eye candy, but when it comes to lying back and opening up, they either lose their nerve, or claim I'm trying to split them in half." Vince said.

"I've had that happen, but I can take it." Mark said. "I won't say it'll be easy, but I bet I can do it and I bet Catfish can too."

"What in hell are you volunteering me for?" I said. I was a bit annoyed, but also a bit interested.

"Well we big guys are always the centers of attention, once we get naked, that is. I'd never been with a guys as well endowed as me before I chanced on Catfish a few weeks ago." Mark said. "It was damn good. I'd never been plugged by anything as big as Catfish and I loved it."

"You want to do it again?" Ram asked.

"I sure do. Let's do some testing of the limits. I try your cock on for size and you try mine." Mark suggested. "Have you had a big one in your ass?"

"It seems odd to be talking about this sort of stuff." Vince said.

"You mean it's time to do it?" Billy asked. Vince smiled.

"That's exactly what I mean." Vince said. "I've heard a lot about your Architectural Digest shower, Catfish. Can you give us a tour?" I could and did. I locked up the office area and we trooped upstairs. We were naked by the time we hit the showers. Mark got next to me as the other guys went into my bathroom.

"Catfish." he whispered. "Have you ever been fucked by a black guy?"

"Nope. But Ram is Indian, not black."

"He's close enough for me." he continued. "Would it bother you if you saw a black cock in my ass?"

"Shit no. No problem." I said.

"Thanks. I'd be sorely tempted, but I have a powerful urge." Mark said. "I wouldn't want it the come between us." We went into the bathroom and Billy was on the floor sucking Vince and Ram.

Mark took one look at Vince and Ram. They were half erect. "Hot damn! Christmas has come early this year!"

Next: Chapter 21: Catfish and Company 5

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