Millennium Construction Company

Published on Sep 7, 2001


Millennium Construction Company 2

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

I remembered how difficult it had been thirty years earlier when I started my first company. Then cash was at the core of all my problems. Now I was a wealthy man, so capitalizing the company and getting the day to day operating expenses was not a problem. I got the company going quickly. With an accountant and lawyer things fell into place.

I arranged for a health insurance policy for my employees. This was expensive but worth every penny. Most of the freelance craftsmen had no insurance or had policies that were worthless. Mine was top of the line and I reduced turnover and increased employee loyalty. I discovered that I could pick and choose staff. Richmond's gay underground produce a number of high quality workmen, but I was careful to make sure we could maintain the quality of work needed to establish our reputation. I also added domestic partners to the insurance policy, and we soon were regarded as saints in the gay community.

While the workmen were gay, this wasn't mentioned. Richmond is a conservative town, and I wanted to attract broad range of projects. I also didn't want the men to be labeled as gay when they had to look for another job. I figured that would have been the kiss of death for future employment.

The word was out in the gay telegraph and I soon assembled a good group of men. I hired Skeeter, Otto, Lance and two others immediately and I had a crew ready to work. My neighbors and Skeeter were good in this respect. Larry knew the background on many of the guys, and warned me if there was a big problem.

Skeeter was from out of town so he couldn't tell me about past history, but he had the best nose for a bull shit artist I had ever encountered. "I like cocks, not ass holes!" he proclaimed. A guy could work with Skeeter for a few days and Skeeter got his number pronto. I had 12 guys working for me in a year and 24 the next.

My greatest find was Ed Gray. Ed was 45 and had just retired from the city as associate director of public works. He looked like a blond Bluto, but was a great organization man. He could schedule, budget and plan. That left me free for field work that was the part of the job I enjoyed. Ed came to me by way of Billy. Ed was just divorced and had just come to grips with his sexual preferences. He had been with the city for 25 years and was ready for a change. He was willing to take a lower salary for future ownership in the company. He became the business manager and ran the office.

The house I was renovating served as an office, home and promotional tool. I going to live on the second floor and already had Skeeter ensconced in the attic. The house was zoned commercial, so we could operate out of it for a while. The paintings in the front room turned out to be important works of art and anyone who saw it knew of our skills as restoration contractors.

The history of the paintings was soon emerged. Philippe Adam was the artist of the mural cycle in the Confederate Memorial Institute. He had roomed in the house in 1913 when he was designing the murals. The paintings in my house were quick, impressionist sketches for the major murals. Adam converted Lee into Jupiter and Stonewall into Pluto and so forth. These were nude studies of the fully clothed generals who appeared in the Institute murals five years later, when the complete cycle was first displayed.

Otto and Lance did a wonderful job of stripping the wallpaper and the paintings were in perfect condition. The nude Gods version of the Confederate Pantheon caused quite a stir. One doubts that Lee ever appeared nude even to his wife, so the combination of the subject matter and the skill displayed in the paintings themselves was sensational. The figures were life like, if sketchy, but they were clearly the models for the final paintings. The artist had a little fun as he enlarged the cock depending on the rank of the officer. Lee-Jupiter was truly impressive.

We had a steady stream of visitors including art lovers, Confederate re-in-actors and guys who like pictures of naked guys. The rest of the house seemed ordinary compared to the mural room, but was both livable and functional. I was frantically trying to get my apartment livable, and the offices were in use on the main level and Skeeter stayed in the attic. He was happy there. He also discovered the great secret of the house.

The attic was always finished and apparently the artist had his room up there. It had three or four layers of wallpaper on the walls as was typical of Richmond houses of this period. Skeeter took off some wallpaper and discovered drawings of Grant and Lincoln with their cocks hanging to their knees. The winners got the best cocks, and after Lee the artist had to turn the dick into a truly monumental feature. Philippe apparently had a sense of humor. We never publically displayed these drawings but they were a hit with the art historians.

The house brought in lots of work. We were soon loaded with interesting restoration and renovation projects. I also got calls about larger commercial projects, but I rejected these. The Millennium Construction Company was my retirement project. I wasn't going to turn it into work.

We got my apartment livable by November and I moved just before Thanksgiving. I sold the suburban house for a bundle and got rid of the furniture, except for some pieces my parents left me. On Thanksgiving day I was bushed from moving and planned a quiet holiday. I actually considered calling out for Chinese food for dinner. My neighbors arrived at three with other plans. It became a combination Thanksgiving feast and house warming party.

Bob, Karl and Larry appeared first with the food. Billy and Chuck arrived with a rug for the living room. Otto and Lance arrived with a painting for the mantle. Skeeter came with two carpenter friends, Bubba and Butch. Ed came with Tom Brown, a superintendent we had just hired. It turned out to be a big party. We were all feeling good about the way the house had turned out, as well as the prospects for the future.

We were always business like at work, and I had never been with my employees socially except for Skeeter. Skeeter and I were sometimes playmates, but never lovers. Skeeter had a good sense of propriety. He kept his private life separate from his work life. That was good for both of us. I had no idea how the party would go, but everything went well. It had been a work filled fall and a party was in order.

I didn't know the relationships between the men. Bob and Karl were a couple, but everyone else was unknown. If Ed looked like a Blond Bluto, Bubba was the dark-haired version. He was new and hadn't met any of the guys at the party, but he and Chuck hit it off immediately.

Chuck was small and dapper. He looked a bit like a well groomed, bearded Victorian gentleman. Bubba must have been 200 pounds heavier, and as shaggy as Chuck was manicured. Bubba all but drooled when he was introduced. Ed seemed to be much taken by Otto, and Tom and I hit it off.

Dinner was great, Karl always did a great job, and I had moved the wine cellar from my old house and I had a great collection of wines. They were much appreciated. By seven everyone was mellow and happy. By that time I wanted everyone to leave so that Tom and I could explore the possibilities.

I was feeling a bit irritated when it struck me that there was no reason not to do what I wanted. Everyone was gay. I was sure that everyone was just as ready to play as I was. I wasn't living in the up tight west end of Richmond anymore. I also realized that we all had consumed a bit more wine than was appropriate for driving on the streets. No one could drive home for a while. Skeeter came up to me.

"The playpen is upstairs." he whispered. He left with Lance. Tom had overheard Skeeter's message. Our eyes met and I knew exactly what he wanted. So did everyone else. Billy came by and said he would hold the fort downstairs so Tom and I went to Skeeter's bachelor pad.

We went up the narrow attic stairs. The attic was open with a high ceiling conforming to the irregular outline of the house. There were nooks and crannies and two big dormer windows. I had stored the extra mattresses from my house for later use up there and much of the floor now was covered with them. Skeeter had a gay movie on the VCR and had a collection of period lava lamps providing the illumination.

The light was dim, but everyone was nude and enjoying themselves. Tom groped my basket and we were on a mattress and naked in a minute. Tom was 40 or so, had been very muscular when he was younger and was a sucker. He was so intent on my cock that it was difficult to get him to let me at his. We finally got into the 69 position.

"I shoot real easy." he whispered. "It might get messy."

"That's not a problem for me." I said. It was hard for me to believe the relief I felt when I got his cock head in my mouth. He had an average cock with big low hangers. It curved in a way that made it easy to deep throat. Skeeter had given me some pointers on how to judge when a guy is on the edge of shooting. I tried his technique on Tom with some success.

My cock is thick and it was challenge for Tom. I soon realized that he liked challenges and he switched between my balls and cock. After about ten minutes I needed a rest and we cooled down. I looked around the room. My eyes had adapted to the light and I could see all of the activity. Ed and Otto were next to us. Ed was on his hands and knees with Otto slowly working his cock into Ed's ass. I could have sworn that Otto was 12 inches long and downwardly curved. It really hit some good spots for Ed. It looked as if Otto was playing Ed like a cello, with long slow strokes and Ed growling in appreciation.

Opposite us, Bubba was on his back with Chuck pumping him at a good rate. Bubba was really beefy. He was covered in black hair and had his cock sticking straight in the air. The lava lamps reflected in the pre cum that coated his cock. Chuck was an otter, covered in red hair, and half of his body weight must have been in his cock. Everything about Chuck was slim, delicate and elegant except his dick. It was a ten-inch club cock, uncut. The head was the same size as the shaft, about two inches in diameter. The meat was undefined except for big veins bloated with blood.

Skeeter was sucking Karl next to us. He had gone upstairs with Lance, but Lance seemed to have vanished. I watched Skeeter take Karl to the edge then let him down slowly. John appeared. I was afraid he would be mad at Karl, but he just joined the group and Skeeter got to suck both lovers. The two men were kissing as Skeeter worked his magic on their cocks.

Tom began sucking me again and Otto moaned as he shot off in Ed's ass. Otto rolled over and rested on the mattress. Ed got up. His cock was at my mouth height. He came over and I began sucking him. He was uncut, short and thick. I realized I liked the taste of pre cum. Ed's was sweet and rich.

Given how excited I was, I was also relaxed. Looking back, I knew I had always been attracted to men, but I had been afraid to admit it. I hadn't even come close to acting on my desires. I am a conventional man and had done all the conventional things. Now, I was having sex in the middle of a group of other men having sex and loving every minute of it. All of this under a horse-hung version of General Grant.

I realized that I should have felt guilty or dirty or sinful, but I didn't feel any of those things. I felt complete, as if something from my life that had been missing was there again. I also felt wanted. I was with friends who wanted me and liked me. I wasn't embarrassed about my desires and they didn't seem to mind if I was watching them.

The lava lamps flickered and the donkey donged figure of Lincoln came into view. I felt like I was in an avant guard movie of the 1960s. It was almost surreal. I lost my concentration for a second and Tom got my load. I was moaning and everyone knew what I was feeling. Ed pulled back and I could breathe again.

Tom pulled of and smiled at me. I was drained but Tom and Ed stayed with me and I had a soft landing from the sexual high. I eventually dressed and went downstair again. It seemed cool and very calm down there. Eventually everyone came downstairs again and we had desert. By 9:30 the wine's effect had worn off and the lust had abated and people began to drift home.

Skeeter, Bubba and Butch helped me clean up. There was remarkably little mess but the three men were very thorough and by 10:30 you wouldn't have guessed that there was a party in the place. We sat down after for a drink.

"I don't want to sound like I'm buttering up the boss," Bubba said, "but that was the best party I've ever been too!"

"It beats the hell out of spin the tail on the donkey!" Skeeter added.

"Someone sure got my tail!" Bubba said. "Damn if Chuck doesn't have bigger cock than an arm!" We laughed. "You were watching?" he asked of Butch. Butch was tall and thin. He couldn't have been more than 25 but he was balding with a droopy mustache and clear, pale blue eyes. I couldn't recall him saying more than a word all night.

"I'm kinda shy." he said with a stutter. My best friend in high school had a stutter and I had a clear idea what Butch was going through in a room filled with people he didn't know.

"You should have joined us!" Skeeter said. "We know you like it."

"It was real nice here." Butch said. "I had a great time. I guess it's time for us to go."

"I don't want you to get the wrong idea about Butch." Bubba said. "He's the only one of us who still has a licence. Skeeter and I seem to have gone to the same school of drunk driving. Butch had a new truck and he makes us clean up before we sit in it."

"It's a real nice truck." Skeeter said. "The boy done real good." I knew that Skeeter had a truck that his ex wife took. I think he missed the truck more than his wife.

"I don't care which school you went to, as long as you are going to another one now." I said. I tried to sound casual, but they knew I was serious. I went to the window and looked out on the street. Rain was falling. A car drove by, skidded and almost hit a parked car. The thermometer in the window said it was 29 degrees.

"Well guys, No driving tonight." I said. "Freezing rain." They rushed to the window and we saw a pedestrian fall. Everything was coated with a slick layer of ice. "I don't think you could get to the truck, not alone drive home." It was beautiful outside but they knew that getting home was out of the question.

"Well Bubba can bunk with me." Skeeter said. "Can you help Butch, Mr. Williamson?" Of course I said yes, but I knew there was more than enough room up stairs for all three of them. Skeeter wanted Butch to spend the night with me. Why, I don't know, but I knew that Skeeter was a good judge of men and he had something planned. Skeeter and Bubba went up stairs and Butch and I were alone.

"Would you like another drink?" I asked. He said sure, so I poured him another glass of wine.

He sat down. "This ain't Boones Farm, is it?" he said.

"Not even close." I said smiling.

"It's not three buck a bottle either, is it?"

"Are you from West Virginia?" I asked.

"Shit, I was hoping it didn't show that bad!" Butch was blushing. I laughed again.

"Don't worry. This is an equal opportunity employer." I said. "We even hire guys from West Virginia. I've never had a party like this before. I hope you weren't offended. It was much more than I expected. You didn't need to do any thing. You were shocked?"

"Turned on!" Butch said. "I've never been so turned on in my life. I just didn't know what to do. What if I made a mistake?"

I sat down next to him. "I don't think you could make a mistake upstairs. It was just a bunch of guys enjoying themselves. No one was showing off. It was just plain old fun. Were you up there?"

"No. Well sort of. I just looked from the top of the stair." he said whispering. "Was it as good as it looked?"

"Yes it was. Do you like doing that sort of thing?" I whispered. Now that we were alone his stutter improved.

"I do." he said almost inaudibly. "I've only sucked cock, but it was great. Daddy caught me doing it with my cousin and beat the shit out of me. I just loved sucking cock."

"Let's go to bed." I said. We did. Butch wanted the lights off when we stripped and got into my bed. He got on the bed as tense as a guy could get. I took his hand and put it on my cock. It was a tense as he was. He had his chin in my pubic hair in a second. He was almost frantic to get to my cock and suck me dry.

"Hold your horses!" I said laughing. "We've got the whole night!" I wasn't the most experienced guy in the world, but I knew a lot more than poor Butch. I slowed him down and introduced him to the world of gay sex at half speed. Butch was a fast learner.

After our first round of orgasms, I got him in the shower with me and finally got a look at him. He was a dirty blond with a lot more hair on his chest than his head. By the time he would be 40 he would have a solid coat. He had golf ball sized nuts in a low hanging bag and a snake cock, long and remarkably thin. He was uncut. He got on his knees in the shower and stared at my cock. He hadn't ever had a chance to study another man's meat in detail. He liked it. We got out, dried of and went back to bed.

We 69ed for a while. His cock must have touched my tonsils. We both enjoyed it more as he calmed down. We pulled apart when we got close to shooting a second time.

"You're good at this." I said.

"I like it but I want to get better." Butch said. "Skeeter is great at it."

"He sure is."

"Have you ever fucked a guy?" he asked. He was whispering again.

"Nope, all sucking for me." I said.

"Some guys seem to like it a lot?"

"Like Ed and Bubba?"

"I mean. They like it a lot!" Butch said. I had noticed that too. I also noticed that Butch had a long but very thin cock. I touched it. He was rock hard. Someone had left a bottle of lubricant beside the bed. I coated his cock with it. I straddled him and positioned his cock heat at my hole.

"Holy shit!" he said. I sat back and the slender tube of flesh slipped slowly into my ass. He had a good seven or eight incher. When he was four or five inches in he stuck gold. I suddenly had the best erection I had felt in years and I was in love. I couldn't believe the feelings. I was awash in desire. I sat all the way down and Butch was all but crying in pleasure. I must have twitched on his cock for twenty minutes before he shot off in my ass and we collapsed on the bed. We slept through the night and he woke me in the morning with his head massaging my hole.

The electricity was off. And the bedroom was getting cool. Skeeter knocked on the bedroom door and said it was 40 in the attic. I told him to come in. He and Bubba jumped in the bed with us.

"Damn it's cold." Bubba said. "What do you think we could do to get warm?" It wasn't the most original ploy but it was enough.

Next: Chapter 3

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