Millennium Construction Company

Published on Mar 17, 2018


Catfish Goes to Sea 5 By Bob Archman

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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My work on the City Point was more recreational than investigative, and I mentioned that at the Office. The office manager Steve and I had a heart to heart.

"Catfish, you are getting older and have been badly injured. You are good at field work, but your ability to protect yourself is limited. You've never done any of the paperwork or administrative work at the office. I can't see you as a pencil pusher," he said. "You have discovered a huge number of leads on the City Point. That what you are good at and that's what we want."

"I think I can do more," I replied.

"Everyone can do more," Steve replied. "You have knack for finding out things in odd situations. No one else can do it. Enjoy yourself on the City Point. No one is complaining." I wanted to be more active, but I knew Steve was right. I went back to the ship.

The Toms' family wedding was a success. It was the perfect wedding for a pregnant bride. It wasn't a big church wedding, but it was distinctive enough to be respectable. It was also put together in two weeks, that meant the bride's photos didn't show her condition.

Mrs. Toms gave us a good recommendation, but the grooms father, the Methodist minister also sang out praises. Girls from good families get knocked up by nice Methodist boys too. A nice wedding eased the tensions of the situation.

The next wedding wasn't Methodist, it was Mafia crime family. It was more of a merger of two clans than a love match. Sex was involved, but I think it was related to birth control failure. The families involved, the William Greene and the Larry Lay 's provided the bride and groom. The Greene's were Central Europeans, the Lays were Columbian. This was unique since both families seemed to have used assumed names.

There was one nice aspect to the families. If you weren't family, you didn't exist. Everyone else was just hired help. Since it was a last-minute thing, they assumed the police didn't have time to get someone on the ship. They didn't realize they were walking into another investigation.

We essentially repeated the Toms' wedding with more booze and fewer Methodists. Since it was an all family affair, getting drunk and indiscrete wasn't a problem. More correctly, getting drunk wasn't much of a problem. Being indiscreet was a dream come true for me.

William and Larry were not your dream employers. They were demanding and nasty, so some of their employees were not a devoted as might be. That was especially true of a sister's husband's nephew who might be an accountant or an enforcer. Disgruntled employees are good for me too.

The two families took the staterooms, the trusted employees took the bunk rooms. The low men on the totem pole were squeezed in with the crew. I met Butch, one of the Greene family enforcers in the shower. He was an old-fashioned bruiser, big, strong and not too bright. He wasn't stupid, but let's say he didn't spend much time in intellectual pursuits.

"What happened to the leg?" he asked.

"A guy shot me," I said. "He missed."

"It looks like he got you to me," he replied.

"I think he was trying to kill me. He shot low," I explained. Butch laughed and thought that was funny.

"How did a guy as short as you get a cock that big?" he asked.

"Maybe it is a consolation prize for being short, like Miss Congeniality at the Miss America contest." I replied.

"It looks more like the first prize to me," Butch said. Butch had a thick, uncut tube of meat that was firming up. Roger came in to shower. He introduced himself to Bitch, glanced at his semi-erect cock, and said, "I see you've met Silverbeard. I got hard the first time I saw him here."

"I'm not that kind of a guy," Butch replied.

"I am that kind of a guy and thought I had a big one until I saw Silverbeard," Roger said. "The crew is real friendly. It looks like you have a nice ass stretcher there. Some guys in the crew might like it."

I was sitting on a bench. Butch's cock was in sucking distance. I figured to go for it. It would either be really good or really bad. I decided to give it a try.

Butch shivered a little as my lips enveloped his knob. "Damn, you know what a guy likes!" Butch cried. I had guessed right.

Roger put an arm around Butch. "Just relax, Silverbeard knows what he is doing," he said. Roger got behind Butch and played with his nipples. "You are among friends. Just let things flow. He likes the taste of an excited men. He loves man seed too." Just as Roger said that, Butch's cock all but exploded, flooding my mouth with cum.

I sucked him until he cooled down a little. "Are you doing okay? Butch is obviously doing well," Roger said. Butch shivered and ejaculated once more. We broke apart.

"Could one of you guys take help me get my crutches?" I asked. Butch picked me up and kissed me. He tasted the remains of his sperm in my mouth and went for it. When he calmed down, he helped me dry off.

"I'm a bit dizzy. That was good," he said.

"It was good for me too," I said.

"I thought I liked blow jobs. That was a blow job on steroids," he said. "Do you want me to do the same for you? I don't blow guys often, but I owe you something."

I smiled. "Think of it as a free sample. You and I both enjoyed it."

"You took my load. Did you like it?" he asked.

I nodded. "It was good. I used to be uneasy about man seed, but yours was thick and creamy. Did you like eating it?"

"I don't know what got into me. I loved it," he replied.

"If you're lucky, maybe you will find more fun," I said. "I've been around the block and there is a lot of fun to be had."

"I need to go. I'll see you later I hope," Butch said. He got dressed and left.

Roger came over to me. "That boy wants it bad," he said. "I know the type. He unhappy that he's gay and he just first discovered the joy of being gay. He will be back."

I wasn't so sure, but Roger was right. Butch was not a member of the family and he was the favorite whipping boy. When someone in the family made a mistake, it was Butch's fault. It was easier to blame him than your son, or your wife's cousin. Butch had been a professional boxer, and he looked beaten up. Luckily, he left boxing without brain damage. He was the butt of jokes and did all the demeaning and petty chores. Butch was poorly educated and had a limited future on the job market.

Butch had a pal who was in a similar situation. Janos was the son of William's brother. The brother took the rap for William and went to jail, where he was killed in a prison riot. William had to give employment to this brother's son, but he didn't have to like it. Janos was a low-level accountant. Butch and Janos shared a common sexual interest but were deep in the closet. Butch had just peeked out of the closet and loved what he saw.

The wedding went well, and the photographs were fine. There was a lot of booze. Most of the guests could still walk after the dinner-reception. A half hour later it was clear that there were no good drunks in either family. By 10:00 the crew had to carry many of the guests to their rooms. It was quiet except for periodic fist fights. The Captain and Roger were locked on the bridge to make sure that none of the drunks tried to take charge of the ship.

Butch told Janos about his adventures the night before and brought him to the crew shower as the other wedding guests passed out. Janos was tall, thin and slouched. When I saw him, he seemed as if he was looking for a place to hide. I don't think that any of the guests knew there were crew quarters or showers.

I was in the shower with Christian, the chef. He had been trained by Max as a chef who had given him some sex lessons too. Christian was a ginger bear, beefy but not fat. When Butch came in with Janos, Christian went for Janos. I later found out that Christian liked stray cats, and Janos looked lost and bewildered. Butch went for my cock. I was on one foot and holding on to a grab bar. Butch supported me as he tried to swallow my tool.

Janos had a pale, muscle free body and a hairy body. His cock made up for his body's weaknesses. Christian was pinkish-copper colored. He was covered in curly red hair. He may have liked stray cats, but he liked cock better. While Janos was shy, Christian was out going and friendly. Janos was pleasantly overwhelmed.

Butch was Janos' friend and protector. When Janos saw Butch fully engaged sexual, he relaxed and followed Christian's lead. Christian nursed on Janos' cock and he closed his eyes and moaned. Christian wasn't an amateur. I suspected Janos was more use to quickies in the store room or at a rest stop.

The shower had a bench which was placed there for me. Janos sat on it to catch his breath. Christian was more limber than I thought. Somehow he managed to sit on Janos' cock and bounced on the over excited organ. From the look on their faces, it was obviously a complete success. I think it was the first time Janos fucked a man, and his cock was bit bigger than Christian usually took. It was rubbing new spots in his ass.

Butch was standing. He picked me up and slowly lowered my ass on his thick tool. While it fit and was good for me, it was great for Butch. Every time he moved it went deeper. Things cooled down after a while. I suggested that we go to Roger's cabin. He was on duty and it was available.

"Would Roger mind?" Butch asked.

"He's with the program. Don't worry," I explained. The four of us went to the cabin. This time I sat on Janos's cock and Christian took care of Butch. They were timid sexually. I could understand that in Janos who was a classic, kick sand in the face weakling, but Butch was a musclebound bruiser. I decided the problem was lack of imagination. They weren't the kind of men who would say "fuck it," and try something new. Family life was miserable for Janos, but it was all that he knew.

Unexpectedly, Butch and Janos seemed to become talkative when sexually engaged. I guess they let down their guard when fornicating. That was good for me. Janos' cock was thinner and longer than I thought. That was good too. Janos told me he did research on new projects. He told me they got leads from mortgage companies on properties that were nearing balloon payments. His uncle had an in with the companies. Some of these properties ran into problems, couldn't make the payment and they got the property for a song. He mentioned the name of the contact.

Janos loved it as I bounced on his cock. I was doing sort of a hula dance, undulating my hips and squeezing my sphincter. While technically he was fucking me, it was closer to being me masturbating him. He wasn't that experienced, and he was discovering what he was missing.

Christian was making a meal out of Butch's cock ooze. Cock sucking for Butch had been a race to see how fast he could shoot off. He thought the main attraction was the orgasm. Christian and I thought the trip to the orgasm was better the longer it took. Christian would get him to the edge of an orgasm, but not push him over. He would slow down, but then work up to a near orgasm again.

Butch was big and scary looking, but he wasn't a thug. He served as a prop for the men who did collections and an errand boy. He sometimes visited hotels the firm was interested in and found disgruntled employees. He would report back on what he found.

Nothing they mentioned was illegal, but it could be the prelude to something. A hotel approaching a balloon payment would encounter serious problems as the payment comes due. They defaulted or sold at a big discount.

I discovered one more thing that night. Skinny, timid Janos had an ass that could take the Empire State Building without effort. He was in the 69 position with Butch and I saw Janos was winking his ass at me. Most men hide their hole, not Janos. I coated my cock with lube and gave him a poke. A second later my pubic hair was tickling his ass. His sphincter was gently caressing my shaft.

Butch had a front row seat as he sucked Janos' cock inches away. He was slurping as Janos drooled precum. It was a good night.

The next morning was subdued. The arguments and fights that had marked the night before had not vanished with sobriety. The senior members of both families took a launch to Norfolk and went home. The launch could only hold 12 people, so the less important guests stayed on the City Point. That included Butch and Janos, as well Mark Greene. Butch told me Mark was a playmate and an okay guy. Butch called him the kid, but he was 23 years old. The newly married couple were in the Honeymoon suite. Without the parents, they seemed to get along well.

After cleaning up from the previous night's party, the crew had little to do. The remaining passengers did not share the animosities that marked the night before. Mark was in two vacated interconnected staterooms. He had talked with Butch about his sexual adventures. Their relationship had been oral only. Mark had seen enough porn to know there was more but was too shy to do any of it.

On the deck, the remaining guests engaged in a cut-throat shuffleboard game. Roger, Christian and I went to Mark's rooms to meet up with Mark, Janos and Butch. Apparently, Roger had made first contact with Mark's prostate earlier and it had been a success. Mark wanted more. Roger told us that Mark like to be fucked. Roger lost control and seeded him too. Mark went crazy and shot off when he realized Roger was ejaculating.

Mark had been fucked by one of his Uncles. That had been degrading for Mark, but there had been a brief flash of pleasure in it for Mark when the Uncle climaxed. Roger is a gentle and considerate fucker. He had discovered his orgasms were best while fucking, but especially good when they were triggered by the bottom's orgasm.

It was soon evident that Mark was a bottom slut. He loved it. After Roger fucked him, Janos took a turn, followed by Christian, Butch and me. I had the biggest cock in the group, but Mark was relaxed and open when I slid into him. I knew that sperm was a good lubricant, but four loads were a new experience for me, but I was up for it. I pushed some of it deeper into Mark' ass. Some spurted out into my pubic hair as I went deep. It was sloppy but smooth.

I am sexually experienced, but my cock tingled as I churned up the creamy contents of Mark's ass. I shot off quite quickly and Mark looked positively blissful. I chilled out for a while and when I focused again, Roger was fucking Butch and Janos was fucking Christian on the bed. For some reason I sensed that Janos wanted more. I got behind him and poked in his ass. Janos moved his legs, so I could go deeper, and he promptly shot off in Christian.

Janos went to the bathroom and I moved into position behind Christian. He was still open from Janos. I slid in.

"Damn, your bigger than Max!" he exclaimed.

"Is that a problem?" I asked.

"I'll let you know in ten or fifteen minutes," he replied moaning as I hit the good spots. Christian was a good sport. He told me later that being bigger than Max was better than he would have guessed. The party broke up, and we got ready to disembark in Richmond. Three or four Police cruisers were at the dock. They grabbed Butch, Janos and Mark as they disembarked.

One of my detective pals was there. He told me that the Greene family had been killed in a gangland massacre that morning. I told him that I had been with Butch, Janos and Mark and could give them a rock-solid alibi. I had forwarded the information Butch and Janos had given to me to my office and I assumed they had it. The detective didn't know about that, but he later confirmed they had it in another department.

I also told him that the debarkation of the victims had been spur of the moment, so it was accidental that these men were on the ship. The State Police had been monitoring cell messages, so it was unlikely that anyone on the ship could have sent a message to kill the family.

This was my last day on the City Point. Mass murders were beyond my pay grade. The information I had been feeding to the police from my office began to form a massive real estate plot. Because it was multi-state, the FBI got most of the credit. Helen and Bud deserved much of that credit. Once I gave then a name there were aggressive and checked every possible connection.

Butch, Janos and Mark were in jail briefly. I found a lawyer who met with them and explained the situation. They were classic small fry, but they knew incidental stuff that was gold for the police. They co-operated and were helpful.

That could have been a problem with the men who slaughtered the family. With the family dead, there was no connection to lesser members. The connection to the Lay family was instantly discovered. Violent personal dislike meant the killings were artless with no attempt to cover up. I never found out what happened to the happy couple. I assumed they were on a Caribbean island using false names.

Butch got a job as a security man at a hospital. He liked being helpful, but he was intimidating enough to scare and calm down the Saturday night drunks. He also found a male nurse who liked him a lot.

A year later Jonathan Smith, the Captain, asked me to be Silverbeard again for the next Bare Bear cruise. He told me that he was being transferred to be the Captain of a larger ship, so we would get a chance to know each other better. Max and Christian would be cooking. The Captain, Roger and Roger's new special friend Dud wanted to see me.

When I boarded the ship, Butch was there with his bear like friend Newton. Butch loved his new job and lover. He was glad to see me. Once he was away from the Greene family his life had turned around.

John, the otter, and Tommy, the bear from the first cruise, were on the cruise as was a man I recognized as a financial crimes investigator for the State Police. I asked if he was on the cruise for professional or personal reasons. He told me it was purely personal.

"Are you by any chance the guy they call Catfish?" he asked. I nodded. "I'm Marlow. I heard guys describe him, and when I saw you, I guessed it might be you. There can't be that many short, one-legged hairballs in the world. I've been getting stuff from your office for months. You have some smart people working for you."

"They tend to be a bit obsessive when they are on a case," I said. We were next to his stateroom and he asked me in for a drink. His short beefy partner, George, was inside. He was a Richmond native who worked for my friend Templeton at a bank. George was a compact, hair coated, muscle bear.

"Well, guys, I was getting ready to jerk off unless someone came by," George said. I noticed that George wasn't particularly shy.

"This is the guy they call Catfish," Marlow said. "I think you may have heard of him?"

George was looking at my crotch, so he clearly had heard of me.

Next: Chapter 197: Catfish Returns to the Sea

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