Millennium Construction Company

Published on Feb 25, 2018


Catfish Goes to Sea 3 By Bob Archman

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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We had a week of frantic preparations for the wedding and wedding cruise. Luckily, the Grandmother and the bride were obsessed by finding a wedding dress, and the bridal trousseau. The bride was the only female grandchild. They left the other preparations alone.

Both Max and Sonny were good under pressure. My operatives, who were serving as the wait staff, were experienced and helpful. Working a cruise ship wedding was better than hanging around a dark alley looking for muggers and rapists.

It was a comparative sexual desert after the cruise with the bear club, but the crew was in a good mood. Normally, weddings were high stress with frantic brides and mothers of the bride. Since they were busy elsewhere and the crew simply had to have the ship spic and span. That was normal operating procedure for the City Point.

Roger and William were the senior crew members. Roger ran the engine room and the mechanical systems on the City Point. William took care of the stewards and janitorial staff. Both men were well organized and efficient.

When it comes to sex I tend to be a good sport and an equal opportunity fucker. I have no problem helping a pal. Roger and William seemed to function as my social directors. They alternated days and selected the men who would shower with me. I get along well on my crutches, but a moving ship presents some problems. While the rivers are fine, the ocean, bay and harbors have real waves.

I took me a week as a high-powered detective to realize that in rough water, there was crew member near me. I was surprised. The shower is slippery, I am always careful in a shower, but I am a bit unstable. There always was a helper. Roger was often there, and as a steward, William's job was to be helpful. They usually bought another man to help. I told Roger I didn't need that much attention.

"Silverbeard, I don't want to insult you, but you do need special attention," Roger replied. "If someone gets injured on the ship, we are in deep dodo. Helping you is sort of a training exercise for dealing with the elderly and handicapped." He paused. "Given your sexual drive, it's also a reward for doing well on their jobs."

"I'm not providing training for cock sucking and ass stretching, am I?" I asked.

Roger laughed. "I've been meaning to ask you about that. They know you are a top, a few men are excited about that. Do you have a problem fucking enlisted men?" he asked.

I smiled and said, "You're not in the Navy anymore. I'm not promising anything, but if things work out I don't mind some fun." I like sex, but I didn't like being a prize for the crew doing well. To no one's surprise except me, things often tended to work out.

It is hard to judge men's sexual preferences. Max was a big man, but he said he had a small ass and anal sex was uncomfortable for him. He would let me fuck him, but I think he was just being polite. Roger had a young guy named Troy as the ship electrician. Troy was Italian, slim, short and muscular. The three of were showering when Roger was called away for an engine problem. Troy was new to the scene and had limited sexual experience.

As soon as Roger left it was clear that he was willing to learn, and up for anything that involved a cock. I was sucking him when somehow my finger discovered his prostate. He loved that and realized the potential. I made him shoot using only my trusty finger. With my finger massaging his prostate and my tongue caressing his knob, Troy didn't know if he was coming or going. He opted for cumming. I took his load.

John was temporally a member of the crew as a Steward and Pirate King. After his experience with me, Troy asked John if anyone could really take my cock up the ass. John told him they could, and he knew that from personal experience. Troy looked eager, so John gave him some lessons. John achieved total penetration, and they had simultaneous orgasms. Both men hoped we all could have a little threesome.

The wedding party arrived the next day. The groom's family was direct and straight forward. The father was a Methodist Minister who taught English at a community college, his wife was a social worker. She was a beautiful woman, effortlessly well-dressed. I recognized her as one of those women who could make a burlap bag look stylish. An uncle and aunt looked out of place. The groom had only his immediate family and Coach Richardson from his old High School at the wedding.

The bride's parents, Tom Toms and his wife Sandy, were bland and affable. Sandy was nice but had no fashion sense. Maria, the grandmother was cordial and welcoming. Her clothes were expensive. The bride and groom were happy and excited as were most of their friends.

Granddad wore an expensive suit and lots of jewelry. He was effortlessly rude. I couldn't tell if he was naturally rude, or if he worked at it. Most of the guests were wealthy and borderline rude. They were business associates of Dick Toms, the granddad and Little Dick, his son. It seemed to be that calling one son Little Dick and naming the other son Tom Toms was child abuse.

Once we set sail, the elder Dick Toms received a leak that the police were investigating the hotel purchases again. His phones were tapped as were his cell and internet connections. The police hoped he would contact some interesting people. That information went directly to the state police. They had the authority to wiretap.

We could listen. The rehearsal was at 4:00 and the Groom's father presided with a Catholic priest assisting. They got along well, since they were essentially fishes out of water with the Toms' family. There were only three groom's men and three bride's maids. They looked very young.

All the guests were invited to the rehearsal dinner. It was a buffet with small tables. Lonny had a knack for achieving dramatic effects with simple changes. We served wine, but it was treated as a wine tasting party. That went over well. After dinner Dick Toms Sr. gave a speech if he hadn't begun with, "Me and my ball and chain ..." it was short.

We did our treasure chest skit. All the little party favors in the treasure chests were well received. It was cute, funny and prefect for the guests. Dick Sr. smiled, a rare occurrence. The band came on next and did requests, so they pleased younger and older guests. I noticed that Little Dick ducked out repeatedly. I hoped it was to make phone calls to potential suspects.

Things settled down between 10:30 and 11:00. The captain came out and apologized that because the ship was small, they needed time to prepare for the next day's event. The bars would be closed, but room service could bring refreshments to the staterooms.

The crew was frantically busy for these next few hours, cleaning up after the dinner and preparing for the wedding. I was not involved, so I went off to bed. The Catholic priest, Fr. Antonio, came with me and asked me in to his cabin for a night cap. He was in the bursar's quarters. The ship wasn't big enough to have a bursar, but they had one on the Love Boat, and it sounded good.

"I heard about a guy in Richmond who is short, hairy and has one leg," he remarked. "I think he helped the Diocese with an embezzlement thing."

"I haven't heard about him, but maybe I look like him. Everyone has a doppelganger I hear," I replied.

"I heard he was hung like a horse," Antonio added. He was looking at my crotch.

"Well, isn't that a coincidence," I said. "He must be my doppelganger in more ways than one. I assume you like big ones?"

"I've offended you?" Antonio asked.

"No, I like size Queens," I replied. He reached over and cupped my basket. We were naked in his stateroom a minute later. We were soon going at it hot and heavy when someone knocked on the door. It was the Wrestling Coach, they whispered. Antonio was naked, so the coach knew something was up. He looked at me.

"Two's company. Three's even better," I said. The Coach came in and stripped. We sucked and chatted. Antonio shot off quickly and fell asleep. The coach wanted to know if there were any other gay men on board. He described a man who caught his fancy. It was Roger. I took the coach back to the crew quarters and introduced him to Roger. We showered, and I left Coach with Roger.

The wedding went on without a problem. A good portion of the Toms family and their friends were rude. However, Maria, as the oldest woman, enforced politeness. Dick Sr. was a crude man, but insulting his wife was an insult to him. I don't know what he would have done if you ruined his granddaughter's wedding. I later found out that the leak about the investigation preoccupied many of the men. They were trapped on the ship and couldn't deal with things directly. They didn't need any family drama. We dropped the bride and groom at Norfolk where they went on a Caribbean Cruise.

Our next booking of Boy Scout leaders was from Richmond, so we took some of the wedding guest back with us. It was to be an educational cruise, with experts in history, archaeology, ecology and conservation giving lectures and tours. The senior scouts were in the 40-man room. The scout masters were in the staterooms.

I enjoyed the lectures and the Scout leader as well as the scouts were all into it big time. The captain had let it be known, that there was to be not even a hint of gay sex on this trip. That would ruin reputations and the scouts were all minors. We had two lectures on the way to Norfolk and two on the way back. The scouts did most of their own cooking.

Our next trip was with a fraternity reunion. The reunion was not much like the Scout's group. It was all boys, no wives allowed and all drinking, all the time. They posted a $10,000.00 damage deposit. We hired Lulu and a few of her friends to be the entertainment. Lulu was talented; her friends were buxom. The girls came with two boyfriends. Lulu had a pal, and I think the other man may have been a pimp.

We did a skit called the Marooned Pirate Association Reunion. I was to have been marooned for ten years, was rescued, but couldn't remember how to have sex with a woman. Roger played the woman in drag. He wore a wig, but his lowcut dress didn't cover his hairy chest or back. It was funny and borderline obscene. It was a hit with the semi-drunken Frat boys. Lulu did a straight burlesque routine. The other girls did a strip tease, without the tease.

The pimp set up a high stakes poker game in one room. He knew that drunks over-estimate their skills at poker. The men were 120% heterosexual until everyone was drunk. The girls set up shop in several state rooms and were not picky about playmates. The rooms were dark, since some of the men were afraid of blackmail. Several men thought Roger's drag skit was exciting. The group had used the ship before, and Roger had connected with a few of them. Roger like to top, and a few men were okay with that.

Roger had his own room off the main crew quarters. He had one visitor, Ron, and was joined by a second man Vern. Vern was in his mid-sixties, retired and in good shape. Ron was a 35-year-old insurance agent. Roger was taking the midnight-to-eight shift in the engine room, so he had limited time. Roger had been with Buddy, one of the engine room crew. Buddy wasn't brain surgeon material, but he was good with the machines and did what he was told. He liked sex a lot.

After a half hour of play, Roger asked me to join the group. "Ron and Vern tell me that like big guys. I thought you could test them," he said. I was almost asleep, but I figured what to hell.

The word "dreamboat" doesn't always come to mind when guys see me for the first time, but fortunately, I was naked when I met Ron and Vern. "What in hell is hanging between your legs?" Vern asked when he first saw me. He was drunk and was fucking Buddy. Ron just dropped to his knees and began sucking me.

"Can anyone take that thing up the ass?" Vern asked.

"I can," Buddy replied. "Silverbeard is popular with the crew."

Luckily, getting hard does not reduce my appeal. Ron was clearly excited. Vern said he was getting close and pulled out of Buddy. Buddy was thin, and average, but he had an accommodating ass. I moved to refill him.

Ron and Vern watched and seemed to think it was a magic trick. Buddy loved it.

"I don't think I could do that," Vern said.

"It depends on how much you want it," I said.

"I've never done a threesome before," Vern said. "I'm uneasy."

"It's hard to get used to being with all gay men. what is a problem in every day life is expected and acceptable. I would bet you are used to hiding your sexual preference from 95% of the people you know. The crew here is all gay or gay friendly," I said. "When a guy on the crew finds you sucking a cock, the don't want to turn you in, they want to join in!"

Ron and Vern weren't ready to join in, but they sure liked the view. Buddy was a happy bottom and like to show it. He shot off, hands free and our little group broke up.

The next morning was quiet, with most of our passengers nursing a hangover. I overheard mention of men losing a lot at cards. I reported that to the Captain. He was unhappy. When the entertainment woke up around noon and went to lunch, the captain had Roger search their cabins. I wasn't surprised when the cabin of the man I called the Pimp had marked cards in his cabin.

Roger and his pal Wolf went to get the Pimp and took him took the Captain. He denied everything and accused the Captain of searching without a warrant. I think Roger may have been taking classes with Max. Roger told him that the Captain probably wouldn't turn him over to the police. "He wouldn't have done it with the last cheat even if they had found the body," he added. Wolf was a nice guy who face had been badly cut in an accident. He looked scary. "They never found the body, did they?" Wolf asked Roger. "I thought bodies usually float to the top after a while." The Pimp got the message. The money was returned, with the Pimp saying it was just a friendly game, and he had been surprised at his good luck.

That night Lulu put on good show, and the boys had a good time with the girls. Several items which had been lost reappeared.

I had several days off after this trip so I went to my office. My computer people were hard at work. I called a Johnson, a well-entrenched member of the real estate business, and asked if he had any dealings with the Gamma Corporation.

"Damn it Catfish, we are a few steps up on the real estate food chain from Gamma!" he said.

"Do you, by any chance know someone who does move in those circles?" I asked.

"We try to keep away from the bottom feeders. The guys who associate with them aren't prone to talk," he said. He paused a moment. "There is one guy who could help. Charles worked for us for a while, went off on his own and got into trouble with them. I helped him out."

"That was good of you," I said.

"Charles was a marginal real estate agent, but let's say we shared a few interests," Johnson said. "You might well share the same interest. If you were to tell him I sent you and the information would be strictly confidential, he might be able to help you. By the way, he has heard about you. Or at least one part of you."

"He one of those?" I asked.

"Big time, with the emphasis on the big!" he replied. Charles was now running a boutique hotel in Richmond. It was supposed to be European Style, which seemed to mean the manager lived on the property and was always on call. I called him and mentioned Johnson's name. We met at 10:00 that evening in his apartment. Charles was in his early thirties, good looking and personable. He was uneasy talking about Gamma.

Knowing his interests, I rearranged my cock a few times to keep him talking. That worked like a charm. He had been a straw man buying up properties that he would sell to Gamma. They decided not to buy one of the properties he purchased for them. They wouldn't pay him and when he threatened to sue, they broke his arm. Johnson bought the hotel and saved him from bankruptcy and a possible fraud conviction.

He gave me the names of the second-tier people who did the dirty work for Dick Toms Sr, and Jr. He included the name of the man who broke his arm. He was Lulu's boyfriend. That was the only name I recognized, but I knew when I gave the names to my computer guys, there would be many leads.

Charles was doing well at the hotel. He was the front man for the hotel, affable and wanting to please. The assistant manager took care of running the place, Charles was good with the hotel patrons. We talked about the place, which had impressed upper class Richmond. The conversation flagged, and Charles abruptly changed the subject.

"Johnson likes you a lot," he said. "He said there was more to you than meets the eye. You are distinctive."

"Distinctive is one way to describe me," I said.

Charles leaned close to me. "Johnson told me your charms are more evident when you are naked," he said. "He knows I have a warm spot for big ones. Is there any chance I could see it?"

"You want a little show and tell?" I asked.

"Johnson told me it isn't little," he replied. I laughed.

"I'm not much into showing, but I do like playing." Did he tell you I'm a top?"

"Yes. I'm willing, but not 100% sure I am able. I would like to try it," he replied.

While Charles wasn't exactly my type, he was 100% a size queen. You might describe his approach to may cock as reverential; it was the Holy Grail of cocks. He worshiped it.

Charles was clean-cut, manscaped, every hair in place man. I look like a derelict but had the cock of his dreams. I think I provided a trip on the wild side. I hoped his eyes weren't wider than his asshole. I didn't need to worry about that. I think my cock was a half size bigger than his ass, but the discomfort he felt taking my cock enhanced his sexual reaction.

While he was bouncing as he sat on my cock, I discovered that Charles became more talkative and less discrete. He mentioned a few more names and told me he thought Gamma was associated with the Miami Mafia. Some of Gamma's investor had Caribbean connections. We took a break, and I sucked him and ate his generous load. This pleased him. he was known as a bottom and tended to be used as a cum dump. He wasn't used to being with a man who reciprocates.

After he shot off, I asked if he would mind if I got off in his ass. Some men are wiped out after an orgasm. He was more than willing.

Next: Chapter 195: Catfish Goes to Sea 4

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