Millennium Construction Company

Published on Mar 4, 2018


Catfish Goes to Sea 4 By Bob Archman

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Back at my office I gave Helen the new information. She had been to bed and just got to the office. She was afraid her night hours were getting to be too much for Bud who insisted that she not work alone at night. My new information was like adrenaline for her.

Johnson gave me a call and asked me for dinner that evening. He said a few friends were coming over and I might like them. One of the men was into beach front development and he might be helpful.

"I'm still playing Silverbeard. Will I scare them?" I asked.

Johnson laughed. "At first, but they will come around. A walk on the wild side might do them some good," he added.

Johnson lived in a house overlooking the James in an exclusive neighborhood. It was hidden from the road, and you went down what looked like a garage driveway to get to his house. From the front, the house looked like a standard small Colonial, but it had three wings wrapped around a pool. It had a formal entrance and living rooms flanked by an ultra-modern kitchen and master bedroom-exercise area.

Johnson's friends tended to be slim, elegant men who had massive trust funds. I keep a very low media profile, but Catfish & Company does a lot of work for cultural institutions. We also do hush-hush work for wealthy men with blackmail problems. His guest didn't know me, but they knew of me.

People usually describe me as short, ugly man with one leg. Those who know me well add horse hung to the list. The oldest man there, Joshua was the retired founder of the largest real estate firm in the city.

He was cordial. "I think my late wife knew you. Are you the man who helped with her school, St Cecelia's Academy, a few years ago?" he asked. I said that was me. "She described you as being not conventionally attractive. I had no idea what that meant, but I understand now."

"To tell you the truth, the word attractive, doesn't pop up much in descriptions of me," I said. He laughed.

A muscular, younger man named Peter came over to us. Joshua introduced me to him. We talked, and then Joshua told him I had lost my leg saving a girl from rape. Peter was a patron of Tony's restaurant where the attempted rape occurred, so Peter knew the whole story but didn't know me. The third guest was Miller Smith, a middle-aged developer. He seemed like an average, slightly dumpy man. He wasn't unattractive, but he didn't strike you as being attractive either.

Johnson was successful and wealthy. He knew everyone, was intelligent and got along with a range of men and women. He was helpful and knew how to compromise and make mutually beneficial deals. He wasn't the hard driving, developer type; he was the lubricant that made deals work. He was very social, a patron of the arts, affable and a good golfer. He was often the escort for socially prominent women, and a good man to have in your foursome at the club championship.

I knew he was 100% gay, but few knew or cared. He attracted wealthy, well-connected, closet cases. He was a safe, totally discrete and dependable playmate. When your wife went to visit her sister, you could drop in for some stress relief. As far as anyone knew, you were discussing the club's greens with Johnson. Peter was an up and coming lawyer. Miller's wife was taking care of her father who had a stroke.

For a moment I thought I was an interesting sideshow for the amusement of Johnson's other guests. That wasn't Johnson's thing. His success was based on finding men who were mutually beneficial. Miller wasn't exactly a developer. He was an advance man, a scout. He sought out potential projects or investigated a project's viability. He was unimpressive, and no one guessed he was a developer. They told him things.

When he found a potential project, Miller told Johnson or Joshua. Peter was a lawyer with a MBA. He did an in-depth investigation of the finances and political aspects of projects. While the men were interested in successful projects, they also provided an excuse for sexual connections between the men. When they were working on a deal, that deal included exchange of manly fluids.

They did encounter some situations that needed some criminal investigation. They needed a discrete man for that sort of work. They were thinking of adding Catfish & Company to the team. I later realized I was at the dinner to see if I could contribute to the sexual component of the group

We had a good dinner and conversation. We talked about how to drop the value of a property to get it at a discount. Miller said the current way was to use a cyber-attack to ruin a motel's reputation. Strong arm tactics were old school. I asked if there were some who like old school intimidation. He said that some preferred the old techniques. They were worried their computers would be hacked.

"Is there any sign of unemployed thugs yet?" I asked.

Miller laughed. "Now that you mention it, no. Some of the older operations are technology adverse. They would need to bring in a new bunch of guys to do a cyber-attack," he said. "That's a problem with closely held family operations. They hire only family, and the nephews may not be computer savvy."

After dinner we went to Johnson's hot tub for a soak. Pete and Miller helped me undress and get in the tub. It gave them a good chance to see me up close and personal. They took that opportunity and enjoyed the view. While men can be reserved and non-demonstrative, it doesn't take much for a cock to show interest. When you are dressed, you can hide it. Naked makes it impossible to hide, especially when your cock is trying to make friend. For me being under cover and naked has never worked out. I always give in to temptation.

Peter was a good-looking man, muscular and toned. His semi erect cock was nice. Miller was an average, middle-aged man. By the time he was in the water he was already fully erect and had a filament of precum dribbling from his cock.

Johnson and Joshua were on the other side of the tub. Joshua was sitting on the edge, so I could see his hairy chest, but not his cock. It was down Johnson's throat. Peter was trying to decide which group to join. While Miller wasn't a sex fantasy come to life for me, he possessed all the things that turn me on. He was hairy, had an uncut bulbous cock, low hangers and dripped the champagne of cock drool. His precum was wonderful. After enjoying him for a while, I discovered his ass was already lubricated. I could get two fingers in him and play taps on his prostate.

Peter joined us and sucked my cock as I sucked Miller. Peter was uneasy at first. I don't think my shaggy hair and beard turned him on, but my cock worked its charms. He became increasingly enthusiastic. When we rotated positions and I sucked him, his cock was fully engaged. He had average equipment, easy to suck and deep throat. He was uncut, and his knob seemed to be sensitive. He went a little crazy when I licked it. I continued to lick it and he began to shiver. Seconds later he unloaded. He tried to pull away, but I held him and took every drop.

We had a break and I connected with Joshua. His wife had died six months earlier. He has been playing with Johnson and his pals, for several years. I was the first new man he had been with in years. I was also unlike his usual country club. I sucked his more than adequate cock. We sixty-nined and we traded cock caviar during simultaneous orgasms. Johnson later told me that was a first for Joshua. As I left, Miller asked if I might like a solo session with him. "I was thinking you might be a bit more adventurous than some of my friends," he added.

I said that was fine with me. "I'm pretty vanilla, but it depends on how thick and long you like your vanilla," I said. He smiled. We all had a good time and the men told me they would be on the lookout for suspect operations.

The next group to sail on the City Point was the PBPS group. That was the Polar Bear Preservation Society. It wasn't an animal preservation group. Two gay bear groups, the Tidewater Bare Bears and the Polar Club of the Chesapeake merged. They rented the ship for four days, with a two-day trip from Richmond to the Bay, and a two-day trip up the Chesapeake. Men could sign up for either trip or both.

The Bare Bears were a nudist group. The Tidewater group was made up of older men. Members were from anywhere between Costal Carolina and Maryland. The group was well organized and run by a man they called Dr. Henry. He was a doctor and he made sure each member was tested before the cruise. He and the Captain got along well, so he also tested the crew and the entertainment. "What good is a gay cruise without safe sex?" he asked.

Max was knee deep in wedding receptions so his assistant, Christian, joined the cruise as chef. He was a red bear. For entertainment we used Raising the Curtain company, but with all male entertainers. These included two good singer-musicians, a dancer, and two chorus boys. The dancer and the chorus boys were clearly male strippers. The singers were good sports too.

Lulu's "boyfriend" did the set up and visited the crew quarters. He left five bags in the crew quarters this time. I added little tags to the bags, and the police would follow the tags from dealer to addicts. The entertainment was tested too. A Sugar Daddy secretly gave them money, so they wouldn't charge the older guys for "extra services."

We had the staterooms and the dorm type facilities filled. The men were cheerful and pleasant, although some were slow moving. I talked with several guys who said it was the only real social event they had been to in years. I was surprised when Joshua, Miller and Pete boarded the ship. They shared a stateroom.

On the first night, we did a variation on the treasure hunt we had done for the Toms' wedding. Lonny had reworked the Silverbeard skit to include more bear jokes and be more overtly sexual. One of the chest contained candy, on will filled with condom's, and the third contained Sean, one of the strippers.

Sean, the treasure, was a nice guy and a dumb blond. I assumed stripping might just be his highest intellectual achievement. I was wearing my peek-a-boo rags. Sean was nude, and when I found him in the chest, one of the Pirates asked if it was real gold. I leaned over and licked Sean's cock and proclaimed it was gold. That caused general laughter. Sean got out of the chest, dropped to his knees, pulled off my rags and swallowed my cock. He looked up, and said, "Shit, I found the mother lode!" There was five minutes of laughter after that.

The singers did songs that were rewritten to be borderline obscene. The dancers did standard stripper routines. Roger's successful drag queen routine was integrated in the strippers' act. Roger was a bear's bear and the least convincing drag queen imaginable. The strippers could have used Lonnie's clever skills, but strippers in a gay convention were a surefire success without good writing.

After the show, I went to the Crew quarters past the staterooms. Most of the doors were closed but there was a little party in one which had the door open. Sean was there with an older man and his boy. The boy was fiftyish. They asked me in. the Older man, Oswald, liked to help young men with their careers. His boy, Tim, knew Oswald's tastes.

Sean was a country boy from rural North Carolina. His folks found out he was gay, and he went to the big city. Sean wasn't dumb. He came from a poor background and had a shitty education. His only skill was sucking and fucking, and thus be became a stripper. He catered to men and women. He liked big cocks, so he had begun to specialize.

Oswald had a big cock that wasn't fully functional anymore, but it was attractive. Sean played with Oswald, and Tim came over to me. I wasn't his type, but my cock was still fully functional, and Tim liked that. We all had a good time and I went back to the Crew Quarters with Sean. He didn't seem to know the way.

Because the cruise was filled, the entertainment shared the crew quarters. This gave me a chance to talk with them about their employer. As an old geezer, they thought of me as pet, a harmless old guy. I can be harmless if I need to be harmless.

Sean told me he had one special skill; he could easily[BW1] produce multiple orgasms in two or three hours. He was not pleased at working for Raise the Curtain, but they were the only game in town who would pay. He suspected Raise the Curtain was a shady organization, but he didn't know what it was. Roger passed by and took Sean off with him, so I had a good night's sleep.

The next morning, I had breakfast with Miller and Pete. Most of the bears had played too much the night before and were sleeping late. Pete had run into several friends who were in real estate. They were mostly into expensive properties, but they had some run ins with Toms' family. They associated the Toms with the bottom feeders of the real estate world. The Toms were involved with some public-private development schemes. These were publicly advertised requests for proposals.

They got the low bid on some, but curiously often a member of the city council was arrested for taking bribes shortly after. The Toms would sue, and sometimes get paid off to withdraw the proposal. One realtor thought the firm made money on the settlements and had no intention of doing the proposed projects. The firm had a sleazy lawyer who represented them.

There were a few unexplained fires associated with their projects. These involved large insurance settlements for building that burned shortly before completion. There was a question if the new construction materials were in the building. The architect who approved construction payments died in an accident two day's after the insurance company began investigating the fire.

I met with Colin, Pete's friend, that afternoon. He was an Englishman who looked like Brian Blessed. He did the country estate part of his firms' business and his English accent was attractive for most of his clients. He had a degree in archaeology and was eccentric. All of that contributed to his success.

I assumed most of that was fake, but he turned out to be a well-educated, genuine, English eccentric. His strong suit was selling historic houses and estates. He had known the dead architect and smelled something fishy. "Frederic, my architect pal did my restoration work. He was in a partnership, and his partner had the connection to the Toms. The partner left town with the firm's checking account, and Frederic was left holding the bag. Colin explained. "He had to finish the vanished partner's projects. Freddy may have done something stupid, but he wouldn't have lied to the police. The accident was too convenient." I got the name of the architect and of the project and sent it to Helen.

Colin was worked up about Frederic's death. Since Colin was on a gay cruise, I suspected they had been more than pals. He told me he had some computer files on Frederic in his stateroom, so we went there. Colin was an organized man and he had names of the men who were involved in the project. The information was extensive and detailed, so I e-mailed them to Helen.

After I did that, I felt the tension in the room increase. "Peter told me, there is more to you than meets the eye," he remarked.

"After last nights skit, I'm afraid I have no secrets," I said.

Colin laughed. "I was in the back row and missed that part of the show. The guys said it was a natural wonder," Colin said.

"Are you into that?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, but I am turned on. That has been rare since Frederic died," he said. We went to his room. Colin was timid. I thought it was the memory of Frederick, but it turned out he was afraid he might hurt me. He was a foot taller and 125 pounds heavier than I am. I told him not to worry, but that was easier said than done. We had a pleasant, but not exceptional time.

After the second day, we docked and took on a second batch of bears. There were mostly younger men. Miller was one of the few to stay on the ship from the first cruise. The new men were what might be called high spirited and energetic. Hot to trot, might be a better way to describe them. We repeated the Silverbeard finds the Treasure skit on the third evening. The guys went crazy, especially when Sean gave away free samples.

Around 10:30 Sean came to me. He was asked to come to a party where he would be the main attraction. The men had offered him $800.00. That was big money for him. He asked if I would chaperone for him. "I get a bit carried away with sex," he explained. "I need someone to look after me."

"I'm not sure I am the guy to play bodyguard," I said.

"You have the monster dick of death! I figure you can divert their attention," he said. He had a back-up just in case. He had made friends with Christian, the chef. Sean had a knack of making friends quickly. He was cute and willing. The other dancers were picky and most of the bears didn't meet their standards. Good attitude was enough for Sean.

Sean was a wonder in some ways. He would sit on one cock as a bear sucked him and he sucked a third guy. The bears were mostly oversized, bur Sean was tall, slim and borderline double jointed. His gymnastic ability was much admired. He had a skill at contorting himself so that his mouth, cock and ass were available for sexual use. Sean also had a taste for sperm. Twelve men had contributed to his payment. All of them made a deposit and several were into fletching. They loved it as did the snow ballers. My main task was to poke the dribbling sperm, deeper into his ass. It was a hard job, but I rose to the occasion. Everyone was satisfied. Everyone was happy. He told me he could do that every day, all day long.

"Maybe you should save this sort of thing for Christmas and major holidays," I suggested, "You could wear out quickly otherwise."

"I loved it," Sean said. Christian, the chef came along and took Sean to his cabin. I was glad he came. I needed the rest.


Next: Chapter 196: Catfish Goes to Sea 5

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