Millennium Construction Company

Published on Nov 25, 2017


Catfish Joins the Ballet 5

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Lonnie's death screwed up the investigation, but it also emphasized the seriousness of the crimes. Two murders, one suicide and one stabbing were a lot for a minor crime. At the time of the call, the police were racing to Carl's house in searching for Dudley and Willy. They arrested Carl and had him in a patrol car when Carl's house exploded. On the bright side, Carl's close call should have made it clear that you were safer with the police than with your criminal associates.

This had all the hallmarks of a cleanup operation. The people at the top of the organization were disposing of the lower level men who could testify against them. The Norfolk Police, State Police and the FBI were now joined by the ATF, as well as the Customs people.

Virginia likes to cultivate the image of old time Southern gentility. The image of overweight county sheriffs and good-old-boy cops does not apply to the Northern Virginia-Richmond-Tidewater part of the state. Virginia is not a quiet backwater where crooks can frolic unmolested.

There was a matinee and a night performance, so we were in for a long day. I knew that matinees brought grandparents and grandchildren as well as many older people who didn't like to be out at night. The ballet didn't want any incidents. We weren't as worried about crime as we were about unpleasant incidents such as yelling obscenities and urinating in public.

I was also worried that if there was a molester on the hoof, this would be an ideal time for maximum publicity. My street people had been on the scene for a week and had identified potential troublemakers. They thought these were more likely to be nuisances than criminal actors.

That morning Elizabeth received a threatening note. It said that unless she paid $10,000.00 by the next morning, she would be sorry. It took me three or four minutes to see it was like the note sent to Basil.

We knew that Roberta had some friends. There was Uncle Rodney Bowler or Bolling. There also was a woman named Willy who was associated with Lonnie. Dudley was on the loose. Lonnie's death should have given Willy a scare, if she wasn't associated with the murder herself. Their names were not in Police records.

I went to see Tony and his boy, Dustin. He seemed to know more about the gay part of the operation than anyone else. I told them there was another threat against the ballet, and we needed help.

"I did meet a guy named Rod Bowman once. I think he was a former pimp who found new girls for parties," Dustin said. "He was on the straight side of the operation. Apparently, there was a shortage of gay party boys and Lonnie was hoping he could help. Rod seemed to hate fags and he wasn't interested."

"Lonnie was pissed at Rod. He said this was a business, personal likes shouldn't play a role," Dustin added. "Rod liked free samples as part of his payment. I guess fags' asses weren't useful."

Tony said he had met Willy when arranging for strippers at a stag night party. He thought she was foreign, and he guessed German or Dutch. She was small and not memorable. Lonnie had referred to her as Smitty. She was all business. She didn't shake hands, or even say hello. I called Delmont with that information. He gave the information to vice. I went to the theater. The city had sent street cleaners around. That involved the Street Cleaning truck and guys cleaning up trash. That usually dispersed any street people in the area. They didn't like getting wet and losing their possessions.

Delmont had struck pay dirt in Vice. Rod Bowman was known to them as was Countess Wilhelmina von Schmidt. She was associated with an upscale escort service. Rod was a con man who fell in love a lot, and took his victims to the cleaners. He was a known associate of several suspicious characters, but there was nothing definite.

Rod worked a double scam. He took money and gifts from the women, but was often paid off by the woman's family to leave. His strong suit was playing the gifted but unrecognized genius. He was in his forties, but looked younger. He preferred younger girls and older woman. He had been in Norfolk for two years. He had to move on to another place every three to four years. After a few years he was too well known to attract new victims.

He had last been in Baltimore and he was suspected of blackmail. Somehow there were pictures of him with a wealthy, married society types. The pictures were full frontal nudes. After Basil's photos, I suspected they were fake, but the fakes established a link between Rod and our case.

Things were moving along quickly until a television station got wind of the new blackmail demand on the Ballet. That ended my official work on the case. The Police had to make a very public display of force at the Ballet headquarters. My undercover people were useless with Cops everywhere. No low life with an ounce of sense would come within blocks of the performance.

I sent them home, but stayed there with Butch, Linda and Tammy. We were in the building, but more importantly Butch and I had gay connections the Police needed but lacked. Butch had Marty living in my apartment and I had Tony and Dustin working with us. Susan and Dallas trusted me.

Tony had been talking with his friends asking if any of them had knowledge if the ACME-At Your Service operation. He called me and asked if I could come over for a chat after lunch. I said I could make it and asked if I could bring a friend. He said yes. While some aspects of my sex life may seem excessive to some, a little anal sex and sperm exchange seems to establish trust with fellow members of the fraternity. It is sort of an extreme version of the fraternal secret handshake.

I brought Delmont with me. Delmont told me that he wanted to get in with these guys. They seemed to trust me, but I was only there for a short while. Delmont wanted to establish a permanent connection with the gay community. Gays were victims of crimes and were afraid to report them.

Tony was with Dick, Monty and Dustin. All four men had tended to understate their experience with At Your Service. Dick paid to be on the receiving end of gangbangs. Monty and Dustin were employees of the Service. Dick knew of Willy and thought that Willy had a house on the Eastern Shore, on the water near Mockhorn Bay.

The Eastern Shore is detached from the rest of Virginia by the Chesapeake Bay, linked only ferries and the 24-mile-long bridge tunnel. Only 70 miles long, it has it has almost 300 miles of coastal inlets, bays, and barrier islands. Lightly populated it is as remote as you can find on the densely populated North East Atlantic coast. No one looks at the Eastern Shore, most Virginian's hardly know it exists. It is the perfect place for a self-proclaimed European noblewoman who likes her privacy. It is an ideal location for smugglers. Delmont called that into the police immediately.

Dustin recalled that the woman he called Berta was a regular part time worker. As she aged she was called in for special services. She was referred to as being flexible. Flexible meant kinky. She liked to humiliate her playmates and make them beg for forgiveness.

"The kinky ones are the most subject to blackmail," Dustin said. "I couldn't do the kinky stuff[BW1]."

"Moral objections?" Delmont asked.

"I like sex too much. All that play acting just delayed getting down to fucking and sucking," Dustin said. "Before I was able to do any serious discipline, I'd be sitting on the guy's cock doing a fancy dance. It is hard to punish a guy when you are sitting on his cock."

"Damn, you sound like a modern Mother Theresa!" Delmont said.

"I'd be glad do demonstrate my saint-like qualities for you," Dustin said.

"I thought Tony was your pal?" Delmont asked.

"We are friends, but Tony likes to watch. He doesn't mind sloppy seconds either," Dustin said. "Sloppy thirds or fourths aren't a problem either." Everyone laughed.

Troy was more into the boy toy part of the operation. "Willy wasn't into boys, so I saw her only once," he explained. "Lonnie wanted to corner the sex trade, with something for everyone."

The entire conversation was good and helpful. Delmont sat on the sideline at first, but became more vocal later. He got a call from Police headquarters. Uncle Rodney had been arrested. Lonnie and Roberta's deaths had made it clear he was probably next in line.

An hour later, Rod confessed. While Roberta worked for Lonnie, the blackmail idea was his. Roberta was a willing participant. When Roberta died, Rod tried to salvage something from the mess by at least getting something from the Ballet. Rod was the original threating man, but Roberta took the role when the scene with her daughter was planned. Roberta didn't trust Rod that much.

This scheme tossed a wrench into Lonnie and Willy's well-oiled enterprise. They did not like underlings doing things that could disrupt the primary criminal activities. Lonnie had been operating a local prostitution operation. When Willy moved to the area, she took over and added drugs and pills. Lonnie was not a strong man and he soon was doing what he was told to do.

I am more of a local crime sort of man. I am not equipped to deal with organized crime. I would be returning to Richmond the next morning. My crew would stop working at midnight.

The Norfolk Police were done too. While the crimes had been commited in Norfolk, the principal offenders lived Virginia Beach, Newport News and on the Eastern Shore. Those men were in the State Police jurisdiction.

The Norfolk Police, State Police, FBI, and ATF all worked well together. They weren't rivals, but they did not want to be an inadequate member of the team. Co-operation was good, but getting there first was even better. People were being arrested all over the Tidewater area.

I was sitting in Tony's house with a group of Gay men who had done their bit. We were all in a good mood. I was not surprised that the men did what they liked to do. I was surprise when it was Delmont who got the ball rolling.

I knew Delmont was gay, but I didn't know how gay. Did he dabble in random blow jobs, or was he more involved? He was a little of each. He was from the western mountainous part of the state were a gay life had to be closeted, but he wanted more, much more. He also had a sex drive that rivaled my own when I was younger. I would be a hypocrite if I said the oversized sex drives in gay men bothered me.

I called my office and told they I would be back the next morning. That pleased them. There had been an outbreak of assaults at college in the Valley. They needed the men, and especially the women.

When I got off the phone, Delmont was talking with Tony and Dick. They went to a bedroom and stripped in the doorway. Dustin and Monty were going at it on the couch. I decided to go with the older guys in the bedroom.

Delmont's cell phone rang. Rod had just admitted he had an accomplice. He was a guy he knew as Harry Donnavant. He was to do the scary attack. The Police did a quick check. Harry was had been arrested three times for rape and twice for loitering with intent in North Carolina. He had not been convicted. Rod didn't know about that. Harry was to attack and scare someone at the ballet unless Rod got the money and called it off. Rod had not called.

I called my people and told them to be on guard. Delmont and I raced to the Ballet. The performance was over at 5:00. We got there at 4:30. Luckily, while the main action had shifted to Virginia Beach and the Eastern Shore, Norfolk Police were free. We had a mug shot of Harry.

Rod said that he had met Harry at the Tropicana Grill, the joint a block away from the Ballet theater. Linda went to the bar with Tammy. They knew how to mix with lowlifes. Harry wasn't there, but had been there an hour before.

Butch and Julio, Basil's friend, were on guard at the loading dock. I was at stage door; my street people were all over the place as were the Norfolk Police. Walking back from the Tropicana, Tammy saw a moving shadow between dumpsters. Tammy is a delicate, small woman how looks young from a distance and has a taste for martial arts. Linda is a bit of a bruiser. They had radios of course.

The performance was over, and people were flooding out the main exits. Muggers love people who like to get away from the crowd and take shortcuts through alleys. Muggings take some time, but a quick lunge with a club or knife can be done in a blink of an eye. Tammy was ready. Linda and Butch were in position and Julio was ready to provide back up, as were the Police.

My mother, who is a good Presbyterian, firmly believes that God makes his face to shine upon the virtuous. It was dark in the alley, but God was beaming. The man between the dumpster made a lunge. Tammy flipped him flat on his back. He had a knife, but Butch held him down while Linda disarmed him and broke his arm in the process.

That was before things turned bad for the assailant. Four Police cruisers and maybe 15 police men appeared out of nowhere. It was Harry Donnavant. The police were unaware Linda had broken his arm and they were not as gentle as they might have been. Ten minutes later the alley was calm. Harry was off to jail, and few realized there had been an incident. Those who did thought it was a drunken derelict causing a disturbance.

My crew was happy. They had done the job and made up for losing Roberta at the first incident. Butch and Linda felt good. Tammy was over joyed. We covered the last performance and went to bed happy.

The next morning Butch, Linda and Tammy made statements to the police. Combined with Rod's confession, the case was open and shut. Rod took a plea deal of 10 to 15 years. Harry opted for 20-25 years in exchange for not being extradited to North Carolina. Harry was 57 years old. He would get out of jail when he was 77 or 82. Being caught was a knife was a big problem for him. Attempted rape and murder is a big deal.

I met with Elizabeth at the same time. Basil's bequest to the ballet allowed them to install state-of-the-art security systems and hire full time guards. We had disrupted two attacks. That was more than enough for her. One rape or mugging would have damaged the Ballet for years. She wanted me to help interview her new security people.

I did a few good deeds. The Ballet's janitorial staff was a bit hit or miss. I told them that Marty was a good man and very sincere about cleaning, one might even say obsessive. Julio, Basil's man was the only boy in a family with five girls. "He is very protective of girls." I explained. Elizabeth said she would check them out.

As I left, I received a call from Tony on mycsell. "Catfish, I see you are covered in glory!" he said.

"That's not public and it's not for public consumption," I said.

"I know that. I can keep a secret if necessary. Shit, I've been keeping secrets for 40 years! By the way, Delmont is a find. He seems to be helpful and discrete," Tony said. "We were interrupted yesterday. Is there any chance you might come by tonight for a little farewell party? You could bring friends, maybe Julio and Butch." I said I would check with them.

Four of us were at his door at eight; I had added Marty. Tony, Dick, Destin and Monty were there as was Delmont. Delmont knew how to make friends quickly. We all felt good about the case. I tend to like celebratory orgasms. I was not alone, and after a drink we settled down to a nice orgy.

Julio was gay, but he had a fondness for wealthy men. That was why I felt good about him at the

Ballet. The boys were safe and the older male, ballet patrons were lucky. Butch stayed close to Marty. Marty was like a kid at the candy store. Butch made sure the men treated him well. Marty needed friends and he loved sex. This was potentially a good group for Marty to befriend.

Orgies are complicated for a man on crutches. There is a problem with balance and thrusting from a standing position is almost impossible. Luckily, these men weren't timid virgins. While most gay sex is private and intimate, these men enjoyed sharing and showing off. When you are pals, a hard cock or cum dripping from your ass is not a problem. Delmont and Marty were new to the scene, but adapted quickly.

Tony tended to organize things. "For those of you who don't know me, I'm Tony. I usually top, but I can bottom. I certainly wouldn't mind bottoming for anyone in this group."

"I'm Dick, I do it all. For your information Tony likes it when you leave a creamy souvenir in his ass. I like that too."

"My name is Marty. I like to suck and eat cum. I'm not so sure about being fucked, but if you want to change my mind about that, I'm willing to be convinced."

"I'm pretty much in Marty's situation," Delmont said.

"I'd be glad to do some convincing for you," Dustin said. "Nothing has gone down my throat or up my ass that I haven't enjoyed."

Marty and Delmont had a good time discovering they were more versatile than they realized. They were in a good place since there were cocks of different lengths and widths attached to willing men. Everyone was willing to take their tools, and they were the sort of men who would reciprocate.

Butch, Marty, Tony and Dick were big men and had no problem supporting me as I fucked. Marty liked to slip is cock into my ass as he held me. I liked that, but my cock liked it better. I got rock hard and had no problem opening the tightest ass.

After an hour and a half of general fornication, things settled down and the sexual activity became mellow and calm. I was the grand finale for Dick's gang fuck. Each one of us had taken a turn. I was oversized for him, but the loads of sperm in his ass lubricated the was deep into his rectum. He moaned as I slid into him. Dick was as enthusiastic as he had been for Marty, the first man to fuck him that night. Delmont was supporting me as he nosed his tool into my backside. Ten minutes later we all ejaculated That ended my duties for the ballet on a high note

Next: Chapter 192: Catfish Goes to Sea 1

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